Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 816 The Moment of Revenge

Chapter 816 The Moment of Revenge

Chapter 816 The Moment of Revenge

Among the people Hope had recently offended, the only one who had the strength to support Dean and was not afraid of his revenge was Joe.

Seeing that Hope had figured out the ins and outs of the matter, Dean’s smile deepened. “You have already understood who you offended, but unfortunately, there is nothing you can do.”

“You are wrong.” Hope gritted his teeth and said, “His mother is my wife. Do you think Martha will let me get into trouble?”

Although he said so, Hope knew very well that from the video shot by Joe just now, he probably did not believe Martha, but had other arrangements for her.

Martha was busy enough with her affairs. How could she have the energy to save him?

Dean also laughed, “Do you know how long Mr. Smith has been in contact with us? For three whole months. If he had any scruples about you or his mother, he would not have been able to get in touch with us openly for so long.”

Hope widened his eyes and looked at Dean in disbelief. “That’s impossible!”

Three months?! Wasn’t that not long after they first came into contact with Joe?

Could it be that Joe had suspected them since then?

Hope didn’t want to believe it.

“Nonsense!” Hope pulled Dean’s collar crazily and shouted hysterically.

Dean frowned, broke away Hope’s fingers one by one, and then strangled him. “If it weren’t for the fact that Mr. Smith still wanted to keep you alive, do you think you could still stand in front of me!”

The severe pain in his neck made Hope come to his senses slightly. Hope looked back and found that his men had been subdued by Dean at some point. He had become the only one standing in this territory.

Hope raised his head and began to laugh. When he laughed, he shed tears.

“I always thought that everything was under my control, but I didn’t expect that I would expose myself at the beginning.”

Hope didn’t know how much Joe knew, but he knew that once he fell into Joe’s hands, he would suffer a fate worse than death.

While Dean was not paying attention, Hope reached out to grab the dagger at his waist, but he didn’t expect Dean to react faster than him.

Dean held Hope’s hand tightly and said with a sneer, “I knew you would make trouble! It’s a pity that I promised Mr. Smith that I would send you to him alive. I would never let you die like this.”

At this moment, Hope was truly desperate.

However, before he could beg Dean for mercy, Dean continued, “But Mr. Smith has promised me that he will send you back to me after the trial. At that time, I won’t let you down…”

Speaking of this, Dean was gloomy and fierce. “You haven’t forgotten what you have done to my sister, have you?”

Hope widened his eyes in horror, and his whole body began to tremble.

When Hope was at his peak, he had attacked Dean’s sister. Hope had tortured Dean’s sister to death.

But now…

Before he could beg for mercy, Dean had already made a gesture to his men with a cigarette in his mouth, asking them to knock Hope out and drag him away.

However, Martha didn’t know that Hope had been killed. She stared at the completely strange phone and the blank address book in front of her, desperately thinking about the phone number of Hope.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard Martha tried, she couldn’t remember it

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