Floating Color

Chapter 6 - Trust Is Always Based on Time.

Chapter 6 - Trust Is Always Based on Time.

Chapter 6: Trust Is Always Based on Time.
Translator: Claire.KK
“All right! That’s enough. You’d better see Bai Yihan and thank him for his trust. Bai Yihan just signs the contract with Starry Cosmo so his schedule shouldn’t be full. By the way, Bai Yihan prefers to develop in the direction of film. Perhaps he is still selecting scripts at this period. You have never worked with such a big hot. Mi Chen, Remember to communicate with him as much as possible and try to work well with him.”

“Thanks so much, Director Kang!” said Mi Chen with a bright smile on her face.

Kang Mao nodded slightly. He really had a good opinion of Mi Chen and hoped that the young girl could afford the dramatic changes in the glitzy circle.

Kang Mao then reminded Mi Chen that Bai Yihan was going to leave now so she’d better meet him in the parking lot quickly. As for the identity card, he added that Mi Chen would receive it next day.

Mi Chen got to the parking lot by elevator. However, the parking lot of Starry Cosmo was too large that she couldn’t see him at all. Furthermore, she forgot to ask Kang Mao how to contact with Fang Chengye or Bai Yihan. Gee, how could she find Bai in that condition?

Mi Chen walked around the parking lot for a long time and finally a familiar voice called her attention.

“Mi Chen…”

The voice was clear and bright, echoing in the large parking lot, just like the flowing water that came from a high place. As Mi Chen turned around, she saw a black nanny car in the distance and in front of it was a man, who was leaning against the front part of the car with a slight smile.

“Bai…Bai Yihan.”

Mi Chen was a bit nervous in the elevator this morning, so she didn’t see him clearly. Bai Yihan wore a light brown knit outerwear, a plaid shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. He stood there cross-legged, which set off his tall and elegant figure.

Bai Yihan looked down at his watch, his eyelashes slightly downcast. His leisurely gesture could always make people feel warm in their hearts.

“It’s noon now. Come on, go to have lunch with me.”

Mi Chen still felt that she was just having a dream and what happened to her couldn’t be true. She stepped forward unsteadily as if she was walking in a cotton field. Finally, she came up to Bai Yihan.

“Mr.…eh…Mr. Bai, I… I really appreciate that you could choose me to be your cosmetician…”

“Oh, well, that’s all right. I really like your cosmetic skill.” Bai Yihan opened the door of the car and sat in, patting the seat next to him to let Mi Chen sit there.

Mi Chen quickly got on the car and only then she discovered that it was Fang Chengye who was driving the car. There were only three people in the big nanny van. Mi Chen couldn’t find anyone else.josei

“Oh, Mr. Fang, aren’t you Mr. Bai’s agent? Do you drive the car yourself?”

Hearing her words, Fang Chengye quickly make a wretched expression, touched his chest with his hand and complained bitterly, “I have no option. My boss is too poor to hire a driver or an assistant. So I have to do all the work on my own.”

Mi Chen smiled. She knew that Fang Chengye was just making a joke.

The car left the parking lot and headed for the street. Fang Chengye told many jokes on the way, which made the atmosphere active so Mi Chen also didn’t feel so embarrassed gradually.

They eventually stopped and got off the car in front of a private clubhouse. Mi Chen knew that Bai Yihan was the focus of those reporters. If he chose an ordinary restaurant, maybe even how he used chopsticks would be totally reported to the public soon. The decoration of the private clubhouse was well-designed. There were so many modern pictures on the wall of the corridor. Mi Chen looked at them carefully one by one.

Fang Chengye couldn’t help making fun of her, saying, “When will we have lunch if Mi Chen keeps walking at such a slow speed.”

Mi Chen smiled slightly and quickly caught up with Bai Yihan and came into a small compartment.

Fang Chengye patted on Mi Chen’s shoulder uttering, “Just enjoy yourself! It doesn’t matter how ugly you look when you have meals. Because I must be much uglier than you at that time!”

Bai Yihan didn’t say a word. He just lowered his head smiling slightly.

It was a nice compartment. Three sides of the room were huge glass jars, in which various fish were swimming, making people feel like they were staying in the sea.

While Mi Chen was looking around in amazement, Bai Yihan slowly questioned.

“Mi Chen, you asked me why I didn’t have a driver or an assistant, right?”

Mi Chen turned her eyes to Bai Yihan. His eyes were filled with warmth but Mi Chen still felt that there was something hard for her to understand in the eyes too.

“Because both driver and assistant will be a part of my life and they will witness my happiness and sorrow. If I can’t trust them, I would not let them join in my life so easily.”

The shape of Bai Yihan’s lips corner was perfect. His eyes as well as his eyebrows were still decorated with warmth. But Mi Chen suddenly felt cold at that moment.

“It should be the same with your cosmetician, right?”

Mi Chen raised her head.

“Yes, it’s true. I need a cosmetician, so I think of you. Your attitude towards your work attracted my attention at the music ceremony. I believe you deserve my trust. If there must be a new comer in my life, I will choose you as you are reliable enough.” Bai Yihan began playing the chopsticks in his hands and then added, “I know you will be a bit disappointed hearing my words. Listen, I’m not the perfect person as in your imagination.”

Mi Chen recalled the love affairs of Bai Yihan which happened several years ago.

It was true that he had no reason to trust someone else. As far as Bai Yihan was concerned, trust was always based on time.

Mi Chen scratched the back side of her head replying, “I’m only a cosmetician. So I only need to make your makeup good enough. It doesn’t matter whether you trust me or not. Actually, I only hope that you can trust the makeup I put on for you.”

Fang Chengye, who kept silent just now, burst out laughing and said, “That’s good! Now that we have made everything clear, we will be a team in the following days!”

Bai Yihan nodded in agreement and said to Mi Chen, “Thanks.”

Mi Chen knew the meaning of his thanks. He just thanked for her not trying to take part in his world. Not like others, Mi Chen would leave enough space for him.

Finishing the meals, Fang Chengye sent Bai Yihan back to the hotel. Coming back from another country for only a few days, Bai Yihan was still looking for a suitable apartment.

Fang Chengye cast a glance at Mi Chen through the rear-view mirror while he was driving. “Actually, I have never thought he would tell Li Rui that he wanted you to be his cosmetician on his own initiative. Just like what he confessed to you, he would not trust a person so easily.”

“Hum, I don’t need him to trust me but I wish that he can trust my brushes. It’s a heavy thing to be trusted, isn’t it? I have to keep all his words as a big secret. Do you know how hard it is for a girl to keep a secret well?”

Fang Chengye smiled and added, “Though Bai Yihan said those words to you, it’s obvious that he still has a good feeling about you. During the period in America, there were only his cosmetician Jie Yin and I beside him. Jie Yin was also a good secret keeper. But she preferred to work abroad, so she decided to stay at Hollywood when we came back.

Mi Chen nodded. She was clear that there were so many traps in the entertainment circle. It was reasonable for Bai Yihan to be as careful as he could.

“Bai Yihan is a shrewd judge of character. Just as the saying goes, dramas come from life and life is like a drama. The more characters Bai Yihan had acted, the sharper his eyes are.”

“It is true that dramas are reflections of life, but it will be hard if life is really like a drama.” Mi Chen took out her phone and began to play it.

“He wants to trust you. Don’t make him disappointed, Mi Chen.”

“I know.” Mi Chen suddenly felt something heavy in her heart.

“Where is your home? Do you need me to drive you back?”

“Not at all, Brother Fang. Just drive me to EX Supermarket! I’m Bai Yihan’s cosmetician now, right? I should prepare some cosmetics for him!”

Mi Chen’s eyes got bright as she thought this.

“Buy cosmetics?! Well, remember to keep the bill and I will submit it to Bai Yihan for reimbursement!”

Fang Chengye thought for a while and worried that Mi Chen would not have enough money or couldn’t carry the bag if she bought so many things. So he decided to come to EX Market with her.

They walked for a long time around the cosmetic area and Mi Chen tried out many kinds of pressed powders, eye-shadows and lipsticks. The back of her hand had already been colorful, but she still kept testing as there were not so many satisfying products. Following after Mi Chen, Fang Chengye didn’t get impatient at all. He could see that Mi Chen was carefully selecting cosmetics for Bai Yihan as the products that she had selected were not those common colorful ones.

“What’s wrong? Aren’t they suitable?”

Mi Chen scratched her head saying, “Well, most of those cosmetics are designed for women. The foundation is supposed to be exquisite and flimsy. But don’t you think it’s so strange for a man to have such delicate skin?”

“Of course. It’s more than strange! People would regard the man as a ladyboy!”

“Moreover, the color of Bai Yihan’s skin looks good and his pores are small too… All right, I think I’d better order some cosmetics on the Internet. I know a brand whose products were specially designed for men. But it might take half a month to get the products delivered from abroad. I have no idea whether Bai Yihan would have activities during the period.

“There shouldn’t be any activities in half a month. Our boss is still selecting scripts, so you can take your time to prepare what you need,” replied Fang Chengye with a smile.

“This set of equipment is a bit expensive. Brother Fang, would you like to give me some support?”

Though she just knew Fang Chengye for a few days, Mi Chen could still feel that he was a nice person. And he would do everything well as long as it was beneficial for Bai Yihan.

“Of Course. Since it’s all for Bai Yihan, I must spare no efforts to support you. Even if you say that you want the stars and the moon in the sky, I will make a spacecraft to get them for you!”

Fang Chengye and Mi Chen walked around in the supermarket a bit longer. Standing in front of the special sales counter of KL, the famous brand of a luxurious watch, Mi Chen glanced at the deep dark eyes of the man in the playbill by accident and paused unconsciously.

The playbill was so large that it touched the ground, on which a handsome young man stared at the distance, his right hand pulling the collar of his suit slightly. The watch on his wrist seemed to have a long history, but it was shining all the same.

Every person who passed by the KL counter would unconsciously slow their pace for a while. The side face of the young man was cleat-cut as cliff, and his eyes were filled with indifference and coldness as if nothing would change his emotion.

The picture was static but Mi Chen just felt that the wind was rising and the clouds began to gather behind the man. She even believed that the man would be calm even when he was walking on the sharp of a knife.

Mi Chen then subconsciously started drawing his brow ridge in her heart.

Seeing that, Fang Chengye immediately snapped his fingers to make a sound and said, “Mi Chen, Don’t forget who you are working for, okay? Our boss will burst into tears if he knows you stare at some man else like this!”

“Ah… Well… I’m just studying the face. Nothing else, ha ha…”

Then man in the playbill was no other man but Li Mojun, the youngest best actor of the screen since Bai Yihan.

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