Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 425

Chapter 425: Walking The Tightrope

Looking at the lone cruiser, everyone on the bridge cheered. It would have been useless to destroy every single ship out there if the magnetic field had been established. Once it was completed, the Shura Tribe could have immediately traveled to Earth by crossing the dimensional rift. The only reason they hadn’t done so was that the gravity of Earth was different from their own, so it would greatly affect them.

“Focus all remaining firepower and destroy that tier four cruiser.” Lu Zhenyu had just issued his command when the Great Mountain Dragon stood up from the rubble that had once been a small hill. There was a wound on its body where it had been shot by the tier seven battleship. It ran toward them with great fury and speed.

It was as if it wanted to crush the tier four cruiser before it was destroyed by the tier eight Chaos. It quickly reached them and crushed the tier four cruiser with its bare claws. But it wasn’t over. It had been a very long time since it had felt pain. Its fury was unbounded as it let out a massive roar. Even those standing inside the Chaos felt fear.

“What… what’s it trying to do?” one of the crew looked at the monitor and mumbled. But what happened next silenced everyone. Everyone saw the Great Mountain Dragon, Rutgers, bite down on the dimensional rift.

Logically, its bite should have passed right through, but something strange happened. The dimensional rift was actually fractured! The sound of glass breaking was heard by everyone as the dimensional rift distorted.

“Wait. How’s that possible?! Is it going to destroy the dimensional rift through brute force?!”

In order to destroy a dimensional rift, an equal amount of anti-energy was needed. The Chaos was capable of outputting that much energy, and at the correct configuration, with its ultra-large cannon. Its destructive power was enough to flatten an entire city. But to think that a dimensional rift was being destroyed with brute force by such a terrifying beast!

“RAAAAAAAAAH!” The Great Mountain Dragon emitted a guttural and blood-chilling roar filled with fury. On the other side of the dimensional rift, a tier seven battleship was floating in the darkness of space. The commander of the ship was baffled. “What’s happening here? Someone report to me! How long has it been since we sent out our ships and how were they all destroyed?!”

No one dared to answer. The commander took a deep breath and calmed himself. As a commander, he should always remain calm and not lash out. “Calculate the maximum straining point of the dimensional rift! We must keep it intact even if it means burning the entire area on the other side to ashes!”

“Sir, yes sir!”

“Report! We detected a strong energy signature from the other side of the dimensional rift!” The Chaos detected what was happening on the other side.josei

Lu Zhenyu was deep in thought. This is an attack that will destroy the entire surrounding area to ensure that the dimensional rift remains open! He had just been assigned to this battleship, so he wasn’t very familiar with it yet. He turned to Dong Qianyi and Chen Tianhua. “Does this ship have a weapon capable of firing a shot to counter their attack? It must be at least on the same strength as them.”

“No, we don’t have such a strong weapon equipped on this ship yet. The Chaos is still not completely finished. You should’ve been informed of that before taking command.”

Lu Zhenyu was desperately thinking of another solution.

Xiang Ning thought about it and proposed a solution. “Master, Mr. Chen, what if we overload the warp drive? Will it generate enough energy for us?”

Everyone hissed when they heard his idea. It wasn’t that they hadn’t thought about it, but it was too dangerous. The warp drive was something they had built after using an astronomical amount of resources. Not only was it expensive to make, but it was also the only one they had. There were still many tests to run, so overloading it would be suicide!

Everyone’s shocked expressions caused Xiang Ning to feel a bit uncomfortable. It was a bit crazy, but theoretically, as long as they perfectly controlled the energy output there was a chance. He knew more about dimensional technology than most of them present and retained a perfect memory of the dimensional technology within his head. He could technically fiddle with the warp drive as much as he liked, as long as it was within his control.

“Do you know what you’re proposing?” Lu Zhenyu said.

“I know. As long as I properly control the amount of energy, there shouldn’t be any danger,” Xiang Ning explained as he scratched his head.

Everyone thought it was ridiculous. Even Dong Qianyi felt it was close to impossible. How could someone like Xiang Ning, who had yet to become one of the prodigies, do that?

Lu Zhenyu silently stared at Xiang Ning. He was just about to give the order when Xiang Ning explained what he was going to do. He tried his best to explain to them what he was about to do and allowed even those who did not understand the complicated side of dimensional technology to understand him.

But the margin of error was too small. Any slight deviation would mean the destruction of the Chaos. It was nothing less than a crazy gamble.

“No, I can’t gamble this with everyone’s lives on the ship,” Lu Zhenyu resolutely said.

Chen Tianhua looked at Xiang Ning with complicated emotions in his eyes. He knew Xiang Ning might pull it off, but just as Lu Zhenyu had said, there were many others on the ship.

“Trust me!” Xiang Ning confidently said. He felt immense pressure on his shoulders, as the entire ship and everyone’s lives were in his hands. But would he succeed? He knew what he was about to do next would probably earn him a court martial, but if they hesitated for very long, the situation would change for the worse. The only way for them to fight back the Shura was to build a fortress here and defend against the invasion. But that would be impossible since the location was deep within the wilderness.

Everyone stood still without uttering a single word. Just as everyone was hesitating, a report came in. “Captain, the enemy will fire within ten seconds.”

Xiang Ning heard that and walked back and forth a few times to contemplate his next action. In the end, he decided to risk it and jumped to the front of the main control console. He hit a few buttons and the warp drive started powering up from within the core of the Chaos.

Everyone finally realized what was happening. Dong Qianyi's face wasn’t looking good as he stared at Xiang Ning. “Xiang Ning, do you know what you have just done?”

“I know. I’ll take responsibility for this after everything is over.” Xiang Ning’s voice was filled with confidence.

On the main screen, everyone saw that the warp drive was working at full capacity within three seconds. Xiang Ning proceeded to overload the warp drive little by little. The green lights immediately turned red as sirens blared throughout the ship.

Everyone saw the numbers steadily increasing as Dong Qianyi had cold sweats. Just as the energy value approached the critical threshold, it completely stopped. From then onward, a single deviation in the energy output would cause a massive explosion and destroy the entire ship.

Dong Qianyi wanted to give his disciple a good whacking for attempting something this risky, but no one dared to interfere with him right now. He was giving his entire focus to maintaining the energy as steadily as he could. If they disturbed him now, they would all probably be sent to heaven.

Five seconds passed and the energy value hadn’t crossed the threshold. It was like walking a tightrope!

Three seconds later, Xiang Ning smiled. He had succeeded! At the same time, the enemy ship on the other side fired a devastating attack toward the dimensional rift!

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