Forced To Marry The Devil : A Crazy Love Saga

Chapter 175 - 175. Hot Chocolate For Kizy

Chapter 175 - 175. Hot Chocolate For Kizy

All of them immediately turned towards Markus, waiting for him to speak.

"She has low alcohol tolerance. Order some mocktails or juice for her. Or maybe just order hot chocolate for her." Markus said, remembering how torturous his recent experience was after Kizy was drunk.

Plus Kizy was still on her periods, and though her cramps had faded, he didn't wanted to let her drink anything cold, which might worsen her condition.

In the past two days, he had gone through all kind of information that was available online regarding menstruation, even knowing some things that Kizy didn't.

"Man! You can be caring as well?" Lewis said, shock evident on his face.

"Stop teasing him." Catherine said, playfully slapping Lewis's shoulder.

Felix instantly placed the order, not forgetting to order hot chocolate for Kizy.

"Now tell me. How did you end up together?" Lewis said, rubbing his hands, showing how excited he was to know how these arch nemesis turned into a lovey dovey couple.

"You are allowed to ask anything other than that." Markus said sternly, even before Kizy could utter a word.

"Come on man! As if we are listening to you." Felix said, not caring about Markus.

"I was about to discuss a collaboration with your company but…. Let it be." Markus said.

"No no. I will listen to you. Just don't cancel the plan." Felix immediately changed his behaviour.

"Such a coward!" Lewis said, knowing Markus always had the final say.

"How is he as a husband? Better than the troublemaker he was?" Felix asked, changing the question.

"As if you weren't one." Kizy said, laughing a little.

"Oh come on. We were not the ones who did it happily. He made us do all that." Lewis answered.

"I made you do it?" Markus asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Ohk guys chill down. Let's play some game instead of bickering around. What say?" Lisa asked.

Lisa was more of an extrovert, who never faced problems acquainting people.

Whereas Catherine, though not exactly an introvert, was groomed to be cultured. She was friendly, but was not always the one initiating friendship.

"I am in." Felix said, agreeing to his wife immediately.

"Me as well." Lewis said.

"Count me in." Catherine raised her hand.

"I am okay with anything." Markus said, turning towards Kizy to know her opinion.

"What game are you playing?" Kizy asked.

"Of course truth and dare. Since we have a new member that we don't know much about, we can definitely start with this one." Lisa said excitedly.

"Okay." Kizy said, knowing the game they played in school.

With that, they grabbed an empty bottle before spinning it.

"Catherine!!" Lisa exclaimed as soon the bottle pointed at her.

"Truth." Catherine chose.

"How many men have you dated, before marrying Lewis?" Lisa asked immediately.

"One." Catherine answered after a moment, blushing a little.

"Oh my god. When?" Lisa asked, being excited to know the answer.

"Only one question allowed Lisa." Catherine said before spinning the bottle again.

"Felix! Truth or dare?" Catherine asked.

"Truth." Felix answered.

"How many children do you want?" Lewis asked, making Lisa blush.

"You are getting shameless day by day." Catherine said, hitting him on the shoulder.

"What's shameless in this?" Lewis questioned her back.

"Let them decide about the children on their own. Why do you have to interfere?" Catherine said, feeling flustered from Lewis's question.

Meanwhile Kizy and Markys felt that this game was definitely not meant for them, and playing it was a totally bad idea.

"I want three daughters who would resemble her." Felix said seriously, making Lisa blush even more.

Next, Felix spinned the bottle, and unfortunately, it pointed towards Markus.

"Whoa finally!!" Felix exclaimed.

"So truth or dare?" Lewis asked.

Markus had already seen the type of questions that were followed by choosing the truth, thus he opted for dare.

"Get down on one knee and propose to her with the most unique statement." Lisa said immediately.

"What the-" Markus was speaking when Felix interrupted.

"Or the penalty would be a kiss in front of all of us." Felix said, making sure that his friend would never back down.

"You just wait. Pray that the bottle won't point at you after this." Markus said.

"So you are doing the dare or the penalty?" Lewis asked, not minding how irritated his friend was right now.

Markus just glared at his friends one last time before standing up and turning towards Kizy, before bending on one knee.

Kizy, who was already flustered, felt even more embarrassed, especially when all others were watching them.

But since it was a game, she couldn't even stop him from doing it, more specifically after hearing the penalty for not doing the dare.

'Why did this devil incarnate have to choose dare. Any embarrassing truth question would have been much better than this!' Kizy thought to herself.

"Kizy." Markus said in his deep magnetic voice, and suddenly everything turned quiet inside the room.

"I don't need any job, as my work is to take care of you. My office is in your heart, my post is your super crazy lover and my salary is your beautiful smile." Markus said and paused.

"So will you stay with me, growing old together while we continue to bicker like small kids, reliving our past? Will you be my pension, the one that will accompany me till my last breath?" Markus finally finished speaking.

But Kizy was stunned speechless, frozen on her seat, not knowing what she should do.josei

She knew this was all an act, but her mind and heart weren't ready to accept it as one. Her heart was beating fast, while her breathing had turned shallower and a different feeling was coursing through her veins.

"Say yes!! Say yes." Suddenly the rest of the members started cheering, making Kizy come out of her trance.

They had never imagined that the usual cold rock like friend of theirs could actually be so sweet and warm at times.


For total of 500 unlocks, I'll be releasing 2 bonus chapters! Don't forget to comment and vote with powerstones, golden tickets and gifts. Have a wonderful day ahead!

- Kizy

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