Foreigner’s Mistake

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Summoning - 1

The girl has been waiting for little longer than 200 years.

(Soon. Soon, my dream will come true.)

The man who guided her as a teacher left her numerous magic books to read, and she found a forbidden technique.

"Another World Summoning Technique."

This is it, she thought.

The price is an ancient technology, the core of a magical tower.

Fortunately, the core existed in the labyrinth where the girl was.

It was as if it had been predicted from the start that she would do so.

She doesn't know how many times she've poured her magic power to the limit, meditated to recover it, and then poured it back in.

She spent most of her time doing that, except for the occasional adventurer trying to conquer a labyrinth. She doesn't even know exactly how much time has passed, but she kept pouring magic power into the core of the magic tower, believing in its fulfillment.

Finally, a few hours ago, the core of the magic tower showed its capacity limit.

How long had she waited for the mysterious light to leak out of the hexagonal, pale pink crystal pillar?

Gently, she stroked the core of magic power. A glossy, pale purple halo flickered mysteriously in the depths of the dark labyrinth.

An inexplicable excitement enveloped the girl.

A sense of accomplishment.

――But this is not the end. The real show is just beginning.

She can't be immersed in the feeling of accomplishment forever.

The girl slapped her cheeks to get fired up, and then calmed down.

――I've waited this long. I can't fail.

In addition, the core of the tower of magic power, which is probably the only one left in this world now, will be broken as a price regardless of whether it succeeds or not.

(I can't fail.)

Once again, she repeated these words of determination in her mind.

She took many, many deep breaths.

She made sure that she could control the flow of magic power to every corner of her body, every single detail.

She took a big breath and decided that she was ready.

「...... Now!」

The girl started chanting in order to bring her longtime dream to fruition.

* * * * * * *

It was a dark space.

The area was dark, but not truly dark, and He could barely make out the ceiling, walls and floor glowing vaguely. It's strange. At first glance, it was just a rock face.

But it was huge.

In height, depth, and width, it was about the size of a small gymnasium. The ground and walls are level enough to be considered the depths of a cave, and the ceiling is the only thing that's crooked. The surrounding area is dark, so it must be somewhere deep inside.

(What is it? Where is it? This place is?)

Slowly, Satoru awakens his consciousness.

(A while ago, I was celebrating Christmas with Alice and trying to eat a cake. ......?)

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I heard a voice from above me.

「Hooh, ......, you're a big man. Oiii, you're alive?」

He blinked his eyes.

For the first time, Satoru realized that he was lying on his back on a stone altar-like structure in the middle of a large space. His head was throbbing, his whole body felt strangely hot, and his limbs felt strangely heavy. He had no choice but to move his head and look above him.

A girl dressed in a period black cloak was looking down at Satoru.

Her skin is eerily pale, and her hair, the color of fine red wine, reaches to the middle of her back, gently wavy, creating a luxurious atmosphere.

The most striking thing about her is her red eyes. Her eyes, which have a clearer glow than her hair, give a sense of strength of will.

The girl sees Satoru's reaction.

A then she sigh.

The girl's face is filled with joy, and then.

――she exploded.

「I did it! As expected of this me! I never thought that the forbidden art of summoning the other world would work like this!」

Satoru turns his head and follows the girl, who is fussing, jumping from place to place, and exploding with emotion.

To be honest, He still doesn't understand what's going on.

Slowly, Satoru felt his body adjust to the situation, and he finally raised himself halfway up. With his feet on the floor, he sat down on something like an altar, closed his eyes, held his head, and shook it two or three times.

When he opened his eyes, the girl from earlier was looking into Satoru's face. Even though he doesn't say it out loud, he is surprised and half shifts his body, but he keeps his gaze locked on her.

She's a beautiful girl.

She was just a little below Satoru's strike zone, but her big, seductive eyes caught his attention and wouldn't let go. Her lips are full and pale, and her pale skin is a little eerie, but her face is pretty and she could be an idol. However, she is a little short, not more than 150cm.

The girl slowly opened her mouth, looking into Satoru's eyes sullenly.

「My name is Leia. Leia Löwenstadt. What is your name?」

「...... Satoru. Kasahara, Satoru.」

「Satoru? That's an unusual name. Anyway, I'm glad. You seem to be able to understand me.」

The girl who called herself Leia smiled at Satoru, who reflexively answered her.

Satoru was slightly annoyed by her overly optimistic smile.

(Even if it's a dream, this girl called Leia is cute, but annoying.)

Ignoring Satoru's refusal to answer except for his name, Leia said quite simply, 

「You were summoned by this me using the "Another World Summoning" technique. You should be honored.」

(What? Another world? Summoned?)

All of a sudden.

Suddenly, a piece of his thought clicked into place.

This is a different world. he thought that he had been summoned by the girl in front of him. "Jutsu (Technique)" means magic, and this world is a fantasy fairy tale world.

He understood the reality.

In the back of his mind, He saw the situation that his beloved sister, Alice, would be in right now.

――She's crying, absolutely, because I'm suddenly gone from in front of her.

Instantly, a flame of anger flared up inside Satoru.


「Fuhh? Is something matter?」

「...... Do, don't screw around with meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!」


Leia stepped backwards and fell down as a result of the loud voice that seemed to empty his entire lungs. The bottom half of her body is in an M-shape, and her underwear is exposed at the bottom of the hem――but Satoru can't see it.

Leia had foolishly hit the back of her head on the floor when she fell, and while holding the back of her head, she tried to protest by half raising her body with an angry expression on her face.

「H-how rude.....Eekkk!」

She shuddered.

With a thud, Satoru stomped his foot on the ground and looked down at Leia with an angry expression on his face. The only thing going through Satoru's mind was rage.

(A moment with my precious Alice! The cake I've been looking forward to, right in front of me!!!)

「How can I be honored!? You bastard took all my fun, you know, Oi!!??」


She turned her back on Satoru's shouting and tried to run away on her hands and knees, but Satoru caught Leia's neck and lifted her up. Leia, though small and slender, could not have been lifted so easily with only the strength of his arms and grip ―― but in fact, Satoru lifted the girl easily with one hand.

Satoru was so angry that he didn't notice this fact.

「L-Let go of me!」

Leia flailed about, but Satoru's right arm, clenched in a vice like grip, did not budge an inch.

Satoru took a step back without looking back, sat down on the altar where he had just been, and held Leia down on his thighs.

This is the so-called over-the-knee position.

Leia panicked as her cloak was flipped up, exposing her buttocks.

「You! What are you doing......!?」


A high-pitched sound echoed through the small room.

Leia cowered from the sudden impact on her buttocks, her ears flushing red as she gritted her teeth. The numbness in her buttocks quickly turned red and swollen, and then quickly receded. However, the shock and numbness that struck her buttocks still lingered in the girl.

Humiliated and angry, Leia looked back at Satoru with tears in her eyes, and her expression immediately became frozen.

She was rendered speechless by Satoru's rage, which was accompanied by something so terrible that even demons and devils ran away barefoot. The weight of her upper body, held in place by his left hand, was so great that Leia was unable to move.

It's abnormal.

It's obviously abnormal, but neither the frightened Leia nor the angry Satoru notice it.

*fshhhh*, Satoru breathed roughly.

「Your! Selfish! By greed! My! Happiness! You interfered with my happiness!」

「So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so what!」

Leia's voice was trembling, dominated by a little shame and mostly by fear.

Satoru's voice, which pronounces each note with clear delineation, is also trembling ――this one because of anger.

With a swoosh, Satoru's right hand was raised high in the air.

「Do you think you'll be forgiven!? Punishment for selfish bad children! It's the truth of the world!!」

「Is there such a truth in the wooooooorld!?」

Leia's protesting voice turned directly into a high-pitched scream. Once again, Satoru struck her bottom with the palm of his hand.

It was a spanking.

Satoru continues to raise his hand.

「If you!」



「Do something!」





「It hurts!」




「You should say, "I'm sooooorryyyyyyyyy"!!!」


「It huuuuuuurrrttttt!!」

The last shot was a stiff slap on the ass, not a wrist-grabbing blow as he had been doing.

Leia's pinned down upper body went into a heaving heap, and she threw her arms out limply, unable to bear the pain and numbness. A small amount of water flew from her crotch, wetting Satoru's index finger.

Satoru, feeling a little better and less angry, looked at his wet finger.

「Is it piss ......?」

At the moment, Leia's face turns red with shame.

「Hmph, the [Immortal King] doesn't do any defecation!」

「Hmm? Then, are you climaxed? What are you, a M?」

Sluurp, When Leia saw Satoru licking up his finger, she was so embarrassed that her face and even her neck turned red, and she suddenly went wild.

「Don't lick it. ...... highi!」

Leia's protests were drowned out by the high-pitched dry sound that echoed again.

「You haven't apologized yet!」

Slap, slap, slap. He hit Leia's buttocks with three slaps in a row. Leia's buttocks were already red and swollen, and it was painful.

「I'm sorry! Forgive me! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorryyyyyyyy!!」

Satoru nodded his head and raised his right arm to the sky, in response to Leia's shameless scream.

「All right!」

One last slap. A relentless slap was swung down on Leia's buttocks.


The pleasant sound of hitting something soft and Leia's high-pitched scream echoed through the surrounding.

The reverberating sound echoed for a while and then slowly faded away.

The only sounds left in the surrounding were the girl's sobs and the young man's ragged breathing.

* * * * * * *

「Uuhhhh, *sob* *sob*……」

When Leia was finally freed from the over-the-knee, the pain in her buttocks made it impossible for her to sit back down, and she lay prostrate on the floor sobbing like a scale insect with her buttocks sticking out.

The shock of her release caused the cloak to regain its original function and cover Leia's swollen buttocks.

While looking down at the poor girl with a cold expression, Satoru threw his voice at her.

「Did you reflect on that?」

「 ......I did!」

「I'm the victim, you're the perpetrator. Do you understand?」

「I understand. ......!」

Where was the hapless stance she had taken just a moment ago? With tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, Leia immediately regained her position and quickly put a distance of about five meters between herself and Satoru. She pointed her finger at Satoru, and with a regretful look on her face, she said,

「You! How dare you humiliate this me!」

Satoru's shoulders snapped, and an aura of anger rose up again. She had been beaten and begged for forgiveness, but now her attitude had changed. There was not a shred of remorse in her eyes.

This one needs to be punished again――

「It~seems~you still don't get it~~... ......」

Leia laughed at Satoru, who stood up with a sly smile.

(I was just surprised by the suddenness of the situation. If I keep my distance, I'll win!)

Leia, who had been pleasuring herself in her mind and spinning curses in her mouth, waved her hands high in the air and used the most advanced magic she possessed to avenge her own humiliation.

【"Burning Hell RoadFlame Road"!】

As soon as he thought he smelled a foul odor around him, he heard a gurgling sound, and a flame about three meters long rose up.


As expected, Satoru was startled and fell back.

But. The next moment, he was surprised by something else.

――This is not hot ......?

The floor has turned into a boiling magma, probably molten by the high temperature. Perhaps it was the high temperature emitted by the magma that made Leia, who was some distance away, look a little shaky. The ground around Satoru's feet also seems to have softened, and he sinks as if he were standing in a muddy field.

However, he could hardly feel the heat.

The only change he felt was that he was standing in front of a fan heater with a little distance between them.

「Wow~, ...... this is amazing. 3D......」

Satoru first suspected that it was an illusion, because he thought that with the 3D projection equipment, it would be possible to recreate the image, despite the softness of the feet.

But, however

「But it doesn't loo like that.」

Diagonally behind Satoru, the algae that had stuck to the altar, probably ignited by the rising heat, was burning up and emitting a burning smell. It would be possible to recreate the image by using 3D projection equipment, but not the smell.

「What the hell!? Why doesn't it work!!」

Leia's voice was laced with dismay.

「Like I'd know」

Satoru shrugged his shoulders very lightly. He didn't know the answer to the question, so he had no way of answering.

「Nuh-uh, ......, then how about this!!」

【"Flame Sky SlashFire Cutter"!!】

As soon as four arc-moon shaped blades wrapped in flames appeared in front of Leia, they flew towards Satoru at an unbelievable speed.

He reflexively crossed his arms and lowered his back to take a defensive stance.

However, the impact that Satoru was prepared for did not come at all.

Just before hitting Satoru, the four blades that were released changed direction as if they had been bounced. The four blades that failed to hit the target pierced the rock wall and shattered it.

That's a lot of power.


――I don't know what it is, but it doesn't seem to work on me.

Satoru untied his crossed arms and jerked his neck.

Leia's expression changed from one of concern to one of despair as she recognized Satoru's unharmed form.

The effects of the "Burning Hell Road" still lingered, and Satoru stepped through the flames without incident, clenching his fists tightly as he stood in front of Leia.

Leia's expression was frightened.

Her body trembled at the alien presence in front of her that denied her the magic she possessed. Her teeth clattered together.

「...... Just in case. I'm not a fan of hitting women.」

Satoru doesn't deny that if someone has done something wrong, they need to be disciplined.

However, the act of subjugating someone with unreasonable violence is disgusting.

From a young age, Satoru had followed the few words of advice left by his father, who selfishly left his children to die.

「But you know what?」

An aura rose up in Satoru as his body slouched and his fists clenched as he looked down at his opponent.

He doesn't realize it, but Leia just cowers at the outrageous fighting spirit that has risen.

「If you're trying to asking for a fight, it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman! I'm not that naive!」

At the sound of Satoru's angry voice, Leia couldn't say a word in reply and was knocked back. She was so terrified that she could not speak.

Overwhelming power, presence.

The [Immortal King], who is supposed to be the most powerful person in the world, has been completely swallowed by the beast that surpasses her.

It was so overwhelming that an ordinary person would probably have fainted just by being exposed to it.

Fortunately, it wasn't a problem because she didn't have the ability to defecate, but if she had, she would have shat herself.

「...... Do you still want get in my way?」

Leia shook her head violently from side to side, intimidated by the intensity of the wavering fighting spirit.

――I don't know why, but my magic doesn't work on him.

If that is the case, Leia has almost no chance of winning.

Satoru's rising aura tells her this.

Leia trembles like a rabbit stared at by a tiger, and Satoru suppresses his level of anger. The aura that had been rising up gradually became smaller and smaller, and eventually disappeared.

「Hmph, then fine.」

That was all he said, and he turned around, loosening his clenched fist.

Without giving it a second thought, he headed for the exit of the room.


After about fifteen steps, a voice from behind stopped Satoru in his tracks and he half turned around.

The flames of anger were still flickering in his eyes, giving Leia a silent sense of intimidation. Threatened by too much fear, Leia swallowed her spit and asked in a trembling voice,

「Where are you going?」

「Of course......I'm going to go back to my world.」

「Do you have a plan?」

「There is no such thing.」

He has been sent to another world without knowing anything about it. There's no way he could have had a choice.

But that doesn't mean he's going to give up on the option of returning.

No matter what it takes, no matter how many years it takes, he will find a way to go back to the original world and return. She still needs me, because I'm the only family she has, even though she's not old enough.

Fortunately, Alice is in an orphanage, so she doesn't have to worry about being kicked out even if Satoru is gone. But that doesn't mean that he can ignore the problem.

The young Alice must be in a state of grief that her only parent has suddenly disappeared right in front of her eyes.

She will undoubtedly have a hard time in the future.josei

I don't want her to feel that way.

Leia's expression was one of confusion, even as she was threatened by Satoru's gaze. Eventually, she opened her mouth haltingly.

「.......The art that summoned you is a forbidden art left behind by the one who is my master. In other words...」

「There's a chance that your master knows about it?」

「That's right.」

Leia's chest heaved a little, as if she had sensed that Satoru's temper had relaxed a little, and she was ready to talk.

It's a small but well-shaped chest.

She was the one who summoned him in the first place, so she should have had the ability to send him back, but Leia didn't mention it. Guess there's some condition that prevents her from doing it alone.

「It is my's fault for summoning you. It's a strange thing to say, but I'll help you. ...... No, let me help you.」

At first glance, she seemed sincere, and her tone of voice was earnest, but Satoru sensed that there was something fishy about Leia. It wasn't that she was a swindler, but she had the air of a salesman trying their best to make a sales pitch.

「What are the conditions?」

Leia was trying to find out what the other person was thinking. Leia breathed a sigh of relief as she did so.

「Nothing in particular. However, in order to get out of this labyrinth, you will need a certain technique. ......There is nothing difficult about it. All you have to do is answer "I accept" to my question.」

Satoru thought silently.

He's suspicious of the technique, anyway. Leia seems to be avoiding talking about it in detail. However, since Satoru has no idea about the origins of the technique itself, it could be said that she just skipped those annoying explanations.

What should I do?

If you're going to follow your instincts, it's better not to ―― Satoru's instincts are telling him that.

She's the kind of calculating woman that Satoru hates, the kind who spits out an apology through punishment, only to turn around and attack him later, even though it had no effect.

She may look like a beautiful girl, but it's too dangerous to trust her.


「...... Fine.」

Satoru replied.

Satoru's belief is that, of course, he will punish exactly as he should, but he will let it go twice.

But not a third time. He gives up, he abandons.

Satoru is a man with a strong sense of justice, but there have been people who have tried to take advantage of that. As a result, he came to have this kind of conviction, and he hated people who were too calculating.

In return, he has a sense of sincerity that will not let them down once he has accepted them.

The one time Leia betrayed Satoru was when she apologized and then turned around.

It was a sin to summon him to this world without permission, but in Satoru's mind, it counted as just being involved.

Of course, if she betrays me here, I'm not going to let her get away with just a slap on the butt.

And there was no sign that she was going to take his life, Satoru felt. It's like a sense of smell that can only be sensed by someone who has been through a certain number of rough situations.

「What is your name, Satoru Kasahara? Or is it Kasahara Satoru?」

Satoru twisted his head in response to the question in a slightly lighter tone of voice, as if he was in a better mood.

He wasn't sure if it was correct to use the family name first, which was common in Asian countries, or if it was correct to use the first name, like Leia. He honestly chose the one he was used to.

「Kasahara, Satoru.」

Leia nodded at Satoru's reply and walked up to him with a nervous look on her face.

When she was within pointing distance, she huffed and puffed.


Leia closes her eyes and points her right hand at Satoru.

Even though there was no wind, Leia's cloak softly floated up and entered the technique.

『Me 【Immortal King】, Leia Löwenstadt. You 【Visitor from another world】Kasahara Satoru. In the name of Miguelfi, in accordance with the ancient laws, I pledge to you the bond of **. The practitioner, Leia Leywenstadt, is not to be denied. Kasahara Satoru, accept or reject』


Leia's voice echoed as if she was singing out loud. It may have been because of this that some parts were difficult to understand, but Satoru let it slide, thinking that it was the local language, and replied, "Accept," paying attention to the intonation, as he had been told, in case it might be relevant.

Leia stabbed the tip of her outstretched hand, a sharp thumbnail, into the belly of her own index finger. The blood beads up on her index finger.

『The contract is done. The blood of the sorceress Leia shall be your proof』

Satoru felt something stirring in his own body.

It was not an unpleasant feeling

“Enslavement (Person Slave).”

There was a small, patched sound of something bursting.

Smoke was rising from the back of Leia's left hand. She was full of pride, but was shocked to see the crest floating on the back of her own hand.

「Ehh!? Whaaaaaattt!? Eh, ehh? Why, why, why? Why is it that me is the slave!?」

(...... did she say slave!? Wait a minute, Oi!?)

The moment he digested and understood the unfashionable words, a tremendous aura of anger rose up from Satoru's body.

「There's no way I could have made a mistake with the magic, and, uh, uhh, Ah, there's no way that the slave side can deactivate the magic in the first place, so...」

Fuhh, Leia was in a panic and a shadow fell over her.

――Oh, come to think of it, there was one more person involved.

She remember that now, and look back fearfully.

Her bad premonition was right on target. The target was her.

She looked up with tears in her eyes and saw a large man with an unbelievable amount of rage all over his body.

「Hooooooo~~ ....... You summoned me selfishly. I was a one-sided fighter. In addition, you tried to deceive me, who is not familiar with the common sense of this world.. ...... That's what this is all about, isn't it?」

「Eekk.........Ah, Ahahahaha.......」

This is bad.

Instantly, Leia realized. It was a problem before slavery.

There was no way she could win against this man.

Her instincts were whispering to her.

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