Forged in the Flames by Karima Sa'ad Usman

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Forged In The Flames By Karima Sa’ad Usman

Chapter 92 In Motion (Nikolas POV)

In the morning, I left my room to bid farewell to Miles and Piotr. Although they had only spent a couple of days in the Forest, I cherished the brief moments I had with them. Their presence brought a sense of calm and determination to me. However, I decided not to reveal my plans to Piotr until everything was ready.

I stood in front of the parked vehicles that would take them to their respective

destinations. I noticed Piotr’s eagerness to leave, likely influenced by Natasha. Miles, on the other h*and, remained unreadable, but I had a feeling he would have liked to stay a little longer.

Piotr broke the silence and expressed his hope that I would take action. He believed that the snake would never change. I nodded in agreement, assuring him that I appreciated his support if it came to that.

Title of the document

“It’s a shame I didn’t get to see Aliana this time,” Piotr added.

“I’m sure there will be other opportunities,” I replied, and Miles chimed in.

“Is that your werewolf girlfriend’s name?” he asked. I was glad that Miles referred to Aliana as my girlfriend and not my mistress, although our relationship had evolved beyond that point. “Yes, that’s her name,” I confirmed, and he nodded.

“Maybe next time I visit, I can meet her when you trust me a little more,” he suggested, and we all shared a laugh. Although he had a point, I knew he meant no harm, so I simply nodded and smiled.

“Yes, Miles, perhaps next time. Just make sure to take care of yourself, and if you ever need a place to call home, remember that you’re welcome here,” I offered, though I worried about how Fredrick would react when Miles returned without valuable information. He had a knowing look on his face and patted my shoulder.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll take care of myself. But it’s good to know I have a family now and that I’m wanted,” he reassured me, and I nodded. They got into their vehicles and departed.

Since none of my officers were awake yet due to last night’s party, I decided to return to my room and catch up on sleep. I wondered how things had gone between Gabriel and my mother. I knew I would receive feedback later, but for now, I needed to shut my eyes and rest.

I was awakened by the sound of a spoon clinking against a plate. The room was dim, and the sunlight seeping through the curtains indicated that it was already morning. Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was ten o’clock. I felt refreshed and well-rested. Aliana was sitting on the couch, eating. I wanted to make it up to her, but I wasn’t sure where to begin.

As I got out of bed, preparing to head to the bathroom to freshen up, Aliana spoke.

“You’re up,” she remarked, and I turned to look at her.

“I’m sorry about last night. I hadn’t planned to attend the party, but…” I started to explain, but she shook her head.

“I’m not mad, Nikolas. I knew you had guests. It was good that you took some time for them. Besides, yesterday was a bit chaotic for me.

After I showered, I fell asleep,” she reassured me. I wondered why her day had been chaotic. “Why? I thought you were going to visit the hospital and go shopping,” I inquired, and she nodded.

“I did those those things, but I ended up helping at the hospital. They were understaffed because you had relocated most of the population to the woodland. The nurses and two doctors who were there were struggling to cope. So, we decided to assist with patient care,” she explained, and although I wasn’t thrilled about her working, I kept my concerns to myself.

“I’m glad you were available to lend a h*and,” I said, trying to sound supportive, although I didn’t entirely approve. She squinted at me, studying my expression. She could sense my true feelings despite my attempt to hide them, and she shook her head.

“No, you’re not glad. I can tell,” she said, giggling.

“Don’t worry, love. I won’t do it again,” she reassured me, and I relaxed.

“Come on, go shower and join me before I finish all the food,” she joked, and I nodded, heading towards the bathroom to freshen up.

I didn’t spend much time in the bathroom when Aliana wasn’t with me, and this morning was no exception. I completed my morning routine in under thirty minutes and joined Aliana on the couch.

Taking a seat beside her, I gently k*issed her h*and as I held it. It felt delicate and soft.

“How are you feeling this morning?” I asked, and she giggled.

“Like I need more sleep,” she replied, and I chuckled.

‘‘I suppose the work drained your energy,’’ I commented, reaching for a plate to grab something to eat.

“Nikolas,” she suddenly spoke in a serious tone, capturing my attention. I focused on her, waiting for what she had to say.

“Are you planning to keep your mother locked up for long?” she asked, catching me off guard. I wasn’t prepared for that question.

“I’m not sure, really. She poses a threat to my plans at the moment,” I confessed, and she nodded.

“My father believes she may have some mental issues,” she shared, and I nodded, as Gabriel and I had entertained the same theory.

“I’ll figure it out once all of this is over,” I assured her.

“By the way, my army is ready. Ingham informed me yesterday, so it’s time to set everything in motion,” I informed her, noticing her slightly tense. I knew this would be a difficult topic to address, even with her unwavering support.

“I assure you, I won’t die. If the worst-case scenario happens, I’ll take you and we’ll run away together. Here,” I playfully teased her, and she responded with a gentle giggle. Her laughter made her look even more beautiful, and I couldn’t resist pulling her close for a k*iss. “I think it’s time to tell her about her mother,” Bane’s voice echoed in my mind, causing me to tense up. Aliana noticed and broke away from the k*iss, frowning at me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, sighing as she realised the sudden change. My wolf was right. “I need to tell you something, and I need you to promise me you won’t panic. I’ve already come up with a solution to the problem, and your father is aware of it. I’m only sharing this because I don’t want any secrets between us,” I said, and she managed to relax, waiting for my words.

“While I was away in the snow, Fredrick sent a woman to serve me,” I began, and she shook her head.

“If you had any involvement with this woman, please don’t tell me. I don’t want to know,” she pleaded with a shaky voice, reminding me of Gabriel’s reaction when I wanted to tell him about Gwen. The similarities between them surprised me. I shook my head to reassure her, finding it endearing how

much it affected her. “Far from it, Little wolf. You are enough for me, and I could always wait until I returned home,” I assured her, and I could see her relax.

‘‘I didn’ t know why he sent her until I came back. I suspected he wanted to test if I would recognise her. Unfortunately, I didn’t know who she was. However, when I returned, I discovered her true identity,” I explained, piquing her curiosity.

“Aliana, know that I’ll do anything to make you happy, and you can trust that I’m h*andling this situation,” I reassured her. I wanted to be cautious because of her condition. Seeing

Gabriel’s reaction, I didn’t want her to get worked up and potentially harm our child.

“Promise me you’ll stay calm,” I requested, and she quickly nodded, eager to hear what I had to say.

“She is your mother,” I revealed, and she gasped, covering her mouth in shock. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she shook her head in disbelief.

“Yes, Aliana. She is your mother. I want you to know that, despite the circumstances, she seems to be alright. Frederick branded her, claimed her, and made her his mistress, but she’s okay. Your father and I will fight for her freedom. It’s a promise. Only his death can set her free,” I declared, and she nodded.

Her h*and still covered her mouth as tears continued to flow. She was trying her best to stay composed and not lose control. I understood her emotions all too well. I held her tightly in my arms, allowing her to weep and release the shock and mixed emotions she was experiencing.

I held her until she fell asleep, her tears the only sound in the room. I carried her to bed and tucked her in gently once she had drifted off. I contacted Ania and Lisa, instructing them to stay by Aliana’ s side and inform me immediately when she woke up.

Heading to my office, I felt uncertain about how the news would affect Aliana. I prayed for the sake of our baby that I hadn’t made a mistake by telling her the truth. I hoped the goddess would comfort her and grant her the strength to be brave.

I contacted Qusack, Abraham, Grant, and Ingham to join me in my office. It was time to set our plans in motion. They arrived eager and prepared. I could see the determination in their eyes, and it reassured me.

“How prepared are the troops?” I asked Ingham.

“They’re ready,” he replied succinctly. I understood that they were already skilled warriors before this, which explained why civilians could defend their territories during the hunter’s attack. Everyone in the pack and territory was trained to fight, ensuring effective and swift training.

“So, what’s our next course of action?” Qusack inquired, the dark circles under his eyes suggesting he had trouble sleeping. I suspected it had something to do with Ania, but I kept my thoughts to myself. I wouldn’t mention it in front of the others, but I hoped whatever was bothering him could be resolved.

“We’ll send out invitations for my coronation to everyone while we prepare for battle,” I stated, and Qusack nodded in agreement.

“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this,”

Grant exclaimed, sounding both eager and amazed. I nodded in understanding.

“I had a feeling it would come to this, considering Frederick’s ambitions. But now that we have allies, we’re in a better position to fightback,” Abraham analysed, assessing the situation accurately.

He was right—I had support, but I couldn’t rely on it completely in case they backed out at the last minute. My main goal was Fredrick’s demise, and that was where my focus would remain.

Abraham began drafting an invitation.

“Prince Nikolas

Royal Palace

Kingdom of Forest

Dear Recipient

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It is with great pleasure and immense honour that I extend my warmest invitation to you for a momentous occasion that marks a significant milestone in the history of our beloved Kingdom of Forest.

I am writing to inform you that the day after the upcoming new moon will witness my coronation as the new ruler of Forest. This auspicious event is scheduled to take place in the evening within the hallowed halls of the majestic Forest Royal Palace.

The coronation ceremony will be a grand celebration of our traditions, heritage, and the unity of our people. It will serve as a beacon of hope and a testament to the bright future that lies ahead for Forest. With the blessing of the celestial alignment, we shall embark on a new era of prosperity, justice, and harmony for all. I extend this invitation to you, as your presence would add immeasurable joy and honour to this historic occasion.

The festivities shall commence in the evening with a ceremonial procession through the capital’s streets, Riverhead, leading to the Royal Palace. The main event will unfold within the opulent Throne Room as the sun sets. I will take the oath of office and receive the crown, symbolising my ascension to the throne.

Following the coronation ceremony, a lavish banquet will be held in the palace gardens, adorned with the most exquisite decorations and accompanied by live music performed by the kingdom’s finest musicians. It will be an evening of mirth, camaraderie, and jubilation as we revel in the unity of our people.

We have arranged your accommodation at the royal guest quarters within the palace to ensure your comfort and enjoyment. A detailed itinerary, travel instructions, and necessary passes will be sent to you separately.

Please RSVP to the Royal Court, indicating your acceptance or regret. Your response will assist us in making appropriate arrangements and ensure a memorable experience for all attendees.

I eagerly anticipate the honour of your presence at my coronation and sincerely hope you can join us on this joyous occasion. Together, let us herald the dawn of a new era in the Kingdom of Forest.

May the light of the moon shine upon us all.

Yours faithfully,

Prince Nikolas

Heir to the Throne of Forest.”

The letter of invitation exuded perfection and conveyed a strong sense of confidence. I found it quite appealing. In order to ensure its widespread distribution, we assigned scribes to meticulously copy the letter, addressing it to both kings and every Alpha. Grant and Ingham took on the responsibility of delivering the invitations to the post office, ensuring that nothing was amiss. Regardless of the post office workers’ role as potential spies, we knew they had no choice but to deliver the letters to their intended recipients.

We exercised patience as we eagerly awaited responses, and after four days, the RSVPs began trickling in. While we received a few replies from the Alphas in Hill, there was still no word from the Kings. However, I remained unfazed by their silence, fully prepared for the possibility of war.


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