Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 103

Chapter 103:

* * *

Lennox laughed a little in disbelief.

‘You’re like a cunning old woman.’

He was at a concert hosted by Madam Ilena.

Most of the people, including the orchestra, were gathered on the floor below the hall.

Madam Ilena, being busy, reluctantly held him back as he mentioned he would be leaving the south tonight.

‘You must listen as I’ve brought a good performer,’ she persistently recommended.

Even if he didn’t want to be noticed, she suggested that he could quietly come and listen from the opened second floor.

Duke Carlyle had no interest in music or art.

However, he thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to check on Juliet before leaving.

But not long after the performance began, Lennox realized that tonight’s event was not a mere music appreciation.

It was a stage set by Madam.

Madam Ilena sneaked a glance at the railing where he was leaning and spoke to Juliet standing next to her.

“Come here, Juliet. There are many gentlemen I’d like to introduce you to.”

Then she led Juliet through the crowd.

Though it was supposed to be a concert, the actual performance took a backseat, and she was busy introducing Juliet everywhere.

Whether it was because of the change in place or the people she met, Juliet looked more relaxed than usual.

Wearing a vibrant halter-neck dress that exposed her back and draped with a shawl, Juliet was more than enough to draw attention.

She smiled brightly and graciously accepted greetings from eager gentlemen approaching her.

“You’re as dazzlingly beautiful as I’ve heard.”

“I didn’t know Madam Ilena would introduce someone like you.”

From afar, Lennox, watching this friendly scene, felt a tinge of jealousy.

Thinking about it, Juliet had always been the type to easily charm strangers.

If not for being the subject of the Duke of Carlyle, Juliet would have lived in a much brighter and warmer world.

“This young lady is about the age of my granddaughter. You know, from the house of Count Monad…”

“Yes, a very noble family.”

“Yes, she should find her match soon.”

Watching Juliet surrounded by people, Madam Ilena proudly boasted to those around her.

Then, she sneakily glanced at the second floor where the Duke was standing.

Seeing the obvious intentions of the cunning old lady, Lennox was taken aback. It was so blatant that it was almost laughable.

Lennox barely resisted the urge to pluck out the eyes of those ogling Juliet.

It would do no good if Juliet realized he was here.

Lennox wasn’t idle enough to fall for such provocations.

His intention was to drop Juliet off in the south, briefly check on her well-being, watch a bit, then leave.


However, the next moment, he couldn’t laugh.

One of the gentlemen surrounding Juliet pretended to reach for a champagne glass but slyly touched her exposed back.

Juliet’s previously radiant face instantly hardened.

Confusion flashed across her face.

She was surrounded by kind people. And in a place where the lady was watching closely, such a thing happened.

Before Juliet could turn to identify the impudent face, the music suddenly stopped.



The confused guests found Viscount Fusilli sprawled on the hall floor. And an unfamiliar man who had intervened.

“What is this madness! Do you know who I am…?”

Lying on the ground, Viscount Fusilli struggled to get up.

“Ah! Call a doctor! My ribs…”

He groaned, clutching his side.josei

However, the guests were no longer interested in the Viscount.

“Duke Carlyle…?”


“Oh, the Duke!”

The most flustered was Madam Ilena.

“What is this madness!”

Madam Ilena was the only one in the room who knew of his presence beforehand. But she hadn’t anticipated that the Duke would suddenly draw his sword and threaten one of her guests.

“You have poor judgment, Madam.”

The Duke glared menacingly at her.

“He isn’t human just because he walks on two feet.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m saying I’ll cut that bastard’s throat.”


Visount Fusilli was startled.

“Viscount! At least explain what’s happening!”

“Did the Viscount offend you in any way?”

Lennox didn’t respond.

The one who answered was Juliet, standing next to him.

“It was me who was offended, Madam.”


“Keep quiet.”

Lennox pulled her behind him. But Juliet ignored him and spoke to Madam Ilena.

“Just now… that… man touched my back. It was no accident.”

The crowd was abuzz.

The attention shifted to Visount Fusilli.

“Visount Fusilli! Is this true?”

“It’s not like that…”

Lennox was growing impatient.

He didn’t want the situation to devolve into the crowd gawking at Juliet.

Visount Fusilli started to babble.

“Ha! It’s the dress you’re wearing that’s the problem! You’re exposing your back; of course someone might accidentally touch it!”

The crowd murmured again.

Visount Fusilli seemed to have decided to argue that it was a mistake.

Lennox had no interest in listening to this nonsense any further. He didn’t think he needed to apologize to Madam Ilena either.


However, Juliet, who had been silent behind him, pushed Lennox aside and stepped forward.

“So, it’s my fault for wearing this dress?”

“…Exactly! Madam Ilena, look! You always say that a lady should dress modestly!”

At this, Madam Ilena hesitated.

The conservative Madam had always warned her granddaughters against wearing revealing dresses.

Indeed, she hadn’t been too pleased with Juliet’s dress that evening.


But Juliet continued, unfazed.

“So, if I were dressed ‘modestly’, this wouldn’t have happened? Is that what you’re saying?”

“Well, of course…”


At that moment, Emma, who had been silent in the crowd, rushed forward.

“Grandmother, I experienced it too! Visount Fusilli has been touching the guests all evening!”

Emma shouted with anger.

Madam Ilena was taken aback.

“Emma, is this true?”

“Yes! And Countess Monad is right!”

Emma asserted confidently.

“I changed my dress just as you ordered!”

Emma had to switch to a modest dove-colored dress that covered up to her neck, due to the Madam’s strict instructions.

“…I saw it too.”

“And come to think of it, the maids the Viscount dismissed recently…”

The crowd began to share their own stories and observations. The banquet hall turned into a heated debate.

“This is a conspiracy, My Lady!”

“Oh my…”

The Madam held her head as if she had a headache.


The crowd was agitated.

Feeling like an exhibit on a stage, Lennox was getting irritated.

He wasn’t interested in resolving the quarrel in detail.

All he wanted was to deal with that bastard.

“Your Highness.”

However, as if reading his intentions, Juliet from behind grabbed his hand.

Taking advantage of his momentary hesitation, Juliet pulled on his arm.

“Follow me.”

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