Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 160

Chapter 160:

* * *


Awakened by the sound of something breaking, Juliet, who had been dozing off in the waiting room chair, quickly came to her senses.

When she opened her eyes, the fireplace was ablaze, and it was dark outside. Oddly, she felt an emptiness on her lap.


Just moments before, there had been a weighty and warm baby dragon curled up on her lap.

Juliet yawned softly and rose from her seat.

That’s when it happened.



Juliet momentarily gazed at the object that had fallen near her foot.

It was an apple-shaped ornament. One that had been placed on the high shelf above the fireplace… Wait, the shelf?



Slowly lifting her head, Juliet locked eyes with a pair of glowing yellow eyes, reminiscent of a pumpkin.

The baby dragon, looking somewhat flustered, was precariously dangling, its front paws perched on the edge of the broken, tall shelf.


A startled Juliet quickly took down the dragon named Onyx.

The shelf was high, so Juliet had to step onto a stool and tiptoe to reach and take the baby dragon down.

It seemed the baby dragon had been tempted by the red apple-shaped ornament on the shelf.

“How on earth did you climb up there?”


Juliet asked incredulously, but the baby dragon avoided her gaze, looking guilty.

Afraid she would scold it for damaging the shelf? But as far as she knew, Onyx wasn’t the type of dragon with such a conscience.

As Juliet examined Onyx for any injuries, her eyes narrowed.

It appeared unharmed, but she suddenly realized that Onyx had grown significantly.

The once palm-sized cute little dragon was now too large to be considered a baby.

It was now about the size of a large cat. Its decorative wings also seemed more prominent…

“Your Highness!”

Suddenly, noises from outside distracted Juliet from her examination of Onyx, and she approached the window.

Rain was drizzling, and a familiar horse was in sight. The owner of the mansion, Duke Carlyle, had returned.

After a moment’s hesitation, Juliet swiftly headed to the main hall.

“Ah, Miss.”

Among the busy servants, thanks to the return of the master, the Duke’s secretary, Elliot, recognized Juliet.

“His Highness has just returned.”

“Yes, I saw.”

Juliet tilted her head upon seeing what Elliot was holding.

“Why the towel?”

“Well, isn’t it because he came back soaked? In this weather, is he in his right mind?”

Elliot exclaimed in exasperation.

“In this season, where he went and what he did, I don’t know if he just arrived or if he was wandering around…”

As Elliot grumbled, Juliet sneaked a glance at the wall clock, and Elliot caught her look.

“If you could reprimand him a bit…”

“How can I scold His Highness?”

Juliet smiled awkwardly, but Elliot persisted.

“His Highness uniquely listens to you.”

“He probably just pretends to.”

“At least he seems to listen.”

Mumbling, Elliot handed her the towel and gently pushed her back.

“You came to talk to him anyway, didn’t you?”

But judging from the atmosphere, it didn’t seem like a casual chat was on the cards.

“I really appreciate it!”

Juliet regretted not waiting until the next morning, but it was too late.

The swift secretary of the Duke pushed Juliet into the bedroom and promptly closed the door behind her.

Juliet hesitated but knocked on the bathroom door to hand over the requested towel.

She waited for a while, but when there was no response, she cautiously opened the door.


The bathroom was filled with steam, and Juliet immediately regretted her decision.

“I clearly told you to leave…!”

A stern voice rang out.

“I was asked to bring this for you.”

“…Leave it and go.”

Juliet narrowed her eyes but did as told and quickly left.

However, for some reason, she felt defiant and waited for him. Just as she began to regret her choice, the bathroom door opened, and Lennox stepped out.

He didn’t comment on Juliet’s waiting, but he seemed unmistakably displeased.


“I have something to tell you.”

Lennox crossed the room and sat down on the couch.


Lennox didn’t just look tired; his expression was grim.

Having returned home late after seeking an audience with the Emperor, had something happened?

Regardless, Juliet didn’t dare to scold him as Elliot had asked.

After a moment’s hesitation, not wanting to waste his time, she briefly summarized the day’s events.

“…So, that’s what happened.”

However, Lennox showed no particular reaction after listening to her entire story.

She hadn’t expected an enthusiastic response, but she thought he would at least show some reaction.

“So you jumped into the lake for that?”

Lennox’s first question was unexpectedly off from what Juliet had imagined.

“Just to find out that?”

“The water was shallow. There were many people around…”

Juliet answered as if defending herself. It wasn’t a particularly dangerous act.

“That’s rather remarkable.”

She hadn’t expected him to be impressed, but Lennox’s tone was sarcastic.

Feeling slighted, Juliet rose from her seat, not wishing to argue.

“…I’ll be on my way.”

“What did that wolf cub say?”


How did he know she met Roy?

“How could I not know?”

As if Lennox had caught a glimpse of Juliet’s thoughts, he got up, strode towards her, and gently pulled her wrist with a smirk.

It was the same left hand where Roy had passionately kissed during the day.

“He left such an obvious trace.”


“I bet he spouted nonsense like if he left his scent on you, the demons wouldn’t dare approach, right?”

Roy hadn’t said such a thing.

However, Juliet realized what Roy meant when he said she’d be fine for a while.

Protection of the Lycanthropes or something.

Juliet had heard about it before.

The forest tribe was indeed higher on the food chain than demons, so with their protection, one could avoid most demon attacks.

But Juliet was more concerned about the man before her getting angry than being thankful for Roy’s good deed.

Juliet quietly pulled her hand away.

“What is it?”



“Don’t talk like that.”


“Roy is my friend, and he helped thinking of me.”

“Huh, that wolf brat is a friend?”

The fierceness returned to Lennox’s eyes that had softened for a moment.

“So you’re defending him?”

Juliet sighed softly.

“I don’t want to fight with you. I don’t want to be hurt over something like this anymore.”

She felt Lennox flinch, but she continued speaking softly.

“There’s not much time left.”

Juliet spoke honestly.

“If we waste time arguing, we’ll surely regret it later.”

“And then?”


“My question is,”

Lennox carefully asked, avoiding answering.

“Have you ever thought about what will happen next?”

Lennox deliberately avoided the word ‘contract’, but Juliet understood.

Had she ever thought about what would happen after the current contract ends?

Juliet looked up blankly at him.

The man seemed anxious, as if hoping for a specific answer.

Actually, she hadn’t.

Since her childhood, Juliet had a keen intuition.

She recalled a warning from the Pope. Something that Sebastian told about preparing for her funeral.

Even before she heard that story, Juliet had a hunch that she wouldn’t live long in this life.

“Yes, I have.”

So she had never imagined what their relationship would be like after this contract.

“I will be happy.”

However, Juliet answered with a bright smile.

She wanted to give him the answer he seemed to want to hear.

“I believe you will be okay too.”


Juliet didn’t know if her answer satisfied Lennox.

But he held her hand firmly for a while, frowning slightly.

The next morning, Juliet received a visit from the renowned Duke’s knights.

“What brings you here at this hour?”

Juliet tilted her head, wondering if it was related to the Second Prince, when Jude handed her something with a strange expression.

“We have something to deliver.”

“…My necklace?”

It was the diamond necklace she had dropped in the lake the day before.

“How did you…?”

Juliet’s eyes widened in surprise.

The initials carved inside were still intact.

Thanks to the preservation magic on the necklace, it was in perfect condition.

The diamond necklace had a long history; it was a gift for Juliet’s 19th birthday.

“Tell me anything you want.”

A man, seemingly annoyed, arrogantly asked. Upset by his attitude, Juliet made a difficult request.

“Queen Arabella’s necklace. Give it to me.”

Queen Arabella’s necklace was a legendary item desired by many since her past life.

It was famous not only for its price but also for its tragic backstory. The queen died, and her lover, a nobleman, committed suicide soon after. It was a well-known story.

Recalling the past, Juliet asked:

“Where and who found it?”

“Ah, that is… Ouch!”

Just as Jude was about to speak, Milan kicked his shin.

“Someone came from the imperial palace this morning. A servant from the palace found the lost necklace.”

Juliet noticed the two knights exchanging suspicious glances.

“Is that so?”

Without pressing further, Juliet put on the necklace again.

“I should visit to express my gratitude soon.”

“Th-There’s no need for that… “

“Ah, you should! Especially to the palace. They will surely appreciate it.”


After seeing off the two knights, who were terrible liars, Juliet sat by the window.

Looking at her reflection in the window and touching the necklace around her neck, she thought.

‘It’s impossible.’

She had told him the story behind this necklace in her past life, a very long time ago.

Back then, Juliet was a naive young girl, happy just to have him beside her. She’d talk about any story she knew, even though Lennox clearly didn’t like them.

“That’s a silly story.”

Especially, Duke Carlyle wasn’t the type to remember such trivial matters.

Juliet bit her lip slightly. There was no way he would remember such a distant memory.

‘But why now? Why this unexpected act?’

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