Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3009 - Ancient Thirteen

Chapter 3009 - Ancient Thirteen

Chapter 3009 Ancient Thirteen

The pores that Li Yao had just opened all closed again.

“No, no one. Isn’t that just an example? There’s no such thing as a ‘pink skeleton’, alright?” Li Yao stammered.

“So, there is no specific, real pink skeleton, but you have experienced thousands of women and extracted their commonality, creating an abstract concept of pink skeleton?”

Ding Lingdang was deep in thought.

“Yes. No. No. No. No. There are not thousands of them. Not a single one. Only you, my dear wife!”

Li Yao’s face was pale.

“If you don’t have any, who are you uninterested in?”

Ding Lingdang blinked her watery eyes, full of curiosity and curiosity.

“Well… them.”

Li Yao said.

“You just said that you didn’t have any, and now you have ‘them’?”

Ding Lingdang said with a smile.

“They do not exist. In the abstract sense, they are imaginary!

Li Yao was exasperated.

“Therefore, in the abstract sense, you have tasted them in your imagination. Otherwise, how would you know that they are ‘boring’?”

Ding Lingdang slashed his throat.


Li Yao had nothing to say.

“Also, what’s with the competition of the great Dao between you and the planets, comets, and supernovas? After the competition, you are no longer interested in your dream girls anymore?”

Ding Lingdang continued her attack.

Li Yao was rendered speechless and gave up struggling

“Dear, you should know that I am not an unreasonable, jealous, and unreasonable woman, and I have always supported your cause of exploring the sea of stars and conquering the universe, right?” Ding Lingdang said gloomily. “Of course, you are broad-minded and noble. You are an extraordinary woman who considers the world and even the universe to be your responsibility. That’s what I like most about


Seeing hope again, Li Yao hurried to explain.

“That’s right. So, I’ve decided to give you one last chance to answer my last question. As long as you tell me the answer in my heart, I will believe everything you say!”

Ding Lingdang smiled and asked, “If I were to fall into a black hole at the same speed as a planet, would your first reaction be to save me or the planet?”

Li Yao’s brain was humming at a high speed. 0.1 seconds later, he replied without any hesitation, “Of course, we will save the planet first. Because you are such a tough woman. How can a black hole trap you? You didn’t need me to save you at all. You blew up the black hole with one punch and walked out of it whistling! Speaking of which, the black hole was quite unlucky to have run into you. If there was a road to heaven, it would’ve taken it. If there was a door to hell, it would’ve barged in and swallowed all kinds of cosmic bodies. If it wanted to swallow you, the consequences would’ve been extremely miserable. Too miserable to watch. Too miserable to watch!

“Congratulations, you are right. You know me best!”

Ding Lingdang’s anger turned into joy. She pressed Li Yao’s chest a few more times before she patted his chest and said, “Get up. Empress Li has found something.”

“So fast?”

Li Yao was refreshed and jumped up. “Have they found the entrance to the tomb of the Supreme Emperor?”

Maybe it was because everything had come to an end, but after the life-and-death competition in the gravitational ring of the ancient giants, the scanning and exploration of the team of experts went very smoothly. They soon gathered a lot of astronomical parameters inside and outside the ancient giants, especially the orbital parameters of most satellites.

It was quite simple to find the entrance of the Supreme Emperor’s tomb through the satellite tracks.

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The ‘Gold Throne, Heaven’s Horizon’, where the Mausoleum of the Supreme Emperor was located, was a world fragment of a relatively large scale. Judging from the ‘god’s tomb’ and the ‘black tomb’ that were hidden deeper inside, the space and quality of the world fragment far exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Then, when such a super-massive world fragment crawled out of the three-dimensional universe through a giant wormhole because of the discontinuity and instability of space and melded with the space around the ancient giant temporarily, it meant that the satellite rotation system of the ancient giant was not stable in the first place, which made it even more unstable. Ancient giants boasted tremendous attraction force, and satellites were bound by the same force, too. The ‘tidal forces’ of dozens of satellites worked together and formed dozens of stable trajectories after billions of years.

The weight and tidal force of the ‘Gold Holy See’ were no less than those of any satellite.

It could also be interpreted as a new satellite appearing out of nowhere in the periphery of the ancient star’s gravity.

Such a sudden arrival was bound to raise a riot and interfere with the trajectories of one or more satellites. The satellites would deviate, collide, or even fall into the depths of the ancient giants, resulting in an unimaginable collision and the release of endless energy.

Then, as long as the orbital changes of the satellite were calculated, and the residues of the space ripples and the recent high-energy reactions were detected, the ‘uninvited guest’ would be found.

It took the team of specialists only twelve hours to locate three suspicious space zones.

Li Linghai had left special feedback magical equipment in the tomb of the Supreme Emperor in his previous explorations. As long as he sent ripples of a special frequency to suspicious areas, he would receive a feeble response.

In this way, the target would be further reduced. It was almost certain that,


In the video conference, Li Linghai summoned a 3D image, including a lot of graphs and figures. It was an abnormal satellite with its own halo, no, not an aura, but a stone belt in the shape of a cloud that covered it and even extended to the surroundings, as if a ‘material bridge’ had been built between it and the ancient star.

“This is the thirteenth satellite of the ancient star, a plain, solid planet. You’ve seen its irregular appearance, haven’t you? It looks like it has been gnawed by a dog. The enormous crater here has almost reached its core.

Li Linghai pointed at ‘Ancient Thirteen’ and said, “Generally speaking, such satellites with high density and slow revolutions are unable to resist their own gravity. They are all in the shape of a precise ball. It is rare for them to be in the shape of an olive or even a straw hat, much less to be so seriously damaged.

“The only explanation is that its appearance was not natural in the past billions of years, but that it suffered a serious collision recently. An even smaller satellite or satellite piece hit it hard and left it in such a miserable state.

“Do you see the cotton-like halo around us? This is another piece of solid evidence. It is not a natural halo formed by ‘Ancient Thirteenth’, but caused by the spurting of the satellite debris and its own materials in the previous collision. It won’t be long before the debris is freed from the attraction force and either falls into the ancient giants or flies into the distance, turning into cosmic dust.

“However, pay attention to this place. What are those raging ‘physical bridges’? Are they the objects that the ancient giants escaped from when they crashed into their ‘little brother’? No. Not likely. This is still the gravity range of ‘Ancient Thirteen’. The gravity of the ancient giants is not as strong. Besides, the ‘physical bridges’ are not aimed at the ancient giants. “The speculation of the team of experts is that a high-density, high-mass, mysterious celestial body is very close to the ‘Ancient Thirteen’ and is competing for the materials with the ‘Ancient Thirteen’. The attraction force of the two objects is almost the same, and they are in a stalemate. That’s why such a weird ‘material bridge’ exists.

“Now, fellow Cultivators, you may draw a conclusion.

“The entrance to the tomb of the Supreme Emperor must’ve been near ‘Ancient Thirteen’. Its sudden appearance changed the trajectories of ‘Ancient Thirteen’ and the few satellites nearby. One of the smaller satellites hit ‘Ancient Thirteen’ brutally, resulting in an earthshaking explosion. Ancient Thirteen lost a lot of materials and formed a chaotic belt of stones and dust around him. Then, the mass of the tomb generated a strong attraction force and formed a temporary ‘dual satellite system’ with ‘Ancient Thirteen’ while it fought for the stones and dust that escaped. As a result, it exposed itself very clearly. At the very least, ‘Ancient Thirteen’ became the brightest lighthouse for us to find the entrance to the tomb of the Supreme Emperor!”

This was the opinion of the expert team, and it was also approved by Li Linghai, who had personally experienced it. The battle-type cultivators and Immortal Cultivators did not refute.

“What a harsh environment.” josei

Looking at the astronomical parameters around the No.13 satellite of the ancient planet, Li Yao exclaimed, “Why is the entrance to such a secret treasure always hidden in the most extreme environments? Why can’t it appear in the most peaceful places?”

“No matter how beautiful a place is, if a super high-quality space is stuffed in by brute force, the world will definitely change. Li Linghai said coldly, “How are we going to find and lock onto the places that are peaceful and do not emit any furious radiation or particle streams?

“However, your feelings are not entirely without reason. Although the entrance to the tomb of the Supreme Emperor has appeared in very harsh environments in the past, none of them were as harsh as today’s. We don’t know the specific constituents and constituents of ‘Ancient Thirteen’, nor do we know how intense the energy reaction was when the two satellites collided. We don’t know whether or not the fatal radiation and particle streams have turned into turbulence and swirls, and we don’t even know whether or not ‘Ancient Thirteen’ is about to collapse or even completely split and fall into the ancient giant star. If such a large satellite were to crash into the ancient giant star, I don’t need to explain the consequences.” “The road ahead is dangerous, but we have no other options. Now that we’ve come this far, fellow Cultivators, there’s no need to say anything else. Let’s go and conquer everything in front of us!”

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