Four Sisters From Nowhere

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Staring at the pile of fatty meats on her plate, Luna stopped Yvonne hurriedly while grabbing her plate away to dodge her.

“No! Von, you have been kind to me since we were kids, let me be kind to you this time!”

“You have to take more of this dish, it’s your favorite.”

She grabbed her fork and returned the meat to Yvonne’s plate.

Alexandra had no time to take care of Kaiden after dinner because she went out with her friends. The other girls scurried away to play, leaving him alone in the living room bored.

He glanced across the huge villa and decided to view the house subsequently.

“Alexandra mentioned that the basement is for entertainment, I should go check out the entertainment facilities installed in the villa!”

He took the lift to the basement out of curiosity and what came into his view shocked him to his core again.

Brilliant lights, large-sized instruments, and flashy facilities. Not even a professional entertainment capital would be this complete.

The basement was nothing less than entertainment capitals out there!

Kaiden decided that it was…even better!

‘They must’ve spent millions on the renovation of such a large-scale entertainment floor.’

He was guessing that the facilities were all imported from renowned brands.

An arcade melody sounded and grabbed his attention. He looked over and noticed that Yvonne and Luna were playing Rhythm Boss, the musical beats slid across the screen swiftly like rain pouring from the sky. The beats were so fast that they could not tap them in time.


He walked forward and stopped in front of another machine. He traced his finger across the screen as a familiar feeling overwhelmed his body.

As a company programmer, he was required to have speedy hands regardless of his position. Therefore, he used to train his hands according to Esports players’ standards when he had time.

He pressed on the switch on the right bottom corner to switch on the machine and an image appeared in front of him. He selected the most difficult level with the highest speed.josei

His arms moved as swift as lightning as he tapped every single beat accurately, his movements as valiant as a tiger!

On the other side.

“Von, come on! We’re gonna lose if you miss a few more!”

Jazmine stared at the small number of lives left on the screen as she panicked, her eyes glued to the screen.

“I’m trying! This is too fast, I can’t even see the beats clearly.”

Yvonne frowned as she tried not to slack. However, she still missed a few beats.

A bolt of lightning struck past the screen, game over!

Jazmine sighed dejectedly. “That’s too difficult. We just can’t get past it despite trying for so many times, how lame!”

“I’m not going to accept that I’m stuck at this level! Again!”

Not admitting the defeat, Yvonne pressed to restart the level. She refused to believe that she could not pass that level after so much practice.

Kaiden continued playing on the other machine leisurely as the sisters kept raging on and he passed the level that they were stuck on effortlessly.

He reached the final level in the blink of an eye. He kept choosing not to break through the final level by repeating the stage and tapping on the wrong beats on purpose at the crucial moment. He kept replaying the level tirelessly.

Despite so, his attention was fixed on the sisters on the other machine.

He searched for players nearby in the game and adjusted to a certain distance limit to find the sisters’ accounts before sending them buddy requests without indicating his name.

“Hmm? Von, someone added me as a buddy.”

Jazmine stared at the buddy request appearing on the screen suddenly, the account ID was very strange to her.

“I have it, too. Are they from the same person?”

“Yeah, he added me from distance. Should I accept the request?” Jazmine looked at Yvonne in confusion. It was the first time they received a friend request after playing the game for a long time.

“Why not? He seems to be a pro, maybe he can carry us.”


Kaiden successfully formed a team with them after his buddy request was approved.

“Bro, are you there?”

Yvonne pinched her slender throat and sent a voice message.


Kaiden wanted to reply but he could not talk. He would expose his identity if he spoke since he was right behind them.

“Forget it, he’s a mute. Should we kick him?”

“We’ll see, he might be a pro! Aren’t pros act weird all the time?”

“You’re right, it’d be great if he can carry us through this level!”

The three of them entered the game after a short period of discussion.

Kaiden failed on purpose in the first round and his death was shown on the namelist.

“Huh, what a noob. He died in the first round.”

“What’s wrong with this guy? Not even newbies die in the first round!”

“Ignore him, we’ll pass!”

The respawn cooldown timer was over. Kaiden observed the sisters’ mechanics during the cooldown and realized that they were just playing impulsively!

They were lucky to reach the second-highest level with this tactic, not to mention to pass!

‘Don’t they know that there is a rhythmic tactic to this game?’

Kaiden was puzzled.

Speedy hands were required but the sisters could easily go with the strategy if they mastered the method.

The cooldown was over. Kaiden went into the game straight and caught up to Jazmine and Yvonne’s round very soon before surpassing them under their astonishment.

On the entertainment floor, the sisters were completely shocked at the numbers appearing on the screen.

Five minutes passed. It was displayed on the screen that Kaiden reached the peak of the level and passed the stage that they were stuck on effortlessly.

“That guy’s unbelievable!”

“Who would’ve thought that we added a genius by chance!”

The sisters were amazed at their teammate’s skills as they tried to catch up, refusing to feel inferior. Although their mechanics were not as strong as Kaiden’s, they still passed.

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