Free Life Fantasy Online

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: 20 Official Bulletin Board 2

20 Official Bulletin Board 2

【Goblin】Starting Town’s World Quest【Army!】

1. Management

This is the thread regarding the world quest that has emerged in the Starting Town.

Please use it as a general discussion thread on the event’s topic.

860. Defending Adventurer


861. Defending Adventurer


862. Defending Adventurer

My eyes, EYESSS!

863. Defending Adventurer

I feel you, but calm down. I can’t see anything either...

864. Defending Adventurer

By the way, who is it that became commander, disregarding all famous beta players?

865. Defending Adventurer

I wonder myseeelf.

866. Defending Adventurer

Oh, there are people with crowns above their heads. So it’s Princess who’s the commander. My first time seeing her name.

867. Defending Adventurer

>>866 Princess? Did some kind of princess come to the town?

868. Defending Adventurer

>>867 No, she’s nicknamed Princess. An inhuman Immortal Princess girl. Thanks to her information, inhuman’s thread turned into a festival for some time.

869. Defending Adventurer

Message was removed by the management.

870. Defending Adventurer

Hey, what did he write...

871. Defending Adventurer

>>870 It was so fast I didn’t see it, but if you try to agitate stuff with “princess play" they get removed. Also, the inhuman thread was in festival state in more ways than one.

872. Defending Adventurer

>>871 If you overdo it you get teleported to a punishment room, too. By the way, you can say “princess play” and your intentions will be judged by brainwaves, so if your message is alive then you’re safe.

999. Defending Adventurer

What about next thread?

1000. Defending Adventurer

I guess management is doing the next one too?

1001. Defending Adventurer

It’s getting fulllll.

1002. Defending Adventurer


1003. Management

The limit of 1000 was an illusion.

1004. Defending Adventurer


1005. Defending Adventurer

It cannot be.

2321. Defending Adventurer

A’ight, it starts!

2322. Defending Adventurer


2323. Defending Adventurer


2324. Defending Adventurer


2325. Defending Adventurer

Sta… hm?

2326. Defending Adventurer

Stops at “Ready!” of all things.

2327. Defending Adventurer


2328. Defending Adventurer

So there’s a line from the commander!

2329. Defending Adventurer

Royal Authority it says, a Monster Skill?

2330. Defending Adventurer

Sounds like a commanding-type skill. No clue how big an effect it has though.

2331. Defending Adventurer

She’s a princess, it’d be no wonder if she had a high tier commanding-type skill.

2438. Defending Adventurer

Ha-HA! Goblins are nothing before me!

2439. Defending Adventurer

Feeling invincible here.

2440. Defending Adventurer

Profits timeee! ...Will there be profit?

2441. Defending Adventurer

Well, skill-wise it should be pretty sweet, right?

2442. Defending Adventurer

You guys sure got time to write in the middle of combat.

2443. Defending Adventurer

Same to you.

2444. Defending Adventurer

I mean, I’m just looking.

2445. Defending Adventurer

What a coincidence! ME. TOO.

2446. Defending Adventurer


2447. Defending Adventurer

It’s not like we’re typing, if you get used to it you can do it during combat.

2448. Defending Adventurer

Thought-controlled typing’s amashing.

2812. Defending Adventurer


2813. Defending Adventurer

Instructions from the officers in the back are pretty helpful.

2814. Defending Adventurer

I feel you. It’s better if there are some, you just can’t get your head over the entire thing.

2815. Defending Adventurer

Wai-waiit, this is bad! HELLPPP!

2816. Defending Adventurer

As if I could help you when you type as anon!

2817. Defending Adventurer

Instructions came from Princess.

2818. Defending Adventurer

We have something above us lol.

2819. Defending Adventurer

I only noticed when commander mentioned it.

2820. Defending Adventurer

Can’t tell cuz I’m not PT leader.

2821. Defending Adventurer

Speaking of which, this channel is only for squad leaders and above.

2822. Defending Adventurer

Thanks PRIN-CESSSS! They nearly passed by us.

2823. Defending Adventurer

What attitude towards the Princess. Prepare to be beheaded.

2824. Defending Adventurer

Restrain him!

2825. Defending Adventurer

Please don’t, I’ll die,

2826. Defending Adventurer

Capture the unchivalrous cur!

2827. Defending Adventurer

Stop please?! They might be weak one by one, but there’s loads of theeeemmmMMM!

2828. Defending Adventurer

Well, they ARE goblins.

3253. Defending Adventurer

Something big came out!

3254. Defending Adventurer

It’s a general!

3255. Defending Adventurer

And he has escorts.

3256. Defending Adventurer

Orders for anti-air fire came?!

3257. Defending Adventurer

Musasabi team goes anti-air! Oh, impossibru for me though.

3258. Defending Adventurer

What a coincidence, for me too.

3259. Defending Adventurer

Sky is beyond me.

3260. Defending Adventurer

Is it that? Ride Bugs?

3261. Defending Adventurer

Rideable bugs, huh. Well, name says it all.

3262. Defending Adventurer

The guys riding it are Elite Thief mobs.

3263. Defending Adventurer

Oh, that effect is【Aero Flak】!

3264. Defending Adventurer

The bow’s level 30 one. So they’re already on secondaries.

3265. Defending Adventurer

Quite a bit of them fell down?

3266. Defending Adventurer

But about half went past us? Won’t it end if they go to town?

3267. Defending Adventurer

Seems...they charged right into the commander’s headquarters.

3268. Defending Adventurer

Management’s mercy?

3269. Management

Intended mechanic.

3270. Defending Adventurer


3271. Defending Adventurer

It was a mechanic.

3272. Defending Adventurer

Well, there’s certainly few folks who have ways to deal with flying enemies, y’know...

3273. Defending Adventurer

At this point it would be too savage if they just passed by at this stage in the game.

3531. Adventurers' Officer

【Flash News】Princess is strong.

3532. Defending Adventurer

Considering your name you’re one of the guys in there!

3533. Adventurers' Officer

Huhhh? You’re right-degozaruna.

3534. Defending Adventurer

You reveal yourself the moment you speak.

3535. Adventurers' Officer

You trick’d me!

3536. Defending Adventurer

Shaddup NINJA!

3537. Defending Adventurer

So, should we be going to save her?

3538. Adventurers' Officer

Naw, unnecessary. Seems they aim for Princess, but it doesn’t look like she’ll be dying anytime soon.

3539. Adventurers' Officer

We’re all right over here, you can hold the lines.

3540. Defending Adventurer

Got ittt~.

3541. Defending Adventurer


4111. Defending Adventurer

Whoa, boss moved!

4112. Defending Adventurer

Hyahha! Wipe the escort!

4113. Defending Adventurer


4114. Defending Adventurer

...Lots of people just died, what happened?

4115. Defending Adventurer

Info came from commander, mages from the escort used【Explosion】. They’re tellin’ us to get rid of them asap.

4116. Defending Adventurer

I see, area of effect magic that can be cast from range.

4117. Defending Adventurer

Nn-yeah. The one you learn from 2nd tier magic skills.

4118. Defending Adventurer

Then they will use bursts around them, too?

4119. Defending Adventurer

Activation trigger must be when they are “surrounded".

4120. Defending Adventurer

Let’s get rid of them right away from range.

4320. Defending Adventurer


4321. Defending Adventurer

This is why I hate priests.

4322. Defending Adventurer

This is why I always tell you to crush priests first, right?

4323. Defending Adventurer

Of course. They’re gone now.

4324. Defending Adventurer

Good job.

4325. Defending Adventurer

The moment priests disappeared, so did mages.

4326. Defending Adventurer

【Explosion】is pretty scary. Can’t be help’d.

4327. Defending Adventurer

By the way, the boss is?

4328. Defending Adventurer

Boss? He’s going on rampage now. HAHAHA… that guy’s badass.

4329. Defending Adventurer

He’s dancing all over the middle.

4330. Defending Adventurer

Ohh, that… whoaa… looks fun!

4331. Defending Adventurer

Hehehe… now you’re talkin’! Let’s join innn!

5279. Defending Adventurer

Takashiii! Don’t force yourselff!

5280. Defending Adventurer

Who the hell is Takashi.

5281. Defending Adventurer

Uwaahh! MOOOM!

5282. Defending Adventurer


5283. Defending Adventurer

Hey! That one makes me kinda curious!

5284. Defending Adventurer

No, I didn’t think there would be someone who’d get on it either.

5285. Defending Adventurer


5286. Defending Adventurer

...Wait, did you die?

5287. Defending Adventurer

Yup, back to spawn.

5288. Defending Adventurer


5289. Defending Adventurer

Got lured in-kumaa!

5290. Defending Adventurer

No mercy lol.

5291. Defending Adventurer

Dammit… the number of patterns went up.

5292. Defending Adventurer

And there’s no resurrect items...

6953. Defending Adventurer

Wait, isn’t general being weird?

6954. Defending Adventurer

Is he?

6955. Defending Adventurer

...Where is he lookin’ at?

6956. Defending Adventurer

Where you ask, um… hm? Where to?

6957. Adventurers' Officer

He seems to be staring this way?

6958. Defending Adventurer

They’re HUGE.

6959. Adventurers' Officer

To be precise, he seems to be staring straight at Princess.

6960. Defending Adventurer

Princess is really cute, I get how he feels ..

6961. Defending Adventurer

This guy, he doesn’t get it.

6962. Defending Adventurer

It’s ‘lil sis who’s CUTE.. Princess is PRETTY. OK?

6963. Defending Adventurer

My first time hearin’ that. ...I do get you though.

6964. Defending Adventurer

Yup, well. I think the general has different motives though… his eyes are bloodshot.

6965. Defending Adventurer

Fell for her so hard that his eyes are bloodshot, huh.

6966. Defending Adventurer

You wanna to take it there no matter what?!

6967. Defending Adventurer

He might be a goblin, but is actually an ORC.

6968. Defending Adventurer

^the hell is this guy on about.

6969. Defending Adventurer

I.e. K-KILL M...

6970. Defending Adventurer

Heyeyey, let’s calm down. Say no more.

6971. Defending Adventurer

You guys sure got time to chat?!

6972. Defending Adventurer

I mean, we ain’t in position to attack…

6973. Defending Adventurer

^i feel you. Can’t get any closer.

6974. Defending Adventurer

Orders came.

6975. Defending Adventurer

Hm. I guess we can’t attack anyway, so that’d be it.

6976. Defending Adventurer


6977. Defending Adventurer

Officers’ instructions! Line up!

7253. Defending Adventurer


7254. Defending Adventurer


7255. Defending Adventurer

…Princess is super cool, what was that just now?

7256. Defending Adventurer

I wonder.

7257. Defending Adventurer


7258. Defending Adventurer


7259. Defending Adventurer

Officers were blown awayyy! Heck, commander’s bein’ amazin...

7260. Defending Adventurer

Commander’s serious expression is wonderful!

7261. Defending Adventurer

^what’s dis.

7262. Defending Adventurer

Shaking boobies are wonderful! Can’t get enough!

7263. Defending Adventurer

Sorry 7260. You were pretty normal.

7264. Defending Adventurer

Right? ...almost seeing it…almooost...

7265. Defending Adventurer

He was no good eitherrrr!

7266. Defending Adventurer

Melons shaking with every move! Fluttering hair! WUNDERBAR!

7267. Adventurers' Officer

Don’t look at Princess, start attacking!

7268. Defending Adventurer

20min more!

7269. Adventurers' Officer

That’s helluva long?!

7270. Defending Adventurer

Then 30min!

7271. Adventurers' Officer

It’s going up dammit!

7741. Defending Adventurer

We won!

7742. Defending Adventurer


7743. Defending Adventurer

Oh, another line.

7744. Defending Adventurer


7745. Defending Adventurer

EEEK! Princess’ wonderful!

7746. Adventurers' Officer

Okay, thanks for hard work~.

7747. Defending Adventurer

AWw, my skills sure went up a lot.

7748. Defending Adventurer

It was a nice defensive battle. Will they get more intense from now on?

7749. Defending Adventurer

This is pretty much the weakest one after all.

7750. Defending Adventurer

Yeaaah. Thanks everyone.

【Hurry Up & Run】General Progression Thread 13【Vanguards】

1. A Passing-by Vanguard

This is the general progression thread.

Let’s write about progression in here.

Previous Thread: http://**********

>>980 Take care of the next thread.

273. A Passing-by Vanguard

Next week there’s the combat tournament, huh. Should we go challenge a boss again this week?

274. A Passing-by Vanguard

It does kinda make sense from skill leveling perspective?

275. A Passing-by Vanguard

Aaa? Aaa-ahh… AAAA?! No way!

276. A Passing-by Vanguard


277. A Passing-by Vanguard


278. A Passing-by Vanguard

EAST of all things?!!

279. A Passing-by Vanguard

Anastasia… ain’t that Princess?

280. A Passing-by Vanguard

What, what happened? I’M ON AN OUTINGGGG!

281. A Passing-by Vanguard

“The party “DELIVERY TIME!” led by Anastasia has delivered the Eastern Boss. From now on, the Eastern Boss will be weakened and the distribution restored.”

It says.

282. A Passing-by Vanguard


283. A Passing-by Vanguard

Who is Princess in PT with?

284. A Passing-by Vanguard

She was hunting in the Eastern forest with Alf-san and Ske-san. Didn’t they just go to the boss while at it?

285. A Passing-by Vanguard

I see, the Immortal team. They should have high stats, and with their playstyles it kinda makes sense?

286. A Passing-by Vanguard

They can’t use potions racially, those people.

287. A Passing-by Vanguard

I see. They’re unrelated to lack of consumables, huh.

288. A Passing-by Vanguard

Mmm-yeah. Instead they need guts and high-level playstyle.

289. A Passing-by Vanguard

Princess doesn’t seem to be using BBS, but there should be information coming from those two?

290. A Passing-by Vanguard

Alf-san and Ske-san should be sharing. Hurrey.

291. A Passing-by Vanguard

Hurrey hurreyy…

292. A Passing-by Vanguard

More importantly you guys, read the log again. I do want to retort to delivery time, but the important thing’s the last part. Aren’t you curious?

293. A Passing-by Vanguard

Lasttt? “From now on, the Eastern Boss will be weakened and the distribution restored.”

294. A Passing-by Vanguard

“the distribution restored" say…?

295. A Passing-by Vanguard

What does this mean?

296. A Passing-by Vanguard

No, it’s literally what it says. Which on the contrary says that everything but East is going to get its distribution stopped?

297. A Passing-by Vanguard

Ain’t that real bad?

298. A Passing-by Vanguard

It probably is?

299. A Passing-by Vanguard

Speaking of which, there was someone who mentioned distribution…? Who was that?

300. A Passing-by Vanguard

Was there someone?

301. A Passing-by Vanguard

You can just look at the log.

302. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>301 Plisss dooo.

303. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>301 liishh dooo.

304. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>303 At least try.

305. A Passing-by Vanguard

I check’d logs. It was ‘ol man Ertz who mentioned it.

306. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>305 Good work!

307. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>305 Good work! You have my praise!

308. A Passing-by Vanguard

‘ol man Ertz, huh. Rather than vanguard, he’s a top smith.

309. Ertz

Yeah, that was info I got from Princess. It was a NP… a resident that she heard it from?

310. A Passing-by Vanguard

The person himself.

311. A Passing-by Vanguard

Well, seeing logs I guess the top will come over to look.

312. Akirina


313. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>312 Calm down.

314. Cecil

Looks like Princess beat East. The person herself is leveling Cooking, and it seems like East is where the field rations come from. She did mention she will be aiming for the East before.

If the distribution of field rations stopped, we’d be in starvation hell, ha ha ha.

315. A Passing-by Vanguard

>314 About how the situation would be unfunny.

316. Ertz

We heard about the distribution stuff last week. I guess it will start taking effect this week?

A fair amount of time passed in-game.

428. A Passing-by Vanguard

Hey, did you see the video on the usual site?

429. A Passing-by Vanguard

Yeah, saw it. This, it’s Princess’ right?

430. A Passing-by Vanguard

Eh, there’s a vid?

431. A Passing-by Vanguard

There’s one that got up under Anastasia name. The Eastern boss’ fight. Nice and warm based on the upload date & time.

432. A Passing-by Vanguard


433. Honehone

Heya Ladies & Gents! Looks like you found it! I got permission from the person herself, so I’m sticking it here!

I’ll stick the video I took of the 2nd area, too.



433. A Passing-by Vanguard

Wooohoo! A fresh vid!

434. A Passing-by Vanguard

There’s the info!

435. A Passing-by Vanguard

...I can’t concentrate because of the captivating cleavage in the first-person perspective, on the bottom left?

436. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>435 ...I feel you.

437. A Passing-by Vanguard

The destructive power of the lower left.

438. A Passing-by Vanguard

Bottom left is amazing.

439. A Passing-by Vanguard

Strongly agree.

440. A Passing-by Vanguard

I mean… I’m a boy...

441. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>440 It feels sad but… My eyes are unconsciously taken away...

442. Honehone

No comment in regards to that, but it was quite desperate in the second part y’know? Especially for the two.

443. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>442 Meaning, it wasn’t so for you… huh?

444. Honehone

>>443 I’m a complete rearguard after all!

445. Akirina

Onee-chan’s boobies are MINE. Not giving them to anyone. I’ll CHOP YOU OFF!

446. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>445 Hiee.

447. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>445 Hiee...

448. Management

Let’s stop this talk or we’ll all start crab-walking. The guys who started crouching were taken away by female GMs.


Listen, boy. If you don’t want to join them, enjoy it alone...

449. A Passing-by Vanguard


450. A Passing-by Vanguard


451. A Passing-by Vanguard

Flat chests are supreme.

452. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>451 Stronk.

453. A Passing-by Vanguard

Looks like guys just all got grouped up and are being glared at by female players around them, what is that? It’s scary.

454. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>453 Look up.

455. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>454 Ah… let’s pretend I saw nothing… That silence is scary.

456. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>455 Uwaa...

457. A Passing-by Vanguard

Both big and small boobies are equal!

458. A Passing-by Vanguard

Shut up go look at manboobs or smth.

459. A Passing-by Vanguard

Wonderful! What splendid muscles!

460. A Passing-by Vanguard

^this guy srs?

461. A Passing-by Vanguard

His sins, they’re too deep.

462. A Passing-by Vanguard

Bwahh! He’s stuck in...

463. A Passing-by Vanguard

A backdrop lol.josei

464. A Passing-by Vanguard

That was SPLENDID…

465. A Passing-by Vanguard

Woow… that’s terrific.

466. A Passing-by Vanguard

Mr. Bear from up close.

467. A Passing-by Vanguard

That weapon parry is amazing, as always...

468. A Passing-by Vanguard

It is. A parry-type subtank, huh. If not for Princess they’d be gone here.

469. Honehone

>>468 I would die right away! And Alf’s healing wouldn’t make it either!

470. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>469 Healing IS a weak point of Immortals...

580. A Passing-by Vanguard

Hmm… no damage huh, this is interesting.


>>580 About that, we plan to verify it after Princess comes back from dinner.

582. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>581 Thanks!

583. A Passing-by Vanguard

Inhumans’ evolution is full of dreams, isn’t it… But trying it on myself is… that.

584. Honehone

>>583 Come! Animal Cros...

585. A Passing-by Vanguard

>>584 Say no more.

586. A Passing-by Vanguard

A horse’s nice, really nice. It must be expensive though...

587. A Passing-by Vanguard

There’s a gate between towns so it’s not necessary, but I would like to ride around some.

588. A Passing-by Vanguard


589. A Passing-by Vanguard

I guess it’s time for revenge against the boss.

【I Feel Good Today Too】Crafting - Cooking Thread 4【My Meal is Tasty】

1. Nameless Cook

This is the thread for Cooking crafting.

Talk about things related to cooking here, for other stuff go elsewhere.

Previous Thread; http://**********

General Crafting Discussion: http://**********


【Knowledge of Boiling】and【Knowledge of Stewing】exist.

Don’t food-terrorize!

>>980 Take care of the next thread!

621. Anastasia

Hello. I bring information on Belstead, the town to the East of Starting Town.

622. Nameless Cook

Seriously?! Princess' here!

623. Nameless Cook

Princess is here! We’ll be grateful for information!

624. Nameless Cook

No need to be bothered about spoilers! People who are bothered with those don’t look at the boards in the first place.

625. Nameless Cook


626. Anastasia

Understood. Then, let’s go heavy from the start. Please wait.

627. Nameless Cook


628. Anastasia

First, enemies are piggies and cows. For drops, I confirmed pig ribs, cow rib meat, shank and rump.

The number of piggy drops is the same as that of the boar drops in the Eastern forest. Cows drop one level above that.

Cows seem to also drop entrecôte, but it’s likely a drop exclusive to «Cooking» holders. It did not drop for Ske-san or Alf-san when they disassembled them.

Following, these are the food ingredients sold here.

Nappa Cabbage, Radish, Bean Sprouts, Tomatoes, Eggplants, Welsh Onions, Cucumbers, Burdock, and Sweet Potatoes.

Milk, Butter, Margarin, Cheese, Honey, Eggs, Raisin, Potato Starch, Wheat Flour (three types).

Tomato Ketchup, Mustard Seeds (three types), Vinegar (three types).

Wheat Flour has hard flour, Medium Flour and Weak Flour.

Mustard is oriental, yellow and brown.

Vinegar has Grain Vinegar, Apple Vinegar and Grape Vinegar.

Furthermore, while expensive, they are selling Portable Vegetable Storage, Bread-Baking Set, Brick Oven Set.

Omitting the sold ingredients, I will stick the screenshots for the meat drops, the storage and sets.

http://********** x10

629. Nameless Cook

Wonderful! This summary is wonderful!

630. Nameless Cook

A Bread-Baking Set and Brick Oven Set?! ...It’s expensivvv...

631. Nameless Cook

But, you’ll buy it, right?

632. Nameless Cook


633. Nameless Cook

There is no choice not to buy.

634. Nameless Cook

Well yeah.

635. Anastasia

By the way, I just finished shopping, so I have yet to see how it all works.

636. Nameless Cook

A brick oven huh, it must be quite difficult...

637. Nameless Cook

Oh right, Princess, what is your Cooking level? If possible, we’d love some information on Arts.

638. Anastasia

Ohh, I don’t mind.

20 gives【Reproduction】and【Knowledge of Deep-frying】.

25 gives【Knowledge of Smoking】

Was it? I am currently at 27, so I don’t know the 30 yet.

639. Nameless Cook

Ohhh, this helps! 27, huh, that’s high.

640. Nameless Cook

So what knowledge is there left…?

641. Nameless Cook

Frying, boiling, stewing, steaming, deep-frying, smoking, which means next is…?

642. Nameless Cook


643. Nameless Cook

Ahhh… ROASTING… roastingg...

644. Nameless Cook

Would you use that?

645. Nameless Cook

….Hard to tell. At this point, there are no ingredients you can roast...

646. Nameless Cook

Like, coffee… or roasted green tea?

647. Nameless Cook

We haven’t found either of these yet.

648. Anastasia

There was no coffee or tea… I want black tea myself.

649. Nameless Cook

Speaking of which, Princess, was there yeast for bread?

650. Anastasia

Of course, there was none? Ha ha ha, let’s make natural yeast~.

651. Nameless Cook

Ah, yes. Well, there are raisins so it’s like they are telling us to make natural yeast?

652. Anastasia

I thought so myself and I bought some. For now, I intend to try challenging it once my Cooking skill reaches second tier. When it does, I will come to share Arts information again.

653. Nameless Cook


654. Nameless Cook

This helps a lot!

655. Anastasia

Then, I’ll be off to hunt some cows.

By the way, when you use Eastern forest’s meat you need to use game-specific process on them, so I recommend talking with aunties to gather information.

656. Nameless Cook


657. Nameless Cook


658. Nameless Cook

So that was the reason why the quality was so low and it was so bad despite me doing my best to make it!

659. Nameless Cook

I see, since they are living in this world they need cooking knowledge… So if you ask residents, you can learn the way to process things.

660. Nameless Cook

Let’s go and ask some residents I’m getting along with. Yup, let’s do it.

661. Nameless Cook

I don’t know if it’s game-specific, or other world-specific… Both but boars and bears in the Eastern forest are treated as monsters, aren’t they. Meaning real cooking methods aren’t enough.

662. Nameless Cook

The feeling that this game will be the same as the ones before hasn’t left us yet!

663. Nameless Cook

Regardless, it’s been just a month since it has started.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.