Free Life Fantasy Online

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

I'd like to get «Rope» to its secondary skill today. I don't need to aim for the passive skills, as they should rise on their own.

Chronicles were cleared even while I was sleeping. Improvements to fishing equipment……? Lures are now available in the Resident shops. Is there such a type? It seems that there are a lot of low-key things like this. There also seems to be something cooking related…. but I will leave that to the other cooks.

"Welcome home."

"Are there any problems?"

"No problems, but I have messages. The Chancellor would like to see you. And Outsiders have taken the Lotus and Punica for delivery."

Checking the Chronicle, I can see that some deliveries have been made. As a whole, it is still a long way off, but there are a lot of places to deliver to, so it's expected. I wonder how many people have made it as far as the royal capital….

I can deliver to the capital of Nealence. That is, the church headquarters. I would like to see it, so I can make a casual visit.

"Then I will make the delivery to the church headquarters, while offering my greetings, so please prepare it."


While waiting, I'll take a look at the Inhuman races board. And browse the Chronicle.

Hmmm…. If people don't want to collect it themselves the maids can prepare the items with a high quality. But in that case, it's an event item and can only be used for the delivery. If it's collected manually then it can be used for both crafting and the delivery, just like a normal material.

Oh, here it is…..but mine is still not an event item. The way I said it, it should be known it was meant for delivery. So I guess the difference in position has something to do with it. That's the only thing that comes to mind.

I am seen off from the palace by the maid, and head over to visit the Chancellor at Evernight Castle.

"Did you call for me, Chancellor?"

"Oh, Sire. Have you been told about the festival?"

"Huh? I haven't heard anything."

"Nemeseia, the origin of the name of the royal family. Simply put, it's a festival for the repose of the soul, the revitalization of the Afterworld, the guidance of lost souls, and for us Immortals. There are songs from ancient times."


"Festivals often mean songs. So please learn them."

<Music has been added. Listening and karaoke modes are now available.>

Karaoke mode…. Practice.

This…must be the UI that is added when you acquire music related skills.

"Since you've learned it, Sire, please use the ancient divine language."

"…..Are you sane?"


Looking at the added songs, it is possible to choose between ancient divine language mode and modern language modes. The ancient divine language is a fictional language, so the pronunciation is….. Well, this might be more effective, as I need to remember it.

The problem is……the ancient divine language changes depending on the situation. …I usually use the so-called magic language. It is only used for magic. In other words, it is different to what is used for songs.

I can listen to it while working on crafting……

"This will be made known to the other Outsiders who have come to the Nether."

I hope he doesn't forget about that. He's definitely old.

"….What is it?"

"Nothing? Is that all you need?"

Apparently that's all, so I return to the palace, practice my daily routine of «Kokon Musou» forms, and then log out.

After breakfast, I log back in.

Then travel to the royal capital of the eastern Nealence Kingdom.

The church in the Starting Town is the size of a mansion, but this church is the size of a castle. Even though it's the headquarters, I think it's too big, but….maybe that's not the case when considering real temples. The Parthenon is quite big, isn't it?

Well, let's go. Of course, I'll enter straight from the front.

Is the structure generally the same? No, I don't think that could be the case. The place for prayer, where the statue is placed, is a chapel in this world. In the real world, it would be….a cathedral? I don't know if we can call the statues relics, but they certainly have ‘power'.

There are statues of the four pillars on the ground, and plenty of benches…..It's a large space that is easy to imagine when you think of a place to pray.

As this chapel is open to the public, it is inevitable that this will be the first space you come to. This place has the greatest significance in this building, and serves as the entrance. The operation of the church has little to do with the gods. So basically, it is in the back of the building.

The Kress religion puts the gods first, so the chapel is most important after the statues. The main entrance of any church is the chapel.

What I mean is that everyone who has business with the church goes to the chapel first. No matter if it is for prayer or for the organization.

In other words, a lot of people are in the chapel at all hours. Of course, when I go there, with my spheres surrounding me, I stand out a lot. The colour of my clothes also matches those of Kress. The design is different, though.

Well, it's too much trouble, so I'm going to go quickly. With this method.

"Good day, I am Nemeseia. I have come with a delivery."

Oh, the effect was excellent after all!

Not just the general public, everyone has taken notice. All the clergy in their habits are shocked. People who were sitting talking to the public also stood up.

All of the people in the church have looked around as a result, focusing on one person. For some reason, he seems to be the one here who is in a superior position. It looks like it was decided that he is the one who will interact with me. Seems like he saw it too, as his smile is rather cramped. What a pity.

Well, I'm the cause.

The position held is shown by the habit's embroidery. Both his habit and embroidery are green.

"Both are green….a priest of Goddess Harvenshis faith."

"Y-yes. I did not think there was any way Nemeseia-sama would come in person……"

"I thought…I would come and say hello at least once. It's physically impossible for you to come and see me, and it would be troubling if you died to do so."

Normally, the royal family would be the one that is visited…but that is not possible in my case. Then I'll come to see you! I would be shocked if someone came to visit me as a spirit.

Nemeseia coming to see you, generally it is synonymous with dying.

It seems that instructions have been received about the deliveries arriving, so I can hand it over. The problem is ‘me'.

Honestly, I came here with the intention of showing up at least once……so I don't feel comfortable being treated the other way around. But even if I want to leave quickly, I saw someone heading into the back.

Anyway, I've come all this way, so I pray while waiting, as the back of the chapel bustles.

There is no need to look behind me, from a visual perspective, so I can observe them even while in the prayer pose…. A girl and a knight of the church…a paladin.

Miko-sama….I can hear them saying. Oh? I see, she has heard from Stellura-sama. She can receive some information that even Residents should not know unless introductions are made.

Hanna Adinsel 15 years old

Stellura’s Protection

Blind Miko

"Oh, welcome. Hanna-sama."

"Hello, Priest Arne. I came in a hurry, Stellura-sama told me there is someone with the same blessing….. It's very bright……"

Oh, so she has come to see me. But it is bright? Well, well?

"If it is Stellura-sama's blessing then you mean me. Good day, Hanna Adinsel-san. Have you heard my name?"

"No, only that you are in the church…."

….Is Stellura-sama being mischievous? Or is it not so important in the eyes of the gods? It's hard to tell.

"I'm Anastasia Atropos Nemeseia. It's nice to meet you."

"Eh? Nemeseia…"

"An Outsider, and an Outer One, Nemeseia. I'm also a miko, as I have a blessing."


When put like that, it is quite a lot.

By the way, Outer Ones or Immortals do not always have the same blessing.

"Ni-nice to meet you."

"I'm basically an Outsider, so please don't be afraid. ….For me personally, I only have to retaliate if someone picks a fight because of my position."

If it's me personally, I can just let it pass, but if I'm being sold a fight because of my position, it's more problematic to keep quiet. Specifically, if it's due to being an Outsider, I'll let it go. If it's related to being Nemeseia though, it's out.

However, there should be no one who starts a fight with either an Outer One or Nemeseia ….Probably not, from the information I've gathered so far. There aren't, are there?

"By the way, there is no hesitation in your movement."

"Since Stellura-sama gave me her blessing, I can see the outlines."

Oh, is it «Spatial Awareness Ability Expansion»?

After checking with her, it seems to be a degraded version of «Spatial Awareness Ability Expansion». It seems that she can see the framework ahead of her, in the same range as eyesight. Since it is fan-shaped, the distance seems to be longer than mine.

"What did you mean about….being very bright?"

"It's that……"

It seemed to be something difficult, as she was not comfortable saying it, but she told me secretly. A confidential talk.

"….In my experience, good people look bright, and bad people look dark."

"Hm….isn't that the colour of the soul?"


"Basically, it's grey, right…..I think children are relatively white."

"Yes, that's true."

As they grow older, the soul becomes darker. Because as a child they misbehave, start to lie, and the soul usually settles down as more grey than white in colour.

After comparing answers, it seems correct that she is seeing the colour of souls. In other words, this blind miko seems to have a combined degraded ability of «Darklight Eyes» and «Spatial Awareness Ability Expansion».

I cannot see the colour of my own soul, but as we have the blessing of Stellura-sama, both Hanna and I are quite white……

It was the first time she saw white of such a level, so she said it out loud. It seems that only a few people know that you can judge someone by their colour.

Now that we're done with the secret talk, let's talk normally. Since I'm here, let's get a little information about miko's.

"I've heard about the oracle, but what does a miko usually do?"

"Um…it depends on the person? I don't do anything special. I'm not a priest, so the church just provides an escort."

Basically, she says, a miko has two choices. Those who continue to live as they have, and those who move to the church. If they are adults, it is their own choice. If not, it depends on the family.

The church provides all of them with a paladin escort and caretaker.

Many of Sigrdrífa-sama's miko continue to live their lives as they have. Because there are many who are adventurers or knights….who live in battle.

Many of Harvenshis-sama and Stellura-sama's miko move to the church. Stellura-sama's miko in particular are very likely to receive oracles, so they usually move.

"Sometimes, like me, from being an ordinary villager they suddenly become someone who uses people, has power, and experiences a complete change to their life."

"How much say does a miko have?"

"Quite a bit. It's the trust that successive miko have built up over the years…."

"Hmm….I feel like I was told that the blessing can also turn into a curse….."

"Mm. The power you gain as a miko will be lost if you are no longer a miko. Once you are no longer a miko, you will see what you have done reflected in your surroundings. I wouldn't call it a curse."

"Then it is getting what you deserve."

Well, in other words, if you do what you want while you have power, when you no longer have that power…'ll get what's coming to you. It's best to be careful what you do on a daily basis.

She secretly added, "I was taught that". It seems that the one who taught her that was the nearby priest, Arne.

"Did you know? Miko refers to people who received a blessing, but the name changes depending on whose blessing it is."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Those who have received the blessing from Sigrdrífa-sama are called warriors, and those who have received the blessing from Harvenshis-sama are called saints."

"What about us?"

"Apparently the first miko were ones who received a blessing form Stellura-sama, so nothing in particular?."

Fufufu….I was told that that in a joking tone, but according to the nearby priest Arne, it seems to be true.

"Originally, the word ‘miko' meant ‘one who receives an oracle'. Receiving oracles was basically equal to receiving the blessing of Stellura-sama."

"So the term ‘miko' now is broader than in the past?"

"Right. As the scope of their work increased, new names naturally appeared, but even now miko is representative of someone blessed by Stellura-sama."

When the word ‘miko' is mentioned, it is usually used to refer to someone who has received a blessing from the gods. If not, it means ‘one who has received a blessing from Stellura-sama'.

When the words ‘warrior' or ‘saint' are mentioned, they refer to ‘one who has received a blessing from Sigrdrífa-sama or Harvenshis-sama'.

"There are three levels of blessing. Blessing, protection and affection. Basically, it is rare to get even a blessing, but some people do get protection and affection. Especially in the case of Stellura-sama."

"Is that so?"

"It seems so….."

"It seems that everyone who receives the blessing of Stellura-sama is like that. They are not aware of it. They don't know how difficult a thing it is…. But please, stay the same. It's all right."

For generations, Stellura-sama's miko have lost their blessing by adulthood. Probably because their souls become darker as they grow older. You can't stay pure forever….

While I am talking with Priest Arne and Hanna-san, people have come from the back of the chapel, causing a commotion amongst those that saw them.

The woman in the centre, in her thirties and dressed very elegantly, is coming towards us.

After spotting her, Priest Arne informs me that the head of the church has arrived.

"Your Majesty, Nemeseia, thank you for coming. I'm Jasmine Forster."

"Anastasia Atropos Nemeseia. I'm still a newcomer among the Outer Ones, but I continue to be the Ruler of the Afterworld. Before that, I'm an Outsider, but I look forward to working with you."

I must be very difficult to handle, but thank you!

And so, she joins me and Hanna-san, to talk with us a little.

"Is Lucianna doing well?"

"She's fine. I've seen her talking to Sophie-san recently."

"Sophie…..Sorciere. I'm indebted to them both. ……"

The current Pope is in her thirties……which means she's younger than both of them, so they were like superiors to her. In fact, it seems that Lucianna-san was the one who supported her, so she finds it hard to raise her head in front of them.

Sophie-san is an outsider, from the point of view of the church, but she has a lot of power and must have taken care of them.

By the way, Lucianna-san. An archbishop is an archbishop, but she is a chief archbishop. She is the one who organises the other archbishops. A priest who is reached faster by counting from the top. Pope, cardinal, archbishop.

Why is such a person in the Starting Town? Is what I thought, but it is because it is a central location. It is more convenient to be in the centre as a coordinator.

"By the way, what should I call you? Is Your Majesty Nemeseia correct?"

"….I wonder about that. Those in the Nether just call me Sire."

"Sire….. I believe ……I have seen something about that……."

She instructs one of the holy knights to bring a book.

"Is there a particular way to call the Pope?"

"Generally, Her Holiness. Or Pope Forster is fine too."

"What about Hanna-san?"

"I'm usually called Miko-sama. There are no other miko of Stellura-sama."

"I see. I also have a blessing, but being an Outer One and a Nemeseia have more impact than being a miko. I don't need a paladin escort, since I'm an Outsider….Furthermore, this body is an incarnation, so it's fine even if it is destroyed…"

"An….incarnation ……?"

Oh, if Her Holiness does not know, then Hanna-san won't know either.

"How much do you know about the Outer Ones?"

"To be honest, just that they are enforcers that live in another dimension……Do you know of the book ‘Stellura-sama and Darklight Species'?"

"Yes, I've read it."

"What is written there is all I have had the chance to learn…."

That's true, too. If we come as an enforcer, we'll beat you up and say goodbye…. Even if you die, you will go to the Nether or the Abyss, so there is no way you can go to the Medium.

If you talk to King Woofwoof, he will answer, but… If he comes as an enforcer, you will just get beaten up if you're judged as a hindrance.

The risk is too high. And he looks like he does.

"Hmmm……Then this is a good opportunity. Please wait a moment."

Honestly, I'm still just a newcomer. It's hard to say I would be able to give a detailed enough explanation. So what should I do? Why not just ask. Hahahahaha.

I go and stand in front of the statue of Stellura-sama…. and call on the King of Tindalos.

As usual? He popped out of the corner of the statue's base.

"What is it?"

"Now that I've become an Outer One, I'd like to know more."

"Well, that's a good mindset. All right, what do you want to know?"

I knew that you'd take good care of me, King Woofwoof. Such a reliable king!

Well, it seems it is okay for him to come here on personal matters, and this seems to count…… But I won't worry about it.

I'll have the heads of the church listen in too.

"First of all then…. What's our connection with the Immortals?"

"Nothing direct, really. If I were forced to say….it's just that we follow the same goddess."

"Completely different areas then, I suppose."

"We have different roles, with no point of contact. They manage souls. We perform condemnation."

There might be one of the entrances to the Medium in the Nether, but there is still no real contact with the Immortals.

"There are servant, independent and dominant races….. and there is a lower and a higher level, right?"

"Right. There are six levels."

There is no intermediate……

"Are incarnations common?"

"No, only some. Basically, it's the higher dominant races that have incarnations. You're unusual, but…you're probably going to be. I'm expecting it."

"I'll do my best to meet your expectations. A bit more about incarnations, please."

"Simply put, it's an alter ego created in some way. You should be the same, right?"

"My incarnation is a part separated from my main body."

"There's a lot of variation between species. The common point is they can all remake the incarnation if it is destroyed. But basically, incarnations are weaker than the main body. In the first place, the incarnation is for convenience.

"For convenience….."

"If the size of the main body is outside the standard, or the main body can't move, but the purpose changes depending on the species. Some incarnations are capable of independent thought, but that is more rare."

Higher dominant races. Even the unique-named Mh’ithrha, the King of Tindalos, is of a lower dominant race.

And independent thought…..As a player, it would be impossible. I think it's Nyar-sama.

"The goddess Stellura you met was also an incarnation."

"Oh, I remember reading that in a book in the Nether."

"And the gatekeeper. The ancient one."

So that was the case after all. It is an incarnation of Yog-Sothoth, so I wondered if it was.

It is like being checked by the goddess directly.

"I was wondering, but are Outer Ones limited to Stellura-sama?"

"Hmm? No, they're not. But the Medium follows the goddess Stellura faith. The ones following the goddess Sigrdrífa are sacred beasts. Goddess Harvenshis followers were…..sacred trees?"

"Sacred beasts and sacred trees… Speaking of which, I saw a holy beast, what was that?"

"It's like a candidate for a sacred beast. Or an apprentice, if you prefer."

That must be why they were so intelligent.

Well, in other words….from the point of view of the surface, the impact of the Outer Ones who act as enforcers is too strong, so Outer One is equivalent to executioner. The influence of the book ‘Stellura-sama and Darklight Species' is also high.

However, in reality, the common name of those outside the circle of reincarnation is Outer One, while the name differs according to the object of worship and species.

Stellura-sama's are the enforcers. Sigrdrífa-sama's are the sacred beasts. Harvenshis-sama's are sacred trees. He looked a little unsure if sacred tree is correct, but since there is nothing else, we'll go with that for now.

The candidates for executors are Immortal's. The candidates for the sacred beasts are holy beasts. I wonder…what is the candidate for a sacred tree.

When using «Identification», the only thing above the object of worship is ‘Outer One', so that might be why.

The Pope does not have much free time, so I'll leave it at that.

"Then I will call again if there is anything else."

"Mm, later then."

King Woofwoof disappears from the corner.

And the paladin who had been sent away a while ago has returned with a book, which is handed over.

"Umm, Sire….ah, here it is. It was used long ago to address kings or rulers….

"The people in Evernight Castle are quite old….they may be from that era."

"They're Immortals, so it's quite possible…."

"When was this, by the way?"

"About 700 years ago."

"Lana is about 600……and the Chancellor is probably a lot more than that….so yes. People of that era."

As for me, anything is fine, but I think that Her Majesty Nemeseia or Nemeseia-sama are the most normal, in terms of position. It doesn't feel right to be called Sire by anyone other than the Immortals.

"Then….are you fine with Nemeseia-sama?"

"Yes, that's okay."

After a little more talking, it seems the time has come for Her Holiness to leave. The head is usually busy. It's easy for me because the Chancellor does everything.

I see off Her Holiness Jasmine, say my goodbyes to Hanna-san and Priest Arne, then move to the Starting Town.

As expected of a Sunday lunchtime. So many people. Not many people can go to the capital yet, I guess. Well, most of the people are from the third batch, so it will be a while before they spread out.

Hmmm….I have time, so even though it's a little early, I'll have lunch.

After lunch, and other things, I log back in.

"Oh, Princess."

"Mm…Oh, Shirabesuki-san. Good day."

"Just right, Princess, do you have some time?"

"Yes, I do. I'm only trying to improve my skills."

"Oh, then please provide some information. You play the game quite a lot, Princess?"

"Eh, I suppose I do….."

"I would like some information about the church. Specifically, I'd like to write about it in the wiki."

"Ah…about the Kress religion, is it?"

"Yes. Princess is probably the one who knows the most……was the unanimous decision of the verification team!"

"Not the ones who play priests….?"

"Hm….if you want to know about the inner workings of the organisation, that's fine, but we're not the paparazzi. Have you seen the information on the update, Princess?"

"Oh, it's out. Not yet."

"With the next update, you'll be able to create things like guild websites and personal blogs. In-game, of course. So we, the verification team, decided to make a wiki."

"And for that wiki, you want information to write on the page about the church."josei


From now on, rather than scouring the BBS, it would be better to go to the verification team's wiki. And so he wants information about the church. A wiki was a rough outline, was it.

The verification team have been a big help in putting together information, so I would like to help.

"No problem. I'll also give you information on the Nether and the Medium."

"Oh, that would be great! Then let me treat you."

There seem to be coffee shops run by players, so we will move over there.

"Which do you like better, a quiet shop run by an austere old man, or a slightly fairy-tale shop with a female clientele?"

"Which one is better?"

"I think in the eyes of Princess it might be the former. The Ojou-sama group seems to go there a lot!"

"Oh, Ellie and Abbie?"

"It is expensive, but delicious. To be honest, I think that's his real job. In terms of fame though, it would be the latter shop."

"Do you know the name of player that runs the former shop?"

"Hmm….it was Magillas."

"I see. Then let's go there."

So it was Magillas-san after all. Then there's no need to decide.

It's not a back alley, but it's not a main street either. It's like a hidden store.

"Welcome….Oh, hello there."

"Hello, Magillas-san. You have your own shop?"

"Only recently."

We sit down and order tea and cake.

Then, along with Shirabesuki-san I will organise the information.

"First of all, the church in this world follows the Kress religion, whose main deity is the creator god Creall-sama. Therefore, the symbol of the church is not a cross. I will leave aside the four pillars, including the main god."

"Yes. We're good on information on the gods for now."

"The head of the church, the Pope, is Her Holiness Jasmine Forster. It seems to have changed a while ago, so she's a woman in her thirties. I went to greet her this morning."

"Hoho. This religion doesn't seem to have gender restrictions."

"Right. Maybe because the four pillars are goddesses? Lucianna-san in the Starting Town is an archbishop. She's third from the top in the church."

"Huh. Tell me more about job titles."

"I know of Pope, Cardinal, Chief Archbishop, Archbishop, Bishop, Priest, Deacon, Friar and Nun.


"Maybe it was, originally. Friars and nuns are apprentice priests. And there's an abbot, who is a teacher at the orphanage. It's more like a manager than a priest, but it's pretty high up. Somewhere between a priest and a bishop."


"Friars and nuns wear habits without embroidery. Red for deacons, green for priests, grey for bishops. The Pope, archbishops and deacons wear gold or yellow, but each has a different design. The colour of the habit itself represents the colour of the faith of the ‘individual' who wears it."

"Hmmm…..Even as detailed as that. What is the colour of the object of worship?"

"The colours of the four pillars' hair. Red, green, grey, gold (yellow) and white are the basic colours. If there is no specific one, it is dark blue and white. In the Starting Town, Lucianna-san is the only one I've seen who wears dark blue, with yellow embroidery."

Well, in the first place, when you go to the church, you would usually only meet priests. Lucianna-san is usually in the back doing paperwork. She only shows up in the chapel when she is free. The chances of encountering her are not that high.

"Aside from that….would be miko's. The origin is ‘beloved child of the goddess'. In short, someone who has a blessing from a god."

"Does Princess have one too?"

"Yes, I do. Blessed ones in general are called miko. More specifically, those blessed by Sigrdrífa-sama are warriors, and those by Harvenshis-sama, saints."

"And what about Creall-sama and Stellura-sama?"

"I don't know about Creall-sama, but it seems that those blessed by Stellura-sama are the origin of the name, so they are still called miko."

"I see……"

"Apparently, there are different ranks for the miko, depending on the blessing, with blessing being third, protection second, and affection first.

"Social status is difficult. What about you, Princess?"

"I have protection, so as a miko I would be second. I met Stellura-sama's blind miko when I went to offer my greetings. She was also second. It seems that even protection is quite good."

"Affection is very rare. Protection is considerably good. Blessing alone is just enough…"

"They are not all clergy, they just have the backing of the church. The armed force of the church…..paladins. They serve as escort and caretaker."

The rest would be about the Nether and the Medium, but honestly I don't know all that much, so I will share information on the races I have witnessed, for the time being.

"Hoho…. the Chancellor is an Aversa Elder Lich….."

"The female hero who came out during the sports day event, Svetlana Granin Einherjar. She's a great hero from the southern Dinite Empire, about 600 years ago. She's in charge of the army in the Nether. Also my swordsmanship teacher."

"Oh, that's right. There was some talk about the similarity in stance. But 600 years is a long time…."

And the races I saw in the Medium.

"Moonbeast, Hound of Tindalos, King of Tindalos and Shoggoth are confirmed. According to a story told by management there are also Ladies of Sorrow."

"There is an old castle in the Medium, similar to Evernight Castle, but the Chancellor was Nyar-sama."


"He was dressed as a priest, by the way."

"…..Priest Nyar?"

"Perhaps… I haven't seen anything dull yellow yet."

"Maybe the main body."

"There's also Mi-go and Yith. I haven't seen it yet, but there's R'lyeh, so Cthulhu. And I heard the name Cthuga from Nyar-sama, so probably Hastur too."

"The Medium was really a Cthulhu collection."

"It's like….an area created for the Cthulhu mythos. I heard that Mi-go and Yith are engineers with a friendly relationship, who created the prototype of the Machinery race."


"I would think so, because I heard it from Mh’ithrha, the overlord of Tindalos. It seems to be a lost technology, ancient ruin kind of thing now, but it was from their time."

"That's a scoop! What about the Machinery?"

"I wonder if they evolved after that."

"Maybe after they developed an ego…… Well, I think that's enough information. Thanks a lot."

"No, thank you for the food."

I had been eating while we talked. As expected of Magillas-san. Very tasty.

"Lady, please accept this service."

"Oh, thank you very much."

"And your companion, please."

"Thank you."

It's delicious.

"So there are things like this here too….. It's good."

"Well, he's a three-star chef."

"…Seriously? That three-star?"

"It is probably what you're thinking."

"That's why it's so good…."

"I didn't ask why he's playing the game, because that's a real life issue, but I have no problem with it because it's good food."

"That's true too."

As I eat, I also summarise some information about witches. I still don't know much, though. Mostly just about the rank and name of the witch.

After I finish eating, it is time to withdraw, because I have nothing more to do here.

"Thank you, Princess, it was a huge help."

"That's alright, thank you too."

"See you later."

I leave the shop, part with Shirabesuki-san, then head out to level up.

Time to raise «Rope», while collecting capacity.

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