Free Life Fantasy Online

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: Skill Development

The second Saturday of October. It's getting colder and colder.

After finishing this and that in the morning, I log in at around 8am.

Today….hmmm….let's go to the Medium.

Assault on the neighbourhood engineers! Either Mi-go or Yith, whichever I meet first.

"Oh, Mi-go-san. I've got a question about the armoured types."

"What is it?"

"Do you know of a good way to deal with the multi-warhead missiles of the General-Purpose Elimination Type?"

"Oh, that. It's weak to those who know how to deal with it. Having multiple missiles at the same time is both an advantage and a disadvantage."

According to Mi-Go A-san, there are several ways to deal with multi-warhead missiles.

First of all, you can use [Reflect Shield] with a shield. This is recommended because it can be returned to the opponent safely.

Next is to intercept the missiles in flight with a burst spell or similar attack. If you are too close, you will be caught in the explosion, but that is about it. The explosive range of the multi-warhead missiles is small, due to their nature, so it is an effective way of stopping them.

If you are fast enough, you can shoot them down while moving back. Alternatively, you can intercept them with multi-lock magic missiles, but this is not recommended because of the high speed of multi-warhead missiles.

If possible, intercept at long range or reflect before the missile divides. If you can hit the missile before it splits, the post-split missiles won't lock on. However, the General-Purpose Elimination Type is highly mobile, so it is impractical for humankind. It is not recommended.

If far enough away, the wall spells are effective and you can also intercept with a barrier before the missile splits.

"And so on, there are many way to deal with it."

"Muu… I see. You're right, that's true.

"If you know, it's not a big deal, but it's painful at first sight."

In my case, shoot them down or reflect them before they split. If I can't do that, destroying them with [Dark Burst] should be a stable method.

I could probably use [Raum Escude] and move forward before it splits, but if I'm going into that range I could just reflect.

Each of the warheads is small. Therefore, it explodes with little impact. The power is modest, but the number and accuracy make up for it.

Next, I asked about magic guns and how to make them. I was told the story of how magic guns were first created, but got told to think about how to make them myself.

I'll write it up on the BBS later.

"By the way, where did you meet it?"

"In a ruins dungeon in the Dinite Empire, on the southern continent."

"Oh, so there was a dungeon with a defence system in that area."

"Speaking of which, what's the principle behind dungeons?"

"Hmm. Put simply, it's due to the influence of Creall-sama and Stellura-sama. Well, we're engineers. We're not scholars, so ask Cyäegha about that."

"Cyäegha? I haven't met them yet."

"He's not in a fixed place, but if you call him from the balcony on the second floor of the castle, he will come."

So there is a place to call him. It's a good idea, so I will ask.

Leaving the Mi-go, I go to the old castle. ….By the way, how can the Mi-go and Yith talk? No, it's too late for that. King Woofwoof is able to speak, and even golems can howl?

Cyäegha… What was it like? Let's see. …Ah, it was like the floating eyeball you see in many games.

Putting aside other games, this one is based on more on the Cthulhu TRPG….An eyeball surrounded by green tentacles. It supposedly has a lot of intellectual curiosity. So a scholar.

I will be calling it soon, so we'll see.

…It's fine to come here, but I should have asked for more details. I don't know how, specifically, to call. I wasn't told to cast a spell, so maybe just calling out works. If not, I'll think about it then.

"Cyäegha, can you hear me? I have something to ask."

…This is a one-way street, isn't it? And I can't see very far. So I don't know if it worked. I don't know how fast it flies, so should I wait about 5 minutes?

Oh, it came in about 3 minutes. It worked.

…Well, put into words….a round, black mass is floating in the sky, and if looked at more closely, I can see it is made up of long tentacles. After a split is formed in the mass, separating into upper and lower parts, a green eye is looking at me intently.

It is not a bloodshot, crazy eye, but a very intelligent looking one.

"I thought it was an unfamiliar voice, and I see. You were the newcomer, Anastasia."

"Nice to meet you, Cyäegha. I was directed to you when I asked a Mi-go about dungeons."

"Oh. What do you want to know about dungeons?"

"I'd like to know what a dungeon is in the first place."

This person….or not, but how does it speak even though there are only tentacles and an eye…. No, it's a game. I don't have to worry about it.

"It's the effect of Creall-sama's creation power and Stellura-sama's power over time and space. Have you heard of the Akashic Records?"

"Is it the memory of the world?"

"Yes, right. The dungeons are connected to the Akashic Records."

A fragment of the worlds memory is caught in the power of Stellura-sama, then manifests through Creall-sama's creation power and the energy of mana… or, so it can be said.

By adding the two statues, it can be stabilised, so it will function as a dungeon that can be used by humankind.

"In other words, the influence of the gods that pervades the world, plus the addition of mana."

"Is there no doubt it is the influence of the power of the prime and vice gods?"

"I don't know if it's intentional or not. Mana alone can't explain it."josei

"Then, what about the things that appear in the dungeon?"

"They are mainly born from memories of the past. Reproductions of memories of the past…just reproductions. Unfortunately, I don't know much more than that. Dungeons are alien worlds where common sense does not apply."

In a different world that is created by a combination of mana and the power of the gods, why do drops from defeated enemies exist? Even if it is a reproduction of a past memory, it should be nothing more than an illusion. But where did that physical substance, which remains as a drop, come from?

"I can only think that it is due to the influence of Creall-sama's creation power…. but I cannot prove it."

It should be only an eye and tentacles, but it is a being that can feel emotions. Right now… it is fairly easy to tell from the look in its eye, that it is quite happy.

Completely a scholar, a researcher.

"Are there no enemies from the future?"

"They are not non-existent. But it's easier to see the past than the future. In other words, it requires less energy. You might see them in a huge dungeon, with a lot of mana to supply the energy."

"So small ones cannot afford it."

"Probably. But, to be honest, that's not the point."

"Is that so?"

"How do we, who do not know the future, know that is an enemy from the future? They may have existed somewhere, but were never found. Some are like dragons, some are like fairies. The best we can do is speculate. If we keep a record of it, eventually we will get an answer."

I see…. even if it is a future enemy, we can't prove it. If it cannot be proved, to a scholar it is just an incomplete hypothesis.

It is impossible and unrealistic to search every corner of the world.

And the troublesome part, these types of people like to look around by themselves, so there is no option to them of asking the gods directly.

Would Stellura-sama be willing to speak with such a person? ….She might actually give you the answers, if you wanted.

"I have gotten answers to what I wanted to know. Thank you very much."

"I see. Then, I would like to get some information from you. Name and race, and that is an incarnation? I'd also like to know the name of the incarnation….and the appearance of the main body."

"…I'm asking because it's personal information, but why do you want to know?"

"Mmm? The same reason you asked about the dungeons. It's just to satisfy my intellectual curiosity, nothing more. Of course, I won't speak of it to everyone."

"I can't just get the information I want and say goodbye, so it's fine."

After telling him the name of my incarnation and race, and my occupation, I use the Silver Key to take us to location of my main body.

"Well, well. Interesting. Very interesting."

My main body….it is taking a good look at it while flying around the ever expanding lump of flesh.

"Speaking of which, do you remember your choice? Which face do you believe in?"

"Um…. space-time, life, death, fate, contracts, condemnation."

"Oh, yeah. You're a greedy guy."

Once again it is circling around, mumbling and organising its thoughts. Let's leave it alone. It will be less confusing to hear after it puts it all together.

After going round and round some more, and poking and prodding with tentacles, it seems to have calmed down.

"Hmm. It seems that the life force is strong. Being a zombie before the evolution seems to have an effect. That's why it keeps growing. Conversely, the other aspects have not bloomed yet."

"How do I get the others to bloom?"

"All I can say is be strong. You don't have the foundation to make the most of them. What about «Space-Time Magic»?"

"It is still «Spatial Magic» at 54."

"What about «Foresight»?"

"It's 58, so it's coming soon."

"And «Sixth Sense»?"

"Same as the prior."

"At present, there is no foundation. Death is a bit of mucus. Contracts and condemnation probably won't bloom as it is. …No, no. Is that why you chose to continue as a Nemeseia? Hmm. It's interesting. I look forward to the future."

"«Spatial Magic», «Sensing Danger» and «Intuition», is it. They're almost there, so I'll give them priority…"

"It's good to do so. Even if you have seeds, they are of no use if you do not have a place to plant them. Now, let's go back."

Using the Silver Key, we come back to the public area, where the old castle is located.

In the end, I feel like I got useful information on both points…. but it seems satisfied, so I won't bring it up.

"So long! Show me again when you're stronger."

"Yes, see you again."

I watch it as it flies off somewhere…

Anyway, it's Saturday…. I should concentrate on improving those three skills. These three skills are being pushed a lot, so I'm concerned.

Oops, by the way, I slept after getting «Super-Class Magic Ability». I still have to check it.

«Super-Class Magic Ability».

[Precision Magic Manipulation]

A passive art that reduces MP consumption when using magic, by eliminating waste.

[Cognitive Inhibition]

You leave a lighter impression. It is hard for Residents to remember you, and you appear faint to players.

[Optical Camouflage]

Become invisible. It is useless against heat sensing and echolocation.

[Anti-Fouling Barrier]

It becomes difficult for dirt to adhere.

[Sound Deadening Barrier]

Reduces the sound emitted. Measures against auditory detection.

[Deodorant Barrier]

Reduces the odour emitted. Measures against olfactory detection.

[Heat-Resistance Barrier]

Resistance to terrain damage caused by heat.

[Cold-Resistance Barrier]

Resistance to terrain damage caused by cold.

[Windbreak Barrier]

Resistance to action inhibition caused by strong winds.

[Waterproof Barrier]

Resistance to action inhibition and wetness caused by water.

There is also [Electric-Resistance Barrier], but it is unrelated to my race.

We've already got [Cognitive Inhibition] and [Optical Camouflage] from light and dark, so I'll put the [Barrier] spells unlocked with «Spatial Magic» on the BBS.

And this is not the only effect of «Super-Class Magic Ability». For me, this is more important.

«Spatial Magic»

[Short Jump]

Transfer to any location in your field of view.

It's a short-distance teleport magic!

By limiting the transfer range to within field of view, the spell requires less magic power and the cooldown and cast time are reduced. Well, for «Spatial Magic», it means….

It's a magic for surprise attacks, though you will quickly run out of magic power if you use it too much …Teleport, assassinate, retreat. It's going to be very useful in dark areas.

In addition, Athame and the Book of Elder Records have been adapted to «Super-Class Magic Ability».

Now, let's level up until noon. I'll use the weekly quest to increase my experience. I should be able to get three skills into the third tier before noon. The passives might also reach the second.

The hard part is increasing the level of «Spatial Magic». It's slowly being raised by [Inventory Expansion] and so on, but the high MP costs make it hard to aim for. And on top of that, it has no direct attack spells.

Lemonade isn't suitable for recovering from spells that consume a lot of MP at once, so I'll need to drink a lot of potions. I'll do my best while the XP buff is in effect.

The hunting ground is of course the ruins dungeon. Now that I know how to deal with multi-warhead missiles, I'm ready for revenge.

….I'm looking forward to it.

I teleport from the Medium to the Empire, and chant the ia ia.

A Byakhee comes down from the sky, holding something in his hand.

"Are we travelling?"

"Can you take me to the ruins dungeon to the southeast of here?"

"Good. Sit down."

…It's like a trapeze! Dream-like. It is held by Byakhee and has a backrest.

"Just so you know, don't swing it. I won't accept any complaints if you fall."

Well, yeah.

I'll just sit in this nice, solid chair with a backrest and armrests and be carried along gracefully.

Now, time to fly.

It's completely a matter of mood, but there is a difference between flying by yourself and being carried. Basically, when you are flying, you have to concentrate on the road ahead, but when you are being carried, you have the luxury to look around you. It's like the difference between being a driver or a passenger. Though I can't drive.

"Oh, we'll go faster here."

The moment Byakhee says this, the space in front of him parts and we enter.

Now that we are inside, the flowing background has become a blur. And it's a bit pale, isn't it? While thinking about that, we have arrived.

"We are there."

"Thank you very much. …What was that?"

"Ah, you still can't do that. Moving through a subspace that is slightly off-axis from the usual ground. While it is possible to travel at high speed, ignoring obstacles and the like, it is impossible to come and go if you don't recognize subspace, and subspace has no air or temperature, so normal life will die if you don't take precautions."

… I thought the golden mead was for space, but is it for subspace? It's hard to imagine space battles in this game, so that seems more likely.

You'll need golden mead or [Breathing Aid], [Heat Resistance] and [Cold Resistance]. Considering the cost, it is more likely to be magic than mead.

"Someone who can interact with subspace is called a 『Subspace Ability User』. And if they can also come and go inside of it, they are a 『Subspace Navigator』."

"The Tindalos are able to use it?"

"That's right. The top of the list. I'll be going back. See you later."

"Yes, I'll call you again when I feel like it."


I see off Byakhee as it flies away and dive into the dungeon.

After heading down a few floors, I'll start full-scale hunting after using the experience boost ticket. Apparently the effect of the ticket is saddening when it comes to levelling tertiary skills, so best to use it now.

Hmm… The General-Purpose Elimination Type does seem to be a rare enemy. I am not encountering it. I hope it doesn't come, because the experience boost will be wasted, but I'd like to get my revenge. …Well, if I continue to hunt, it might come.

Inside the dungeon I am using «Coordinate Levitation», flying at a speed that #1 can follow. When walking, the rise of «Agility Enhancement» is rather lacking. It might be okay if I were to run, but that's no good RP-wise…If I have a reason to run, in character, I should fly. It's a dungeon, so there's not much chance of being seen, but it's not zero. RP is a bit constraining…

Type I support? Of course, I will play with it alone. It has more guns than the Type II, so it is good for raising skills.

Lizzy has been strengthened a little by playing about with the burial items, but… it's still steel. I'd like to raise the level of her body and relic, but since the enemy is an armoured type there is no gain in magic power from it. It is troubling.

Currently, I could crush some orbs to strengthen them. To be honest, I haven't used them at all, as it's not really a good thing… I can only get 3 or 4 orbs a day, so they are very valuable. But if I were going to buy magic stones for it, I'd still rather crush orbs.

In terms of magical creatures, the northeast cave dungeon is good, but soloing is difficult there and I would like to party up with Alf-san and Ske-san if I were to go.

In terms of damage, there is not much difference between her and #1, so it must be limited to me as the summoner. Her body movements and reactions are much better than #1's, so the AI must be independent. Lighter than bones…

<«Spirit Enhancement» reached level 30. “2” Skill Points acquired.>

<«Spirit Enhancement» reached the maximum level, «Maximum MP Enhancement» was unlocked.>

<«Butō» reached level 60. “2” Skill Points acquired.>

<«Butō» reached the maximum level, «Dazzling Butō» was unlocked.>

<«Spatial Magic» reached level 55>

<«Spatial Magic»'s art [Raum Distortion] was acquired>

«Dazzling Butō»

A peony when she stands and sits, a lily when she walks.

For those who want to be graceful at all times.

Makes corrections to your core, posture and footwork.

«Butō» has made it. I'll pay the 10 SP to get it to the third tier.

«Maximum MP Enhancement»… More MP is always welcome, so I'll take this too. My main firepower is magic, after all. Even if the tentacles stand out.

The next ones to reach the third tier should be «Sensing Danger» and «Intuition». There's nothing special about «Spirit Enhancement» on its own, so I'm waiting for «Intelligence Enhancement».

[Raum Distortion]

Creates a space-distorting area around you, diverting long-distance attacks.

Oh, this looks like it could be useful right now. It seems better than [Raum Escude] in this dungeon.

Alright, hunting resumes.

I need to use «Spatial Magic» actively, so I'll use [Raum Distortion] and [Gravitas]. It's for improving the skill, so better than nothing.

When [Raum Distortion] is in effect, there is a probability for ranged attacks to miss. Since it is only a chance, I can use [Raum Escude] as insurance. For shotgun-like attacks, I should use [Raum Distortion].

The biggest problem is that [Raum Distortion] takes effect before [Water Surface Form]. Reflecting is still possible, as it only deflects, but because the incoming attack changes direction it increases the difficulty. Shotguns will be better if I can reflect the shot on a direct course that is not deflected…. But, needless to say, it is impossible.

"#4, I'll take that so cover for #1."

The current summons are bones, bones, spirit, spirit, Lizzy and a worker. It's a full party, but the worker doesn't take part in battles. The bones and spirits are paired with each other, and Lizzy roams about freely.

The biggest problem with summons is the limit for giving orders. The summoner is generally in the rear casting magic, but I want to fight directly to improve my skills. Naturally it is more difficult to give instructions while fighting myself than while standing at the back and casting magic. Well, in other words, it needs to be simplified by deciding on the patterns beforehand.

I take the aggro of the enemy held by #4 and start reflecting. The now free #4 moves to attack the enemy held by #1. Lizzy is attacking the enemy held by #2 from the side. Worker is waiting in the corner, of course.

Lizzy's axe becomes a tomahawk boomerang, but should I buy a throwing weapon and put it in the small casket? I'm not short on money, and if I buy it then it can be used against enemies in the sky. Since she has an axe skill, a tomahawk or a francisca would be better than a knife. I'll have a look at them next time I visit Ertz-san's place.

"[Short Jump] [Taft Chrono]".

Within my field of view… that is, anywhere I can see, I can teleport immediately. I move behind the enemy, then use [Taft Chrono] to strike nine times, killing it.

[Short Jump] is very useful. However, I would like the MP cost to be a bit lower. 10% is rough…

<«Strength Enhancement» reached level 30. “2” Skill Points acquired.>

<«Strength Enhancement» reached the maximum level.>

<«Intelligence Enhancement» reached level 30. “2” Skill Points acquired.>

<«Intelligence Enhancement» reached the maximum level.>

<Specific conditions were fulfilled, «Soul Enhancement» was unlocked.>

<«Sensing Danger» reached level 60. “2” Skill Points acquired.>

<«Sensing Danger» reached the maximum level, «Foresight» was unlocked.>

<«Intuition» reached level 60. “2” Skill Points acquired.>

<«Intuition» reached the maximum level, «Sixth Sense» was unlocked.>

<Specific conditions were fulfilled, «Heavenly Eye» was unlocked.>

<Specific conditions were fulfilled, «Revelation» was unlocked.>

Oh, they're here. What have we got?

«Foresight» and «Sixth Sense» are the tertiary skills.

«Heavenly Eye» is a combined form of «Foresight» and «Sixth Sense».

«Revelation» is….a rare skill. So the conditions are unknown.

Of course, «Revelation» is one I should take. I don't know the conditions, but the name suggests that it's related to Stellura-sama.

«Heavenly Eye» has another condition beside «Foresight» and «Sixth Sense»… A method of vision other than or better than the naked eye. In other words, to have a perspective other than through your eyes? The ‘better than the naked eye' is easy to understand, but the former condition is not so clear to me. It is probably the latter that I cleared.

I will share the conditions for «Heavenly Eye», but I don't intend to release information on «Spatial Awareness Ability Expansion», so anything else will remain a secret.

«Revelation»… Heavenly revelations. Divine guidance. God's teachings.

In other words, an oracle. The unlock condition is probably the «Heavenly Eye» + Miko. So having a blessing title. Well, I'll keep this one a secret too. I would think having «Heavenly Eye» was necessary.

Including «Heavenly Eye» as a condition for it unlocking is because it should have done so before now if it were only ‘Miko'. It also showed up in the log after «Heavenly Eye».

But this «Revelation»…. Is it for Stellura-sama's Miko, for choosing space-time or fate, or both.

It's derived from «Foresight» and «Sixth Sense». It is hard to imagine that god of space-time and destiny is unrelated. In terms of effect, too…

And «Strength Enhancement» and «Intelligence Enhancement» have reached their maximum. Since «Spirit Enhancement» has already reached its maximum, «Intelligence Enhancement» and «Spirit Enhancement» will be combined, and «Soul Enhancement» will be unlocked. This is the second tier, so I can get it for 6 SP.

I can see where the shotgun will fly even before it is fired… And I can also see where it will be deflected to by [Raum Distortion]….but, still no good!

This means that I can't make the most of my skills. Since there's nothing I can do about it at the moment, let's focus on «Holy Magic».

<«Serpentine Sword» reached level 20. “1” Skill Point acquired.>

<«Serpentine Sword»'s art [Sonic Rush] was acquired>

<«Vitality Enhancement» reached level 30. “2” Skill Points acquired.>

<«Vitality Enhancement» reached the maximum level, «Maximum HP Enhancement» was unlocked.>

<Specific conditions were fulfilled, «Body Enhancement» was unlocked.>

<«Dexterity Enhancement» reached level 30. “2” Skill Points acquired.>

<«Dexterity Enhancement» reached the maximum level.>

<«Holy Magic» reached level 30. “2” Skill Points acquired.>

<«Holy Magic»'s art [Protection] was acquired>

[Sonic Rush]

Instantly hits the target, dealing piercing damage and knockback.


While in effect, reduces incoming physical damage.

They're coming steadily.

For now, I will use the familiar magic [Protection].

At 6 SP each I will pick up «Body Enhancement» and «Maximum HP Enhancement». And the art I just learned….I will try out on an enemy.

….[Sonic Rush] is very easy to use. Arts that activate quickly are nice to have. It seems to be good for efficiently finishing off remaining enemies.

Anyway, the last passive is «Agility Enhancement» after all. I guess that's the way it is.

The drops in this dungeon can also be used, so it really is rather delicious.

[Material] Armoured Wreckage (Magic Iron) Rarity: Ra Quality: C+

Originally part of an armoured type. Now it is in a miserable form.

Magic Iron can be extracted.

Basically, this is what comes out. It's not bad, because it's like digging for ore just by killing enemies.

Well, it's enough to keep the amount I'll need for Lizzy's equipment. Other than that, I won't use it, so it will go to Ertz-san.

Hmm, this sound… has it come? I'll change the worker to a large shield with [Quick Change].

After a while, a General-Purpose Elimination Type arrives. Now, let's fight to the death. This second me is perfectly prepared!

"#1, you know what to do when it fires a missile?"


"Lizzy will be throwing."

Dodge the enemy's rush and reflect its fire. While throwing, Lizzy swings her axe in time with the rush.

When a missile is fired #1 comes forward with [Cover Move] and reflects it with [Covering] and [Reflect Shield]. And then #1 steps out of the way again.

Oh…. some of it was intercepted, but its health decreased. It went down enough that it looks like it will be defeated after reflecting just three missiles. If I want to speed up the fight, it seems I should somehow get it to fire missiles. Even if I reflect a grenade it doesn't hit….

"Mu, #1"

Another missile is fired, but this time #2 comes forward and reflects it. It was caught in the blast, hit the wall and stopped moving.

It's certainly easier when you know the countermeasures. When I'm giving instructions I call them #1 and #2, but the contents are the same individual in a cloud format. If the first unit is on cooldown, the second unit will work without any communication, which is definitely an advantage. If the individual is not important, there is no need to call them by different names.

<«Agility Enhancement» reached level 30. “2” Skill Points acquired.>

<«Agility Enhancement» reached the maximum level.>

<Specific conditions were fulfilled, «Limb Enhancement» was unlocked.>

With this…the six passive skills have been merged in the secondary skills.

It's doubtful I can do it before noon, but I want to raise «Spatial Magic». But it seems that «Clothing» will reach the third tier before that.

Well, let's keep hunting. As things are, I could maybe go down another floor….

Oops, I'll switch back the large shield I called as backup.

<«Clothing» reached level 60. “2” Skill Points acquired.>

<«Clothing» reached the maximum level, «Cloth Equipment» was unlocked.>

<Specific conditions were fulfilled, «Uniformed» was unlocked.>


By wearing the type of equipment suitable for your current occupation, stat bonuses are provided according to the equipment location.

I see? For now, I'll take «Cloth Equipment» for 10 SP, and also take «Uniformed». It seems to have a good effect.

It seems the unlock conditions are a tertiary «Armour» skill + occupation. I don't know if it's possible to get it with just ‘adventurer' but… no, according to the BBS it is possible.

Simply put, you need to wear the uniform of the profession. However, since the adventurer's uniform is combat gear, the requirements are pretty loose…

In my case, my current equipment should be fine, so there is no loss in taking it. I'll take it for 6 SP.

<The 『Grace Set』 has adapted to the owner.>

Hmm…. Oh, it changed to work with «Cloth Equipment». There's no mention of «Uniformed»… As far as I can see on the BBS, it should be working, so it's fine.

I have continued down to the 6th and 7th floors, but the enemies have not changed. The minimum and maximum levels have increased by one.

It's going to go up soon, but it'll be past noon for sure. Hmmm….

‘Friends' …. Rina… Rina…. there.

『Yes, yes?』

"Onee-chan will be late for lunch, so have a cup ramen."


There we go.

Fortunately, our mother is not home today, so it's okay if lunch is a little late.

<«Spatial Magic» reached level 60. “2” Skill Points acquired.>

<«Spatial Magic»'s arts [Efficiency] and [Subspace Awareness] were acquired>

<«Spatial Magic» reached the maximum level, «Space-Time Magic» was unlocked.>

<Specific conditions were fulfilled, «Spatial Awareness Ability Expansion» has changed.>

<The 『Silver Key』 has adapted to the owner.>

Hmm, my sight has changed.

Maybe because of the change in «Spatial Awareness Ability Expansion». Or maybe because of [Subspace Awareness]. Or both.

Anyway, checking new things for now.


Reduces the MP consumption of space magic.

[Subspace Awareness]

Allows you to recognise subspace.

[Efficiency] is a passive art, so there's nothing to say about it.

The tricky one is [Subspace Awareness]. I can now see the subspace that Byakhee was talking about.

As for the Silver Key, it has acquired 『Subspace Enhancement: Max.』.

SP cost is…..6 for racial skills. Let's take «Space-Time Magic». Oh, «Spatial Awareness Ability Expansion» has been changed to «Subspace Awareness Expansion». Well, I'll take it for the time being.

<Specific conditions were fulfilled, «Subspace Awareness Expansion» has changed.>

<The 『Silver Key』 has adapted to the owner.>

….There is a lot of information.

I'll have lunch first, then take my time looking over it afterwards.


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