Free Life Fantasy Online

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Divine Work

I am trying to use subspace while being surrounded by wolves near the Starting Town, but it seems to be unusable during battle. [Short Jump] then.

It is possible to step out of subspace behind an enemy for a surprise first attack, but… I don't have any skills in that direction, so it does not make much sense. If anything, I'm on the side that gets assassinated. It does not fit in an RP sense either. I'd rather use tentacles than subspace.

Luring in a wolf to cooperate with my tests, I open subspace with it positioned between me and the wolf.

The wolf comes running to attack me, passing through the subspace tear on its way. Due to «Higher Physical Immunity» I take no damage.

Next, use my tentacles to drag the attacking wolf into the subspace. If I flick it away, it would take damage, so scoop it up from below.

The wolf is pulled into the subspace and turns to polygons.

If you cannot recognise it, it's impossible to enter, but if you can recognise it, it's possible to drag someone in…

Well, Byakhee's actions can't be explained otherwise.

There is no experience gained for kills using subspace. Well, I did not ‘experience' it.

With no experience and no materials, it's a last resort. I hunt for experience and materials, so killing them in subspace is a waste of time.

For enemies that are no good in many ways… it is possible to throw them away, but then it's faster to enter subspace myself and bypass them. It's better to exclude them from the beginning, so as to not waste time.

It's ideal for escaping the moment an enemy enters my field of vision. Other than that, there is no use for subspace in combat…

It is best to recognise it as an ability to make travel more convenient. Now, should I review my status…?

As a premise, I have restrictions. Obviously because I'm a higher race. If left as it is, it would be unbalanced. I have skills, so there are no restrictions on my actions, so it's nothing to worry about.

Even after evolving, due to these limitations, my stats have not jumped up. There are light and dark bonuses. Is it higher than other inhuman species? However, rather than reducing the power of other attributes, not being able to obtain them is a fairly heavy disadvantage.

As it's a game, people tend to focus on stats, but that's not the biggest advantage of being an inhuman. 『You're not human… so you move in ways humans can't』 is. Or you could say 『Because you're inhuman, you can do inhuman things』.

It's up to the individual to take this as an advantage or a limitation. The Resident AI reacts differently in conversations, and there may be difficulties in terms of control to begin with.

That's why it is said to be suitable for RP. In combat, it's strong when it is a good fit. In some cases, they're just a scarecrow. If you encounter a natural enemy, it's an instant death.

My main firepower is light and dark magic. Therefore, «Book» is now my main weapon skill.

Athame is more like an auxiliary item than a weapon. I'm no longer treating it as a shield. Thanks to «Serpentine Sword» it gets more turns as a weapon than with «Slender Sword». In terms of equipment slots, it's Athame in my right hand and the book in the left.

Other than that is passives and crafting skills. So it's clear that my main skills are racial skills. Passive skills are good. Fixed values do not betray…

As for combat, well… it's good. It's the same as before.

I'd like to know if there's anything I can use in terms of RP.

It is an inhuman race. I did have that talk with Ellie's dad, so I'd like to get more serious about RP. In other words, I should act more like an inhuman.

For me, the element that stands out most is definitely the tentacles. And other than that would be «Necromantic Secrets».

Tentacles and the undead… it's not a heroic image by any means. As an Immortal race, it was inevitable to go down a dark road. There are dark heroes, but to be honest, I'm not interested in them.

Justice is just a different perspective. A hero in their own country, the enemy of another country.

I prefer knights to heroes.

My behaviour should be okay, in terms of RP. My movements are assisted, and my tone of voice… should maybe more commanding, but even speaking the way I do it is not strange…

The easiest point to understand when it comes to RP is appearance, after all. It is the easiest and most obvious at a glance. It is just a matter of using fitting equipment. However, appearance alone is not enough for it to be considered RP. It's highly likely to just be tailored towards your profession or hobbies.

For RP, either tone or deeds… either your words or your actions, and ideally both, are essential. An example is Mohican-san. He wears shoulder pads, belts and a dagger, and he talks like he does. He is a serious RPer.

Impact is still necessary for leaving an impression. …When referring to anime or manga, it's all about visuals. A character that is consistent is essential. And it is best to have a clear direction decided on.

Hmm… the wolves are annoying, so I'll go back to town for the time being.

Back to the central square. …Oh, speak of the devil. …Though that's just a myth or idea.

"Good day, Mohican-san."

"Ah? Isn't it Princess! Long time no see!"

"Mohican-san, do you have some time now?"

"Hihehehe, did you fall for me?"

"Well, I'm definitely fond of your RP, but not that. I'm thinking of starting RP in earnest, but I'm not sure what to do."

Speaking of good timing, this is it, so let's talk to Mohican-san about it.

Sometimes talking to someone else is helpful.

"Hyahahaha! That's great! But Princess already has a certain image. I don't recommend a drastic change."

I must have become too famous to change direction now.

Besides, I already have an occupation. I don't think there will be any change to that.

"At any rate, I don't intend to change my current direction. I also have the motion assistance. However, I was wondering if I could make it more RP-like…."

"Hihihi, that's good."

"I was just reviewing my status to see what I could use. As far as keywords go… princess, priest, undead, tentacles, etc.?"

"….Gyahahaha! Only thin books will come from that!"

Oh, a party invite. Must be for party chat.

"Okay, let's talk a little seriously. I'm sure it's already on the strategy board."

The person behind Mohican-san has come out.

"Hmm… It's all about the main focus. With princess as the axis… the Outer Ones… priest… No, in this case, perhaps it should be 『The highest authority』."

"Yes… that's right. I'm not going to change my tone or behaviour, so that's probably better."

"A person in power… well, the image is that of royalty, and there are many kinds of princesses. But if you don't intend to change your behaviour… hmm."

"Because I'm an inhuman species, I'd like to go with something that emphasises that. I thought I could use tentacles and «Necromantic Secrets»."

"I see. In terms of age and gameplay, let's exclude the 18+ direction… so maybe something along the lines of dark fantasy."

Bones and tentacles are in the dark fantasy genre, aren't they.

"Girls and bones should be fine to search for. Girls and tentacles are more difficult to search…"

…I'll put together a summary after talking about it with this clean Mohican-san.

"As a princess or young lady, have your bones carry a parasol."

"…It's normal. I'm not really attracted to it."

Mohican-san isn't so sure about it either, so let's move on.

"Let the bones carry you like a princess, and don't walk yourself."

"…I see, that's good."

This needs some consulting with my summons. A slightly larger body would be better. Sitting comfort is also important. If it doesn't fit well, it will be painful, so it won't last long.

Some testing is needed.

"Sit proudly on a throne, with your bones in a knightly position and your tentacles swaying?"

"It would look good visually, but… won't it be in the way?"

At the moment, in the central square, Mohican-san looks around and nods.

It's certainly attractive, but if anything, it is more suitable for screenshots. Should I get a luxurious chair, unlike the ones used for tea parties?

"What is the number and how much control do you have of your tentacles? If you can change the shape freely, sit on it."

"The number depends on the skill level, and control over them is good."

"It will look good to just sit on one while a few sway about."

Hmm… I was correct to consult on this.

"When you think about moving, I think princess carrying is the way to go."

"Yes. In that case, I need to carefully select a suitable body… and see how well the AI responds."

"If it doesn't work, switch to tentacles."

"Thank you very much. I'll think more on it in that direction."

"Hyahahaha! Comrades are welcome!"

Oh, he's back.

After seeing him off as he goes hunting, I'll check the customisation in «Necromantic Secrets»

Visually, it's better to have a certain size, but the size directly affects the summoning cost. …I don't mind switching during battle anyway.

This is for RP, so appearance needs to be prioritised. An ogre is probably better than a troll.

The skills I'd like him to have are… «Centre of Gravity Control» and «Footwork». I'll fill the rest with passives and defensive types.

The name of the template is "For RP movement".

Let's try summoning it.

A bone ogre, a little under 3 metres, has crawled out, so let's give it a try straight away. It's quite difficult to do a princess carry. But it is a skeleton doing it, so it's hard to comment. I'll have #1 try and master it.

I can try adjusting my gravity to make myself lighter. On the contrary, it would make it harder if I made myself weightless, so 0.6 times is fine.

A #1 with emphasis on appearance and stability. There is nothing better than personal flight for stability and speed, so it is a situation where I lose if I care about it. The advantage of the undead is that they won't strain their arms or get tired.

As for comfort, it is no better than ‘sitting on a chair'. As long as I'm not dropped or jostled too much there should be no problem.

…Would the ride quality be more stable with four arms? Could it support my head, back, arms and legs at once?

Let's try various things.

I think #1 doesn't seem powerful enough, or rather, looks suspicious… something like that. It's lacking in atmosphere. Maybe I should equip him with a tattered robe…?

In that case… should I have Dantel-san make it? There is no need for stats, so material performance can be ignored while pursuing appearance. Atmosphere is important in RP. It is basic to start from the appearance. I have to pay attention not only to me, but also to #1…

Fluidity is going to be best, so it might be good to pay to increase the bones.

For the time being, to Dantel-san's place. While being carried by #1.

"Oh? Ah, Princess."

"Good day. I'm here for a consultation.

"What is it?"

"I want something to change the appearance of #1."

Talking to Dantel-san about my RP plan, we immediately start playing around with the blueprints.

I thought of a knightly look, but… something like this is a bit plain. I think it should be a black robe after all. Like the grim reaper or something similar.

If I want bones to wear armour, I should summon a type with armour in the first place.

"If you want to pursue the movement of the robe you'll have to pay for it."

"It's for aesthetics, so I can use it until I get tired of it. I'm thinking of paying."

The sleeves are moderately tattered. The hem is a bit tattered. The hood is a little big, with room to spare. …The colour is black, of course.

In order for it to look domineering, the bones need to be good enough that it doesn't look unnatural.

"Even though it's a robe… Won't it cost a lot…?"

"That's quite a lot, even early on…"

Even if you don't have any of the bone items, you can preview the design and buy what you need after seeing it.

The number of bones depends on the equipment, and how many times you want to get them. The basic 2x can only be bought on the cash shop. The one below that is 1.5x, and can be obtained through drops or cash shop. The bottom one is 1.25x and drop only. The two at the top, 2.5x and 3x, come from raids or the cash shop. Currently, raids are undiscovered, so buying them is the only option.

"I don't see any problem in the initial stages, but… is 2x too much?"

"I think it's excessive, but… a little excessive is fine. It's better than regretting only paying 500 yen and having to go back and get the 800 yen one too."

"Students don't have a lot of money at their disposal. Should I go all out and get just one?"

Prices start at 500 yen for 1.5x, then 800, 1200 and 1600.

It seems that armour and the like have a low initial number of bones. To be honest, I think wanting to increase them can't be helped.

There seem to be a lot of cloth items, among which robes and cloaks are the most common. However, even if there are many, they are simplified to the extent that looking at them does not make you uncomfortable, and they only seem a little unnatural if you are especially conscious of it.

"I wonder how many bones Princess's cloak has…"

"I wonder? This equipment is unique, so it probably has a lot, but… you can't see the number of bones."

"If it's prepared by the management, there's a possibility it's more than a player can do."

"I feel like the management here would answer, if asked about it…."josei

"…It doesn't hurt to send an email and hope for the best."

After playing around with equipment for a while, a reply from the management has arrived.

According to the reply from the equipment manager, it is a little more than three times as much as a regular cloak. Management said that the capacity is determined by the rarity, and that bones are used as efficiently as possible so as not to make the load too heavy.

After getting carried away they increased the number of bones to the point that it was excessive without providing much benefit, ending up with rubbish that only increased the server load, so in the end they settled for a little more than three times.

"Princess's equipment is designed for daily use, so it's quite mild for ‘godly'. In terms of capacity, Athame and the book are higher than the armour. Princess's equipment is a sacred treasure in terms of treatment, but that is more in terms of its flavour text… is it?"

"Since I received the equipment from Stellura-sama, it would be a sacred treasure even if I didn't like it. But put that way, the original sacred treasures are more outrageous, aren't they?"

"Well, sure? Despite being an MMO, I've always thought that it was quite modest for a sacred treasure that appears in fantasy."

Well, the important thing now is the number of bones….

If I want to completely get rid of the discomfort, triple it. However, increasing it to three times is close to hobbyist level, so two times is enough for normal use.

"You can tell the difference in number of bones when it is rolled… I see, certainly. Wait a minute."

"I won't be rolling it, though. Double the amount should be okay."

Being among the top of the crafters, it seems he has already prepared cloak samples with various numbers of bones.

My cloak and the cloaks made by Dantel-san. If you try to roll them, you can certainly see there is a difference.

My cloak rolls up nicely, while the general cloak is a bit awkward. The cloak with double feels like a somewhat hard material. I can't really tell the difference between my cloak and the one with triple. It's at a level where you can certainly tell when 1.5x and 2.5x cloaks are lined up side by side.

"The texture depends on the material, doesn't it?"

"Right. If the number of bones is small, it might feel a little clumsy."

If the number of bones is too small, some parts may not move, so it is inevitable.


"What happened?"

"A message that says 『Possibility of a racial event, around 2pm』…"

"Oh, a racial event. Outer One or Nemeseia. Seems like it could be either one?"

"The only thing that comes to mind is Nemeseia, in relation to Cecil-san."

"Speaking of which, there was something about a Chronicle. Anyway, how about this?"

"That's good."

I don't know who is doing what, so I can't get anything else from it.

Once the shape is decided, select the material and pay for the item. All you have to do is request production and wait.

"I can do this quickly."

"By the way, how much is it?"

"Because it's for appearance… 50,000 is fine. It's only a robe."

I let Dantel-san head back into the work room to make it, and I'll go to the shop to browse.

Dantel-san is a crafter using «Sewing». Therefore, cloth and leather goods are displayed in the shop. The target players are magic users and those who use light armour such as scouts.

However, tanks sometimes show up in the store too. Mostly people looking for cloaks, mantles or robes. Belts equipped in the waist slot are also made by Dantel-san.

Cloaks and mantles provide protection against bad weather, and the belt affects the number of sub-weapons you can hold, making it simple but important. It's a question of if it is better to have a raincoat or not. The belt is, of course, directly related to the number of items you can hang on your waist.

So, Dantel-san has quite a wide customer base. And the range of products is also wide in many ways.

From leather equipment that suits a fantasy adventurer, to equipment that looks like something you've seen before, and even animal costumes are on display. There are dresses, maid uniforms, shrine maiden outfits, and even swimwear.

…A red loincloth. Who would like to wear this… no, I'm sure there are plenty.

Oh, there are even jerseys. Gym clothes and… This must be a hakama.

Dresses and maid clothes might not fit in with adventurer gear in this world, but it's a game, so you can do as you like.

Yeah, they must be really enjoying it.

"It's done."

I pay Dantel-san for the robe and set it for the transportation template. And now to board him…..boarding? Well, it's fine.

"Rather than pure skeleton… it's a lot more atmospheric."

"Hm… is this the limit for bones?"

"That's the limit. The size is directly related to the cost, and the customization is limited to changing and adding parts."

"Okay… Maybe something more will show up as you raise your skill level."

"It will be 60 soon, so I might learn something."

It is slightly unsatisfactory, but it can't be helped since I cannot adjust it.

After leaving Dantel-san's shop, I think I'll have lunch. There seems to be something happening around 2pm.

After lunch, I do some exercise and log in.

There's around 20 minutes until 2pm. There's still a bit of time. It's not a good time to start hunting, so… shall I do some crafting?

Ah, a call from Ertz-san.

"Yes, you've reached the royal family."

『Oh, Princess. I'd like your help with something.』

"What is it?"

『Can you prepare me some holy water?』

"Holy water. That'll be quick."

『I'll buy it, so can you make it now?』

"That's fine. I'll bring it to you when it's ready."

『Sorry. Thanks.』

I'll go back and make it right away.

Prepare the water of recollection and the pure soil, filter the water through the soil and pray. It's very easy, because this is all it takes to make holy water.

Well, I don't get any skill experience because it doesn't require any skills. There is not much base experience from it either, so it's not that nice.

It requires a priest to make, so it might be nice in the sense that it sells.

After making a few, I will head over to Ertz-san's place.

I came to the shop, but Ertz-san is… in the workshop, I think. The shopkeeper, a hired Resident, has guided me to the back.

When I open the door, I can hear a clanging sound, so he must be in the middle of crafting.

When I enter, I can see Ertz-san working and a man I do not know. A magic user… is he a priest?

"Oh, there you are! Sorry about that."

"It's easy to make holy water, so no problem."

"Then let's give it a try."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm trying to make a sword using holy water and holy fire."

"I see. Then this is the person providing the holy fire?"

"The quality of my holy water is a bit low."

I thought as much because of his appearance, but it seems he is a priest.

It seems that holy water receives the same bonus as resurrection potions. From blessing titles, professions or even race. I can make holy water at S+, so I feel like it is influenced the most by race.

Anyway, the verification has begun.

The water for quenching is holy water and the sword is hammered after being heated by holy fire.

"It seems best to use the holy fire from the processing of the ingot, then make a weapon from it as it is."

"Silver seems to be a good base. Considering it's a weapon, would the best choice be magic silver?"

"I think so. As expected, it's going to be an anti-undead effect."

Anti-undead is applied as an attribute, effective against the specific species. The effects are great when targeted to a single race, but become little more than a small bonus as the range widens.

"Silver Sword of Purification. Purification series.

"Is it shining a little?"

"It does look like it's glowing faintly. A visual effect."

It's standard in games to have equipment that shines when it is strengthened, but I wonder if this is an effect unique to the purification series.

"It's called ‘purification', but rather than causing purification it uses anti-undead. Purification resistance seems to be ineffective."

"Yeah, it looks like that. I think I'll give it to someone else to test."

Anyway, I wonder…is it about time for information on the racial quest to appear?

"Should I buy another magic furnace and keep it lit with holy fire….?"

"What about maintenance costs?"

"That's the problem. The fuel is magic stones…."

Those two are talking about the holy fire.

It's possible to light the furnace with holy fire… then maintain it by keeping it burning without letting it run out of magic power. That way it won't be necessary to call someone over every time holy fire is needed.

Holy water is an item and can be bought from me, but holy fire is magic.

I feel like it's okay to continue to use holy fire without increasing the number of furnaces, especially if there are no negative effects.

"By the way, I wonder what will happen if the magic silver made with holy fire is combined with a light gem, then forged with the holy fire and holy water."

"Mu, I'm certainly curious."

I can't do anything without an ingot made with holy fire, so I will take one with me to use as a trial.

It will be a bit later before I can try it though.

<My Miko, there is work for you as an Outer One.>

Oh, it came with the voice of Stellura-sama.

<The four pillars have given their permission. There is no salvation for a fool who has repeatedly encroached on our jurisdiction. Execute annihilation of his soul.>

Other players are involved, so if I do not accept it will be passed onto a Resident… it seems.

Because of the involvement of other players, time won't stop. Unlike with common quests, I can't take my time and make detours here and there.

That must be why there was advance notice.

Chronicle Race Quest. And it's derived from a Chronicle Guild Quest. Is it Cecil-san's place?

Of course I'll accept it. 『As you wish』. I'm not going to turn down a Chronicle quest that's come my way.


After repeatedly violating the taboo of meddling with the soul, the gods have given permission for the destruction of the condemned's soul.

Use «Erasing Burning Chain» and burn away the soul of the target.

Requester: Stellura

"I will be going to do my quest then."


I say goodbye, return to the palace, check over my equipment, then use the quest UI to open the transfer gate to the target location.

After passing through the transfer gate I find myself in… a court. From my first impression I can divide those present into the presiding judge, nobles, civil servants, knights, adventurers, and sinner.

There is a prison-like fence in the centre, with a single man inside. Surrounding him are knights, with adventurers a little further away.

The judge is sitting at the highest point, the nobles a little lower, and the civil servants below them, in tiers.

The venue is abuzz at my sudden arrival. The knights have put their hands to their swords, ready to draw. It is a natural response for a knight, so I will not mention it.

What's more, Cecil-san is in the group of adventurers.

"Ah, I thought it was a Princess-like gate. I hadn't called yet, but you still came."

"Good day, Cecil-san. I came through a slightly different door, but I see it was connected to Cecil-san's location. That's the sinner, is it. Is the trial still underway?"

"It has only just begun."

"Then I'll wait until it's finished. I have some related business."

It's okay to wait until the human world has finished this and that. I'm sure they will have to keep records and everything, so we'll say goodbye when that's done.

"I don't have the right to decide, but I'm sure it's fine. The Empire won't refuse. Or rather, they can't refuse…."

"Even if they refuse, I'll finish my business."

Yes, that's right… I'm not going to leave without doing anything. Naturally, a quest from a god is top priority.

For me, or rather for this character, the top priority is Stellura-sama. In all capacities, the goddess Stellura is the master and the priority.

Or rather, this is about destroying a soul. The annihilation of a soul is decided not just by Stellura-sama, but all four of the pillar gods. The quest also mentions that they have all given permission.

That said, I'll wait by Cecil-san. Let's wait for the Dinite Empire to finish.

This will be on the Chronicle list, so it's RP time!

"No problem. Let's continue."

"Then we will continue."

A nobleman in his late forties… probably a duke or marquis. His firm, low voice rings out and the murmuring is now quiet.

The presiding judge follows suit and makes a gesture, causing the civil servants to begin to move and the knights to release the hilts of their weapons and return to standby. The judge seems to be around the same age as the nobleman.

Those two were surprised when I arrived, but quickly returned to normal. I think they have information about me. At least in the church, the information was shared… so nobles and other higher-ups should also know about me.

I'm a little curious, so… while they proceed, let's talk to Cecil-san a little.

"Cecil-san, do you know the judge and the dignified man sitting near him?"

"They introduced themselves earlier. The presiding judge is the Marquis Artur Rogunov. The representative of the nobility is Duke Bernard Granin."

"And who's the man in the well-tailored robe, with the cane?"

"Our client. The Magic Count Emiliano Calestia."

Now that I've been told, the information is shown with «Identification». The Duke and the Magic Count have high levels compared to the rest of the nobles. They're on par with the knights here. The stronger ones, even, so I was curious. The Count reacted in the same way as the knights when I arrived.

I was curious about these three because they are different from the others. But, Duke Granin. Probably a descendant of Lana. …Though it is possible it is in name only.

"…years ago, a small village was raided, and used in a ritual sacrifice. The forbidden art of [Chimera Creation]. Human experiments with orphans and vendors. And recently, in the protected area of the Crystal Forest, another ritual sacrifice was attempted. Furthermore…"

Sins that would make a soul pure black.

…The attacked village. It sounds similar to what I heard from Lisa. The possibility of revenge is very high. Looks like I can give her some good news.

"Please examine the reports that were distributed earlier."

Cecil-san has them too, since he was involved. They must have been given to him at the start. I'll ask him to show me.

Village… village… this. A report from that time… It gives some useful information. The most important part for me.

『The girl to be sacrificed, Liselotte, was rescued. It was too late for any others. The effects of the ritual are currently unknown. Taking into account her wish to be stronger, we will provide basic training while keeping her under observation.』

So the knights helped her get stronger… using it as bait to keep an eye out for the impact of the ritual. Lisa was taught by the knights. The knights could find out what happened to the child they helped. And that information is passed on to the country… so nobody loses out.

『Because it has eaten into the soul, even the church cannot lift the curse. The second rank saint Mira Lilienson, who was present, was also unable to remove the curse. There is nothing we can do.』

A second rank saint, so she must have the protection of Harvenshis-sama. Mira Lilienson. I'll try and remember the name.

The effect of the curse was also summarised…

『Liselotte is seen often at the Adventurers' Union. Apparently Mira Lilienson is trying regularly to remove the curse. The knights no longer have a role to play here. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours.』

Lisa is… well, she's doing fine with the Nether army. Speaking of which, I wonder if she got to meet the people from her village. She said it was a small village, so I feel like she could have. I'm sure they were worried about Lisa, the only one not to come, so at least her parents should remain.

Shall I ask about it when I let them know about what happens here? I imagine Lana has done something about it.

"There are not enough details about this ritual. …Magic Count, do you know any more?"

"We do not know any more, at least. I do have an idea, but it would require His Majesty's permission."

"The castle's prohibited section. Even for you, His Majesty's permission would be…"

"Yes, it would be stored there if anywhere."

The report on the ritual is… oh, it is not visible to players.

[Event] Ritual Report

The contents of the ritual are indeed written, but the person who wrote it lacked understanding.

Due to being a report of everything that happened, specific information cannot be discerned.

It is very difficult to read, but… it is all written down, so those capable of understanding the contents will be able to do so.

In that sense, the person who wrote this report is excellent… but, the number of people who can understand the contents is likely low.

Well, it seems to be treated as an event item, as there is no text.

…Or so I thought, when my bookmark floated up, becoming a book and fluttering open. After opening to a certain point, it stops and a pop-up displays information from the Book of Elder Records.

"We have also seized a book with the same mark on the cover as the one they wore. It was written in characters I had never seen before, but… I can only describe it as creepy."

"Even though you couldn't make out the words?"

"Yes… It made me feel uncomfortable, like I was looking at something I shouldn't be. It's here…"

The book held by the civil servant is thin with a black cover, with the Yellow Sign embossed on the cover… the same one that Lisa told me the cultists wore.

From the Book of Elder Records, a pop-up about the book is displayed.

The King in Yellow

A book of poetry and drama, filled with words both beautiful and terrible.

Readers, performers and audience are gradually led into madness.

The King in Yellow

An incarnation of Hastur.

『The King in Yellow』 refers to the incarnation of Hastur, and also a book with the same name.

The contents of the book are probably unreadable to begin with… It's more likely it was used as a resource for «Ancient Divine Linguistics». Clearly a bad choice.

The Yellow Sign

The insignia of Hastur, an emblem that causes madness and evil to converge in the conscious mind.

If seen by a healthy person, it has no particular effect, but may cause discomfort.

If seen by someone mentally unstable, it will cause nightmares.

It's on the cover of the book, so it's likely that all the people related to the investigation have seen it…

Apparently it depends on the viewers spirit stat. It's high for me because it's my main stat, but few people other than priests raise it…

Anyway, the Magic Count is going to take a look, so I should probably stop him.

"It's better not to look at it. I recommend that you thoroughly seal it up in your prohibited section."

"…Do you know what this book is?"

"Simply put, it's a book related to the world of the Outer Ones."

"This is…"

"I've stopped you, but I don't care if you ignore my warning and go crazy from looking at it."

As for the world of the Outer Ones, I'm not sure I understand the setting. It is pointless to think about it with concepts like good and evil.

No, even if it is just an entertainment book for them, it may have an adverse effect on humans. Since they are all at full strength, their base status is probably overwhelming. In this case… it is certainly not about good or evil. If anything, it's about management responsibility.

It's something that can only be dealt with on the spot…

It seems that the judge, the Duke and the Magic Count have finished talking about what to do.

"We will be in trouble if we have no information. Do you have anything we can put in the records?"

"Well, yes… First of all, the book is called The King in Yellow, and the mark on the cover is called the Yellow Sign. The King in Yellow is the name of an incarnation of the Outer One, Hastur."

I'll give a light explanation of what I learned from the Book of Elder Records.

"I don't know if he was originally crazy, or became that way because of the book."

"…Have the investigation members been affected?"

"You can check to see if they are having nightmares."

"I wouldn't want to keep it too close, so what can we do…"

"The only way to handle it would be to seal it away in the back of the prohibited section?"

"I can take it from you, if you prefer. I will return it to its owner."

After further discussion, I'll keep it. I'll return it to Hastur later.

Basically, the judge and the civil servant talk, and the duke asks questions. The Magic Count was responsible for catching the culprit, so he'll give his report. Cecil-san and the other adventurers also cooperated, which is why they are here too.

There are other nobles, but they are basically just listening. There are no particular problems, so they are keeping quiet.

The knights are always watching and guarding the whole area. There are many things to concern them, not least the protection of the nobles, but also the escape of the criminal, adventurers running amok, and my sudden arrival.

"That's all."

The conversation continued, until the civil servant who was reporting on the details finished.

"What do you have to say?"

"Hmph. Why should I be judged. How many others can be saved at the cost of a small few? I've done well."

"We have a country to serve. We know it's not going to be pretty. But… we shouldn't misjudge what it is we need to protect. A nation is its people."

"What's the difference! For the power to fight, to kill! Data on living beings is essential! And knights! And adventurers! They kill other creatures! Why do you deny me! This country has grown by force!"

A noble, who will deal with a problem with the minimal sacrifice necessary.

A researcher, preparing in advance for the problem.

"I don't know what you are trying to say. I don't know, but I know it can't be allowed."

"『For the good of the country, for the future, a noble sacrifice.』 is not something we can permit."

It can be used as an argument for almost anything, so they can't allow it.

Even without that, a crime is still a crime. The death penalty is the only option.

In fact, the death penalty has been decided.

"I'll remember your patriotism. But I can't allow it."

"You'll regret it someday, losing my brain…!"

"Don't worry. We'll take care of it."

"Take him away."

Oops, I'll be troubled if I let you do that.

"Oh, can you wait? I'm not finished here yet."

"Speaking of which, what brings you here…"

I leave the adventurer group of Cecil-san and his friends, moving in front of the criminal.

Now, for the RP. Change my atmosphere and tone of voice.

Extending my hand towards the condemned, I call out Athame and activate its blade of light.

"My name is Anastasia Atropos Nemeseia. Outer One and Ruler of the Afterworld. By order of the Goddess Stellura, I will now execute annihilation of your soul."

"This…. eh…."

Even if you change your tune now, it's already too late. The decision has been made.

Cecil-san's group of players gasped. The judge, the Duke, even the Magic Count, too. Annihilation of the soul is serious in this world.

"Wretched lamb, forsaken even by the Goddess of Mercy. The price of repeatedly meddling with those souls under the jurisdiction of Stellura-sama… is for you to be subjected to flames until your existence ends."

"No, don't! That can't be….!"

"God's work will be done… «Erasing Burning Chain»"


I was wondering what direction it would play out in, but the target has disappeared.

<You have done well.>

The quest is complete.

"Where did he…."

He's probably in the Dreamlands by now. Well, I don't know if the Dreamlands exist, but I'm pretty sure he's in another world.

On a huge stone chair, naked and in chains…

Sitting and waiting forever, for Aforgomon, the ruler of time… and when he comes, the chains will ignite, burning until the soul is gone.

After endless torture and pain, he will finally be extinguished.

Suddenly, the body was returned to where it was.

The flesh has been burned, but unnaturally, the clothes are undamaged.

"I'll leave dealing with the body to you."

"He was… trapped by the God of Time….?"


"Foolish… wretch…"

The duke pities him. Perhaps his patriotism was genuine. He just chose the wrong methods. The way he did it, though, was a big problem.

In the TRPGs, when caught by Aforgomon, your very existence is erased. Even memories and records. In other words, there was no such person…

Compared to that, isn't this better? It's a small matter to the person who was burned… but there will at least be a record that this person existed, a fool who offended the gods.

"…This court is now adjourned. I sincerely hope… you will keep what you have seen in mind and never forget it."

After the judge's words, the body is carried away by the knights.

Oh, right.

"Judge. This is a different matter, but I'd like to speak to you as a Nemeseia. It's not a bad thing, so don't be so defensive."

I'm sorry, after you thought it was done, but I still have some business.

"You too, would you like to hear about it?"

"Are you sure?"

"It's fine. It concerns not just the judge, but you also, as representatives of the country."

Let's get the Duke and the Magic Count involved.

"Arbiters were being summoned previously, but what's the current situation?"

"Ah, so it's that. It was foolishness….hmm. The method was lost in a power struggle."

"…Let's not get into that then. I'll give you this."

"This is… thank you, Your Majesty, Nemeseia."

"Now then, if you'll excuse me."

I say goodbye to Cecil-san, and transfer back to the palace.

And now to the Medium.

Let's return the book quickly.

Now, the question is… where is Hastur? I remember reading the place was called Aldebaran, but… is that a separate area?

Oh, King Woofwoof! Always with good timing!

"What is it?"

"Good timing. I'd like to return this, but where is Hastur?"

"That's… He was looking for it, so it must have fallen into the other world. I'll get him."

King Woofwoof has disappeared, so I'm sure he has gone to call for him.

More importantly… it fell into the other world? Is it possible to fall from one world to another? There seem to be other Cthulhu related items around…

The King of Tindalos returns with the incarnation of Hastur, who is completely covered with yellow cloth and a pale mask… The King in Yellow, the same as the title of the book.

This is the famous incarnation of Hastur.

"Good day, Hastur. I came to return this."

"Oh, sure."

A long, robe-like yellow cloth that reaches down to the ground. There are countless tentacles sprouting from it, one of which receives the book.

Hastur seems to be quite young? Not a boy…. but maybe a young man.

"So it fell into that world. No wonder I couldn't find it."

"That book is harmful to humanity. Take care with it."

"There's nothing I can do when it disappears on its own."

"Well, certainly, but put it somewhere as stable as possible."

"I'll do my best."

That's a bad response. It's more like ‘I'll think about it'.

"Well, looking forward to working with you."

"Yes, please treat me well."

Now that I have returned the book to Hastur, it's time to go home.

So… hunting. No, I'll finish the crafting for Ertz-san first. Then I'll hunt.

See you later, Mh'ithrha and Hastur.

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