From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 192

Chapter 192: What kind of husband are you?

The temperature in the darkroom seemed to have dropped the moment Mo Yuhan entered inside. 

The man nonchalantly walked towards the Zetsuen contemporary black armchair placed in the middle of the darkroom before sitting on it.

His left leg crossed over another as his forehead was supported by the index and middle fingers of his right hand. His azure eyes seemed to be shining in the vast darkness.

A man as perfect as him could bring countless women to their knees. That drool-worthy built and those facial features seemed to be especially blessed by heavens. 

But his aura was from that; it was not something an average person can deal with, let alone approach him.

The Li brothers and the other members of Mo Elites had to clench their fists to bear with the sense of dread that Mo Yuhan gave off right at that moment.

"Did he speak?" It was the first thing Mo Yuhan said after a few moments of silence.

Li Han pursed his lips, "N..No, he didn't. He tried to co..commit the moment he woke up."

A vicious streak flashed through his eyes, "Kill him."

Li Yu frowned. How would they get the information out of the man if they killed him right now? 

But his doubt cleared up instantly as Mo Yuhan continued, "Bit by bit."

Kill him... bit by bit?!

A chill ran down their spines as they looked at the god-like man sitting calmly on his throne. It was like he didn't say something so brutal a moment ago.

Mo Yuhan extended his left hand slightly as the man beside passed him the pistol. 

He pointed the pistol straight at the man's mouth whose hands were tied with rope to the ceiling as his legs were chained to the wall. The pistol in his hands made a circular motion: the men understanding his indication gagged the person's mouth with socks so that he couldn't make a sound.

'Bang! Bang! Bang!' He shot straight at both the knees of the man before aiming at his left thigh. And in the whole process, Mo Yuhan was calm, his sitting position didn't change at all as he nonchalantly used his left hand to shoot; his expertise reflected in his perfect aiming.

The man's body jerked as the bullets pierced through his flesh. His entire body trembled because of the pain inflicted on him as he groggily opened his eyes; tears and mucus running all over his youthful face as he bit the cloth in his mouth yet no voice came out as his lower body turned into a bloody mess. But the instant he saw Mo Yuhan, shock flashed through his eyes for a split-second as he struggled to stay awake.

All the members of Mo Elites present over there knew the intensity of the situation at this point. They weren't seeing the dark side of Mo Yuhan for the very first time. He was known as the devil for certain reasons but today he somehow was too different. He was more ruthless than ever and they could feel it in the way he wanted to make the person crave death.

Li Han and Li Yu exchanged glances. 

Tang Li's importance in Mo Yuhan's heart was much more than they imagined.

Li Yu suddenly thought of how the incident was misinterpreted by President Mo. It was not him who saved that woman but instead, she was well-trained. 'That woman… she pretends as a naive white lotus in front of President to seduce him.'

So, he, as the responsible Captain of Mo Elites, steeled himself to expose her true colors to him. He walked straight in front of Mo Yuhan as he slightly bowed before speaking up, "President, it was not me…"

'Ring...Ring..' Mo Yuhan's phone started ringing right at that moment interrupting the man from speaking any further. 

He swiftly threw the revolver to Li Yu who caught it.

Mo Yuhan swiped the answer option before pressing the phone to his ears, his brows bumped together slightly as he listened to Secretary Yu. "Alright, let him wait in my office," he said before hanging up.

His gaze then shifted to the man chained to the wall as the temperature seemed to drop all of a sudden. "Make him speak. I want the mastermind," he coldly commanded as he turned around to leave the advanced high-tech underground base.

Mo Yuhan walked towards the private elevator as he took out his phone and dialed Tang Li's number.

Tang Li sighed exasperatedly as she leaned back on her swivel chair. Her brows furrowed at the thought of what happened a few hours ago. It was supposed to be a day out with Mo Yuhan yet everything was ruined just like that.

Her phone went off immediately bringing her attention. Her eyes glimmered as she picked up the call, "Yuhan~" her extra sweet voice made the man frown on the other side.

"Did you do something?" he asked. Something flashed in his mind as he continued, "Where are you?"

She stiffened, "Eh. Office.."

"Didn't I ask you to rest at home?" 

She nearly rolled her eyes at him, "I'm not frightened at all…hey...are you there?!... Yuhan.." 


She distanced the phone from her ear, "I can not hear you at all..hey..such poor network…"

She hung up the call before massaging her forehead but there was no frustration in her eyes as they were filled with love. Which woman wouldn't like to be doted on like that?

After they left the shopping mall earlier, Mo Yuhan dropped her at home asking her to take a rest as he left to do his work. Although he didn't mention it, Tang Li was sure he must have left to deal with the man who attacked her.

She didn't interfere with the matter but staying at home and taking a rest was a big 'no' for her. Being the CEO of a multinational company like Ash Corporations, how could she fool around like that? It was enough of a cheat that she took a day off to go on a date with Mo Yuhan but since the plan changed, she decided to come back to work lest she becomes a lazy-ass.

Mo Yuhan chuckled as he looked at his phone. "Childish," he muttered softly seeing through her little pretense of 'network error'.

He pressed his finger on the lock accessing his office room. As the opaque glass-door slid open, he stepped inside only to find Tang Yichen impatiently tapping his feet as he leaned back on the modern onyx couch in the office corner.

Mo Yuhan treated the man like air as he walked towards the high back office chair before taking a seat. 

Tang Yichen frowned as he looked at the man, "Aren't you suppose to greet me?"

"What are you here for?"

'Did this man hold a grudge for 'that' matter?' Tang Yichen inwardly thought. The 'that' matter in his mind was none other than him fooling Mo Yuhan on how to impress his father-in-law.

And just like what he thought, Mo Yuhan indeed held grudges. Since he was oblivious to certain things, Tang Yichen pranked him like that. He didn't forget it. Mo Yuhan just didn't chase the matter since because of his prank, Tang Li defended him which was a beautiful feeling. So, he decided to let his brother-in-law go at that time. Yet, the man had to show up at his office!josei

Tang Yichen narrowed his eyes coldly. If it was like before, Mo Yuhan still had to bow in front of him since he was his wife's elder brother. But ever since he got involved with Mo Jia, Mo Yuhan seemed to have gotten two wings on his back as he threw his weight around like a tyrant.

"Alright, be a man and forget it. It's an old matter after all and those tips really work on normal fathers-in-law," It's just that yours is not an average man. 

Tang Yichen swiftly skipped the later part as he coaxed the man. His princess has already married this rascal but he has yet to marry Mo Jia. So, it was not a good idea to offend this influential brother-in-law of his. Once he got his wife, he will show what it is called to exercise power!

Countless evil thoughts flashed through his mind yet his face remained impassive as ever. 

Mo Yuhan, obviously unaware of his thoughts, sighed, "Alright, speak, what's the matter?"

Tang Yichen pursed his lips as his aura changed in an instant, "Xiao Li was attacked," He said, it was more of a statement than a question. 

"Yes," It was not a surprise to him that Tang Yichen knew about it. Other than Mo Elites, Tang Yichen's men always protected Tang Li and Mo Yuhan was well aware of that. 

Grandpa Tang's people were already removed by Tang Yichen so as to not give the old man a sudden fright. Since he has heart problems, it could be a risky decision.

Tang Yichen pursed his lips, disapprovingly, "What kind of husband are you? You better divorce her if you can't protect her properly."

'Divorce!' Mo Yuhan clenched his fists until his knuckles turned pale but he didn't rush to give an explanation like any other person would have done.

Because to him, it was somewhere his fault that he wasn't there to protect her at that moment. So no matter what he said, it would come as an excuse.

Tang Yichen sighed. His eyes softened as he saw through his inner conflict. Although he vented his frustration on the man, he knew it very well how much Mo Yuhan treasured his sister. There was nothing to blame him for as the attacker will certainly wait for the right moment before taking any action. Tang Yichen was just disappointed that they still couldn't find the mastermind behind it.

He spoke up, "So, what…"

Before he could finish his sentence, loud urgent knocks on the glass door interrupted the man.

"Come in," Mo Yuhan frowned as he looked at Secretary Yu panting in a sweaty and disheveled condition. 

"President, it..its urg..ent…" the Secretary tried to catch his breath as he said, "Yo...You will have to.."

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