From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 206

Chapter 206: Sleepyhead

"You are talking about Song Tianyu, right?"

"Mm," Tang Li nodded. She wondered if there was some other 'Master Song' out there that she was unaware of.


Tang Li: "_" Oh? That's it?

"Grandpa, you…"

"That fuc*ing bastard... I never knew he was such a thief!" The old man stood up as he snarled in one go, his chest heaving up and down. He had to stay away from his daughter because of that man's honey trap, how could bear that?

Tang Li frowned at his sudden outburst, "Thief? How?" She asked trying to divert his attention as she stroked the man's back trying to calm him down.

"Xiao Li, you would better stay away from such bad influence. A thief is a thief, whether he steals a diamond or a cucumber. Here the man stole my precious daughter.." 

"Grandpa, when it comes to me, you're more than happy to marry me off to Mo Yuhan. But if it is your daughter, then the man is at fault, are you sure you're not being partial?"

She couldn't forget the man's happy face when he came to know that she got married to Mo Yuhan. Why was it that whenever his daughter was mentioned, he would change his ways?

Grandpa Tang sighed, completely forgetting about his outburst a few seconds ago, "My daughter was a kind, sweet and virtuous lady. As for you.." The old man scanned her from head to toe as he sighed yet again. 

The granddaughter of his had an untamed personality, she would do whatever she wanted without bothering about the world. The people who could keep her check can be counted with one finger.

"What?" Tang Li squinted. 

"Should I tell the truth?"

She raised an eyebrow, "I don't mind."

"You're stubborn, cold, very straightforward at times, crazy.." The old man was about to go on when he noticed her face which had turned a few shades darker, he paused before adding, "What I mean to say is you are special, my girl. So I'm happy that I was able to find a perfect husband for you."

Tang Li nearly rolled her eyes. His definition of 'perfect' was rather weird. Moreover, what's up with this 'I found the perfect husband' thing? She was the one who caught the big fish yet the old man was trying to snatch her credits?

"Don't sway me off the topic," the old man glared at her before she could open her mouth to say anything, "Is the Song Family involved in Meili's accident?"

Tang Li shook her head.

Grandpa Tang sighed, "I must go and teach the Song father-son a good lesson. There is something wrong with the old man Song's upbringing. I bet that old man hasn't told me about this on purpose, he just wants to anger me to death." 

Humph, so what if he slept with that old man's girlfriend in college times. Does that mean he can let his son seduce his daughter? That darned rascal!!

"Nobody forced your daughter to marry him, it was her own decision," Tang Li folded her hands in front of her chest before leaning on the arms of the luxurious sofa. Force or coax Tang Meili to marry someone? What was she? Three?!

"Moreover, you shouldn't cause a ruckus there for now," She sighed.

The Song family was already going through a lot after Old Master Song's surgery. If her grandfather was added into the mix, then it will further add up to all the big mess.


"Don't ask too much. Now that I told you about it, it's your turn now, where are you going?" She looked at the old man seriously.

"Wait, didn't you say there was two news you wanted to share with me?"

"I'll tell the second one later," Tang Li pursed her lips. She did not want to give him a high volt shock at once by declaring her brother's marriage. Since she already told him about Master Song being their father, a heavyweight was lifted off her shoulders. 

As for the marriage, it would be better if the newlywed couple were to come and meet the old man in person.

Grandpa Tang sighed. From the look on her face, he was sure he couldn't get more information out of her. "I'm going to Singapore," he softly muttered.


"Titania's antique auction event."

Tang Li chuckled, "And here I thought you were going on a world tour."

According to the old man's temper, she should have already expected something like this. But the butler's urgent tone made her panic for a split second. So, in the end, it was all a part of his scheme to make her come home.

Tang Li was well aware that it was all due to his gult for slapping her, he wanted to make sure that she was not angry or upset with him, he wasn't just able to express that. But she pretended like she was unaware of anything.

Anyway, it was good that he was going out to enjoy. As long as he was happy, nothing else mattered.


The continuous ringing of the doorbell forced Mo Jia to open her eyes. Her eyelashes fluttered as she tried to adjust to the bright lights peeking through the glass windows.

As she tried to move, she realized that she was trapped, trapped in a certain someone's embrace. She slightly moved her gaze towards the wall clock as her eyes widened in surprise. It was nine o'clock in the morning which meant she dozed off for more than twelve hours. She did not remember how long it has been since she slept for such a long time. 

Ever since she started investing time in medical studies, she was used to being an early riser. She barely slept for three to four hours.

As she looked at the man clinging to her like an octopus, she was certainly amused. The level of trust she had in this man often surprised her at times.josei

The doorbell rang yet again bringing her back from her thoughts. Just as she tried to get up, the man wrapped an arm around her waist while his leg trapped her knees, he pulled her closer till her face was resting against his chest, "Let's sleep," He murmured.

Mo Jia was speechless. "Sleep? You're a sleepyhead!" She extended her hand trying to feel his temperature, "Your fever is gone now."

"Mm," He mumbled trying to nuzzle his face in her neck.

The doorbell kept ringing as she put both her hands on his chest, lightly pushing him away, "It must be my assistant. Yesterday, I had asked her to bring some files home so…" She paused and brought her palm closer to his face, her index finger slightly grazing on the man's fine jawline, "You can sleep a little more if you want."

"Uh-huh," Just as she was about to retract her hand, the man grabbed her wrist as he bit the tip of her finger before licking it.

Her eyes opened wide as she pushed the man before walking out of the room. She caressed her blouse trying to straighten the creases. She didn't even have the time to change when the man pulled her to sleep so she was still wearing her outfit from the previous day.

As she walked towards the door, her brows furrowed in contemplation. She admitted that she liked him yet still now every little thing he did affected her. 

"Didn't Mo Zihan say that in the first few days of relationship…" She frowned trying to recall the exact wordings of her twin brother.

'In the first few days of a relationship, sparks fly. You want your partner to stay closer and closer until there is no gap between you. And as you get used to that person's face, personalities clash, you fight like cat and dog. The illusion of your love tale fades away.' 

It was the knowledge imparted from the man to his sister.

Mo Jia caressed her chin as she murmured, "We must be in the new phase of relationships," Her face expressionless, but that naive look had a hint of confusion on it as she continued, "That must be it."

She never considered that her brother's golden advice could have been wrong all along. A man who was single at the age of twenty-seven, could his relationship advice be trusted?

With her head full of thoughts, she opened the door only to freeze in shock the next moment.

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