From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 223

Chapter 223: They are throwing tantrums

"I...I was about to tell you," Mo Zihan somehow managed to stutter it out.

It was not like he did not want to tell her the truth, that nothing has happened to Jasmine who was supposed to be their third model, their final card for the publicity of the brand before the brand launch. He desperately wanted to tell her but...

If it was only his brother, then he would've decided to bite the bullet and tell the truth to Tang Li. Because he was sure that at the end of the day, his brother would spare him as long as he did not harm his wife, the perks of being his younger sibling. But, things got complicated with the involvement of Tang Yichen.

Mo Zihan couldn't say that the man wouldn't do anything to him if he was provoked.

He did not dare to place a bet on his head and enrage his dear brother-in-law.

He was sure that even his twin sister would fail in protecting him from Tang Yichen's wrath when that time comes.

Moreover, he was not aware of their motives behind doing so he did not dare to take any risks. What if he messed everything up unintentionally?

"Does brother knows?" Tang Li asked as she rubbed the space between her brows.

Mo Zihan nodded. Of course, he knows. He could not know any better as this scheme was related to him only.

"So, did he provide any solutions?"

Mo Zihan wryly smiled. Who will provide solutions for the problems created by themselves? "No, they did not.." he was interrupted the moment he started speaking.


"Brother knows that too.."

She nodded. Since they are together, he would obviously know. "What are they suggesting?"

Mo Zihan blankly stared at the woman for a few seconds before speaking up, "Suggest? They are throwing different kinds of tantrums." 

It was not a lie on his part, though. From the moment they started searching for other female models after considering Ying Yue, there have been more interactions between Mo Zihan and Tang Yichen since he often visited his company.

And one thing that the pufferfish had noticed was the hesitation on Tang Yichen's face at the mention of posing with female models.

But today came out as a shocker to him when he received a text from Tang Yichen briefing him about what to tell Tang Li regarding the female model.

Even before he could think any further, he received a text from his brother. It went on for nearly five long minutes until Mo Zihan was convinced from the innermost core of his heart that both the men did not have any intention of working with any woman from the very beginning.

"Tantrums?" Tang Li gave him a strange look.

Mo Zihan sighed exasperatedly after reading the emotions written all over her face, "Indeed," He said as he opened his mouth to explain further, but she beat him to it, "Contact any one of them right now," she said as she stood up straight and flipped her long black tresses that were falling above her shoulder before walking towards the couch.

"Why don't you call them?" Mo Zihan's face scrunched up at the thought of both of them. He of course felt guilty for lying to Tang Li, which is why he decided to ignore the men who coerced him into doing this. Moreover, dealing with his brother and brother-in-law was burning up all his brain cells.

"I've left my phone at home," Tang Li sat down on the couch as she crossed one leg above another, her brows slightly bumped together as her fingers tapped her thigh.

"Alright," Mo Zihan dialed his elder brother's number and the moment the call was answered, he threw the phone towards Tang Li who immediately caught it. 

"Nice catch," The man mumbled grumpily to which she shook her head at his childishness.

"I am busy," was what she heard the instant she put her phone near her ear. His deep voice seemed to have crawled its way into her heart yet again, she wondered if the man was born with this ability, the ability to seduce women even without doing anything.

But then again, who was to blame when anything related to him made her feel everything, when every little action of his touched her heart.

Mo Zihan poked her shoulder slightly the moment he noticed that particular look on her face. He was sure that a pink bubble would be on its way to form if he did not snap her out of her thoughts.

And it was indeed going that way before Tang Li came out of her daze. "Yuhan…" she spoke up making the man pause on the other side.

"Lili? Why are you.."

Before he could continue, she interrupted him, "Go to some private space and put the phone on speaker. I want to talk to you and brother about something," she said in an indifferent voice.josei

After getting eaten clean by the man yesterday, her body ached as if she was being crushed beneath something. Every bone in her body was screaming pain.

She was not angry with him as she was not forced to do anything, everything has always been consensual between from the very first time.

But he was too rough yesterday. Even though she could not deny the fact that she liked it, but what would she do about her body ache?

She was just being logical about the poisoning incident when she told him if she had taken a single bite of the dessert, she would have been dead even before meeting him. 

The man on the other side seemed to have stayed silent for a few moments before speaking up, "Are you ignoring me?"

"Why would I?" Tang Li nonchalantly asked back.

"It feels like that."

Tang Li rolled her eyes, "You feel too much, alright?"

Mo Yuhan sighed before speaking up, "Last night...."

"D...Don't talk about it," Tang Li interrupted him, heat spreading through her face, "I want to talk to you and brother. So, do as I told. Put the phone on speaker after calling him." 

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