From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 239

Chapter 239: Lesbian

"Wait…Did you just say that you fell in love?" Tang Li was even more taken aback at this statement of his.

How could her puffy who had been working overtime for the past few years have the time to discover love?

A few months ago, he was even whining to her that he wanted to go on a holiday so that he would get a girlfriend.

As much as she knew, it was a joke at that time, but it had some serious facts in it.

Tang Li was well aware of the fact that it was rare for Mo siblings to fall in love.

Her dear mother-in-law, Su Yahui has mentioned about every little thing in their family. So, it came as a surprise to her when she heard him speaking about love.

Mo Zihan's face reddened yet again at her question, "Yes…I fell in love…"

Tang Li nodded her head, looking as if she was seriously contemplating something, "Love, as in, the man-woman kind of love, right?"

"You…" Mo Zihan almost vomited blood in anger, "Or what do you think? I fell in love with a man?"

"Anything is possible with Mo siblings. Moreover, the employees always say that their Vice President is gay," She nodded yet again, in utmost seriousness.

Mo Zihan inhaled sharply, "You need to filter your words."

"Do I? You guys were single for your whole life, it is obvious that people would say such things," Tang Li said softly, she twisted her waist-long hair to the back before continuing, "I think your brother would have stayed single till his old age if I had not come in his life. Not to mention Mo Jia, I guess she also had the same intention as Yuhan if not for my brother who changed the direction of her life."

"You…" Mo Zihan was speechless as he looked at the shameless lady. Suddenly, he missed his demoness President.

Tang Li tucked in a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she continued, "Although I feel somewhat shy to say it but my Grandfather has always taught me to face the truth. So, I should admit that my big brother and I possess that irresistible charm after all, so how could our could someone not like us? You should try to learn something from me."josei

Mo Zihan looked at the woman with his mouth agape. What the heck is this? Why did it feel like ever since she got married to his brother, both their EQs have increased tremendously?

"If I keep praising myself, it would probably take a long time to finish it," She softly murmured, "So, how about you tell me about your first love?" Her eyes again turned stern as if the playful her was just an illusion.

"Hey...What first love. You are saying as if you have a lot of experience in love, dating, and all," Mo Zihan narrowed his eyes at her.

Tang Li scoffed, "I have dated a few guys in the past, unlike you," she stated.

Mo Zihan rolled his eyes, "You also know about the reason behind it.

Tang Li pursed her lips. Of course, who else could be the reason except for her beloved grandfather? That grumpy old man refused to take his medicines if she stayed single.

He even chided her whenever she hung out with Lin Shi or Ying Yue as he misunderstood her sexual orientation.

Only she knows how frustrating it was for her to get a new boyfriend every other week to let him know that she was not a lesbian.

She wondered that since her Grandfather already had a deal with Mo Yuhan's grandfather about getting them tangled in a marriage, then why did he not stop her when she got so many boyfriends. Did he really take her as a… lesbian?

The thought of it gave her goosebumps as she glanced at Mo Zihan "Don't switch the topic," she coldly said, "Tell me, who did you fall for?"

"She…is..." Mo Zihan gulped seeing her cold look, "She is your best friend."

Tang Li's eyes widened for a second before her reactions returned to normal.

She looked as if she was suddenly enlightened, "Now I know who you are talking about…" she softly murmured. "But when did you realize that you fell for her?" she asked, still confused.

"I... Maybe when she..." His sentence was interrupted as his phone started ringing all of a sudden.

He picked up his phone from the desk and was a bit stunned to see that it was Mo Jia. Ever since this twin sister of his got married, she seemed to have forgotten about him. Why is she calling him now?

He pouted. Humph, he was not going to answer her call.

Tang Li felt amused seeing his adorable reaction but before she could ask him about the caller, her phone started ringing.

Her gaze sharpened when she glanced at the caller Id. She stood up from the chair before answering the call, "Where is Mo Yuhan?" was the first thing she asked, there was a chill in her voice.

Her reaction was not abnormal as it has never happened before that Mo Yuhan would let his Secretary contact her. No matter in what kind of meeting he was, he would always call her from his private number, or else he would text her.

There was a sudden relief on her face when she heard the man's response, but her expression became solemn yet again.

After hanging up the call, she glanced at Mo Zihan who was stuck to the wall in fright.

The man was afraid by her cold tone but she did not bother offering him a smile. "Let's go to the hospital," she coldly said before walking out of the office, leaving Mo Zihan dumbstruck.

"Hospital?" He ran behind Tang Li, trying to catch up to her. His playful aura was long gone as he grabbed her shoulder before turning her around, "What happened to brother?" He asked.

He heard that she mentioned his big brother the moment she received the phone call and her cold aura stunned him... but hospital? Why would they go to the hospital?

He did not want to believe that it was because of his big brother. That man has always been like a superhero to the family, invincible and unyielding. His heart shook at the thought of something happening to him.

Tang Li glanced at him for a few seconds before she sighed.

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