From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Wanted him to do something naughty under the table

Mo Yuhan sat there with an impassive expression on his face.He knew that Mo Zihan was purposely picking on Liu Jiang to take revenge for his sister-in-law and he had no objections with it.

The directors and V.P looked at Mo Zihan in anticipation.They wanted to know how Mo Zihan would retort what Liu Jiang said.

Mo Bao has nothing to do with it as she only blushed seeing Mo Yuhan's handsome face.

Mo Zihan's face turned dark when he heard what Liu Jiang has said.

But before he could say anything, the clicking sounds of stilettos resounded in the entire conference room as they heard a low yet authoritative and dangerous voice saying "Of course, I respect President Mo.Infact, I admire him a lot.But as for you, Mr.Liu," Tang Li took a deliberate pause as she emphasized on her next word and uttered "Fool!"

At this moment, Mo Yuhan raised his eyes to find the source of the voice because he was certain that it was his little wife's voice.He will never fail to recognize her voice because only her voice is able to bring a tingling sensation in his heart.But he couldn't spot her when he raised his eyes because Mo Zihan was standing on the way.

Liu Jiang and Mo Bao flinched a bit as they thought that the voice is quite familiar...but they just couldn't a lay a finger on where they had heard it before.

'Is it that woman? President Mo's wife? What was her name? Umm...Yes..Kara..No..No..How can it be her? She is just a social climber and attention seeker.She could never be President Tang.President Tang might be arrogant but she is still in the same league as President Mo.She is an influential and talented woman.How can it be that Kara.She is nowhere near President Tang.' thought Liu Jiang as he smirked.After thinking too much and the babbling he had done earlier, he felt thirsty so he picked up a glass of water to drink.

Fools really do possess a lot of assumptions in their small brains.Because Liu Jiang was having his peculiar thoughts whereas Mo Bao was also wondering about certain things 'What? This woman said she admires Big Brother Yuhan? So what? I have heard that this President Tang is old and hideous? Huh! I just got rid of that beautiful slut..And here this old ugly lady wants to snatch my man? In her dreams!'

The directors, Vice President and the rest two assistant secretaries were purely anticipating to have a glimpse of this legendary face who is on par with their King in business, President Mo.

When Mo Zihan heard his goddess' voice, he immediately moved away from the glass door as he held the door in his right hand and took two steps towards the left.Tang Li smiled at him a little before she entered inside.And with that.....


The glass that Liu Jiang was holding slipped from his hand and crashed on the floor.


The files that Mo Bao was holding landed on the floor.

Both the fools were looking absolutely stupid as they thought 'Is this real?'

'No...No...Her thought consumed my mind.That's why she is appearing everywhere.'

As for Mo Yuhan, his face remained expressionless as usual.Yet, the people who know him could easily spot the pride in his eyes.

His eyes turned soft and revealed a doting look as it always does whenever he looks at his little incredible wife.How could he stop being a proud husband when he has got such an excellent yet naughty little wife?

Tang Li was wearing a navy blue chanel blouse which is the latest one launched by burberry combined with a designer yet classy Bottega Veneta black short skirt which revealed her milky white slender legs.Her Brian Atwood navy blue platinum encrusted high heels produced a 'tink' with every step she took forward.

Her long black wavy hair was straightened and it was neatly arranged as it appeared like a waterfall from behind, smooth and silky.Her hazel eyes were shining as pure gold as a deep burgundy coloured La Prairie Cellular Luxe lipstick complimentated her milky white skin tone even more.The sun rays emanating from the glasses touched her collarbones as it appeared even more contorted and sexy.

All the people in the conference room couldn't help but gasp.

She has got those warrior goddess, gypsy soul and magical fairy kind of vibes.

The directors, assistant secretaries and Vice President couldn't help but admire their beauty.

As for, the two fools, they were still in their state of shock.

When it came to Mo Yuhan, his face gave nothing away but his eyes revealed all his emotions like amusement, pride, joy, admiration, longing and yes, traces of boundless love were also visible in those star like blue eyes.

Lin Shi and Mo Zihan stood by the side as they noticed their expressions and the glass and files on the floor as they stifled their laughter which threatened to escape.

Mo Zihan glanced at Liu Jiang's and Mo Bao's shocked expression as he thought 'How dare they look down on our queen? Serves them right! Huh!'

Tang Li gracefully walked towards the circular round table as she looked at her king who was looking at her with his eyes revealing some unveiled emotions.Looking at him made her heart calmer and calmer every second.

Mo Yuhan was wearing a navy blue coloured William Westmancott ultimate bespoke suit which was perfectly fit for and it also enhanced his perfect body even more.

She couldn't help but think how they were all matching-matching today.Just the thought of it made her happy.She jumped inwardly as she thought 'Hey hubby, look, we're matching-matching!'

As for Mo Yuhan, he felt satisfied that he wore this navy blue suit today.

That day, he struggled a lot to something burgundy coloured but this time, it was a pure coincidence.He actually wanted to wear a black suit but later on he changed his mind.And his decision turned out to be the best thing about the couple's day.

The grand round table had two seats in the centre which were unique from the rest of the chairs in the room.Those two seats appeared like regal grand swivel chairs and were specifically arranged for both the CEO's.

A certain pufferfish smirked as he sat on his swivel chair, swirled a bit and watched as Tang Li took the seat beside Mo Yuhan.Yes, he is the mastermind behind this plan.

He couldn't just stay idle and watch as his goddess leaves his brother.He wanted to give his big bro some oppurtunities by making them sit together.

He wanted his big bro to do something naughty under the table which will make his goddess patch up with his brother.But little did he know that one night without Mo Yuhan's arms wrapped around her had already made Tang Li desperate for his touch.

Her face still remained expressionless but her eyes were revealing a playfulness as she extended her hand for a handshake and said "It's nice to meet you, President Mo."

Mo Yuhan raised his eyebrow as if saying 'You want to play?I will play along then!'

Mo Yuhan nodded his head formally as he shook her hand slightly and replied "The pleasure is all mine, President Tang."

When Tang Li took her seat, it appeared like a Queen was sitting beside her King.Everyone who didn't know about their relationship thought that they look like a couple, more like a power couple.

Lin Shi and Mo Zihan couldn't help but admire the beautiful couple infront of them.They really complimented each other.josei

As for Liu Jiang and Mo Bao, they were wondering that how the attention seeker and slut managed to climb to such a high position.

The directors and everyone present over there greeted Tang Li except for Mo Bao and Liu Jiang.Everyone looked towards the both of them but they still didn't say anything.Mo Bao's face was turning red from anger.

As for Liu Jiang, he couldn't decipher anything.Wasn't it the same girl whom he was calling a social climber and attention seeker?

How could he believe that the girl whom he was bluntly insulting yesterday has turned out to the self-made legendary CEO of Ash Corporations.What attention seeker? She is such a big shot yet her face was never revealed before.So, how can she be seeking attention.But Liu Jiang will never admit it.

Both of them didn't bother themselves to greet her as they were sorting out their own thoughts.

Tang Li aloofly glanced at both of them before she turned to look at Mo Zihan and said "Call the security and get the unprofessionals out of here, right now.People who don't have basic etiquettes feel like a thorn to my eyes."

And ofcourse Mo Zihan would never delay in obeying Tang Li's order.And to be honest, he never once liked Liu Jiang or Mo Bao from the very beginning.

He immediately called the security guards and after blanking out for a few seconds, both Mo Bao and Liu Jiang came back to their senses.

Liu Jiang gritted his teeth as he said "Don't you know who I am? How could you behave like this with me?"

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