From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 256

Chapter 256: Just this once!

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Ying Yue asked as she walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower. But the man did not respond to her question.

She walked towards him before standing in front of the absent-minded man, "Hey?!!" She waved her hand in front of his eyes snapping him out of his daze.

"Oh... Yeah... What did you say?" Mo Zihan glanced at the woman only to feel a wave of heat rushing through his entire body. She was wearing nothing but a white bathrobe that was provided by the hotel. It barely covered her thighs.

He quickly averted his gaze. He has decided to not have this kind of thoughts, not until they cultivated feelings for each other. He was sure about his love for her but he wanted her to feel the same for him before they moved onto the second step.

Ying Yue did not notice his blushing face as he had his head lowered. She just shrugged casually, "Nothing, I was just asking about your thoughts since you seemed so lost a few moments ago."

She turned around to walk away but her feet got tangled with the carpet and she lost her balance causing her to fall back.

"Ahhhhhhhhh..." Fuck! Am I going to die!? She shrieked as she instinctively covered her face but the expected pain did not come.

Yeah, she indeed fell on something solid but she could sense that it was not the hard floor. She lowered her left hand and opened her left eye slightly, making sure if she was alive or not.

While doing so, numerous thoughts flashed in her mind. Could it be possible that I'm transmigrated after the fall which is why I do not feel any pain at all?

(A/N: *rolling eyes* You read too many webnovels.)

True enough, what greeted her was not the sight of a different world with aliens neither it was a world with people in ancient costumes. It was instead none other than Mo Zihan.

He had his arms wrapped around her waist as he laid on the ground with her body on top. Their position was quite compromising. If one did not know the situation, they would misunderstand their relationship.

Ying Yue was dumbstruck. She remembered him sitting on the couch a few seconds ago. When did he come here? Did he do this to protect her from falling?

Looking at their position, she was sure that it must have hurt his back when he rolled down the couch to shield her like this.

"You... Are you fine?" She asked in a soft tone, concern laced in her voice.

Mo Zihan smiled, "I'm fine. It's good as long as you are not hurt."

She stiffened for a moment when she felt him stroking her back gently. Her expressions softened slowly as she raised her fingers towards his cheek, and caressed his jaw, his cheeks before raking them in his hair.

She looked at his mariner blue eyes as a strange emotion flashed in her eyes, 'Just this once. Let me be selfish for this one time,' she thought to herself as she gazed at him deeply.

She knew that she could not resist him. During their usual bantering, she still found some way to stay away from the man. But now when he was showing his care for her, the warmth that she felt was making her heart melt.

It was irresistible, this feeling was adamant on forcing its way inside her soul.

Just for this once, she wanted to be impulsive, to be selfish. Maybe, later people would call her a bitch or a mistress but she was not even thinking about consequences.

All our life, we chase after superficial things, the things that we think are right from our dictionary. The things that are frowned upon by society, we have always avoided doing, just like Ying Yue.

But it was that one moment where she wanted to go against all those rules. She knew the consequences of this might be unbearable but she still decided to go for it.

Before she could have second thoughts, her lips were pressed against his.

Mo Zihan was feeling numb from the moment her fingers stroked his face as if she was exploring every part of him.

He could feel there were some different emotions in her eyes when she looked at him. But before he could catch onto them, they disappeared in a flash.

Her natural body scent wafted up to his nose and before he realized what was happening her lips pressed on to his. He could feel her sweetness in his mouth.

His hold around her waist tightened as he responded to her kiss, gently sucking her lower lips. Like the first bloom of a beautiful flower, her eyes twinkled in delight when his lips caved inside, exploring her taste.

"Mm…" A moan escaped her lips as he bit her lips before licking onto the same spot.

And the same moan was what it took for him to realize what was happening. Mo Zihan stopped his actions immediately as he gently cupped her face in his hands, ''We can't… do this.." Or else I won't be able to control myself.josei

He could feel himself hard down there. Just a single touch of her lips and he was already hard. He did not know if he would be able to stop himself if it happened again.

She looked at him without speaking a single word. Is this how loyal he is to his girlfriend? She couldn't help but wonder.

She was ready to give herself to him despite knowing everything… All her life, she has committed many mistakes, one more won't hurt, right? Especially the one which a going to be the most beautiful mistake of her life. She wanted to be this night to forever be imprinted in her heart. Maybe.. who knows if they will be ever this close again?

Mo Zihan frowned when he looked at her face. That look again! He did not know what she was thinking but he was sure that he did not want to see that look on her face.

Without giving it a second thought, his hand grabbed the back of her neck as he dove in for another sensually heated kiss.

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