From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 331

Chapter 331: Keep an eye on him

'Brother Mo? What the… Why did he even nod at her?' She shook her head inwardly, 'Stop being narrow-minded and petty, Tang Li, you can't be so strict with him. What if you scare him away? No matter what, at the end of the day, he is still the most innocent and pure man out there, can't scare him.'

If others would have heard her thoughts, they would have puked blood.

Pure and innocent? Mo Yuhan? Can these words even coexist together?

But Tang Li was pretty satisfied with her conclusion. She had decided to stop being jealous after the Mo Bao issue. Right now, what was more important to her was that she should find a chance to talk to Mo Yuhan in private. 


Tang Li snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Si Xiu's voice but because of the position she was in, she couldn't move around.

"Excuse me," If it was not something important, then Si Xiu wouldn't disturb her. 

Ethan nodded at her.

She stood up from Mo Yuhan's lap before taking a few steps to the side pretty cautiously. Not that she disliked it, but it would be pretty embarrassing if she landed on his lap for the fourth time.

And Mo Yuhan also did not stop her this time.

She immediately walked towards Si Xiu who passed her phone to her.

Si Xiu whispered in her ear "It's Miss Lin, she could not contact you so she called me instead. It's related to the contract that was supposed to be signed today?"

"Regarding that B City construction project?" Tang Li asked.

Her Secretary nodded.

"Alright, I'll be back in a minute. Make sure to keep an eye on him," Tang Li walked to the side with the phone in her hand. Who knew if Mo Yuhan disappeared all of a sudden once again?

Si Xiu nodded. She did not need to be told who the 'him' was. 

She glanced at Li Yu who was standing silently beside her. 'Did he get traumatized by the slap?' She decided to talk to him later. 

It has been more than a week since she came to States and she had been working from here. Nevertheless, Lin Shi already had a lot on her plate. Not only did Mo Zihan recently resigned, but even Si Xiu also came with her.

So, Tang Li had been trying her best to make up for the work from here. 

Back to the table.

"Brother Mo, you were so cool," Ye Lan smiled as she looked at the male god sitting in front of her. 

Mo Yuhan had no expression on his face, one would not be able to tell what was going on in his mind. But, still, just sitting there like a sculpture was enough of a turn-on for women.

Si Xiu rolled her eyes.

Ethan scoffed, "Miss Ye, you were my partner in the game. Isn't it too much you to gloat over our defeat like this?"

Ye Lan glared at him, "If it was not for that bi…woman…" She carefully filtered the terms before continuing, "If it was not for that woman, do you think I would have paired with you. If I was with Brother Yuhan, he would have surely won the first round too. When I joined the military back then, I thought I could have never had fun anymore and I will be living a livid life. But over time, I made a lot of friends there and my brother and brother Mo has always helped me. When we used to go on missions, we would often play such games to stay awake at night…"

Mo Yuhan rarely had an interest in games and all; the man had been aloof from the very first day she met him. But whenever their comrades would play, Mo Yuhan would seldom lend a helping hand to her brother and she would always be fascinated by his moves. No matter what he did, work or game, the man was the epitome of perfection.

"You seem to be missing those days," Ethan remarked.

"Of course, those are the best days of my life," Ye Lan coyly glanced at Mo Yuhan but there was still no expression as he remained indifferent.

Si Xiu was a bit alerted as she eavesdropped on the conversation. Eh? Is she an old flame of cousin-in-law? I must tell my cousin later. 

Moreover, this Ye Lan looked like a tough military girl with her outfit and mannerism. But when she talked to Mo Yuhan, one could sense the coquettishness in her voice.

She shook her head before looking at the man who was standing beside her. Li Yu still had his head lowered as he seemed to be thinking about something. Is this guy really depressed? She decided to talk to him later.

"I have to leave now," Mo Yuhan stood up when he checked the text on his phone.

"Is it brother?" Ye Lan frowned. They were waiting for her brother's message so it should be him, she thought to herself.

Mo Yuhan wordlessly nodded. 

"I will go with you," She quickly stood up before following after him.

As they walked out of the place, Mo Yuhan's footsteps paused for a moment as his gaze wandered around the main hall.

"Brother Mo, who are you looking for?"

Mo Yuhan frowned before shaking off Ye Lan's hand off his arm, "Nothing, let's go."josei

Si Xiu hurriedly chased after them and not long after, Li Yu ran behind the woman.

Ethan looked at the scene in amusement, a small smile crept up on his alluring face, "I feel something fishy here, have I become a cat?" He rubbed his chin.

As Si Xiu walked out of the main hall, she was just about to follow after Mo Yuhan when someone grabbed her hand from behind. 

Without giving it another thought, the woman jabbed her elbow on the person's chest before she stepped on his feet. Just as she was about to throw a punch, her hand was grabbed as she crashed back onto the person's body.

"Enough, it's me," Li Yu furrowed his brows. Why was this woman so violent?

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