From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

“What the hell are you doing, Cheng Feng?” asked the sixth squad leader, who was also the second platoon leader, as he arrived on the scene. He first looked at the recruits, who were still struggling to break free from Ye Sanshi’s grip and continue fighting, before turning his attention to the veteran squad leader.

“This damn soldier turned the wrong way, so I kicked him, and he went crazy!” the fourth class monitor explained, visibly angry.

“Fuck you you motherfucker! Did my parents give birth to me so that you can kick me? How many times do I have to put up with your bullying?” the recruit who had been fighting with the squad leader retorted.

The recruit became even more agitated when he heard the second platoon leader’s words. However, with too many people holding him back, he was unable to break free from their grip.

“Look at what you’ve done!” he shouted at the fourth platoon leader.

The second platoon leader glared at the fourth platoon leader and then turned to Ye Sanshi. “Old Ye, come with me and take him away,” he instructed.

After that, he addressed the fourth class monitor again. “You stay here and train the recruits from the three squads. Remember, you are not allowed to hit anyone.”

“Yes, sir!”

It was clear from the fourth class monitor’s expression that he was feeling upset about the situation. He even gave the recruit a fierce glare.

“This guy is in trouble. Although he’s fierce and capable, I’m afraid his days won’t be good from now on!” commented one of the recruits from Class Five.

“I think he’ll be forced to retreat,” added another.

“It may not be that serious, but for sure, his days won’t be easy in the future,” concluded a third.

On the sidelines, the recruits from Class Five were whispering among themselves. They recognized that this incident was different from the confrontation with Ye Sanshi at the Wen Baojiang earlier in the day.

Wan Baojiang could only be described as stunned and unyielding. Under normal circumstances, unless he encountered a petty class monitor, he would be regarded differently due to his exceptional physical abilities, such as completing 300 push-ups with ease. Thus, he had not been targeted by Ye Sanshi before.

However, this latest incident was entirely different in nature. Even if the class monitor had kicked him first, this was the army, where the concept of superior and subordinate was crucial. This was a very serious matter.

Soon, Ye Sanshi let go of the fourth platoon leader and joined the second platoon leader in carrying the recruit away.

“I’d sooner quit the army than be bullied by you. Bastard, go to hell!” the recruit shouted, still struggling in their grip and refusing to stop talking.

As the recruit was being carried away, the fourth class monitor stood there with clenched fists and an ashen face.

Wang Ye felt that this recruit was truly prepared to leave this time. He had offended the class monitor to such an extent that he had no choice but to leave.

“What are you all looking at? Gather around!” the enraged class monitor shouted in the direction of Class Five.

The members of Class Four and Class Six were already gathered around him. Class Five had been scolded by Ye Sanshi earlier and stopped more than ten meters away.

“Let’s go!”

Wang Ye and the others didn’t dawdle.

The fourth class monitor was clearly struggling to control his anger, despite being instructed by the second platoon leader not to hit anyone. It was unclear whether he would be able to keep his temper in check.

Soon, all three classes had gathered in front of him, and he wasted no time in starting the training. However, it was evident that he was not in the mood to train everyone, and the training was rough and direct.

“We’ll be conducting military posture training next. Stand properly!”

He didn’t without specifying how long the training would last.

He then turned around and sat down on the edge of the basketball court with his head lowered, leaving everyone to wonder what he was thinking.

“Do you think the fourth class monitor is thinking about how to torture that recruit?” Deng Hai muttered, unwilling to be left out.

Wang Ye heard his remark and tilted his head slightly, unsure of what to say.

“I don’t know, but I’m definitely a little angry,” replied Wang Ye.

Someone from Class Six also chimed in, saying, “That recruit is probably going to leave. If it were me, I wouldn’t stay even if I were beaten to death!”

“Of course, who would want to stay and be pranked? If I were in his shoes, I would have beaten myself to death to go home,” added another recruit.

Only Class Four in front didn’t dare to make a sound, while Class Five and Class Six behind them kept muttering. The fourth class monitor, on the other hand, was not in the mood to pay attention to anyone and was lost in thought.

“Cheng Feng, get over here!” a figure appeared in the distance and shouted from afar.

It was the company commander, and Class Four immediately stood up and jogged over to him. Wang Ye and the others watched as the fourth class monitor ran over and was kicked by the company commander before they exchanged a few words, which were too far away to hear.

Not long after, the company commander walked over to them.

“You guys rest here. I’ll arrange for another class monitor to come over and train you!”

With that, he turned around and left with the fourth class monitor.

With such an incident occurring, the fourth squad leader, being involved in the matter, couldn’t stay out of it.

“Why is our company commander so hot-tempered!” he exclaimed, clearly upset.

“Hehe, do you guys think the fourth squad leader would dare to fight with the company commander?” someone laughed.

However, no one else was interested in answering his question. It was understandable that the recruit had a bad temper, but how could a veteran who had been in the army for so long be so foolish?

Wang Ye didn’t know what the consequences would be if he dared to kick back when the real company commander kicked him. At the very least, the fourth class monitor would probably be discharged from the army. In the military camp, offending a superior was no joke!

The second platoon, consisting of three squads of recruits, rested on the spot. They gathered together and talked about the recent incident. They discussed how the recruit would be dealt with and what the fourth class monitor would face when called over by the company commander. Everyone gossiped, but it didn’t last long.

Ten minutes later, a veteran squad leader arrived from afar, someone Wang Ye was very familiar with.

“Squad Leader Li!” Wang Ye greeted him with a smile.

“Hey, Wang Ye! Not bad, you were the first to come out of the emergency gathering this morning, and you even helped your comrades. You didn’t embarrass me,” Squad Leader Li said with a smile. josei

He was the same Squad Leader Li who had visited Wang Ye’s home to receive soldiers. Now, he was in charge of Squad Two in First Platoon.

“Those push-ups almost killed me,” Wang Ye said humbly with a smile.

Squad Leader Li chuckled. “Don’t worry, your physical fitness will improve after a while. We’ll talk more during our break.”

He glanced at the recruits in the second platoon and shouted, “Come and gather!”

Compared to Ye Sanshi and Squad Leader Four, Squad Leader Li was much gentler. It was all due to his temperament. During training, he rarely scolded anyone. Even when dealing with Zhang Ping’an, who was often slower than the rest, he remained calm and composed, unlike Ye Sanshi who would become flustered and exasperated.

However, having a good temper didn’t mean Squad Leader Li would allow everyone to relax during training. On the contrary, his training methods were strict and his approach was ruthless.

For instance, during military posture training, he would walk around the recruits and immediately correct any mistakes he noticed. After repeating the corrections a few times, he observed that some recruits still couldn’t get it right. In response, he left for a brief period and returned with a few wooden crosses. He made the recruits who couldn’t maintain proper posture carry the crosses as punishment.

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