From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 335 - 335

Chapter 335 - 335: Return, Good News

Chapter 335: Return, Good News

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Don’t be like this, it’s just a joke, everyone, come on, you two actually did quite well!”

At the playground, after the awards ceremony, everyone began to line up and exit in an orderly manner.

Everyone was going back.

At this moment, Wang Ye and his nine companions, along with Kang Hua, were already on the bus, and a few soldiers from the fifth platoon had also boarded.

But the first artillery platoon and the Heavy Machine Gun Platoon hadn’t boarded yet.

So, Wu Jianfeng ran up to them, found them, and urged them to get on the bus.

“We can afford to lose, let’s just walk back!” The platoon leader of the artillery platoon said with a stern face.

“That’s right, we said we’d walk back, and we won’t go back on our word. And don’t smirk like that, it’s making me uncomfortable!” The platoon leader of the Heavy Machine Gun Platoon added with a serious expression.

He could swear now that if they said they were going to walk back, they would genuinely have no complaints.

In the artillery platoon, one soldier had won a banner in the individual marksmanship competition.

But in his Heavy Machine Gun Platoon, they had truly achieved nothing this time.

What would he do when they sat on a bus and watched these bastards use banners as blankets?

He had no doubt that this bastard could do something like that.

Just look at how arrogant he was yesterday after the individual marksmanship competition.

The whole team of eleven people paraded with their banners, as if they were afraid that others wouldn’t see that they had won so many banners.

Now, he was going back with them?


It’s better to walk back, it’s a good opportunity for military training, and it would remind these guys in his platoon that in the army, being unreliable leads to this kind of situation.

“Hehe, why bother? We’re all brothers from the same regiment, and you guys aren’t like the Second Regiment, sending out challenge letters. We’re just making a joke!” Wu Jianfeng laughed heartily, but this remark made the nearby Second Regimentplatoon leader, who was also standing there with a stern face, scowl.

But he didn’t say anything.

At this moment, in fact, the Second Regiment members who followed the Second Regiment platoon leader were also looking over, curious about what was going on.

Why were the Heavy Artillery and Heavy Machine Gun Platoons from their own battalion also planning to walk back?

“Why are you all still standing there? Aren’t you planning to go back?” At this point, seeing that the Heavy Artillery and Heavy Machine Gun Platoons were still outside the bus, the First Regiment commander ran over with a stern face and shouted.

Private bets were naturally not something to be talked about everywhere.

In such matters, whoever lost would be the most embarrassed in the end.

And now, it was clear that the Heavy Artillery and Heavy Machine Gun Platoons were the ones in an awkward position.

But, awkwardness had to be faced now.

The platoon leader of the artillery platoon immediately looked at his company commander and said, “Report to the company commander, when we came here, we made a bet with the Fourth Regiment. We bet on the team’s performance in the competition. The loser has to walk back!”

“Hmm?” The company commander of the First Regiment was taken aback.

At this point, Wu Jianfeng laughed again and said, “Company Commander Liu, it’s just a joke, just a joke. They took it seriously. I came to invite them to get on the bus. We’re all brothers in the same regiment, how can we take it seriously?”

The company commander of the First Regiment looked at Wu Jianfeng but didn’t say anything. He then turned his gaze to the platoon leader of the Heavy Machine Gun Platoon.

“Did you also make a bet?”


“Very well, since you want to walk back, let’s depart now!” After saying this, he looked at the Second Regiment and said, “Don’t just stand there, aren’t you planning to walk back? Go!”

With that, the company commander of the First Regiment turned and walked away.

He was going to talk to the regimental commander.

He, too, was going to walk back.

One company, five platoons, and three platoons were actually planning to walk back. Adding this competition, the entire First Regiment had only one banner.josei

He felt embarrassed as well.

So, he decided to voluntarily accept the punishment.

“How did it go? Couldn’t convince them, huh?” Wu Jianfeng returned alone and sat at the back of the bus. Kang Hua, sitting there, smiled and softly asked.

“Hehe, if they can’t be convinced, they can’t be convinced. We still got what we wanted, though!” Wu Jianfeng chuckled and got on the bus.

Their platoon leader actually had an off-road vehicle to ride, but this time he planned to ride the truck together with the members of the Fourth Regiment.

“Hey, where the others? They’re not here?” He looked at the seats where the other soldiers from the Fifth Regiment were supposed to be sitting.

Right now, their platoon leader and both squad leaders were absent.

Looking at the private soldier from the Fifth Regiment, Wu Jianfeng gave a direct order, “Go, call your platoon leader over. Our bus has plenty of space; you can bring the whole platoon over so that he doesn’t need to ride the off-road vehicle alone. Tell him to save himself the trouble!”

“Hehe, Fourth Regiment Commander, our platoon leader said, he doesn’t want to ride with you unless you switch to the off-road vehicle. Otherwise, he told us to tell you to save it!” A private from the Fifth Regiment said with a mischievous smile.

With this statement, Wang Ye and the others couldn’t help but stifle their laughter, while Wu Jianfeng rolled his eyes.

“That ass, he’s no fun at all!”

Wu Jianfeng pursed his lips and sat down on the bus.

“Vroom vroom-”

Soon, the transport vehicle started moving.

In the afternoon, at around four o’clock, the vehicle returned to the regimental base area. From a distance, Wang Ye and the others inside the vehicle could hear the sound of drums and gongs.

The Iron Bone Heroes Regiment had performed very well this time.

In the individual competitions, with nine events combined with the team competition, the entire regiment won eighteen banners. Although Wang Ye alone won ten of them, and the remaining eight included five for shooting full scores, it couldn’t be denied that Wang Ye was also a member of the Iron Bone Heroes Regiment.

His honors were also honors for the regiment.

The number of eighteen banners was completely unmatched by the other four regiments.

In fact, the other four regiments didn’t even have ten banners, let alone eighteen. The highest was six banners, and the lowest was the Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment, which had only two banners.

If Wang Ye hadn’t appeared, the Direct Reconnaissance Company of the division would have been the biggest winner in this competition.

But in reality, there are no “ifs.”

Eighteen banners, plus a second-class merit, such achievements would definitely be recognized upon their return.

Of course, this recognition wouldn’t involve receiving more awards. Instead, there would be a division-wide meeting to give verbal praise and report the results of the competition to the entire division.

Naturally, once again, Wang Ye would steal the spotlight.

Standing on the stage, the regimental commander praised him for seven or eight minutes in front of all the officers and soldiers of the regiment, except for the border defense platoon, which had a mission.

Of course, this performance was not without a cost. All the banners that Wang Ye had personally won were taken by the regimental commander.

The regimental commander said they would be displayed in the regiment’s honor room.

Before, Wu Jianfeng had worried that there might not be enough space to hang them, but now, it was different. The Fourth Regiment had only one banner left, the one for the tenth place in the team competition, “Strong Army Cup Top Ten.”

When Wang Ye stepped down from the stage, he immediately noticed the frustrated and resentful look on Wu Jianfeng’s face.

He had wanted to hang the two banners he had won for breaking the district and division records in the company’s honor room.

Now, all of them were gone, not a single one left.

However, despite his frustration, there was nothing he could say. After all, the regimental commander was in charge; what could he say?

Fortunately, the regimental commander did offer compensation. The logistical farm at the regimental headquarters sent over two pigs for the Fourth Regiment.

They would be used for an extra meal for the Fourth Regiment tonight.

And tonight, the Fourth Regiment was allowed to drink alcohol.

“What? You’ve earned merits again?”

In the office of the Fourth Regiment, Wang Ye held the phone.

At this moment, on the other end of the phone, Wang’s mother’s voice suddenly became louder.

Receiving a call from Wang Ye was quite unexpected and pleasant for her because today wasn’t a weekend, and logically, her son wouldn’t have called.

But now, her son had called.

However, before she could chat with Wang Ye, he quickly said, “Mom, let me tell you, I’ve earned merits again. The military will call you later, don’t be too surprised!”

This caught Xu Xiaofeng off guard, and she couldn’t stay calm anymore.

Son… you… tell Mom honestly, what have you done again?” Xu Xiaofeng’s voice trembled slightly.

Wang Ye hadn’t told them about the competition before, so now, hearing this suddenly, Wang Ye’s mother was very worried that her son had done something dangerous again.

“Hehe, Mom, don’t worry!” Wang Ye could sense the worry in his mother’s words and quickly reassured her, “1 haven’t done anything dangerous. The military organized a competition, and I broke a record, so they awarded me a second-class merit!”

“What? Another second-class merit?” His mother was surprised.

“Son, you swear you’re not lying to Mom? Second… second-class merits aren’t easy to come by!” Xu Xiaofeng was a bit skeptical. After her son joined the army, especially after he earned merits, she had diligently studied military knowledge.

Wang Ye smiled, “Really, Mom. 1 broke the district’s record. You know, my 400-meter obstacle course time broke the record in our regiment before, and this time 1 broke the district’s record, so they directly awarded me a second-class merit!”

Wang Ye didn’t mention the division’s record or anything else, so his mother could digest the news. After all, the mention of earning merits was already enough.

“Is that… really true?” His mother still found it hard to believe.

She felt that her son was earning merits too frequently.

When he finished basic training, she knew he had already earned two third-class merits.

Then, he earned a second-class merit for the flood relief mission, and now he had another second-class merit.

How long had her son been in the military?

It had only been a little over half a year, and he had earned so many merits. It felt surreal.

“Hehe, it’s true, Mom. I’m calling to share the good news with you. We just finished the competition and returned to the company today. We’ll have a celebration tonight.”

Wang Ye chatted with his mother on the phone for more than ten minutes. After the call ended, he thought about calling his father, but the phone showed that he was already on another call.

There was no need to say more; his mother must have acted faster.

He smiled and didn’t dwell on it.

He handed the phone back to the company clerk.

“Finished your call? Want to make another call? Today, you can make as many calls as you want. You’re a hero, and you haven’t even eaten yet!” The company clerk smiled.

Wang Ye also smiled, “No need to make another call. Just telling the family is enough!”

As he spoke, Wang Ye took out a cigarette from his pocket, gave one to the company clerk, exchanged a few more words, and then left the room..

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