Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 211

Chapter 211: The New Naomi

The black flamed egg continued to break apart. Each time the pieces would disperse as they hit the floor. Slowly the figure inside became more visible. What was revealed was a short girl around one hundred and sixty-five centimeters tall stood up, her short black hair was as dark as night yet still seemed to have a shimmer within it that made it look like a starry night sky and silver eyes that seemed to glow. On top of her head were two black horns one of which had a black halo resting on it as if someone had tossed a hoop on to her horn. Her pearly white skin glistened in the morning light. The pink peaks on her little mounds protruded out ever so slightly due to the chill in the air. Besides the hair on her head, the rest of her body was bare of any hair whatsoever, her skin looked sliky smooth. Protruding from just above her butt was a black long thin tail with an arrowhead shape at the end. 

Misaki gulped looking at the beauty in front of her as she crawled out of bed and walked over to Naomi. She could sense that Naomi's evolution had changed her not just in appearance. "Congratulations on completing your evolution." Misaki said as she pulled Naomi into her arms. 

"Is my appearance okay? I wanted a look that would make you glad that you made me your wife and not just a tool to anger my father." Naomi pushed her face into Misaki's chest wrapping her arms around Misaki.

"Naomi. I told you I love you. You are my wife. Even if it is nice seeing your father get pissed off, that does not mean I do not want you or that I was not glad that you are my wife. Naomi, you were beautiful before your evolution and you are beautiful now." Misaki said, leaning her head down kissing the top of Naomi's head. 

Naomi looked up and the two kissed, intertwining their tongues. Misaki took this chance to explore all of Naomi's new body. Before long their breaths became heavy and soft moans filled the room as Misaki and Naomi began fingering each other. Misaki led Naomi to the bed before diving her face in between Naomi's legs. 

Ano'la who was woken up by the sounds of the two's lovemaking watched on from the side with her hand between her legs. She did not want to interrupt them since she knew that Misaki had been waiting a long time for Naomi to finish her evolution. Instead, she watched on with a smile as she pleasured herself. josei

The morning was a long one. At some point during the pleasure making, Misaki had pulled Ano'la in as well. The three girls went at it until almost lunchtime before taking a shower together. 

After finally getting dressed Misaki, Naomi, and Ano'la walked out of the room. Naomi's new appearance was very eye-catching. Mainly because she had no new clothes as of yet for her body, so she was wearing a long white shirt that went down to her knees. The collar of the shirt went slightly down off to one side of Naomi's right shoulder. And the back was slightly raised due to her tail. This was all Misaki could find to fit her new figure. That was small and petite. 

"Mitsu who is this… Wait... Naomi!? Naomi is that you!?" Chiho was the first to see Naomi's new form which caught her by surprise. Making because the original form was shy and angelic. But this form was the complete opposite, she looked like a true fallen angel. 

Naomi shyly nodded her head. "It has been a long time."

"Yes, it has. But look at you! You're so cute! No wonder Mitsu didn't get up until now. If it was me, I would have eaten you right away too! But… there is a familiar sensation coming off of you." Chiho tapped her chin trying to figure out what it was.

"She has a strong blood lust, the same as you and the others. It seems my wives all have a strong thirst to kill." Misaki said jokingly. Even though she said it as a joke it was indeed true. All of her wives after evolution all had a strong bloodlust radiating off of them. It was like they were born to kill anything and everything. But Naomi's blood lust was even stronger than Chiho's but slightly lower than Feng Wei's. Although Feng Wei was Misaki's daughter, she too had a very strong bloodlust radiating off of her after she evolved. 

"That's because out of all of us, your bloodlust and killing intent is the strongest. Because we are evolving for you and are trying to match to you, of course, our bloodlust will be strong. Look at Little Wei, she imagined herself as a mini version of you! That just goes to show how strong of an influence you have over us." Chiho said with a smile. She then slid up to Misaki and asked: "Can I eat Naomi later? She looks rather tasty..." 

Misaki let out a laugh and nodded her head. "Just be gentle she just woke up and you can only do it with me there. I plan to get her pregnant as soon as possible too."

"Then it's a date tonight then! Oh by the way, when do you think Sara will finish her evolution? " Chiho asked. 

"I am not sure… She is taking a rather long time for a human… All I can do is watch over her egg until she is done." Misaki was not too worried. If things went on for too long she would try to investigate it. But according to her followers' menu, Sara's health was just fine.

"Well let's hope it is soon I hope that all of us sisters can finally be together again." Chiho smiled and walked over to Naomi and whispered in her ear causing Naomi to blush from ear to ear. "Yep even if you did change your looks you are still as cute as ever." Giving Naomi a light kiss on the cheek, Chiho let out a laugh and twirled around. She seemed to be in a very good mood. 

"Oh by the way Mitsu. We should be ready to move Earth anytime. We just need your help in doing so." Chiho reported.

"Then let's get a bite to eat and get to it. I want Earth in the safest part of the sky by nightfall." 


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