Full-level Boss Dressed As a Peasant Girl

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: My name is Lu Shuyu

Chapter 33 My name is Lu Shuyu

Lu Dasong said, looking at Ruan again with a serious expression, "Second brother and sister, are you sure? She is really Erya."

"I'm sure, very sure, she is." Ruan Shi hurriedly nodded, holding Shu Yu tightly. He looked at Lu Dasong with a strong guard, for fear that he would say something to let Shu Yu leave.josei

Lu Dasong originally wanted to say something, but when he saw this, he choked up and could only say a few words dryly, "That's good, it's good to find it, after so many years, it's finally a family reunion. Then... let's go first. Well, you just met, so there must be a lot to talk about. When the mother and the second child come back, let's meet again."

Of course, he hoped that the girl in front of him was Erya. Over the years, he had watched with his own eyes how the second child had changed from a relatively well-off life to what he is now.

The second child was willing to work from the beginning. When he was young, he was accepted as an apprentice because of his prudence. He made the most money after he became a teacher and married. The second sibling is also diligent. It can be said that before Erya was stolen, the second child was the best among the three brothers.

At that time, their brothers had a good relationship, but the second child had to find Erya, and it only took a year or two. This search has been going on for more than ten years. Who can withstand such a toss? It didn't take long for the second child's house to become more and more dilapidated, and he had to borrow money everywhere.

He also has a family, and his wife is not happy if he borrows it once. At that time, my mother also followed him, the eldest. As a result, the old lady always took her share of rations to help the second child. The wife and the old mother quarreled a few times, and the old mother simply followed the second child.

Their brothers were naturally estranged from each other, and even had little contact with each other.

Thinking of this, Lu Dasong couldn't help but sigh, he looked at Shu Yu, "Er..." With her face, Lu Dasong couldn't say Erya's name.

"Just call me Shu Yu, my name is Lu Shuyu." Shu Yu was her name before she crossed over. In the Shu family, she was called 'Shu Yu', although the pronunciation is the same, but the words are different.

When Ruan Shi heard what she said, the joy on her face was obvious. Erya just said her surname was Lu.

Lu Dasong raised his eyebrows involuntarily and said with a smile, "Okay, Shu Yu, then you can have a good chat with your second siblings. They haven't given up looking for you for so many years. We'll go first."

After   , Lu Dasong asked Shang Lu Sanzhu and his wife to leave.

Lu Sanzhu was not happy, "Brother, I'll stay here to cultivate and cultivate relationship with my niece."

Lu Dasong frowned, "What is emotion? Don't think I don't know your little thought, come out with me."

"No, brother, I'm very sincere."

Lu Dasong didn't listen to him at all, grabbed his collar and walked out.

Lu Sanzhu is a sneaky and slippery person who doesn't like to work on weekdays. He is incomparable with Lu Dasong, who stays in the field all year round to do heavy work.

Mrs. Liang looked at Shu Yu and the others, and looked at her husband who was taken away. She stomped her foot and said, "Second sister-in-law, we'll go back first, and we'll see our niece another day."

The three of them just went out of the yard of the second family.

In fact, there are still many villagers lingering outside the yard. They keep poking their heads here, curious about the Lu family's recovery of their daughter who has been separated for more than ten years.

You Qi Shu Yu didn't look like he was down and out. They all felt that the second son of Lu had come through hardships and was about to become prosperous.

Seeing Lu Dasong coming out, he was busy pretending to know nothing, and looked at the corner of the wall.

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