Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 1046 - A Serious Problem

Chapter 1046 - A Serious Problem

"Wah?!" The boy couldn't contain his fear as he was carried by Alex like luggage. He never saw someone who could do something like this, only those in the legend. "Mister. Are you the people from the legend?"

"Hmm?!" Alex furrowed his eyebrows. "What legend?"

"The legend. In the past, there are many powerful warriors that have surpassed the power of humans. They can break a boulder, run very fast like you, or even do more amazing things." The boy explained.

"You can consider me as one." Alex shrugged. He didn't want to argue with the kid, and having some sort of identity, especially a mysterious one, would give him an easier life to ask something.

"Really? Can I become someone like you?" The boy's eyes brightened. "I want to kill those monsters who killed my parents and everyone in the city."

"There is a chance. But even I got my power because I dared to fight in a life and death battle, so if you want this power, you will keep facing problems which can determine whether you live tomorrow or not."

"I only have Grandfather, who I am about to visit, so I don't really mind." The boy looked at him with determination.

"And what if your Grandfather mind?" Alex posed a hard question.

The boy fell silent and looked down, imagining what he would do if his grandfather said no.

"As long as you can't answer it, you are still not qualified to search for your own power." Alex smiled. "It doesn't mean you need to answer me right now. There is never too late. As long as you start, anything can happen. That's why you need to think about it carefully."

"Uhn." The boy repeatedly nodded.

"Alright. That's the mountain. We will begin climbing the mountain. I want you to promise me something. Can you do that?"

"My parents told me that I need to repay someone for their benevolence. Since Mister has saved me, I will do anything you want."

"Good. I only want you to promise me something. Don't tell anyone that you met me."

"But why? I am sure that everyone will be happy if they know someone like Mister."

"It's not about feeling. I am more worried about you. If you tell anyone about me, they might believe you and kill you for the information. Or they might ignore you or even bully you because you are weird. That's why this meeting is our little secret. Okay?" Alex put on a gentle smile.

The boy's heart moved. No matter how harsh he said from the moment he saved her or his nonchalant attitude toward him, it turned out that Alex was a good person. He judged him wrong.

Even his excitement earlier still carried a trace of fear. Yet, the moment he realized this, that fear had disappeared.

"I understand. I won't speak anything about Mister." The boy repeatedly nodded. historical

"Good. We will arrive in a few seconds. Hang on." Alex said and finally reached the top, finding a small house, perfectly fine.

Alex activated his Spirit Eyes and found someone inside.

"There is someone in your house. It seems that your grandfather is still alive. But remember, you can't say anything after this because it will attract the monsters. Okay?"

The boy politely bowed, thanking Alex for bringing him here.

Alex then sent a thought transmission to the person in the house to come out while gently pushing the boy's back to walk toward the house.

The boy gulped down. He was still scared, but he chose to continue. Before arriving at the house, he looked back to see Alex and the others, but they were nowhere to be seen.

Alex was watching him from the sky, looking at a gentle old man slowly opening the door and hugging the boy.

"Teacher. The elder is happy." Even Axis confirmed that there wouldn't be something wrong.

Alex and Silvia exchanged looks and smiled at each other.

"Alright. Time to go to the source of the problem." Alex turned around and flew toward the meteorite.

Silvia brought Axis, following Alex from behind.

They crossed over the burning town with so many monsters flying around the place.

"Teacher…" Axis saw many monsters munching over corpses all around the town and felt sick just by seeing it.

"This is the reality. We will be in constant danger, so you shouldn't let your guard down." Silvia warned him.

Alex suddenly stopped above the town and waved his hand. As if obeying him, the flame rose and turned into a tornado, engulfing the town as a whole.

The monsters, the corpses, and even the buildings were reduced to ashes. Of course, Alex found no one alive anymore since he didn't want to murder someone who was still struggling to survive. However, since there was no one in the town, he could do it without worry.

"Rest in peace…" Alex muttered before continuing his journey.

Axis had another kind of respect for him. Despite not showing the attitude, Axis could see that Alex genuinely did it because he wanted them to rest in peace.

Alex, of course, didn't care about it. He simply continued flying in one direction while searching for any clue.

They could easily find one or two humans on the way, but all of them were already a corpse, so there was no point in stopping.

After three hours of flying, they finally saw a large crater with a quite big stone in the middle, perfectly cracked in the middle.

"Hmm?" Silvia found something weird in the meteorite and landed next to it. "This is…"

Axis recalled what he had learned and asked, "Is this an egg, Teacher?"

"Yes. There is a sign of life force in this stone." She nodded and bent down, getting the earth to smell it. "This weird smell is related to the one before us…It seems that this is not a meteorite, but an egg."

"Seriously?" Alex narrowed his eyes. "I mean, the only thing that can survive Outer Space…"

Silvia's expression darkened. "It seems the parent is a God Rank monster."

"Yes." Alex nodded. "Although there is none here, we still need to be careful and grab anything we can find. Maybe this monster is more unique than we thought.

"I agree." Silvia nodded. "I will study this egg a bit with Axis here."

"I will bring you a few samples." Alex handed a Sound Insulation Array Plate to her and disappeared, flying somewhere else.

Alex arrived at a forest not far from there. Without the Sound Insulation Array, the monsters should be able to hear him.

"Ha!" Alex shouted for a second, turning the silent forest into an uproar. Monsters began to fly to the air, finding Alex in the air.

After having learned the Spirit Crown in Eulja, he decided to test it in a real fight. Although this was not a genuine fight, he still could power the Spirit Crown.

The blue jeweled crown appeared above his head as the jewel shone brightly. He took out Eve and waved his hand without using energy. In other words, this attack only contained the energy supplied by the Spirit Crown.

That energy spread over the area like splashing water with a sword. The powerful shock wave decimated or even crushed the monsters in an instant.

"Not bad…" Alex smiled.

"Master. That energy is really delicious."

"You got used to it two years ago, and you still said it?" Alex shook his head helplessly.

"But the energy is truly delicious. I am being filled to the brim."

"Haha…Anyway, let's begin the hunt. There are so many around here, so I will catch fifty of them alive. The rest shall be annihilated."


Alex began killing the monsters with his Spirit Crown. It was truly a powerful technique despite he only mastered two of the four techniques. He could even fuse the energy with Divine Energy, Intent, or even Sword Qi.

It took him three hours just to kill all of them, creating a mountain in a forest. The mountain contained more than a million monsters. Despite that, he felt there were still so many monsters like this out there.

"Master. We are stopping?"

"Yes. There is something I feel weird about…" Alex narrowed his eyes.

"What is it?"

"With how big the egg is…This number doesn't match up. In other words, they are producing at an alarming rate."

"Ah?! Do you mean they are killing the people here to give births to millions?"

"Yes. They are their source of food. However, I don't know what they are aiming for…" Alex turned around. "Can you go back first?"

"Sure thing." Eve returned to the Inventory while Alex returned to Silvia and explained the entire situation.

"So you are saying they are trying to create chaos?"

"That is one thing, but I believe the real aim is to create an army."

Silvia widened his eyes. "An army? I am sorry, but I don't have an idea what kind of planet can host a creature like this… I have never met them before."

"Is that so?" Alex called someone to help. 'Xingzhi.'

[I have asked Nelson and the N Squad. They have no data about this.]

"This is troubling. To drop an egg this big, they will be a God Rank Expert first. However, I find something more disturbing."


"This planet is connected to an Upper World, right? And that Upper World is also connected to many Lower Worlds?"

[This is an emergency, isn't it?]

"Yes. Arrange an investigation regarding this matter. The Spiritual Energy Silvia pointed earlier might be related to it. For example, they could get stronger after eating the people. A low level one like them is not a problem, but even an Upper World will have trouble with them. First, they will get stronger by killing those who are weak before eliminating those strong people. When that happens, it will be too late."

[I understand. I will make this a top priority. This will surely create a problem for the other Divine Worlds.]

Alex nodded and looked at Silvia, explaining his thought.

When she heard it, she had the same reaction as Lin Xingzhi. "I will send a message to my father…No, I mean, my mother."

"Please." Alex nodded. "I don't want to fight thousands of God Rank monsters like this, you know."

"I have the same opinion." Silvia nodded.

"I have fifty samples here. You should research them." Alex presented her with fifty monsters trapped in his Spiritual Energy.

"Thanks. I will try to find anything about them. Besides, I can see that there is a trace of a powerful being, stronger than me, on this egg. In other words, the parent must be at least a Rank 4 God monster."

"This will surely become troublesome." Alex nodded.

"Yep. For now, I have calculated the direction they are going. However, I am not sure whether they are there or not."

"It's not like we have any clue?" Alex shrugged. "By the way, are you planning to carry them like this?"

"Is there a problem?" Silvia tilted her head in confusion while carrying the samples with her energy.

Alex facepalmed and took out a box. This was the Time Box, the one that sealed Alicia.

"Is that the legendary Time Box? The one that can store living beings and freeze its time?" Silvia drew a gasp and took a step back.

Alex shrugged and stored the sample inside the box. "It can't store anything beyond God Rank Expert though. And it's not mine."

[It's yours. You have gotten it from the Gacha.]

'But you purposely arranged it that way.' Alex sighed inwardly. 'Anyway, this matter is more important. I will borrow this Time Box, alright?'

[Just use it.]

Alex nodded and threw the Time Box inside the Inventory. "Tell me if you want to start researching. For now, we should be focusing on our objective."

"I understand." Silvia nodded with a serious expression before pointing to the west. "This way."

"Before that…" Alex touched the egg and stored it inside the Space Ring. This time, he handed the egg to her. "Take this as well."

Silvia received it before turning to Axis. "Sorry for being too focused on this matter, Axis."

"I am fine, Teacher. I have learned a lot as well just by watching you."

"Alright. Let's go then?"

The three nodded and flew to the sky.

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