Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 1114 - Absurd Ending?

Chapter 1114 - Absurd Ending?

After restoring the arena, the second battle was about to begin.

Raisa entered the arena. She had long green hair and a white dress coupled with a green vest to color the pure dress. She waved her hand with a smile, erupting another wave of cheer.

Meanwhile, on the opposite side, a guy with long white hair tied into a ponytail stood in the arena. Unlike Raisa, this one didn't have any cheers as it was just a plain entrance.

"Dryad Spirit Raisa. I wish we could fight fairly." She smiled.

Giza nodded in agreement. "Undead Spirit Giza. Likewise."

William looked at the two and shook his head after recalling what happened earlier. He just hoped there was no one pulling such a trick in front of Alex again. They were lucky that Alex didn't seem to mind it, considering his lighthearted character.

"Start!" William announced out loud as he leaped to the side of the arena.

Giza raised the wand in his hand before knocking the ground twice. His shadow expanded before tens of skeletons emerged from that darkness, holding swords, spears, or any kind of weapons.

"This is my Divine Army." Giza rose his hand as the skeletons began to charge forward. All the skeletons seemed to be Rank 5 God. It was amazing, but compared to Giza's Rank 3 God cultivation, it was nothing.

Even so, Giza still had a number advantage, and he planned to utilize it to the fullest.

Alex, on the other hand, asked Lin Xingzhi. "By the way, is there a limit to creating this army?"

"Yes. The higher the number, the harder the control. At the same time, you need to polish the army yourself, so you need so many resources to cultivate them like this." Lin Xingzhi nodded.

"I wonder if there is an Undead God, Necromancer God, or even Puppet God out there."

"Not at the moment. But I have met a Rank 2 God with similar abilities. He can only control two hundred Rank 5 Gods. I don't know why but it seems Rank 5 God is the limit." Lin Xingzhi shrugged. "Of course, he has another skeleton for the trump card. It's said to be made of his own skeleton, allowing the user to create a skeleton at the same level as him. Unfortunately, it can only be done once. Puppet is similar."

"I see." Alex nodded. "Well, maybe there will be something different from a God King, but I guess I can't see it right now."


Suddenly, cheers erupted as Raisa did something extraordinary. Roots began to emerge from the ground, striking all the skeletons that charged at her as if swallowing them.

But some skeletons seemed to survive the ordeal and cut all the roots that almost killed them. They then leaped to the top of the roots while looking at Raisa.


Even though the skeletons only remained seven, this was the ideal number since Giza had perfect control of them.

Raisa raised her hand and summoned more roots, but everything ended up missing.

Seeing this, Raisa smiled and clapped her hand as flowers began to appear on the roots, turning them into branches instead.

"Flowery Garden."

The skeletons that didn't notice it stepped on the flowers as the bone started decaying.

"What?!" Giza widened his eyes in surprise before realizing what happened. "That flower… Is that Bone Decaying Flower?"

"Correct." She smiled. "It's just an imitation since I can't really summon the real one or I would have become the richest person in the universe."

"…" Giza clicked his tongue as he placed his hand on the ground, covering the entire stage with his shadow.

Suddenly, more skeletons appeared between the branches and started cutting them.

Giza then made the skeletons climb the branches and leap toward Raisa.

Raisa snapped her fingers as smaller branches appeared and grasped the skeletons' feet, slamming them into the ground.

"You won't be able to win against me. It's futile. I need to win this tournament no matter what," said Raisa with a cold look.

"Then, try it." Giza smiled as he thought he managed to outsmart her. The skeletons he summoned earlier were just baits and the real attack was right behind her.

The roots were cut as a giant skeleton appeared before her, swinging the sword.

"!!!" Raisa widened her eyes and leaped toward it instead. If one took another look at her appearance, there was a white lotus growing on her eyes with no apparent reason.

However, they soon arrived at a conclusion the moment they saw the next scene.

Raisa kicked the skeleton on the skull, cracking it open before blowing it away to the wall.

"I'm sorry. What did you say again?" Raisa asked as she landed on top of the root.

"…" Giza fell silent before staring at the white lotus in her eyes. He sighed and raised his hand. "I admit defeat."

"…" The audience didn't expect something like this, but they then remembered the meaning of lotus in her eyes. She was a Dryad Spirit and could control all kinds of plants. Usually, she controlled the ones she summoned, but when she was serious, Raisa would summon one by using her body as the catalyst.

It was due to this technique that she was feared among the next generations.

With his best skeleton destroyed in one strike, Giza knew it was time to quit since his ability didn't really work on her.

"I know when to quit. Haiz. I wish we were fighting in a barren ground or desert." Giza sighed before cupping his hands to Alex and leaving the arena.

"…" William facepalmed and wondered whether this was really a semifinal or not. One took it as a chance to propose, while the other just surrendered not long after the fight began. He wondered whether Alex was fuming in anger or not.

"Raisa wins!" Nonetheless, he needed to announce the result before leaving everything to Alex to process.

"This is kind of disappointing." Lin Xingzhi narrowed her eyes. "Yesterday, they fought to the fullest."

"I don't really mind. It's saving my time." Alex shrugged as he stood up, saying. "Congratulations for winning. Although I wish to let you rest first, our time is rather short, so I have a proposal. Since both of the winners haven't used their ability to the fullest, how about we continue to the final without waiting for another day?"

This was an absurd request even from Alex, but there seemed to be something big going on, so they didn't know how to answer this question.

William called the other winner, Maiah, to the stage before conveying Alex's question.

"I will follow Your Majesty's wish." Maiah cupped her hands politely before glancing at Raisa.

"As your command."

Alex nodded. "I truly apologize for this change of schedule, but I think you will know the reason soon. Anyway, let's start the final battle."

William asked someone to clean up the arena before allowing the two to stand before each other.

"Raisa." She bowed to her politely.

"Thousand Silk Spider Spirit, Maiah." historical

William didn't know what to do anymore and just shouted. "Start!"

Maiah began to start creating her nest, but Raisa seemed to have a different opinion.

She simply stomped the ground to create the same crater as Saul made, rendering the web useless. She didn't stop there. Raisa waved her hand and summoned the roots again, ripping all the strings… Or it was supposed to happen.

Surprisingly, the strings were strong enough to hold the roots. Some even cut the root itself.

"So, you are hiding this ability…" Raisa narrowed her eyes.

"This is my Metal Strings. If I use it carefully, it can snap a Divine Weapon into two." Maiah let out a sigh of relief.

She then waved that string to cut even more roots before spreading her strings between the roots as if she planned to do something.

Raisa, on the other hand, kept summoning the root to fill the entire arena with it. Seeing that she couldn't catch Maiah, Raisa summoned the same white lotus on her right eye before leaping forward.

Maiah's lips curved as she thought she managed to bait Raisa.

Raisa pulled her fist and threw a punch toward Maiah.

"Steel Silk." Maiah raised her hand and summoned another string that formed a square, blocking that punch.

However, the force behind that punch seemed to be stronger than she imagined, even though Raisa had limited her strength to Rank 5 God. This might be the reason why Giza had no hesitation in giving up.

"Kh!" She gritted her teeth and crashed into the root.

Raisa then leaped toward Maiah, preparing for a punch. However, the result was the same as Saul's. The hidden strings stopped her from moving.

"This is it!" Maiah thought as she leaped toward Raisa, stretching her hand to the front.

Suddenly, Raisa smirked as if everything went according to her plan.

Maiah widened her eyes as if expecting another ambush. Her focus remained on the ground where her roots would come out.

"Alex?" Lin Xingzhi tilted her head in confusion when Alex suddenly stood up and took out his sword.

William seemed to have noticed it as well and prepared to take someone out of this battle.


Two smaller roots appeared and planned to strike her, but Maiaha had predicted it and deployed another string to crush both ro—Bam— a loud explosion occurred right before Maiah could finish her technique.

Everyone widened their eyes as they all could see who just released the Sword Waves that caused an explosion earlier.

Even Maiah and Raisa looked up and saw Alex standing on top of the wall while holding his sword.

"Match ends. Raisa wins," Alex announced it himself, confusing everyone because everything ended so suddenly. It might be due to them rushing the battles, but the last three battles somehow became dull and ended in disappointment.

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