Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 653 - The Power of Spiritual Weapons

Chapter 653 - The Power of Spiritual Weapons

"Arman!" Shouted the old man, realizing that the attacks flew toward Arman, who was going to fight with Anna and the others.

"!!!" Arman noticed the sudden sense of danger and swung his sword to the right. However, he realized the scorching heat around his hand and the power behind these attacks, forcing him to turn his body and use both hands in order to block it.

This had never happened before. After all, how could one believe that a 3-Star Martial Monarch could create something this strong? Although he wasn't serious as well, it could still be compared with a genuine 8-Star Martial Monarch. He only trained his sword, not element, and because of this, he could realize that this attack held something that was truly ridiculous. "Original Sword Path! Impossible!"

Not many people could actually arrive at this step, and those who could actually arrive were either old people who had hundreds of years of experience or a genius. Alex was the latter.

If he were inside the big influence, they would nurture him as he had the potential to be an elder class, if not Grand Elder. In fact, they would most likely arrange them to marry someone inside the clan to bind them. However, Alex was simply an unknown person. Even his Spirit Nest still couldn't be regarded as a hidden influence as no one actually knew such a thing.

Even the slightest rumor was fine and might be able to validate the Spirit Nest. Yet, this particular group never had any rumor or appearance in the past. The Blackwade Clan, Fire God Clan, and any other influences had searched their record, but nothing couldn't be found.

In the end, they could only treat him with caution, like how Fire God Clan dealing with him at the moment. They wanted to see Alex's depth by sending these two elders, measuring his ability so they could act accordingly. Much to their dismay, they needed to say that Alex was simply too hard to be found. historical

This time, Alex had appeared on this continent without any prior notice. And the chance for Fire God Clan arrived to see Alex's power had come. Arman remembered that his task was to kill Alex if necessary, and this Sword Attack already confirmed his mission.

Channeling his Spiritual Energy into the sword, it glowed in blue color as Arman finally felt a little reaction from the Sword Attacks. "One Sword Kill!"


Alex opened his eyes wide, surprised what he just saw. 'Did he pull back once and shatter my sword attack in a single swing? That speed was insane!"

It was like his Triple Draws but with more power. Alex thought it was amazing, but realized he couldn't get a single sense from this attack. In other words, the technique he used earlier was his Original Sword Skill.

Arman looked at the old man that was supposed to be fighting Alex and said, "He is too dangerous to be alive. Do you want me to make sure he dies first?"

"No. I'm going to finish this with my hand alone." The old man shook his head. "You may have the power-"

At this time, a series of explosions occurred. Sherry and the others that had yet to release their attack struck them at this particular time when they were too focused on Alex.

Alex's group was using this type of action to make the enemy turn around again and again, not letting them focus on one person… at least, for a while.

After noticing this, Nelson clapped his hand once as the lightning sparked between his palms as if it was a bridge.

"O' Ancient Thunder God, What is it that lies within your eyes? O Bright Thunder that splits the Heaven, rumbling tremors that shake the Earth, what pulse beats within your ears? Dwell inside me o God of Lightning as I am Thunder Berserker, Spirit Vessel."

As Leoz was chanting, the sky turned to dark, forming vast black clouds. The thunder rumbled inside as a golden light flashed above it. The temperature slowly dropped, creating a chill in the air.

"!!!" Anya noticed this technique and glanced at the two Martial Saints. These two should be able to deal with it. The only question would be what kind of price they would pay to stop this attack. An Arm? A broken bone? Or simply no price to pay?

Even with this kind of thought, Anya quickly signaled everyone, not to retreat, but lower their altitude. She was planning to use these two Martial Saints as an umbrella as one of them would surely stop this attack.

However, the Martial Emperors and Monarchs around them didn't know a single thing about this. They were just dumbstruck to see a vast black cloud appear out of nowhere as if it was going to have a storm soon. Yet, they couldn't take off the possibility of it being a Martial Art.

Finally, when they thought about it, they realized what kind of Martial Art behind this attack.

Norman quickly shouted. "Old Man! He is using peak Heaven Tier Thunder Art! Stop him and kill them already!"

The old man simply snorted as he released his own Lightning Element as well. "You are going to challenge me in Lightning? Come back after you have become a Martial Monarch!"

His lightning suddenly turned into a dragon and roared at Alex. "With your strength and this Lightning Power, you need more time before you can activate it. I simply need to kill the one who uses it!"

"Heavenly Lightning Dragon!"


Alex had no change of expression on his face as he raised his spear. Suddenly, it released a Spiritual Energy that gradually turned into a vortex of energy. That vortex expanded until it had the same size as the dragon.

The old man furrowed his eyebrows. Looking at this blue vortex made his heart skip a beat. The same as Leoz's Heaven's Wrath, this Heavenly Lightning Dragon was also a peak Thunder Art. An attack at this level would certainly involve or change nature in a way like Leoz's Heaven's Wrath just now.

Alex was slightly surprised by how this Lightning Dragon influenced the nature around him. Pink colored energy started bending in a weird way when this Dragon passed them as Alex realized what kind of attack this was.

Not wanting to lose against this old man, he channeled his Space Element to his spear, enveloping the vortex with a stream of Space. 'The dragon can bend space, but it's only a natural one. If it hits the vortex normally, it will surely break since the vortex will be unstable because of this space bending ability. Unfortunately, he has chosen the wrong opponent. If I have enough Space Energy reinforcing my technique, this wouldn't be able to break the vortex.


The clash between this vortex and Lightning Dragon was heaven-defying, creating a huge shock wave that slightly pushed the Martial Emperors and Martial Monarchs back.

The old man was obviously dumbstruck. This Lightning Dragon was his proudest ability that had been helping him to rise. Unless they had a powerful technique or higher cultivation, this technique couldn't be blocked. Yet, a mere 3-Star Martial Monarch could completely block this attack. 'It's impossible. He should be using a trick! A trick?'

He opened his mouth wide before looking at Alex's spear. If Alex really used a shield, there was nothing more suspicious than this spear. Still, a normal spear couldn't even create a spear, let alone blocking his attack. 'His spear must not be ordinary. Should I proceed in killing him? I know that he still has another trick just by looking at his expression, but how dangerous his trick is something that I need to reconsider!'

While he was thinking about it, a Sword Wave was coming from the right, flying past the old man and landing on Alex and Leoz. Alex raised his sword this time and formed another shield. However, he didn't use it to block this attack. Instead, he redirected the attack.

"You old man, if you are not going to attack them, I'm going to attack them!" Norman was obviously pissed. He was a bit far from Alex, so he didn't realize Alex's sword and spear were different.

For Alex, he only had another four chances to stop their attacks. And he would surely be no match against these two if they decided to go close combat.

'I need to confuse them and make them think nothing about close combat!' Alex took a deep breath, thinking about what he could do in this situation. Yet, only one answer to be found. 'Do I need to use my Space Element? I can teleport their attack and use their power to fight them…'

There was so much uncertainty in using this technique, but it could confuse his opponent the same as it confused him. Alex gulped down as he looked at another incoming attack from the old man.

"I don't need your help! I can handle this myself! If I can't kill you with a single attack, then I only need more!" The old man roared as his lightning suddenly turned into snakes.

Alex could see that this technique had the same principle with the last one, bending the space of its target, unless a little bit weaker than the dragon. Even so, it was certainly effective to fight Alex's Spiritual Weapons as it only had four shields anymore.

"I don't have a choice…" Alex sighed as he clapped his hands, waiting for the snake to go near enough that the old man couldn't react anymore.

"Spatial Gate!"

Suddenly, a portal to a Blue Colored realm opened, stunning the old man completely. He tried to move his snake, but to no avail, as the portal swallowed all of them.

'Space Element?!' The old man gasped. 'What kind of combination is this? Pure Fire, Array Master, Original Sword Path, and Space Element. Each of them can let you reach the peak, but this young man has it all?'

At the same time, he was also wondering where his attack landed before he finally felt the attack once more but far behind his back, and its target was none other than Arman.

"Arman, dodge!"

Arman was always interrupted when he was just about to have fun with the spirits.

"Tch!" Arman drew his sword again and slashed it diagonally. "Whirlwind Strike!"

The sword strike created a huge amount of wind pressure to redirect the snakes in which one of them hit someone, causing a huge explosion and killing a few people.

"Incompetent old man." Arman couldn't contain his anger anymore and flew toward the old man, going to tell him that he would fix his mess.

Yet, the old man simply locked onto Alex and covered his body with lightning and said out loud. "I know all the weaknesses you possess right now. You can't fight me in close combat, aren't you?"

The old man flew forward, leaving Arman behind.

"Take this—!"

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