Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 895 - Meeting

Chapter 895 - Meeting

In the middle of a plain, a group of four were walking toward the north.

"Elder, there is one thing that I want to ask." The male asked. He had short blue spiky hair and blue eyes. Wearing a red shirt and a long black robe made him look more robust. He appeared to be only seventeen years old.

The elder glanced at him and nodded. "Ask away. You are the disciple I have chosen, so no need to hesitate."

The elder was a female. Although he called him elder, she looked like she was only one or two years older than him. She wore a pink dress and tied it with a blue linen shawl around her waist.

"Thank you." The man clasped his hands respectfully and asked. "Is there any doctor in the sect?"

"Big brother!" Another female, slightly younger than the man, shouted while clenching her fist. She understood the reason why he asked that was because of her.

The elder glanced at this woman with long purple hair. Her name was Xue Ning. She tagged along because she didn't have any family back home. After all, she was an orphan that her brother, Xue Lang, decided to adopt.

The elder was a bit surprised by the exaggerated reaction from Xue Ning and frowned. "We have another elder in charge of Pills. He is the most knowledgeable person about medicine. However, I can't really help you to meet him."

"Is there any way to meet him? I want him to take a look at Xue Ning's condition."

"Only Inner Disciples are qualified to meet him. Even so, it's hard to meet him even at that. There is only one way if you are in a hurry, become an Inner Disciple and a noticeable one. This way, many elders will see you favorably, and at that time, you might be able to set up a meeting with him."

Xue Lang gritted his teeth as he certainly couldn't take it.

"Don't worry. I have taken a look at your sister's body. She shouldn't have a mishap anytime soon." She smiled.

The fourth person finally joined the conversation. However, only the male could see her due to her being only a soul. She had long black hair tied into a ponytail. She wore a kind of white uniform, but it looked easy to move with that clothes.

'Your sister is too strange. There was a rumor that her body is blessed by Heaven, but I can't remember what it was. You might want to keep getting stronger and head to another continent. I am sure the answer lies there.' She sent a thought transmission.

'Is that so?'

'Remember the one visited you a month ago? If I didn't repel her, she might take your sister away. There is also a chance that they know about the origin of your sister, but it's riskier than having her with you because the rumors I heard in the past certainly didn't lean toward good.'

'But you said she might come back?'

'Yes. That's why you need to get stronger as soon as possible. Even if you can't fight her, you should be able to escape. After all, I have exhausted a huge amount of energy and can't help you in this fight. There is also a chance I can recover my strength a little bit to repel her again.'

'I understand. As soon as I enter the sect, I will do my best to get stronger.'

He then nodded to the elder and sighed. "I will become an inner disciple as soon as possible."

"I hope so." The elder nodded.

"Is this the way?"

"I think so."

Suddenly, they heard two people's voices as they were flying above them.

They traveled with foot anyway, so they could see the two figures by raising their vision.

The two were Alex and Lin Xingzhi.

Lin Xingzhi suddenly spotted the group of four and immediately tugged his hand, asking him to stop. Alex also found them and nodded.

The group of four panicked when they saw the two descending to the ground and walked toward them.

"Who are you?!" The elder took out her sword and stood in front of Xue Lang and Xue Ning.

Alex raised his eyebrows as he didn't expect to see such a reaction.

'These two guys are bad news. They are stronger than the one coming for your sister a month ago,' The soul warned Xue Lang.

'What? What should I do?' Xue Lang screamed inwardly as he hid his sister behind him. There was only one reason for two people appeared before them at this point. It must be his sister.

But they also encountered a problem. Alex was wearing a white mask this time, only letting them see his golden hair and eyes. Lin Xingzhi was the same. She covered her face with a veil and dyed her hair green. Nonetheless, they looked very suspicious in Xue Lang's eyes.

'This is the guy?' Alex asked Lin Xingzhi.


Alex then nodded and waved his hand with a smile. His mask only covered the upper half of his face anyway, so they still could see his smile. "I want something from you guys. But I am not someone who will steal since I am a man of principle, so I want to trade it."

"How dare you to treat my sister as an object! I won't let you touch my sister!" Xue Lang gritted his teeth. He couldn't contain his anger anymore because the last one that came also acted as it was something inevitable. He didn't like how they looked at her just because of her talent and made it look like she was just an object or a treasure.

"…" Alex tilted his head in confusion.

"Pfft!" Lin Xingzhi only laughed because she thought something ridiculous. She thought, 'This guy must have met an elder that wanted to take his sister elsewhere.'

Alex facepalmed. 'Ugh. I forgot there was a scene like that most of the time when I read stories.'


"Anyway, listen to me first." Alex sighed and waved his hand.

The elder finally calmed down and assessed their current situation. She realized that the people before her were very strong.

Seeing the elder's reaction, Alex activated his Spirit Eyes to see whether they had the thing he wanted. However, he found energy forming beside Xue Lang and realized it was a soul. He thought, 'No wonder I can feel a presence there.'

'Indeed. There seems to be a soul attached to the boy. Her peak strength is around Martial Saint I guess.' Lin Xingzhi confirmed.

'6-Star Martial Saint.' Alex gave the details and immediately retracted his Spirit Eyes.

'Xue Lang, this is not a good situation. The guy has spotted me. In fact, he must have seen through everything about me.' The girl gritted her teeth and feared that the man might take her away because of this.

Before anyone could say anything, Alex said, "I only want one thing. It is Fire Grass."

"Fire Grass?" The group became confused.

'Haiz, is there any different terminology for that? We have rushed toward here after knowing they have left their home.' Alex sighed inwardly.

'I think so. You might want to describe it a bit more.'

Alex nodded and explained. "The grass is special. It has a huge amount of Fire Energy. The grass itself is not too thin, and the length is more than three humans combined. I want that grass."

'I am sure he is talking about your Sun Grass. The one that your parents brought home before they died.' The soul informed him.

Xue Lang frowned. Obviously, he wasn't someone that would hand over something like that so easily because it was the last thing that his parents gave him. Because of that, he said, "We don't have the thing you are searching for."

Alex scratched the back of his head and sighed. "Listen to me. I simply want to get that because it will boost my cultivation. And I won't take it for free. That's why I will grant you three wishes. Of course, I have the right to stop you when the wish exceeds the value of the grass.

"And don't lie to me, do you think I can't see what is inside your Space Ring?" Alex yawned as if it was something he could easily see. However, it was just a bluff. He couldn't see the thing inside the Space Ring even with his Spirit Eyes.

'Three wishes?' The soul thought for a moment and warned. 'I think this deal is worth it. How about you test him first?'

The soul didn't hide anymore because it was pointless to do so in front of an expert like Alex and Lin Xingzhi. And Xue Lang certainly understood what she meant by testing him.

He took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes as he said, "If you can cure my younger sister, I agree to trade."

"Hoh?! You are a smart one, aren't you? This way, you will get four wishes from me." Alex shrugged before glancing at his sister. "Hmm… Extreme Ice Body… It is not an illness but something far greater than that."

Lin Xingzhi nodded. "This world has a different system after all. Instead of an element, they have a unique physique and Martial Spirit." historical

Alex nodded, noticing a blue Luan inside the girl's body. "Extreme Ice Body and Ice Luan Spirit. I don't know about the power level, but I certainly know it sounds like a powerful innate strength from the name alone."

He then started tapping his forehead and recalled every single knowledge about these two things. "Ah, I see. Extreme Ice Body is a unique body that can manipulate super cold ice. For comparison, it's like a Phoenix's fire. At the same time, this Ice Luan Spirit will enhance her ice control, making her a peerless genius. There are many techniques that can control the ice and cultivate it, but the good one is rare because one needs a tranquil heart.

"Considering the amount of energy in her body, she must have suffered from the cold. And it has become a bit more frequent recently. Though, there is a strength that is currently suppressing the ice power for the time being."

"Tranquil heart?" Xue Lang drew a gasp. He never thought that he was able to see through everything in a single glance. The power that suppressed the ice was the soul's strength.

"Yeah. She can't fall in love and other things. In other words, she will just become a cold and aloof lady… Well, that is a good explanation. If it's me, I would say she will simply become an emotionless robot." Alex shrugged.

Back when he read this kind of story, he never liked those techniques that took away one's emotion. It might be good for many people, but he liked his ability to express something. If he didn't want to show his emotion, he had enough control to hide it away. Hence, he explained it that way.

"Emotionless Robot?" Xue Lang widened his eyes.

"Yeah. That kind of technique must be common here." Lin Xingzhi nodded. "Well, there are some techniques that don't need something like this. I know a few techniques that can train her physique… Well, he also knows it."

"I want that!" Xue Lang shouted.

"We are not a saint that will just give it to you, you know." Lin Xingzhi glanced at him with cold eyes as if telling him to change his tone and words.

"!!!" Xue Lang realized it and gritted his teeth. "If you are able to cure my sister, I will trade with you. You can even take it as one of my wishes."

Alex and Lin Xingzhi realized how sly this guy was. Normally, the people in the stories would say he would give the grass to them instead of one of the wishes. He remembered Alex's condition and decided to utilize it.

Nonetheless, Alex agreed since he wasn't a person who would steal easily. "Alright. We have a deal."

However, this situation wasn't that simple because there were three people staring at them from the sky. Alex and Lin Xingzhi had been ignoring them this whole time, but they seemed to have lost their patience.

"No one can snatch Extreme Ice Body from us!"

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