Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 192 Giant Spider

Chapter 192 Giant Spider


Chapter 192 Giant Spider

This is what revealed from the soil, the head of a black spider.

Who has not seen the spider, but this spider is too huge, just it’s head is that of the size of a football, it’s exposed till three feet and is more than a meter long, the whole body hairy and looks creepy. By its size, it is not an earth creature.

Su Jing picked up a stick and poked the giant spider. The giant spider suddenly moved, and a white net spewed out of its mouth and fired towards Su Jing. Su Jing was shocked and he condensed his spiritual force, the spider web was moved from its original path it shot from the side and landed on the distant ground.

The giant spider struggled to get up, and a lot of dirt rolled down from it. However, the giant spider only struggled for two or three times, then lay down there motionless. Su Jing controlled the wooden stick with spiritual force and flew it over to poke the spider, but the spider still did not move.

“It seems to be dead.”

Su Jing is worried that the spider was pretending to be dead, he released his spiritual force and invading its brain and found that it did not have mental fluctuations and could not die anymore. It seems that it was on its last breath. However, it is strange for it to not die when so much garbage was poured down on it.

Su Jing grabbed the spider’s foot with a gloved hand and dragged the spider out of the dirt. It looked even bigger. It wasn’t a spider, it was a monster in the spider shape.

Su Jing walked over to the white spider web spat out by the giant spider and observed it. It is strange, spider’s webs are usually silky and then they weave that silk into a net. This spider can directly spit out a net.

Su Jing picked it up with a stick but saw that the net was firmly stuck to the ground. The spider silk was even tough, and it was difficult to open it. Su Jing worked hard and used about two hundred jin of power to finally pulled out the net, but the spider silk is still not broken.

“It’s amazing, this spider is not just big and simple.”

Su Jing was amazed. This spider probably didn’t need to prey on insects. It is strong enough to prey on wild animals. Unfortunately, this spider is dead, otherwise, he could have domesticated it. It could have become a big force. Aside from Battle Wolf, the man-eating vine, golden eagle, there’s probably no other pet it can compete with.

“What to do about this spider corpse?”

Su Jing glanced at the dead spider, puzzled. Although some people eat spiders, which are so big and must have a lot of meat, Su Jing really doesn’t have that appetite. And he doesn’t know if he can eat it. But there seems to be no other use than eating.

Su Jing drags the spider aside and prepares to think about it later.

“Hey, what is this?”

When moving the spider, Su Jing suddenly discovers the spider’s abdomen. There is something white.

Turning the spider over, he found that it was a ball of cotton the size of a football, but it had been squashed and a lot of sticky liquid had flowed out. And he can see, two or three little spiders coming out of the edge. Of course, the so-called small, but also compared to the giant spider, they are the size of a dollar coin.

“This is a spider egg bag.”

Su Jing used a stick to open the spider egg bag. He found out that a large number of small spiders were crushed to death, and about ten survived. Su Jing directly released his spiritual force, letting the eleven spiders obey, and kept counting, counting a total of eleven.

If it was in the past, Su Jing estimates that he would have hesitated to raise them. After all, he does not like spiders, but he will not hesitate to raise them now, because after they have grown into giant spiders, they should be able to become his battle force.

Su Jing is prepared to pack up 11 small spiders, but he sees them eating egg bags and other small spider corpses, and even a few climbed to the side of the giant spider, eating the liquid flowing from the wound of the giant spider.

This made Su Jing stunned but he quickly became relieved. In the animal world, this is not a rare thing. When the female praying mantis is still mating, she eats the male praying mantis. The spider also occasionally has mating females. The spider eats the male spider.

Su Jing simply got a box and threw the female spider’s body, egg bag, spider web into it, and then let eleven small spiders climb in. It is their temporary nest, it is estimated that they will be able to feed for a long time.

Su Jing continued to rummage for garbage, pick up the soil just where the spider’s body was, but see the soil slide appeared a half collapse of the hole, after careful observation, he see the hole inside and there are many spider webs, this should be the spider’s nest.

“It seems that this spider dug a hole in the rubbish heap, but it didn’t think that the rubbish was transferred to it, and before it could escape, it was crushed to death by the dirt. I wonder if there are any other Spiders in the cave.”

Su Jing was afraid of being attacked by other spiders. He did not dare to dig directly. He released his spiritual force and probed it. He did not detect any living body. Then he took a hoe and started to dig the hole. In fact, the soil was loose. Originally, it was not necessarily strong and when it was transmitted, it had already collapsed, so it was easy to dig.

“Oh, that spider seemed to have captured some prey.”

Su Jing dug up the soil and found a nest, which was covered with spider webs and wrapped into several balls.

Su Jing broke one of them, and suddenly five yellow-brown squirrels jumped out, the spider did not kill the prey to keep the food fresh, Su Jing quickly released his spiritual force and the five squirrels were all tamed. He carefully looked at one and found out they are different from ordinary squirrels. There are wide and hairy membranes between the front and rear limbs. When the limbs are open, they are like a quilt.

“This spider, it also eats small animals, but this does not seem to be a squirrel.”

Su Jing looked up the relevant information and found a similar species on earth — flying squirrel. This kind of animal has a unique skill. After climbing to a high place, they extend their limbs to the side of the body and spread the flying membrane, and then they can glide downward in the air to a distance. However, these flying squirrels are obviously more beautiful than earth flying squirrels.

“Let’s see it flying.”

Su Jing is interested in holding up a flying squirrel. The flying squirrel was ordered to jump from Su Jing’s hands, spread its limbs and spread its wings, like a paraglider, it glided for more than ten meters before landing on the ground.


Su Jing smiled and put the five flying squirrel into another box to be kept as pets.

Then he broke the spider web and saw a pile of beetles, coming out from inside.

This kind of beetle, Su Jing recognized it at a glance, is a stag beetle, but much better than the earth stag beetle, Su Jing is the first time to see so many stag beetle, the general spider catching prey is one by one, This giant spider seems to like to grab it in one litter.

Su Jing was not polite and put all the stag beetle into another box.

Su Jing did not stop, continued to break open the spider network, and broke several nets in a row. There were some hard shells left by insects after they died. When the last net group broke open and revealed the contents, Su Jing is left stunned. (To be continued ~^~)

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