Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 52—Changing the protagonist

Chapter 52—Changing the protagonist

Chapter 52—Changing the protagonist

“God-Man?” Su Jing, Zhu Jianhua, Wang Li and many other people who did not know about it all looked at Qin Xulan in a strange way. Guo Biting, Jin Shijia, and others were stunned. Then they looked at Su Jing and wondered if what Qin Xulan had said before was not boasting but true.

“Qin Xulan, don’t make a scene here.” Wang Lie glared at Qin Xulan, This kid didn’t have a serious bone in his body. He would never have let him join the cast crew unless he knew his father very well.

“Director, I’m not making a scene. I’ll tell you that this God-man has more than a dozen Divine Dogs, each of which is no worse than our labrador.” Qin Xulan looked a little excited.

“How do you know that I have a lot of dogs?” Su Jing asked.

“The scene where you kicked the bad guy yesterday, I saw it.” Qin Xulan laughed.

“So it is.” Su Jing suddenly realized.

“Was it you who helped the Police to catch the robbers with your dogs, It’s video is on the internet?” A cameraman suddenly asked.

“What? Did someone take a picture? Why didn’t you say it earlier.” Qin Xulan was stunned.

“It’s not only that, There is a photo and video.” The cameraman put down the camera, came over with his mobile phone and opened it for everyone to see. The video was just a picture of dogs chasing and Su Jing kicking bad guys. Unfortunately, the distance was a little bit far, the pixels were a little low, and the appearance could not be seen clearly, but it could basically correspond to Su Jing.

“See, I told you that I’m not lying.” Qin Xulan is a little proud of himself.

People ignored Qin Xulan and looked at Su Jing with a slightly strange look. They wondered where this man has come from. He not only raised Divine Cats and a group of Divine Dogs but also had abnormal athletic ability. His speed of running hurdles was faster than that of a National Athlete, as Qin Xulan said.

“The leader is actually a labrador.” Wang Li saw that among the Dogs, Labrador was the leader. He was ecstatic and said, “Mr. Su, can you bring your Labrador with you? If it’s good, we’ll hire it and make it one of the four dogs to shoot Divine Dog.”

“Four dogs? Isn’t there a single dog in this drama as a protagonist?” Su Jing is stunned.

“Well, the protagonist is only one dog, but it takes a total of four dogs to shoot. Simply speaking, it’s like a human stand-in, but there’s basically no priority or minor difference. They stand-in for each other.” Wang Li explained with a smile that the three Labradors are about one year old. They have trained since the year before last. They have learned more than 40 basic physical training subjects and more than 100 pilot training. They can play skateboards, wash clothes with a washing machine and empty garbage. But each of them can only do some part of it, so they have three other substitutes for each other. Because people will not easily recognize dogs as they would with people, so as long as their appearance and shape is similar, it will be difficult to distinguish, so the stand-in is very simple. josei

“It turned out to be like that.” When Su Jing heard that it was just a stand-in, he lost interest, but since Little Li was involved, it wasn’t impossible to let the Labrador come by and perform, “Okay, I’ll bring it back later.”

“By the way, Can you sell one to me?” Qin Xulan pleaded.

“My dog, it’s expensive.” Su Jing laughed as he doesn’t mind selling his pets except for his favorite golden eagle, man-eating vine and killer whale, as long as the price is right.

“How expensive, 100,000 yuan?” Qin Xulan said.

“Not selling.” Su Jing shook his head. Although the dogs have not eaten a lot of Magical Beast meat and had not changed much as Little Li, they had been trained with Ten Thousand Beasts Tablet for many days and their intelligence is very high.

“300,000 yuan.” Qin Xulan immediately increased the price.

“Not selling.”

“500,000 yuan, that’s high enough.” Qin Xulan gnawed his teeth.

“Not selling.”

“800,000 yuan.” This time Qin Xulan hesitated for a while.

“Deal.” Su Jing’s face was calm, but in his heart he was happy, Zhu Jianhua was dumbfounded, they were waiting for Little Li to get popularity and sell it at high prices and now Su Jing turned and sold a dog for 800,000 yuan, He is simply grabbing the money.

Many people in the room heard Qin Xulan wanting to buy a pet and their hearts raced as they also wanted to buy one, but in the blink of an eye, the price rose to 800,000 yuan and they were discouraged. Most of the actors in this drama are not very famous. Where will they get 800,000 yuan to buy a dog?

Guo Biting should definitely be able to get it, but she obviously has no habit of spending a lot of money on pets. She is more likely to adopt street animals. Of course, Su Jing doesn’t mind giving her one if she really asks for it.

“Director Wang, wait a minute. I’ll go back and bring the dog.” Su Jing drove Zhu Jianhua’s car and returned home to bring Labrador and a native dog because it took only an hour and a half to get back and forth without traffic jams or waiting for a bus.

“Wow, this dog is good.” When Su Jing came in, the crowd gathered again and looked at Labrador. Qin Xulan happily led the mighty native dog and immediately transferred 800,000 yuan to Su Jing for fear that Su Jing would repent.

“But director, this dog can’t stand-in” The staff pulled a Labrador over and it was one of the three dogs shooting as a protagonist. The Labrador was tall and fit. It was absolutely very photographic. However, compared with Su Jing, it was very weak and explosive. The audience is no fool, they will realize the difference at a single glance.

“You can’t see it’s size on the video. Seeing it with my own eyes is quite different.” Wang Li was shocked.

“Can this dog also perform?” A well-mannered man in glasses asked Liang Hua, He was the playwright.

“Of course.” Su Jing smiled. A’Da learned a lot from him. He could perform more than Little Li. He directed A’Da to show casually, such as upright, handstand, New Year’s greeting, tea delivery and so on. His expressions of sadness, anger, joy, and nervousness came to him and soon convinced everyone. Especially, in the end, Su Jing put on a song of Jiangnan style, Labrador actually stood up and danced horse-riding dance with the music, the whole audience was stunned.

“Old Wang, let’s change this Labrador to the protagonist.” Liang Hua said.

“But it’s so different from the other three. What about some pictures taken before?” Wang Li frowned.

“They are pictures of dogs, all of them are replaceable. Anyway, We only shoot two or three episodes. I think that even the scripts should be changed. In order to make Dog work, I have to reduce the difficulty. Now I have to improve the difficulty. Shoot the real “Divine Dog”.” Liang Hua looked excited.

“Change the script? Will it be too much trouble? Wang Li didn’t expect Liang Hua to be so excited.

“No, the plot is basically unchanged and the plot about people will remain unchanged, but the details of the Divine dog, we can some modifications and with this dog, we will absolutely get those effects.” Liang Hua said.

“Well, I’ll contact Old Liu and hope he can change it.” Wang Lie is not an indecisive person and immediately decided to call the producer. Now the only headache is that the original Labradors signed the contract and they will lose money if the producer agreed. Fortunately, A’Da quickly convinced producers and investors and a single dog replaced others and they will be able to make up their losses later by shooting some special effects and so on. So it was quickly finalized and A’Da was put on as a protagonist.

In the end, it was agreed with Su Jing that the pay of labrador A’Da is 30,000 per episode with a total of 40 episodes and the final payment will be about 1.2 million. This is still based on the premise that A’Da is not well known. If the show got famous, his price will definitely rise again. Little Li is not shooting every episode, but a total of 200,000 yuan is decided for her to shoot the intermittent scenes.

Su Jing and Zhu Jianhua would have never thought before coming. They originally only came to apply for a supporting role. And now, even the protagonist was changed. This is definitely an unexpected surprise.

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