Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 787 Scriptures

Chapter 787 Scriptures

Chapter 787 Scriptures

Making money now is not just about making money, it can not only increase Energy Value by producing antimatter but it can also increase Recycle Degree at the same time.

Su Jing thought about it carefully and realized that while the requirements for Energy Value and Recycle Degree are both one million, there is however an overlap between the two.

Sometimes, if he does one thing then he would be able to increase the values of two at the same time.

“Is there something special about these conch shells?” Su Jing studied those conch shells again, but unfortunately, he did not find anything special.

Finally, he fed the meat of the mussel from which the pearl was taken, as well as the meat of several snails, to several mice for experimentation. However, after eating them, there was no change.

“What is this?” Su Jing noticed that there was a sack next to the pile of snails and mussels. At first, he thought that there were snails crawling on it, so it was placed here. Unfortunately, after looking closely, there were no snails on it.

But in the corner of the sack, Su Jing saw a few very small plants. Looking at it closely, Su Jing found out that it was a straw. There are rice fields near Su Family Village.

When Su Jing was in elementary and junior high schools, he used to see those rice fields on both sides of the road when he went to the school, so he can easily identify the straw.

However, these straws are obviously stunted, they are very thin and dry, and it seems that they may die at any time. Even if they do not die, Su Jing can guess that they will not be able to produce full rice.

“I don’t know what kind of rice this is. Let’s plant it first.” Su Jing carefully dug out a few straws and planted them in the Live Soil.

Instead of moving the fish tank for snails and mussels and the flowerpot for growing straw to the third floor, he let Qingyun take them all to the Ecology Space in the lower hemisphere.

In addition, the collections on the second floor had already been moved into the vacuum space by him, and even some of the storage bags were vacated.

He is going to find some time to transfer some of the more secret things on the third floor to the ecology space and develop the ecology space.

Su Jing continued to sort out the garbage after he asked Qingyun to send the conch, mussels, and straw into the ecology space. In the past, the garbage heap was disorganized, so when he searched it, he couldn’t care about the order.

But everything is different now, the piles of garbage have been sorted into categories, and it’s clear at a glance.

Su Jing directly went to the paper garbage dump. Based on past experience, it was easiest to determine the source of the garbage based on this garbage with text messages.

Su Jing picked up the waste papers one by one and looked at it, and quickly scanned the words on the waste papers.

Some of them were bad letters, some wrongly copied notes, and some were damaged books. But all of them have one thing in common, they all come from some kind of ancient universe.

Suddenly, he pulled out a piece of waste paper that was obviously of good quality. When he opened it, it was quite large. To Su Jing’s surprise, there is a Buddha Statue painted on it.

The Buddha picture is bare-chested and kindly looking, it is sitting cross-legged with his hands sealed… This paintbrush painting appears very simple, but it is difficult to hide the zen, people can not help but feel peace in their hearts while looking at it.

Su Jing only glanced at it and his eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help but take a closer look at it.

He saw that there were dense small characters around this Buddha Statue picture, which turned out to be some scriptures, and the words “Prajñā Meditation Sutra” were written on the top.

Su Jing was slightly taken aback: “Prajñā Meditation Sutra, it sounds familiar, is it the abbreviation of “Thye Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sutra”?”

He checked the Internet and found the Mahayana Buddhist scripture “Thye Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sutra” for comparison, and found that this scripture was referred to as “Prajñā Heart Sutra” instead of “Prajñā Meditation Sutra”.

The content is somewhat similar, but there are many differences between them.

Su Jing calmed down and recited the content from the picture, and was surprised to find that this Prajñā Meditation Sutra is obviously much more subtle and much more exquisite not to mention that it goes well with the Buddha Statue picture.

Although Su Jing does not participate in Buddhism, in terms of the state of mind, he is somewhat comparable to the Buddhist Great Master and has sufficient judgment and skills.

Su Jing realized that with this Buddha Statue Picture plus the Buddhist scriptures, as long as someone watches it patiently and comprehends it for a long time, the effect would not be much weaker than the dark gold stone tea tray set he got from the “Shrouding The Heavens Universe”.

Su Jing pondered: “This Buddhist sutra Buddha Statue is also beneficial to my state of mind, but the effect is limited. But for ordinary people who like Buddhism, it should be very useful. If ordinary people can understand it, they will also benefit a lot.” josei

Su Jing had an idea to spread this Buddhist sutra Buddha Statue in the form of a photo. Before he wouldn’t think that way, because it wouldn’t have done any good, but now, he’s thinking that maybe it would increase the Recycle Degree.

According to Qingyun, Recycle Degree can be obtained by making money from garbage by bringing surprises and shocks to people and having a good impact on society and the environment.

This Buddhist sutra Buddha Statue picture should bring surprises and shocks to people. It would allow the people to remain calm, and it also has a certain positive impact on society. It is just right to try it.

Of course, there is another prerequisite for Su Jing to give up the Buddha Statue Picture, that is, the Buddha Statue Picture is of average value to Su Jing.

There is no doubt that Su Jing relies most on the Way of Silence from Journey to the West Universe to cultivate his spirit. Ancestor Subhuti’s The Way of Silence can even be said to be the way to cultivate immortals.

The more Su Jing cultivates, the more profound it feels. The painting of a beautiful woman from the “Desolate Era Universe”, the dark gold stone tea tray from the “Shrouding The Heavens Universe” and the Buddha Statue Picture in front of him can be regarded as auxiliary products at best.

Ancestor Subhuti is proficient in Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and hundreds of schools of thought. Therefore, different items, artistic conception, and Dao Law can be absorbed and accommodated without any conflict.

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