Galaxy's First Ruler

Chapter 139

Chapter 139: First Contact

"Transfer his memories."

Various scenes like broken movie frames flashed through Aldrich's mind. Aldrich didn't take long to filter out the relevant knowledge from pure gibberish. In only a few seconds, he had got a good idea about what happened there.

The so-called Red-Jackets was a gang of space-traffickers in the business of trafficking rare species. The top leader of the gang, a Lvl 37 Viscount, had various connections to many Houses. Even though the devoured Viscount didn't have any knowledge of these Houses, it took no effort for Aldrich to make a guess.

It was among the types of gangs funded by the Kingdom behind the curtains.

This certain group, led by the vice-leader, was on their way to trade a young of an extinct species. Aldrich could surmise the secrecy of the operation by the fact that the traffickers were only given the location of checkpoints. And not the actual meeting point. The Lvl 31 Viscount, the Dreamers, and the young creature were on their way to the next checkpoint when they crashed on this abandoned planet.

"Huh! It's good that I went through the scrolls before the Random-Allocation."

From the scrolls, he had already found that the Dungeons on his home planet differed from the ones in the rest of the Galaxy.josei

First, hardly any statues on the planets ruled by the Nobles of the four kingdoms were Dungeons. Dungeons could only be found in the four Separations or on an abandoned planet, which was deemed to be inhabitable. Such as the one Aldrich was on.

And hence, those who wanted to live a life of leisure, given the increment in age with every Rank, only raided Dungeons on their Random-Allocations.

Second, even if one entered separately without joining a Party, only the Elites were duplicated and not the Boss Crawlers. It at least proved Aldrich's theory that the Dungeons on Barren Earths were a way for RECORD to develop leadership qualities. As the entire idea of two Bosses per party was just a consequence of all Dreamers not working together.

Third, and the most frustrating for Aldrich, was that one couldn't get any ExP by killing another Dreamer. The only thing one could get after killing a Dreamer was the Items stored in the Inventory.

Aldrich spread out his Divine Sense and searched for any Item worth picking up. But most of the Dreamers had died in the second cycle of Push and Pull, and their Items weren't good enough to survive the third one. Even the Viscount had nothing in his Inventory, except a few potions, which Aldrich was glad to store with a wave of his hand.

"Hmm, we still have some time. Let's check out their spaceship."


Some three miles east of the Dungeon, he saw a badly damaged elliptical spaceship.

From the memories, Aldrich found out that the gang had approached the Dungeon after the crash. They were hoping to hunt the teleporting Dreamers and get any methods to contact their HQ. Alas, even after they knew this Dungeon only attracted Barons, they couldn't have guessed that someone like Aldrich might be one of them.

Aldrich furrowed his brows upon not sensing any sign of life by his Divine Sense.


A vein from the mask went to the palm of his right hand and bloomed into the form of a black dagger. Aldrich raised his Defense Stat and cautiously walked into the spaceship.

Trrr! Trrrrr!!

Aldrich could see sparks and small bubble-like bursts of Mana everywhere within the spaceship. Guided by the Viscount's memory, Aldrich went to the chamber where they had been keeping the creature imprisoned in a secured container. He took a sharp turn, and at the end of the corridor, he saw an enormous steel door, almost ripped apart in half.

And just in front of the door, there was a small container, leaking green fluid.

According to the memories, the Viscount didn't bring the container with him for fear of it being damaged if things got out of hand. Ironically, he turned out to be right. The Viscount didn't know what kind of creature it was. He only knew that it was in hibernation.

"I guess it's not hibernating anymore."

Aldrich approached the container and checked the temperature of the fluid. The fluid was extremely viscous and had mercury-like properties, as it didn't wet Aldrich's fingers.

Grrr! Aaoo!!

Aldrich snapped his head towards the opening over his head, hearing the growling sound, and jumped out on the roof of the spaceship. But even after scanning again, he couldn't find a trace of anything.

"What's going on?"

"Daddy… there!"

The dagger in his hand raised by itself and pointed towards the ground some hundred meters away. Aldrich's eyes went wide as he saw something lying there, but his Divine Sense couldn't notice it at all.

In the next moment, Aldrich appeared in front of the thing. It was like a gray furred palm-sized kitten but had 2 columns of 3 eyes. All six eyes were dull yellow and on its back were two tiny bat-like wings. And its two tails had snakeheads at their ends. But the snake tails, like the creature, were on the brink of death.

"Sha, how did you find it?"

"I… feel… it."


Aldrich crouched down and inspected the creature. All of its delicate bones had seemed to be broken, and it was bleeding internally. Even if Aldrich had all the items he needed in such a case, it would have been nigh impossible to save the creature. He poured a vial of HP potion, but it didn't bring any reaction out of it.


Aldrich sighed and took two tubes out of the FIR. He collected a few drops of its blood and saliva and put the tubes back. This was the only thing he could do to ensure the survival of the species.


The kitten-like creature grunted and tried to flap its wing, but failed miserably. Aldrich felt like the creature was looking straight at him, asking him to relieve it from the pain. He massaged its tiny head and muttered under his breath.

"Sha, you can eat it now."

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