Galaxy's First Ruler

Chapter 167

Chapter 167: Compensation

The buried pillars were still glowing under the weight of Aldrich's sins.

But one of the nine pillars seemed taller than others. The symbols were the same, and the engravings were also the same. The only obvious difference between it and the other eight was the lack of folded red paper over it.

This sudden change hadn't gone unnoticed by Aldrich's eyes. But it wasn't the time to think more about it.

It was the time to enjoy a drama.


Processing the bets of both parties…

Evaluating the Arguments…

Generating Outcome…


Aldrich saw the fairy staring at the rows of notifications with a confident smile of victory and success.

The lack of crown hadn't brought down her aura of righteousness, though it made her hairs and the braids stand out in the green and blue surroundings. The bluish-colored anger had receded from her face, and even the transparent wings on her back fluttered ever so slowly to just maintain the height.

All the plaza felt like waiting with bated breath for the RECORD to flash out the notifications. Aldrich, contrary to the expectant look in the fairy's eyes, only had one sentence in his mind.

'Be careful of what you wish for.'


Based on the Arguments presented by both parties, the outcome of the Trial of Dreamer Aldrich's first sin is: Guilty



The sudden burst of laughter that came out of Anjana's mouth broke the seal of silence over the entire Plaza.

Her arms were stretched outwards, and her neck was craned up towards the sky. Even though her laughter was loud, because of her size, it only felt like a tantrum of many birds in heat. Aldrich calmly observed as her tender and pleasing voice soon turned into a mocking one.

"Sinner, how can you still be so calm? Kneel and repent for your Sin. Humph! And it was even the first of many. A small bet doesn't justify the punishment for you. I will wait for you to stand at the door of Eternal Death after all the trials and…"

The fairy was still ranting out when the sudden flash of the notification made her hold back her words.

Aldrich had been waiting for this notification for a long time.


Both parties have won the bet

The bet of party: Dreamer Aldrich, surpasses the bet of party: Crawler Anjana, in quality

Crawler Anjana is required to compensate to match the bet



The fairy's starlike eyes became wide in shock and disbelief at the turn of events.

"You mentioned reading about me in a document. Did that document mention that Aldrich Guo is not a fool?"

Aldrich's words were like a ripple in a placid lake, undulating with the sense of reality in the plaza. Aldrich's eyes met that of the fairy through the notification between them. The way her eyes shook in a momentary horror was vividly visible to him. Her voice, now devoid of its previous charm and tenderness, crawled its way to Aldrich's ears.

"You… You bet on the trial's outcome as Guilty?!"

Aldrich brought his hands behind his back and replied to the question filled with incredulity.

"Sins, trials, and your rants aren't all of them just a facade? I had my doubts about the purpose of these trials from the start, but then I saw the warning related to bets. Tch! The only question that came to me was why didn't you mention the bet even once before the 'RECORD'?"

With every word that came out of Aldrich's mouth, the fairy kept losing her height and now almost hovered at Aldrich's eye level. Her lips had a strange quiver about them, and Aldrich could even see her milky smooth chin, which had never dropped even once, was lowered at the moment.

"These… How dare you question the trials and pillars…."

The fairy tried to put the last attempt to ward off Aldrich's theory, but Aldrich cut her off and chuckled.josei

"Haha! When did I ever say that these Trials aren't real? When did I ever question the existence of these pillars? Feelings, emotions, and intentions, are the things I always question first. No matter if it's a Crawler or Dreamer."

The fairy closed her mouth, and all the hints of shock vanished from her face. Aldrich saw a pale color of extreme seriousness coming onto her cheeks as the fairy's needle-like voice tried to pierce his ears.

"How did you know?"

Aldrich playfully shook his head and replied.

"9 trials, each about a sin that can not be defended. And even if one was to win the battle of trials, the war would have been lost, anyway. Isn't that right? You don't care a tiny bit about the losing or winning trials, all you care about is winning the bets. Again, a Dreamer without his Skills and Items is nothing but an empty shell. And you, the Lady of Righteousness Anjana, was to make sure that your bet always surpasses the quality in Skills or Items. The essence of this pretentious play of trials doesn't lie in arguments, but the masterfully placed bets. Or am I wrong?"

"… not… wrong. Daddy… always… right."

Aldrich ignored Sha raising her fist of triumphs in his mind and stared at the fairy. He couldn't hear it, but he could see her gritting her teeth hard enough to shatter them. But soon she let out a breath and a thin but sultry smile surfaced on her lips.

"I can't even remember the last time someone had realized this. Thousands, no! Maybe tens of thousands of years ago there was one who had passed the trials, but he died all the same. So what if you realized it sooner than the others? It won't change anything. Hmph! I just have to compensate for the bet, but you have already lost the first trial."

The fairy had already raised her Viscount ranked hawthorn stick as the compensation. But Aldrich's white eyes were like white pearls, reflecting the tiny image of the fairy and the world behind her. As the fairy harrumphed, Aldrich had only one question to ask her.

"Lady Anjana, do you know who fears death the most?"

The hawthorn stick vanished from the fairy's hand. And as the notification materialized between them, Aldrich answered his own question that seemed to have perplexed the fairy.

"Those who have lived the longest dread the death the most, and its very existence."


Anjana's Hawthorn Stick is accepted

The combined quality of the bet isn't enough

Crawler Anjana is advised to add more compensation…


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