Galaxy's First Ruler

Chapter 189

Chapter 189: Thunderous Dark Shadow Teleportation Spaceship

Grrr! Hiss!!

As Aldrich's eyes met those of the creature's, it let out a growl. The two snakeheads on its tails weren't lifeless anymore, but they had no strength to slither. Only a buried hissing sound kept coming out of their mouths.


Aldrich ignored Sha's pleading voice and picked up the kitten like a gray ball of fur by the back of his neck. The creature flapped its wings helplessly, and Aldrich could see the look of defiance it gave to him. The slim tails hovered behind the creature's body before lunging at Aldrich's right hand.

Aldrich didn't prevent the two snakes from biting his hand over the sleeve. As their silvery fangs came in contact with his pitch-black greatcoat, the devilish aura churned, filling every corner of their mouths.



The tails twisted and turned as if experiencing a seizure, and the creature let out a howl of pain. A smile came upon Aldrich's face as he threw it towards Sha.

"I have changed my mind. Let's see if we can find anything about it."

Sha caught the creature as if it was the most fragile thing in the world. She brought it to her bosom and massaged its head.

"See? Shu… Daddy… not… completely… heartless."


Aldrich's thoughts broke and his brows crumpled as he heard Sha's nonsensical words. In only one sentence, not only she had given the creature a name but had also berated him.

There was still half a day left until the Earl's ceremony. And this time seemed enough to Aldrich to check out the next checkpoint and get further information on the creature from the Red-jacket's leader. He had already got the vice leader's memories through Sha, and with it came the coordinates. The only issue was that he had no spaceship.

"So let's make one."

Aldrich had already got to know the basic theory of the spaceships that worked on Mana cores. But no spaceship from House Venomous Rose seemed fast enough to him. Aldrich knew he would spend too much time roaming the galaxy from here on. And teleportation points were only available on some selective planets or regions. An incredibly fast spaceship, disregarding other variables, was the only thing Aldrich wanted right now.

Though he could only create Baron ranked Items from now on, he could be generous regarding the number of Experience Points. Aldrich, taking in everything at his disposal, tried to fill the gap using sheer numbers.

Aldrich gave it a second thought and took a deep breath. His white eyes glowed blue with runic symbols as he said.



Skill Metacreativity is now active

Specify your creation: Item or Skill?




Fill up the given template for Item

Item Name:

Warning: The above data would be optimized according to the maximum available ExPs

Warning: Item-Specific Skill would not be upgradable

Warning: Item's Rank can be upgraded using ExPs


As soon as Aldrich had said 'Item', Sha's ears perked up. With a catlike walk, she moved behind Aldrich and kept licking her lips from time to time. The creature in her bosom had no strength to even try to free itself. And by the way, it kept rubbing its face on Sha's breasts, it didn't seem 'Shu' hated the feeling.

Aldrich put his entire focus on the task at hand but kept a part of his Divine Sense on the Shadow Homunculus. The only thing he wanted out of this Item was speed. He didn't care for defense, and nor did he care for attack capabilities. Saving time was Aldrich's only priority for now.


Item Name: Thunderous Dark Shadow Teleportation Spaceship

Do you want to submit this data?


Aldrich nodded.


Submitting request to create Item….

Optimizing Item…

Item 'Swordfish' is created

ExPs consumed: 600000

Warning: The consumed ExPs are permanently lost

Warning: You have fallen back to Level 15



Aldrich involuntarily let out a shout as he saw RECORD shortening the name that he had given the Item. And not only that, it changed it to the name of a fish. Aldrich's eyes became wide as he saw a blue-red spaceship appearing in front of him. Saying it was like a swordfish would be an understatement, as it was exactly the same in appearance as a swordfish.

From the tip of its nose, also called a bill, to the end of its tail, the spaceship was 12.5 meters long. There was a curved cylindrical window running from one eye to another, covering the entire upper portion of its mouth.

Aldrich was silently fuming, but then his gaze went over the Stats of the Item and he let out a breath of relief. The numbers and Skill were in tandem with his requirement, and as long as they weren't tampered with, he didn't care what the Item's name was.


Item: Swordfish

Type: Spaceship

Rank: Baron

Durability: 20000/20000

Minimum Usage Condition: Mana Core at or above Baron Rank

Description: An Item that can breach the space

Item-specific Skill: Light-year Blink

Item-specific Skill's Detail: Based on the Mana Core, it can jump from one coordinate to another regardless of the distance between them

Warning: If touched by water, the Item-specific Skill will fail

Warning: If the bill of the 'Swordfish' gets damaged, the Item-specific Skill will fail

Warning: If someone makes a joke about the looks of 'Swordfish', the Item-specific Skill will fail

Warning: 'Swordfish' is size sensitive. If there is a bigger spaceship in a 100-meter radius, the Item-specific Skill will fail



Aldrich sighed as he saw the sheer number of warnings that made little sense to him. But he knew how to use the Item, and that too, at only a Baron Rank, there was no way to avoid the restrictions that came with it. Aldrich was about to take a step towards the Item when the shadow under it rippled and a cave like opening came into Aldrich's eyes.

He didn't even get to shout as the entire spaceship got devoured by Sha.

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