Galaxy's First Ruler

Chapter 227

Chapter 227: Aldrich's Decision



Aldrich and Boudicca stared at each other. When it seemed this staring would last the entire night, Boudicca threw the piece of paper on Aldrich's head.

"You think you are that special, huh!"

Aldrich didn't mind this impulsive behavior. Same as he didn't mind Drago's pride and Trifon's pretentious attitude. The only thing that he had found out that was absolute in this world were Curses. After spending millions of years in that Darkness, Aldrich had already confirmed that Time wasn't absolute. Though he never tried to comprehend it there.

Only Curses were things that none could avoid. From Counts to Marquesses and now even a Duchess, all were cursed. Aldrich didn't think the curses were actually shortcomings. This was a price for Dreamers' evolution. And when one tries to get away with payment, unimaginable and horrified things could happen.

Seeing Aldrich's silence, the corner of Boudicca's eyes became wet. Aldrich knew that if she wanted, she could make him go with her. If even Marchioness Maya could do it, Aldrich didn't need to guess that Duchess Boudicca could too. But then, like Amalia or Maya, her only outcome would be to get used by Aldrich.

Aldrich knew the reason for her not to opt for such things was her intrinsic nature.

"Just… Just tell me, what more do you want?"

Aldrich wasn't a person who would get affected by seeing the tears of somebody. It didn't matter if the person was a child, teen, young, or old. It also didn't matter if it was a boy or girl. Much less needed to be said if the tears were even real or fake.

The only thing in Aldrich's mind was if he would be able to come back in time for the tournament or not. What were even the profits and losses of him going with Boudicca? For a moment, Aldrich even thought to join Hallowed Phantoms and help Amalia deal with Boudicca. He would then let Sha eat her and get her memories. A freaking Duchess' memories would be the most useful for him to accomplish his goals.


Before deciding, Aldrich asked one more question.

"How did you find me? You can decide to not answer it."

Boudicca heard Aldrich's question but did not reply for long. At last, she took a deep breath and gave out a deeply saddened smile.

"Ancient Scholars are rare. But the Kingdom of Life-Authority still has most of them. The Supreme Oracle of the Royal Family told me that my Destiny lies among Roses. It was hard, but not hard enough for me to not figure it out, given the recent events that had taken place here."

'Supreme Oracle?!'

Aldrich wondered if she was some ancient being too, waiting for someone to come and make her pregnant.josei


Aldrich coughed and broke this absurd line of thinking. To Aldrich, the line 'Your Destiny lies among Roses' had several meanings. From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the lost face of Boudicca and thought to herself.

'Maybe she is meant to die here. Now that would be some destiny too, right? I will bury a part of her among roses, completing the prophecy. Hmm!"

Aldrich truly brooded over this for quite some time. But ultimately, let go of this thought. First, he would have to make countless changes to his already set plan. It wasn't much, but where the Kings and Queen were involved, any new variable could become disastrous for him.

Second, Aldrich didn't just like Amalia. Hallowed Phantoms sounded good for him to use, but meeting their King just after joining would be a bad idea. An organization whose goals were already chaotic, and revolved around chaos, couldn't be used fully, anyway.


Aldrich sighed, making Boudicca snap her head towards him. He gave her an expressionless look and spoke out.

"Okay! You got yourself a deal. But I have two conditions."

Boudicca had already a big smile on her face and was handing her hand out to shake as Aldrich mentioned the deal. But the word condition made her hand hover in the air as it is.

"What is it?" Boudicca asked.

"First, on this journey, I will be the captain. Meaning you will work for me, and not the other way around. You will do as I say, no questions asked. Do you agree?"


"Cut the crap! Do you agree or not?"

Boudicca's enormous breasts heaved up and down as she gritted her teeth. But then Aldrich crouched and picked up the archaic paper, making her remember why she was here. Taking a deep breath, she replied.

"Okay… I agree. But… I… won't do something funny."


Aldrich let out a laugh and handed over the paper.

"That would be good. Now for the second condition, you swore upon Mana you won't let any harm come upon me."

Boudicca's face instantaneously became serious, and she answered.

"Yes, I…"

But Aldrich lifted his hand, making her pause before completing her sentence.

Aldrich's hand reached to his back and held the Pillar of Justice in his hand. A slight chuckle escaped his mouth as he neared her.

"Haha! Would you mind paying upfront on this promise?"


The entire area around Aldrich and Boudicca burst apart in a thunderous explosion.

Half part of the Manor got decimated in an instant. The drizzle outside had turned into a downpour, but even then, it couldn't do anything to the blackish fire. Space rippled in the air, and Boudicca materialized.

One Step Shunpo!!!

In her right hand, grabbed by the back of his neck, Aldrich was eyeing the woman coming out of the main door of the Manor. Her appearance had changed little, but her red eyes had again become red slits. She was wearing a traditional long black skirt, and on top, there was only a blouse. Her anklets and bangles chimed along with the buzzing raindrops around her.

Aldrich brought his left hand up to his mouth.


"Ahem! Duchess Boudicca, may I present Marchioness Maya of Hallowed Phantoms."

Boudicca gave an incredibly ugly glance to Aldrich, and then her blue eyes met those red snakelike eyes. Maya's face, though angelic, was like a manifestation of anger. A raging shout came out of her mouth, waking up anyone who was still shameless enough to sleep after the explosion.

"BITCH! Where do you think you are taking my toy?"

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