Galaxy's First Ruler

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: The Wailing Land of Mist



As the three carriages reached the third level, screams of living and dead welcomed the group with open arms.

The mist became viscous, blurring the visibility even more. The black spots on the lizards opened up and sucked in the mist. Their dead eyes gained a bit of life as they relished the intoxicating feeling of being alive. And that also meant that these Crawlers famous for their speed, not their bravery, won't go further, even one more step.

Tomislav and others stepped out from the carriages. The earth beneath their feet was muddy as if the place was under the wrath of a downpour just before their arrival. Dense black clouds had covered the sky above them, but there was no sign of lightning.

There was a slight gust of wind, struggling to show its might, but got trampled over by the gray mist.

The entire place felt like an unfinished painting.

"The Wailing Land of Mist!"

Tomislav almost shouted the name, but the dampened atmosphere turned his words as a mere whisper in the ears of others. Who knows how terrified were the Dreamers, who were screaming loud enough for their last breath to reach the newly arrived group?

"Come on everyone, gather up and don't stray far from the group."

The two viscounts and the three masked persons behind them followed Tomislav's instructions. None were stupid enough to not let the man, termed as the strongest adventurer, do his job when the time and place demanded it.

Tomislav took a big blue and red bazooka out of his Inventory. The mist around the weapon burst apart like it couldn't bear to remain in contact with it. It was apparent that whatever the bazooka was made of, at least it wasn't metallic.


The mud under Tomislav's feet splattered as he put the massive thing on his back. Behind him, Christin extended her hand and a circular palm mirror materialized. Contrary to the purpose of mirrors, it lacked a reflecting surface. Only a dense purple mist churned at the center of its glossy white front.

At her side, Berb opened his mummy-like mouth, and out came flying countless bugs and insects. They surrounded the group and buzzed around, sending scenes and voices back to Berb.

"My Lords, we have little time. In about 5 hours, the water from the Sea of White Death would come rushing to the fourth level. And everything that is not in a Dungeon or near one in the third level would come in contact with the seepage coming out of the teleportation point."

"Then stop talking and start moving."

Tomislav ignored the young Viscount and nodded at Christin and Berb.


The sound of wind never left the group as they marched on, led by Tomislav. The only thing to wonder about was that they didn't know if the wind was even real or not. Muddy earth, and the motionless clouds over them, couldn't put any case against their dilemma either.

"Wait! Something is approaching us. And it's fast?"josei

Berb's warning came out of nowhere, rooting everyone in their state of walking. The three masked persons placed themselves around the two viscounts. And Tomislav's hand reached back towards the bazooka, whose mouth was even bigger than his head.

Drip! Drip!!!

Drops of sweat fell from Tomislav's face, disregarding his blue-beard. The turbulence in the mist further ahead made him perk up his ears.

Ktch! Ktchh!! Ktchhh!!!

The surroundings became sinisterly quiet. And all heard some footsteps, running and struggling to overcome the mud under them. The group prepared themselves as the mist parted a few meters ahead.

Huff! Hufff!!!

But out came a normal man, bleeding but alive. He was out of breath, and as he saw the group, an exaggerated smile tried to come upon his face. The half-smile filled with relief was weirdly horrifying.

Tomislav let out a sighing breath and took a step towards the man, who was on the verge of collapsing.



As Berb's scream jolted Tomislav's senses, a dark cave opened up behind the man. The cave had many white icicle shaped rocks and the entire cave seemed to be covered with a slimy liquid. An extreme foul stench washed over Tomislav as he saw the cave snapped shut, leaving only two feet where the man was standing.

By then, even the Viscounts had caught on to what had happened. Their Perception, though higher than their counterparts, couldn't be compared to Berb's Class-specific Skill.

Tomislav watched in sheer amazement as the surrounding mist sizzled and parted like waves.

In front of the group towered a wolf-like Crawler, almost 70 to 80 meters in height. The gray mist gradually revealed its 200 meters large body, but the bizarreness didn't end with its unnatural size.

The Crawler's stomach didn't have any fur, muscles, or organs. Ribs, and other bones, were protruding out of its body as big disgusting maggots crawled in its wounds.

Tomislav craned his neck up and saw its head, chewing something with sheer pleasure. The lack of one eye on its head couldn't cripple its sight, as it's one red-eye alone could see better and farther than all the Dreamers combined.


The Crawler howled at the sky and the group realized that the cave they had seen was just its half-opened mouth.

"Captain, it's a Fenrir Based Undead Crawler! Please let me have it. Please, pretty please."



The two Viscounts looked at each other, taken aback by the sudden change in Christin's attitude. Even if the Crawler wasn't a deadly threat to them, the Tomislav's trio shouldn't have appeared so nonchalant while facing it.

Tomislav looked at Christin and saw Berb already shrugging in defeat.

"Ah well, fuck it! Why not? Go ahead."


The Crawler pounced its mouth towards the approaching puny creature. Christin jumped a little and threw the mirror in her hand in the misty air. Her perky breasts and round ass bounced twice as much as they should have as she pointed at the hovering mirror over her head. And a sweet voice, filled with irresistible charm, came out of her mouth in contrast to the stinky breath of the beast.

"Hehe! Come out, Pussy-Pussy!"

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