Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 223

Chapter 223: Aegon's Crown

Chapter 223 Aegon's Crown

In the brilliant afterglow of the setting sun, Samwell arrived at the pier of Starfall City with his fiancée Margaery.

Natalie Dane has been waiting on the pier with people for a long time.

Watching Samwell walk down the gangway with Margaery on his arm, a trace of disappointment flashed in Natalie's eyes, but soon, she pulled herself together, smiled politely, and stepped forward to greet her.

"Welcome to Starfall City, Lord Caesar, Miss Margery!"

"Why are you so out of touch, called Sam." Samwell stepped forward and rubbed Natalie's hair habitually.

This familiar movement and tone made Natalie jump for joy in an instant. The loss and sorrow after hearing the engagement news before were all gone, and a sweet smile was put on her delicate face again.

"Natalie, long time no see!" Margaery stepped forward to hug Natalie and kissed her cheek again, "You have become more beautiful! Especially the dress you chose, it matches your purple color very well Eye."

"Really?" Natalie found that she couldn't be angry with Margery at all, "My mother helped me choose the dress."

"Madame Ashara has great vision! Can she help me choose a scarf? The wind and sand in Dorne always blind my eyes."


Seeing the two girls who were as close as sisters again, Samwell secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

However, he was not surprised by this.

After all, in the original book, even the "Emperor of the Ages" Joffrey was subdued by Margaret, and a little white rabbit like Natalie had no difficulty at all for her.

Samwell summoned Jill Shad, the acting lord of Starfall City, and asked:

"Has Prince Doran arrived?"

"His Royal Highness came to Starfall City three days ago."

"It's pretty fast. What has he been doing these three days? Has he interviewed anyone?"

"No, His Royal Highness has been staying in his room, and at most let the servants push the wheelchair around the courtyard a few times."

Samwell nodded silently.

Prince Doran seemed quite honest, as if he really wanted to see him.

The group returned to the castle, Samwell washed up, changed his clothes, and went to find Prince Doran.

Originally wanted to leave Cleopatra to Margaery's care, but after thinking about it, Samwell took the white dragon with him.

At this time, Cleopatra had grown to the size of an eagle, and Samwell's shoulders seemed a bit cramped for it.

The servant took Samwell to a courtyard near the sea, where a huge olive tree was planted, and Prince Doran was sitting under the tree, staring at a cyvasse chessboard in a daze.

This was the first time Samwell saw the Dorne ruler.josei

I have to say, a little disappointed.

Prince Doran did not have the domineering a ruler should have at all. On the contrary, he had a swollen complexion, gray hair, and his gouty legs were resting on a padded footstool, looking like a frail old man.

Of course, Samwell dare not underestimate this person.

If he had to choose an enemy, he would rather face the "Red Viper" than the seemingly weaker Doran.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Prince Doran turned his head, stared at it with misty eyes for a moment, and said:

"Is it Viscount Caesar? Sorry, I can't get up to greet you."

Samwell leaned slightly: "Yes, Your Royal Highness, you don't need to be too polite."

Prince Daolan nodded, then looked at the captain of the guard behind him, and said:

"Alio, let me talk to Viscount Caesar alone."

"Yes." Areo Hotah turned and left with a long-handled giant ax in hand.

"It's so beautiful." Prince Doran looked at the white dragon on Samwell's shoulder, and couldn't help expressing emotion.

"Thank you." Samwell said, "You came all the way from Sunspear to see me, didn't you just want to catch a glimpse of the White Dragon?"

"Of course not. But it's really mainly for it." Prince Doran raised his wine glass with trembling hands, took a big sip, and then looked at Samwell, "Would you like some? Pure Dorne red wine, I'll rely on It eases the pain and keeps us alive until now."

"No thanks." Samwell would not drink the wine given by the Dornishmen, "I have no pain to relieve."

And he finally knew why Prince Doran had such severe gout.

"That's because you haven't joined this game long enough." Prince Doran said leisurely, "When you are like me, stay in this cruel and **** game for decades, watching your former relatives, friends, When your subjects and even your enemies die one after another, you will be able to experience the pain of loneliness, and at that time, you will not be able to do without the comfort of red wine."

"I hope that day will come later." Samwell responded casually, and then tried to bring the topic back on track, "I heard that the Martell family has concluded an alliance with the Lannister family?"

"Yes." Prince Doran admitted frankly, "but you should also understand that this covenant is not from our original intention."

Samwell curled his lips: "Whether you take the initiative or are forced to help, but you are indeed helping the Lannister family now, right? Otherwise, you just need to send back the army of the three realms of the river, the valley, and the storm, Lannister The Nestor family will definitely be devastated."

"But we are also helping you." Prince Doran explained lightly.

Samwell frowned: "Help me?"

"Isn't it?" Prince Doran played with a cyvasse piece between his red and swollen fingers, "Don't deny it, Caesar, although you support Stannis Baratheon on the Iron Throne on the outside, deep down you don't. Don't want to see him win.

I will put back the army of the three realms. The Lannister family probably cannot cope with the fish, wolf, deer and eagle alliance in its heyday. When Stannis becomes the master of the seven kingdoms, do you think he will appreciate your support or kill you as a threat? in the cradle? "

Samwell smiled slightly: "It turns out that I owe you such a big debt to the Martell family without knowing it."

"You don't need to say that. I just want to tell you that we are not enemies, but friends."

"Why help me?" Samwell stared into Prince Doran's eyes.

"Vengeance," whispered Prince Doran, as if afraid of being heard. "Justice." He showed Samwell the agate chess piece he was playing in his hand, "Blood and Fire."

That is a chess piece that symbolizes a dragon.

Samwell narrowed his eyes: "The revenge you are talking about refers to the revenge of the Lannister family?"

"Yes. Tywin thought that by giving one of his dogs to the Martell family, we could forget the hatred of the past." Prince Doran said with a hint of chill in his tone, "No. It's not enough. From hearing my sister Yi From the day Leia and her children died in King's Landing, I've been working on revenge for those who caused it.

The real murderer. Not the executor of the 'Magic Mountain', but the one who issued the order—

Tywin Lannister! "

Samwell asked: "But I also killed your own brother 'Red Viper', why don't you take revenge on me?"

"It's not the same. You killed Oberyn on the battlefield, in an aboveboard way. So I don't hate you. And what Tywin did to my sister was murder, murder of innocents! I will let He paid the price in blood!"

Samwell shrugged, seemed to accept this reason, and continued to ask:

"What about the justice you speak of?"

"Of course it is the justice of Robert Baratheon." Prince Doran said, "He is the king I have sworn to serve, and I cannot tolerate his throne being occupied by a scoundrel."

"What about blood and fire?"

Prince Doran pointed to the white dragon on Samwell's shoulder: "You have a dragon. This reason is enough for the Martell family to bet on you."

"What about the conditions of the Martell family?"

"You marry my daughter Arianne."

"Sorry." Samwell spread his hands, "I have already entered into a marriage contract with Miss Margery of the Tyrell family."

"I know. I didn't ask you to regret the marriage." Prince Doran forced a smile on his face, "You can marry two."

"Marry two?" Samwell laughed, "The laws of Westeros only recognize monogamy."

"The law can only restrain the weak. Didn't Aegon Targaryen, the 'Conqueror', marry two wives back then. You also have dragons, why can't you follow suit?" Prince Doran said, opening a wooden box on the table .

Samwell saw that the box contained a crown.

It is a circular crown made of Valyrian steel, with edges as sharp as a sword. Under the sunlight, it shimmers with a chilly gleam. It is inlaid with a huge ruby, and its fiery red is like a dancing flame.

"This is the crown worn by Aegon the Conqueror." Prince Doran explained.

"Why is it in your hand?" Samwell stared at the crown, his eyes seemed to sink into it.

Cleopatra also suddenly became excited, flapping her wings and roaring silently.

"This is a souvenir left here when Daeron I attacked Dorne for the second time." Prince Doran's eyes were dark.

Samwell knew that the "Little Dragon Lord" Daeron Targaryen was killed when he attacked Dorne for the second time. It seems that this crown from the "Conqueror" fell to Martell at that time. In the hands of the family.

"Do you want it?" Prince Doran said with a hint of temptation in his tone, "You married my daughter, and this crown is my wedding gift to you."

Samwell's heart began to beat violently unconsciously, but he still calmed down and shook his head slowly.

"Why?" Prince Doran was a little surprised.

Samwell asked: "How did the 'Young Dragon Lord' Daeron I die in Dorne?"

Prince Doran was silent.

Samwell answered for him: "Daeron I had already won when he attacked Dorne for the second time, and the Dornish people also agreed to submit, but when Daeron I came to accept his allegiance, the Dornish people betrayed their promise and launched a surprise attack. kill it.

Your Highness Doran, tell me that the Dornish people are so capricious, how can I trust you?

And this time, you guys have already formed an alliance with the Lannister family, but you turned your head and thought about how to backstab a lion. I don't know if you will sell me one day. "

Prince Doran sighed, a little helpless: "You rejected the Martell family's kindness for this reason?"

"Oh, there's another reason."


"I don't want to marry your daughter."

(end of this chapter)

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