Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 302

Chapter 302: crazy

Chapter 302 Crazy

Ser Kevan Lannister walked through the garden maze into Highgarden with a heavy heart.

He really didn't expect the situation in the river bend to be so bad that the horse party actually captured the ancient oak city and the fruit wine hall.

Although the reason used was that these two families killed the two sons of the Duke of Metz, Vilas and Garland, of course Kevan knew that these two were clearly forced to death by the Ma Party.

And now, the Ma Party actually demanded that the Duke of Metz hand over Mrs. Olenna.

Said that she plotted to assassinate Caesar, a vassal of Highgarden - which is true.

Even so, a group of vassals forced the lord to hand over his mother, which was a bit too much anyway.

But Kefeng also knows that the deer party, which is already in a weak position, has just wiped out two important families, and the horse party will naturally become more unscrupulous. This time, forcing the Duke of Mace to hand over Mrs. Olenna, it is estimated that it will start soon Completely liquidate the remnants of the Deer Party and carve up the territory of the Deer Party.

Therefore, he must help the Tyrell family stabilize the situation, and not allow the river bend to become the horse party's world. In that case, Caesar's power will expand to an extremely dangerous situation.

"Sir Kevan, this is your room." The butler said politely, "I have sent the servants to prepare the bath water, and dinner will take some time. If you are hungry, I can ask the kitchen to prepare some food for you. .”

"May I pay my respects to Mrs. Olenna first?" Kefeng was not in the mood to take a bath at the moment.

"plz follow me."

Kevon entered the room, put down and saluted, and then followed the housekeeper to a bedroom on the top floor of the main castle.

The room was extremely ornately furnished, with Myrish carpets on the floor and exquisite tapestry from Lys hanging on the wall. Behind a wooden screen with colorful paintings of rare birds and animals, Kevan saw Mrs. Olenna.

She was looking out of the window in a daze, and didn't look back after hearing footsteps.

"Mrs. Olenna." Kevan stepped forward and found a seat to sit down.

Mrs. Olenna seemed to have noticed that someone had entered the room. She turned her head slowly, and stared at Kefeng with her cloudy eyes for a long while before she regained focus.

"Ser Kevan, how dare you come to Highgarden now?"

"The Ma Party should not be bold enough to rush into the High Court to kill people." Kai Feng smiled pretendingly.

Madam Olenna sneered:

"They even dare to kill my grandson, what else dare not."

"I regret that."

"It's a shame." Madam Olenna spoke as ruthlessly as ever, "You might as well go to the church and light a candle for my two grandchildren."

"I'll go." Kevan didn't get angry at all, "And don't worry, King's Landing won't watch the horse party mess around. You can ask the Duke of Mace to declare Lando Tarly and others as rebels, and the king will issue an edict to support them ..."

"Solidarity is useless." Mrs. Olenna seemed to vent her anger on Kefeng deliberately, "What's the use of declaring the Ma Party as rebellious? It just makes them more unscrupulous, and Gaoting still has the ability to put down the chaos? Or you Can the Lannisters send troops to the Reach?"

"King's Landing can't send troops for the time being." Sir Kevan also seemed a little helpless, "There was an accident in the north, and Eddard Stark ran away, and now Duke Tywin, Earl Bolton, and Lady Anya are encircling and suppressing the wolf. But don't worry, as long as the situation in the north is calmed down, Duke Tywin will definitely send his troops south to help Gaoting put down the chaos of the horse party."

"The situation in the north is calm? When will it be?"

"Probably... it will take a few months."

Mrs. Olenna said sharply:

"How many months? Caesar will give the Tyrell family a few months? Maybe he has already flown here on a dragon."

"The Horse Party would never dare to attack Highgarden." Kevan didn't know whether he was really confident or pretended to be calm, "So what if Caesar comes."

"Did you forget that my grandson Loras is still in Caesar's hands?" Lady Olenna emphasized, "That is my last grandson! Do you think the Tyrell family can wait for your Lannister family to calm down slowly? north?

Do you know that everyone in the Tyrell family is resenting me, the old witch. They think that the current bad situation is all caused by me, and Ellie is crying every day, saying that I killed her two sons , Mace always avoids me, doesn't want to see me, probably hates me in his heart..."

Kevan remained silent.

He was actually slandering in his heart that Loras, a guy who likes men, might not be able to continue the blood of the Tyrell family, so why should he care.

But he also knew that such words must not be said out loud, otherwise the Tyrell family might become enraged.

"Can't Tywin lead the army south immediately?" Madam Olenna said again, "The wolf in the north will be handed over to Bolton and Madam Anya."

Kevon sighed, shook his head and said:

"That wolf is more difficult to deal with than we imagined. And his son Robb is also a very talented general. He actually defeated Lady Anya's valley army in an encounter, and made a siege operation go to waste..."

Seeing that Mrs. Olenna's complexion was getting worse and worse, Kefeng quickly comforted her:

"But you don't have to worry too much. Stark won't last long. After all, Winterfell is in our hands. Although they can still rely on the support of some nobles in the north to guarantee their logistics, the morale of the army will inevitably gradually deteriorate over time. Decline, sooner or later will lead to failure."

"Don't tell me sooner or later!" Lady Olenna raged, "Highgarden doesn't have so much time. Even if I am willing to wait, some people in the Tyrell family will not wait!

In their eyes, I was always a Redwyne, an old, damned Redwyne.

How could it be more important than the last heir of the Duke of Highgarden. "

"They plan to trade you for Loras?" Kevan heard the meaning of Madam Olenna's words.

"More and more people think so, maybe my idiot son himself thinks so, but he dare not say it."

Kevon pondered for a moment, then got up and said:

"Ms. Olenna, the Lannister family will never sit back and ignore their allies in trouble. I will go with you to see the Duke of Metz, and I believe I can make him change his mind."josei

Madam Olenna stared at Kefeng for a moment:

"What else can the Lannister family offer to make my son change his mind?"

"It depends on what conditions Caesar can accept, and we can talk slowly." Kevan emphasized the word "slowly", obviously reminding the Tyrell family that they can delay time.

"If the Lannister family is really willing to help, there may be something that can be exchanged for Loras." Mrs. Olenna said suddenly, and at the same time got up and walked out.

"What? As long as you don't want the gold mines in Casterly Rock City, it's easy to discuss." Kevan made a joke.

Mrs. Olenna didn't smile. She came to the door, patted it twice, and attracted two guards.

Then he looked straight at Kaifeng with those small eyes, and said:

"It is you, Ser Kevan."

Kevon froze for a moment, then his expression changed drastically:

"Mrs. Olenna, you are joking, right?"

"Do you think I'm in the mood to joke now?" Mrs. Olenna waved her hand, and two guards stepped forward to restrain Kefeng.

Kevon said angrily: "Ms. Olenna! I kindly came to High Court to help. Is this how you treat your allies?"

"Yesterday we were allies, but today we may be enemies. It's not surprising. Caesar was my grandson-in-law back then." Mrs. Olenna said lightly.

After finishing speaking, he took Kaifeng out the door and walked all the way to the meeting hall.

In the hall, the Duke of Metz was talking with several vassals.

Everyone has a frowning look, and the room is filled with a depressed and decadent atmosphere.

Seeing Mrs. Olenna walk in, the eyes of several people were a little complicated.

The Duke of Mace greeted with a drooping face:

"Mother, I heard that Sir Kevan went to see you?"

"Yes, I brought him."

Duke Mace was about to greet him when he saw Kevan Lannister who was carried in by the guards.

He was a little confused: "Mother...what's going on?"

"Don't you understand?" Mrs. Olenna said, "Take him for Loras, are you really going to throw your old lady to Caesar?"

"I...Of course I won't take you..." Duke of Metz stammered and defended.

"Lord Mace!" Kevan shouted immediately, "Please listen to me. The Lannister family has always attached great importance to their friendship with Highgarden, and they are also extremely indignant at the horse party's rebellion! King Tommen also expressed his opinion about the situation in the Bend. Pay attention, if necessary, he can sign a document at any time, declaring the Ma Party nobles treasonous..."

"Without an army, the documents of the Iron Throne are just a piece of paper." Madam Olenna said sharply, "If the Lannister family can't send an army, then it is useless to us."

The Duke of Mace asked in a hopeful tone:

"Sir Kevan, is it true that the Lannister family can't send troops?"

"It will take some time..."

"Don't think about Mace, Lannister can't send troops." Madam Olenna sneered, "The old lion is still playing the game of catching wolves in the north."

"Then what can we do!" Duke Metz said with a mournful face, "My son is still in Caesar's hands, and that is my last son!"

"Cry!" Madam Olenna scolded impatiently, "Now we have only two options, either hand over Kevan to show a complete break with Lannister, pray that Caesar will let us go, or hand me over Get out, I was the one who murdered Caesar in the first place, and if he kills me, he should also be relieved.

Mace, it's your choice, Kevan or your mother? "

"I... I... How could I hand you over!" Duke Metz said.

"That's Kevan!" Madam Olenna announced, and then she glanced at all the Tyrells in the hall, "What do you think? Are you going to hand over me, the old witch? Or Kevan?"

How could it be possible for everyone to say that they would hand over the Duke's mother at this moment, and quickly said that it was Kefeng.

Kevon said angrily: "Olenna! Mace! I am your guest, you can't treat me like this! The gods will curse you!"

Duke Mace looked at his mother hesitantly.

Madam Olenna said coldly:

"If the gods have spirits, they should curse the evil king on the Iron Throne first."

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