Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 329

Chapter 329: come

Chapter 329 Arrival


Behind him came the sound of a balloon exploding.

Samwell ran out of the prayer hall without looking back, for fear of being contaminated by the weird green juice.

At this moment, a thunderbolt pierced through the golden dome of the Temple of Holy Grace like a sharp sword.

A brilliant white light suddenly lit up in front of Samwell's eyes, making him unable to see anything for a moment.


Among the ear-piercing thunder, the sound of the temple dome collapsing and falling seemed insignificant.

Samwell clenched his greatsword, maintaining the highest vigilance.

After a while, the white light remaining on the retina slowly faded, and the scene in the temple reappeared bit by bit.

But the devastating thunder just now was still turning, piercing into his ears like sharp thorns.

Samwell carefully returned to the prayer hall, and saw that the Green Maiden had been blown into two pieces, and it seemed that she was really dead this time.

But the next moment, Samwell's heart rose again.

Because, the harpy statue above the many shrines actually moved!

A pair of bat wings spread out slowly and stretched out to both sides. The long scorpion tail hovered high above the top, and the end of the tail shone with a palpitating green light, and a pair of red agate eyes flowed like molten gold. He stared blankly at Samwell.

"Ho **** ho ho—"

She opened her mouth wide and made a series of weird sounds.

Could this be the Ghiscari gods who woke up from their slumber as predicted by the Green Maiden?

Why does it look so weird?

"Can you speak human language?" Sam Wells said, his hand holding the sword was tense, ready to slash out at any time.

The Harpy spoke again, and she really spoke human language, but unfortunately it should be in Gughis.

This language has long since died with the destruction of the Gughis Empire. Even the people of Astapor can’t speak it anymore. Of course Samwell can’t understand it.

"Can Westeros speak the common language?" Sam Will said, and then changed to Valyrian, "Where is Valyrian?"

The harpy babbled again, but seeing that Samwell couldn't understand, she raised her eagle claws in a very humane manner, and pointed at the giant sword [Dawn].

"Do you want this sword?" Samwell asked tentatively.

The Harpy nodded.

"Say it earlier, I'll give it to you if you want it." Samwell stepped forward with a smile, as if he was about to hand the giant sword to the Harpy.

But at a distance of about ten steps, he suddenly accelerated, and the whole person rushed out like a fired shell, and swung the huge sword in his hand towards the Harpy's head.


The harpy let out a sharp roar, which overwhelmed the rumbling thunder for a while.

Samwell only felt a tingling in his brain, and the scene in front of him became blurred, and double images appeared one by one.

A strong sense of crisis suddenly hit him, making him subconsciously block the giant sword in front of him.


A thick chain hit the giant sword, and the powerful force sent Samwell flying upside down, before hitting the ground hard.

The harpy flapped her wings and jumped down from the altar. She was nearly twenty feet tall like a giant beast, covering Samwell in her own shadow.

Before Samwell got up from the ground, he immediately rolled forward.


The masonry ground of the temple was shattered with a bang, and countless gravels were splashed like bullets, hitting Samwell's bronze armor, making a clanging sound.

The Harpy screamed again, and the two thick chains under her feet followed Samwell's figure like a python.

Samwell didn't fight her hard, got up and ran outside.


The walls of the temple are like tofu in front of the chains, and they shatter when touched.

Samwell didn't look back at all, and rushed out against the chaotic smashed rubble.

The Harpy followed closely behind.

Out of the prayer hall, when they came to the front hall, a group of saintesses wearing robes of various colors saw that the gods they worshiped every day had come alive, and they were all stunned on the spot.

"Run!" Samwell kept on stepping, but he still didn't forget to remind him.

The saintesses just woke up from a dream, screaming and rushing away.

Samwell rushed out of the temple gate, and heard screams behind him.

The harpy did not show any mercy to her followers, she jumped into the crowd of saints and began to massacre.

The stumps and broken arms splashed in all directions, and the gurgling blood merged into a stream and flowed out of the temple.

Samwell turned around and stopped running away. The giant sword slowly drew a circle in front of him, and an invisible magic power poured into the sword like flowing water, turning into a blazing flame.

"Hey, ugly thing." He said calmly, "Don't hurt the innocent. Your opponent is me, and we will fight one-on-one."

The Harpy felt the provocation from the man, and rushed out screaming.

But on the way, a huge white shadow suddenly hit.


Amidst the huge impact, the Harpy was thrown to the ground by Cleopatra, firmly suppressing her.

A humanized angry expression appeared on her face, and there were screams from her mouth, as if she was accusing the enemy of her shamelessness.

"Dragon Burn!" Samwell ordered.

Cleopatra opened her huge mouth, and orange-red flames gushed out like magma, heading straight for the Harpy's face.

The screaming of the Harpy stopped abruptly, and was blocked by the flames. But she still threw out two chains and wrapped them around Bailong's body.

The chain was like a boa constrictor, tightly entwining the white dragon, tightening it tighter and tighter.

Cleopatra felt the pain and growled, spewing more dragon flames.

The tide-like flames bombarded the Harpy's head, flowed to the surroundings, and turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Samwell rushed into the flames, and saw that the gold-plated surface of the Harpy had melted under such a high temperature, revealing what kind of metal it was not.

"Go to hell!" Samwell roared, and the giant sword in his hand drew an afterimage in the flames, smashing the Harpy's head straight.


The giant sword cut a crack, but it was stuck by the owner and could not penetrate further.

The harpies twisted wildly, and Cleopatra couldn't suppress her for a while.

Seeing that the Harpy was about to break free, Samwell no longer hesitated, and immediately converted all the spiritual attribute values ​​into strength.

boom! boom! boom!

Samwell's heart beat violently again, every time it hit his chest like a giant hammer.

Raging blood surged through his body, bringing explosive power.

For a while, his body seemed to grow bigger.

Samwell held the sword in both hands, raised it high, and then slashed it down!


The flaming giant sword hit the top of the Harpy's head, slightly blocked, but firmly penetrated.

"Ah ah ah ah ah-"

Half of the Harpy's head was cut off, and under the severe pain, she let out a sharp whistling sound again.

The thunder in the sky suddenly became violent, and the lightning, like a spider web, densely covered the dark night.


Under the struggle of the harpies, Cleopatra was overturned to the ground, turned into a light and shadow, soaring into the sky, and fled.

Samwell swung the giant sword and cut off the chains on the white dragon.

Just when he was hesitating whether to ride a dragon to pursue it, the flames on the ground gradually went out, and something exposed caught his attention.

That's half of the Harpy's face that was chopped off.

Samwell stepped forward to pick it up.

It was scorching hot, like a red-hot soldering iron.

But what really caught Samwell's attention was actually an eyeball on that half of his face.

It is bright red like agate, like molten gold, like a raging flame, and there seems to be lightning flashing in it.

For some reason, Samwell always felt that this eyeball had an inexplicable attraction to him.

Or more accurately, an appetite.

Samwell closed his eyeballs and played with them in his hands.

It feels soft to the touch, indistinguishable from real flesh and blood, unlike that half of the face, which feels like metal.

Moreover, his hands were numb, as if an electric current was passing through them.

After hesitating for a moment, Samwell put the eyeballs into his mouth.

The next moment, his eyes lit up.

Because, the property panel has really changed!

Samwell Caesar

Title: Storm King

Territory: Storm's End, Eagle Mouth Island

Strength: 19.70

Agility: 9.86

Spirit: 39.88

Not only the strength and agility attributes that were previously reduced due to Melisandre are all restored in advance, but also the strength is increased by 1.00, the agility is increased by 2.00, and the spiritual attribute is also increased by 0.50.

Since discovering that gold and silver have negligible effect on improving attributes, Samwell hasn't eaten any bad things for a long time.

Instead, focus on improving the title, through the free attribute points attached to the title.

But now, he actually found another thing that can improve attributes, and the effect is so outstanding!

Thinking that the Harpy has another eye, Samwell immediately jumped on the dragon's back, patted Cleopatra's neck, and urged:

"Quick, quick! Don't let that ugly bird get away!"

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