Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 332

Chapter 332: bloodstain

Chapter 332 Bloodmark


The faint sound of the bell, permeated in the smoke, seemed distant yet near.

Samwell breathed lightly, walked forward slowly, and listened vigilantly to the sounds around him.

The masonry pavement on the street has been turned into dust under the erosion of thousands of years. The roadside is full of ruins, and the surface is covered with scorched black marks, which looks like it has been scorched by flames.

"I'm afraid this is the masterpiece of your ancestors." Samwell patted the white dragon's neck beside him and said with a smile.

Cleopatra flapped her wings, stirring up dust all over the ground, and a flame seemed to be brewing deep in her blood-red mouth.

It doesn't like it here.

Samwell could feel the white dragon's restlessness, even uneasiness.

He actually doesn't like it here either.

This is a dead city, full of disturbing and strange atmosphere.

But thinking of the eyeball on the Harpy's face that could increase the attribute value, Samwell was unwilling to retreat.

Moreover, he always felt that the secrets of the Ghiscari gods might be buried in the ruins of this city.

It may be very helpful for him to explore the occult.

Whether it is to deal with the entangled R'hllor, or the servant of the cold **** who will appear outside the Great Wall with the coming of the long winter, Samwell must improve his knowledge and strength in occultism.

So, he appeased the white dragon and moved on.

The street turned a corner in front of it, and at the corner stood a huge stone tablet with a harpies engraved on it.

And unlike the Astapor Harpy holding the chain, the Harpy in front of me is holding two bolts of lightning—

This is the authentic Harpy of the Ghis Empire.

There is also a line of words engraved under the pattern, which should be in Guiscari, and Samwell can't understand it at all.

I can only guess that it is probably a road sign or something.

Samwell continued on, footsteps echoing in the empty street.


Suddenly a slight sound caught Samwell's attention, and he stopped immediately, stopped the white dragon at the same time, signaled it to be quiet, then tilted his head to carefully identify the direction of the sound.

hiss... hiss...

It was like the sound of scales rubbing against the ground.

Samwell suddenly quickened his pace and rushed in one direction.

Bailong fluttered his wings and followed up with rumbling and earthquake-like steps. His huge body left deep footprints on the ground.

Such a movement completely covered up the subtle sound. Samwell chased after a building that was still in good condition, and lost the other party's whereabouts.

Maybe he was startled away by Bailong's movement.

Is it the harpies he was following? Or some other monster?

Samwell signaled the white dragon to stay where he was, and he walked up the steps alone.

Half of the building in front of him collapsed, but the door was still intact, and a sacred breath permeated from the door, making people relax involuntarily.

On the top of the door made of black boulders, there is a human face with closed eyes engraved. For some reason, when Samwell looked at it, he thought of the heart tree in the north, which also had a human face engraved on it. The only difference may be that the heart tree His face is always crying blood.

There is a circle of words engraved on the door in front of him, which should also be in Ghiscari, so Samwell can't understand it.

He walked through the open door, which looked like a prayer hall.

The furnishings in the temple have long since decayed and disappeared, leaving only a prayer platform made of black stone.

There is a thick golden-covered book on the table.

To Samwell's surprise, after thousands of years, it was so intact that not even a speck of dust could be seen on it.

He stepped forward, and saw a diamond-shaped green crystal inlaid on the cover of the book, with mysterious runes drawn on the edge with gold threads.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Samwell always feels that the green crystal is shimmering.

Is this thing edible?

Samwell's first reaction was so honest.

He stretched out his hand to pick up the book. The cover was made of unknown material, but it felt warm and soft to the touch, a bit like the touch of human skin.


Samwell took off the green crystal on the cover and threw it into his mouth.

Amidst the clicking sound of chewing, the green crystal was chewed to pieces by Samwell, and he swallowed it with some difficulty.

After waiting for a while, the properties panel did not respond at all.

Samwell was a little disappointed, and opened it casually, and saw an unusually delicate and complicated weird rune carved on the first page of the content.

It looks like a giant dragon flapping its wings to fly, but if you look at it again, it looks like a poisonous snake with its head raised, and if you look at it for a long time, it becomes a tall tower made of black stones.

Samwell shook his head in doubt, and was about to put the book back on the altar, but found that the golden cover was rotting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Blinking his eyes, the entire book turned into a cloud of dust and fell to the ground.

Samwell frowned, thinking about what was going on, but suddenly turned around subconsciously.

I saw a woman unexpectedly came behind me at some point!

She has a perfect face, silver-blond hair draped over her shoulders like silk, and a gentle smile in her violet eyes.

In her hand, she was holding the golden book that turned into dust just now, and the green crystal on the cover was shimmering.

This weird scene made Samwell stiffen all over.

"Are you ready?" She asked with a smile.

Samwell stared at the woman in front of him, forcing himself to calm down, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Silver hair and purple pupils, this is a characteristic of Valyrians.

Besides, she had just spoken Valyrian.

But the question is, he is now in the ruins of the ancient capital of the Valyrian Empire, the sworn enemy of the Valyrian Empire. How could there be a strange Valyrian woman?

"We'll start when we're ready." The woman spoke again, as if she didn't care about Samwell's neglect of her.

Only then did Samwell realize that the woman in front of him was an illusion.

"The core of Valyrian witchcraft lies in blood and fire." The woman with silver hair and purple eyes said, "Blood for fire, fire for blood."

As she spoke, she closed the book, and drew a flame rune in mid-air with her flaming right hand—

It was the rune that Samwell had just seen in the book that turned into dust.

Like a giant dragon, like a poisonous snake, and like a tower.

At this time, this weird rune was drawn by the woman with flames, and it actually carried an inexplicable aura.josei

"This is—" she said, her purple eyes reflected the flame rune in front of her, "Bloodmark: Asylum."

As soon as the words fell, her hair began to fall off one by one, and her perfect face was instantly covered with wrinkles, as if she had aged several decades.

A young girl of seventeen or eighteen turned into a dying old woman in the blink of an eye, and this is not over yet.

The next moment, the old woman's skin peeled off inch by inch, decayed, deteriorated, and finally turned into a pile of ashes and dust.

It seems that time has flowed through her body for thousands of years in a flash.

Samwell watched this scene quietly and remained silent for a long time.

It wasn't until Cleopatra grew impatient waiting outside that she let out a roar, which woke him up.

Samwell didn't go out in a hurry, but slowly raised his right hand, and the blood running through his body lit a cluster of flames at his fingertips.

The flames drew tracks in the air, finally forming a mysterious pattern.

Samwell felt an inexplicable breath gathering around his body, and the blood in his body was agitated.

The heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and a huge force was continuously generated from the heart and spread outward.

At this moment, his blood, bones, muscles, and skin seemed to be ignited.

Vaguely, Samwell heard countless voices echoing in his ears.

Intertwined and mixed with each other, with a strong temptation, but also filled with extreme danger, as if conveying some evil knowledge.

Samwell's eyes were jumping with flames, and he felt a strong impulse sprouting in his heart. The next moment, he blurted out involuntarily:

"Bloodmark: Asylum."

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