Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 354

Chapter 354: deadly gift

Chapter 354 Deadly gift

woo woo woo—

The sound of the horn tore through the sky, and the sharp sound was like a sharp blade, scraping eardrums and flesh and blood.

On the sea surface of the vast Slave Bay, on the bow of the Invincible Ironborn, a dark-skinned slave was blowing the horn.

The horn was taller than a man, and it was covered with stripes of red gold and black iron, and the ancient Valyrian inscriptions carved on the stripes flashed red with the sound of the trumpet.

The sailors on the ship hid far away and covered their ears desperately, but they still couldn't stop the terrifying sounds. They penetrated every hole and seemed to set everyone's flesh and blood on fire.

"Iron Captain" Victarion Greyjoy stood three steps behind the slave who played the trumpet, the flesh on his face was twitching.

Obviously, the sound of the horn made him unbearable, even though he had clearly become the owner of the horn with the help of the red-robed monk Ma Qiluo.

What about the dragon? Victarion looked back at the red robe monk behind him, and questioned him with his eyes.

Maqoro pressed his remaining hand on his chest, signaling Victarion to be patient.

The sound of the horn continued, filling the sky over the entire Slave Bay.

The Trumpeter looks like he's dying.

His cheeks swelled into a big blood-red ball, as if it was about to burst, his whole body was shaking and reddened, steaming mist emerged from his head, and his whole body seemed to be about to be roasted.

The Valyrian inscriptions on the horns burned violently, white flames spewing from every line.

Victarion was grinding his teeth, only to feel that his patience was running out.

But at this moment, Maqoro suddenly patted him on the shoulder, and pointed in the direction of Meereen.

Victarion looked up, and saw under the scorching sun, a golden shadow was flying out of the city, heading towards him.


He let out a silent cry, eager and greedy in his eyes.

But then he frowned. Why is there only one?

Didn't it say that the Dragon Queen has three dragons?

While thinking about it, the golden dragon was flying closer and closer, and it was clearly visible in a blink of an eye.

Victarion grinned involuntarily.

But the next second, his smile froze on his face.

Because, when the dragon passed over the Invincible Ironborn, it didn't stop at all, and continued to fly westward without stopping.

what happened?

Seeing the golden dragon flying farther and farther, Victarion suddenly turned his head to look at Marqoro and questioned him.

Maqiro seemed a little confused about this.

At this moment, the horns that filled the universe stopped abruptly.

The slave who played the trumpet reached the limit, boiling blood flowed out of his mouth, and accompanied by a puff of thin blue smoke, rose to the sky.

He staggered and fell headfirst on the deck with a thud.

"What's going on!" Victarion couldn't care less about the slave who played the trumpet. He stared at his blood red eyes and shouted at Marqoro, "Didn't you say that I am already the slave of the horn? Master, and as long as the horn is blown, the dragon will obey my orders, but now, what about the dragon?"

Maqiro stared at the dead trumpet-playing slave on the deck for a moment, then shook his head and said:

"Maybe something unexpected happened..."

Victarion roared angrily, grabbed the red monk by the collar, and sprayed saliva on the other's face:

"Tell me clearly, what is the accident?"

Facing the furious Iron Captain, Marqiro still had no fear at all. He pointed to the horn that fell on the deck, and said:

"I need to see the Horn of the Dragon."

"Yes." Victarion said, "But if you can't give me a reasonable explanation today, I'll burn you to the ground! Let you reunite with your **** Lord of Light!"

Maqiro didn't care about the other party's threats, and walked slowly to the bow, picking up the huge horn.

He first carefully checked the Valyrian inscription on it, his brows were tightly frowned, as if he encountered some incomprehensible problem.

"My lord, come and take a look." Maqiro beckoned.

Victarion suppressed his anger and took a few steps forward.

The red-robed monk pointed to the inscription on the horn and read a few words.

"I don't understand Valyrian!" Victarion said angrily, "Just tell me what you mean!"

"It means..." Marqiro said in a deep tone, "Death is in the cabin."

"Death? In the cabin? What do you mean?" Victarion suddenly felt that this sentence seemed familiar, "Did you say similar things before..."

Before he finished speaking, Victarion saw a ghostly figure approaching quickly from the pattern reflected on the smooth surface of the horn.

His pupils constricted suddenly, and he turned around immediately, to see the dark-skinned woman, the salt concubine that Euron "Crow's Eye" gave him, walking towards him quickly, with a cold light shining in her hand.

Victarion roared, and was about to reach out to pull out the dagger at his waist, but suddenly felt a sharp burning pain in the back of his heart, a sharp pain like a heartburning fire.

The knife was not drawn out, but the woman's dagger was approaching and pierced into his chest.

Victarion screamed.

Reaper is in the cabin... He suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence.

Moreover, he also remembered another sentence—

Euron's gift must contain poison.

Victarion thought the poison was the horn of the dragon, but he didn't expect that the real poison was this woman.

The dark-skinned woman suddenly smiled at Victarion.

This smile is so familiar—

Evil charm, insolence, with the power of demagogy.

Euron the Crow's Eye always smiles like that...

At this moment, Victarion suddenly figured out everything.

It turned out that this was Euron's plan.

His vicious and treacherous brother had already set a trap for him.

The horn of the dragon, the red-robed monk Maqiro, and the dark-skinned woman... are all poisonous gifts from Euron!

He shouldn't have accepted these gifts, he shouldn't have come to Slaver's Bay.

Dragonhorn has been owned by Euron throughout, not him.

He was cheated.

Victarion's men finally realized, they rushed over roaring.

But the dark-skinned woman hugged Victarion like a lover's embrace, and then rushed him off the deck and jumped into the sea.


The seawater flooded the nose and mouth, and the salt invaded the wound, causing severe burning pain.

Victarion felt the fear of suffocation, the fear he had felt when he was drowned, and still trembled from it.

The Drowned God will bring me back to life!

Just like last time.

He consoled himself.

The dead will not die, they will surely rise again, and its momentum will be even stronger!

Victarion hugged the dark-skinned woman tightly, but saw that she didn't show any intention of breaking free, and there was still that smile in his eyes, Euron's smile.

The gods will not spare the kinslayer!

Victarion roared silently.

The dark-skinned woman seemed to understand this sentence, with mockery in her eyes.

The two continued to sink, away from the world of light, and headed for eternal darkness.

Victarion's consciousness gradually became tranced, and when he was dying, he suddenly saw strands of black ink emerging from the woman's body, rolling and wriggling in the sea water, like countless tentacles of sea monsters.

"Farewell, my dear brother." The sea monster grew Euron's face, and smiled at Victarion.josei

Is it hallucination?

Victarion cried, "Euron! The Drowned God will not let you off, a kinslayer! And I, will be reborn in his watery palace! The dead never die!"

"Really?" Euron curled his lips in disdain, "Then why didn't your Drowned God punish me when I killed the other two brothers?"

"You killed two brothers?" Victarion's eyes widened.

"Of course." Euron grinned, "Robin and Haron, do you remember these two poor creatures? I killed them with my own hands, and then went to the beach to pee, praying to the Drowned God to take me away. It's a pity , no. Wake up, my foolish brother, the Drowned God you worship is a lie."

"No! You blasphemer, you will be condemned by God one day!"

"Look back." Euron laughed. "See what the Drowned God you worship is."

No, there is no going back. Victarion warned himself.

But the sea monster stretched out its tentacles and forcibly turned his head away.

Then, he saw a pale thing on the bottom of the sea, with a human appearance, with swollen limbs, and a group of fish eating his face...

No! This is an illusion! Victarion's consciousness was fading.

Let me die!

"See?" Euron's voice still reached his ears, "This is your god."

Victarion struggled, but his body was extremely heavy and stiff.

Thoughts also began to stagnate.

Before he completely lost consciousness, the last thing he heard was Euron's arrogant declaration:

"The gods are lies."

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