Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 381

Chapter 381: Bombarding Sunspear

Chapter 381 Bombarding Sunspear City

The hot and dry wind blows from the west, rolling up the sky full of gravel.

When he saw the brown walls, Tyrion knew that the hardest journey was over and that Sunspear was near.

Bron staggered on his horse and asked:

"It's time to tell me, why did you insist on taking a boat back to King's Landing in Sunspear City?"

Tyrion whispered:

"Because I need to take someone away."

Bronn came to his senses immediately: "That niece of yours?"

"Niece... Well, it's okay to be called niece." Tyrion shrugged, "The Martell family is probably about to end, I can't leave Myrcella alone in Sunspear."

"The Martell family will not let you take Princess Myrcella away. She is engaged to Doran's youngest son."

"Since I dare to come, I have a way." Tyrion smiled mysteriously.

Seeing Bronn's mistrustful eyes, he had no choice but to add a few words of explanation:

"Actually, when I sent Myrcella to Dorne, I made some preparations. Do you know that Lannisport has many lower-level Lannister branches such as Lannis, Lanitz, Lanter, etc. I From among them, a girl was carefully selected to be Myrcella's maid. She also has blond hair, a similar age difference, and an almost unreal appearance... In short, with a little dressing up, it will not be a problem to deceive the people of the Martell family. "

"I hope so."

During the conversation, the two had already entered the shadow city in the west, passed through the maze-like streets, and the triple curved gate, and finally arrived at the Old Palace.

Tyrion first found Princess Myrcella and told about his plan to secretly take her away.

Although the princess was young, she was well-behaved and sensible. She didn't panic or cry when she heard the words, but just tried her best to cooperate with her uncle.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Tyrion didn't stay here any longer, and dressed the maid as Myrcella, and ordered her to pretend to have a lunch break, and then quietly left the old palace with the real princess.

Out of the palace gate, several people went straight to the pier.

Sunspear City is located on a protruding sandstone peninsula at the easternmost end of Dorne, surrounded by sea on three sides, the north and east will be attacked by narrow sea storms, but the bay to the south is a natural good harbor.

The largest port in Dorne is Slatted Town at the mouth of the Greenblood River. The port of Sunspear City is second only in size, and because it is the seat of the family castle of the Martell family, it has more political significance.

The ships that come and go from the Greenblood River usually stop at Sunspear City to conduct trade and replenish food and fresh water.

It's a pity that after the Rhoyna warrior queen Nymeria led thousands of ships across the sea, she ordered all the ships to be burned in order to stop the people from returning to the original place of Essos.

Otherwise, perhaps Sunspear City could have a powerful navy even today.

When Tyrion and his party came to the pier, they could clearly feel the solemn atmosphere.

He also saw several Qingting Island warships that had escaped from the battle, docking miserably in the port waiting for repairs.

The riddled hull and the burnt and broken mast are silently telling the tragedy of that naval battle, spreading a panic atmosphere.

However, there are still quite a lot of ships in the port, including merchant ships and fishing boats. The large displacement is nearly a thousand tons, and the small one is less than a hundred tons. They are densely packed in the harbor, and the masts are densely packed like corn in the field.

The afterglow of the setting sun quietly sprinkled on the sea level, the light was cold and gloomy, as if heralding a not-so-good night.

Bronn walked around the pier and came back to report:

"No ship to King's Landing was found, but there are several merchant ships to Pentos and Braavos, should we go?"

"Let's go!" Tyrion said without hesitation, "Dorne has become more and more dangerous, and one more day of staying is one more day of trouble. Let's go to Pentos!"

"Okay, let's go."

Several people found a merchant ship bound for Pentos, paid for the ship, and the owner let them board the ship.

Taking advantage of the rising tide at night, the merchant ship quickly set sail and left the port.

Looking at Sunspear City gradually going away, Tyrion heaved a sigh of relief. The escape plan was unbelievably smooth. Of course, this is also because the Martell family is in a state of desperation and has no time to manage them.

Just when he was thinking about finding some wine to celebrate, he suddenly saw a harsh police whistle from the lookout post.

"What's wrong?" Tyrion couldn't understand the semaphore.

Bronn couldn't understand either, so he grabbed a sailor and asked.

"A fleet appears ahead! The fleet of the stormland!" The sailor shouted in panic.

Tyrion only felt cold all over, and it took a long time before he pulled out an ugly wry smile:

"Looks like I was too happy..."

Not long after, they saw the fleet appearing in the north, and the double-headed eagle flag fluttering in the wind looked particularly hideous in the setting sun.

The merchant ships hoisted white flags, praying that the warships on the opposite side would not attack civilians.

Tyrion and the others are also praying.

I don’t know if it’s because of sincerity and sincerity, but the Stormland Fleet did not take care of these merchant ships, and went straight to Sunspear City.

As they passed by, Tyrion saw the black holed muzzles on the sides of the warships, and was wondering what those were.

Soon, he knew what it was.

As they approached the port, the warships of the Stormland Navy lowered their sails one after another, slowed down, and then began to line up in battle formation.

"Maybe we can know how the Arbor Island fleet was defeated..." Tyrion murmured.

I don't know if they are equally curious. After confirming that the Stormland fleet will not attack them, the merchant ship owner is no longer in a hurry to leave. Instead, he lowers his sails and docks in the distance, with curiosity and fear, and a trace of indescribable excitement , Waiting for the start of this battle.

Boom boom boom!

The forty battleships roared almost simultaneously, and the black smoke from them enveloped the entire fleet in gunpowder smoke. Huge shells landed in the port of Sunspear City, and exploded loudly, causing waves of spray.

The ships docked in the port suffered disaster immediately. Whether it was the escaped Qingting Island warship or the innocent merchant and fishing boat, they were all affected by the artillery fire.

Screams, screams, and curses were intertwined over the port, but they were drowned out by the rumbling gunfire.josei

Three Qingting Island warships rushed out bravely, ready to die with the enemy.

They were all scarred. They were blown out of numerous large and small holes in the previous sea battle in Dorne. The deck was also a mess, and even the sails were burned. The miserable appearance made people cry.

However, they rushed out, with a desperate momentum.

But unfortunately, the battlefield is cruel.

Under the concentrated fire of more than 40 warships and hundreds of artillery pieces, they were sunk without rushing to the front.

The shelling continued, and the entire Sunspear City was shaken by the sound of the shells.

Fortunately, the power of this black powder-driven smoothbore gun is limited. As long as the people in the port are not determined to stay and die with their ships, there is still time to evacuate.

Although the destructive power is limited, the impact of this shelling on the Dornish people cannot be underestimated.

The blow to Dorn's maritime trade is even more devastating.

From now on, unless the Stormland Fleet is defeated, no merchant ships will dare to dock here again.

The setting sun gradually set on the sea level, but the warships in the Stormland continued to roar, as if preparing to pour all their anger into this port.

None of the docked ships are intact, and the sea is full of floating wooden wreckage.

Countless Dornishmen hid far behind the city wall, watching all this before them, filled with fear in their hearts.

Tyrion moved his numb neck and sighed:

"Don't look, the Martell family is over."

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