Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 402

Chapter 402: Desperate blow

Chapter 402 Desperate Blow

The twilight of the dawn slowly but firmly tore through the night, returning the light to the City of Grace.

Standing on the top of the main castle tower, Jon Connington looked at the rising sun in the eastern sky expressionlessly, it was so bright that it made people dizzy.

The city echoed with low-pitched and sobbing battle horns, the sound of metal and iron clashing, and the screams of the wounded, all mixed together to form the music of the massacre.

And the main player of this piece of music is the white dragon.

It hovered over the City of Divine Favor, its huge wings flapped the air and made a thunderous sound, and the shadow it cast almost enveloped the entire block, and sometimes swooped down, spouting molten flames.

Countless Golden Legion warriors were engulfed in flames, and more tried to fight back, but neither bows nor spears could cause damage to a dragon of this size.

Only the Scorpion Crossbow.

Jon saw that there was a thick and long crossbow bolt inserted into the belly of the white dragon, which was the masterpiece of the scorpion crossbow.

But it is a pity that although the scorpion crossbow can penetrate the scale armor, it cannot cause fatal damage to the white dragon.

It's too big.

Didn't it say that Caesar's dragon hatched three years ago?

It looks as big as an adult dragon.

Even a scorpion crossbow can't pose much threat to such a huge dragon, unless it is hit by dozens of arrows, it can make the dragon lose its fighting power.

Or, like Meraxes during the war of conquest, he was shot in the most vulnerable eye by a crossbow arrow, penetrating his brain, and killed with one blow.

But that's a lot of luck.

Unless the gods bless you.

Will the gods protect themselves? Jon was suspicious.

But he still wants to try.

"Let everyone evacuate to the west gate!" Jon said to the herald.

"My lord... Are we going to give up God's Grace City like this?"

Jon suppressed his anger, and said coldly: "Pass on my order!"


Seeing that the herald finally went to convey the order, Jon sighed secretly.

He knew that his previous misjudgment had seriously damaged his prestige in the hearts of the soldiers, and now everyone began to doubt his commanding ability.

In fact, Jon didn't intend to just evacuate like this, but was preparing for the final blow.

A blow to the dragon.

He knew very well that in order to win this battle, he must first get rid of the white dragon.

To slay a dragon, you can only rely on the scorpion crossbow.

In order to set up an ambush at the west city gate, most of the scorpion crossbows of the golden regiment were deployed there, and it was too late to transport them in a hurry.

Therefore, the dragon must be led to the west gate.

For this reason, even if the entire city of grace is handed over to the enemy, it will not hesitate.

Soon, the sound of the horn symbolizing retreat echoed in the city, and groups of soldiers from the Golden Regiment began to evacuate towards the west gate.

The Dornish people were greatly encouraged, and they pursued closely, becoming more and more courageous as they fought.

Correspondingly, the morale of the mercenaries of the Golden Group was demoralized, and their retreat gradually turned into a rout.

Hughes Dayne, wearing heavy armor, led 300 cavalrymen straight into the enemy's formation on the spacious street.

As a result, needless to say, the Golden Regiment lost all will to fight, and encountered a cavalry assault when they had no intention of fighting, and were defeated after only holding on for a few breaths.

Then it almost became a one-sided massacre. That section of the street was covered with the corpses of the soldiers of the Golden Regiment, layer upon layer, extending far away.

Blood gurgled and flowed, converging into a stream.

The front lines of the two sides shifted rapidly from east to west, and the city of grace was being controlled by Caesar's army at an extremely fast speed.

Samwell controlled the white dragon, moved westward with the battle line, and controlled the white dragon to swoop down from time to time, bringing flames and death to the golden group.

However, the strange changes in the battle situation at this time made him secretly vigilant.

Although the defeat of the Golden Group had already appeared, it still seemed strange that the opponent chose to withdraw so simply and neatly.josei

Giving up too quickly.

This will only hasten the downfall of the Golden Company.

Either the commander of the golden regiment is an idiot, or the other party is trying to seduce him.

In fact, Jon Connington's military level is similar to that of an idiot in the eyes of Samwell. Whether it is the performance in the War of the Reavers or the performance in this fight, it shows that this "Master Griffin" is really a fool. Not good material for a leader.

Of course, Samwell will not relax his vigilance because of this.

Maybe this situation is really a bait.

But bluffing to lure the enemy is a high-end operation, and if one is not careful, it will turn from a bluff to a real defeat.

Now it seems that the Golden Group really has this trend.

During the chase, the West City Gate was already in sight.

Samwell noticed that the Golden Group had rearranged in the open space in front of the city gate, and seemed to be preparing to fight a Jedi counterattack here.

The next second, Samwell suddenly focused his eyes, and immediately controlled the white dragon to climb up quickly.

Whoosh whoosh—

Amidst the sharp sound of piercing the air, more than a dozen thick crossbow arrows shot out, all aiming at the position of Bailong just now.

Fortunately, Samwell was always vigilant, and the moment he saw the scorpion crossbow, he controlled the white dragon to turn.

Several crossbow bolts almost brushed against the white dragon's belly.

Although the rain of arrows failed to hurt Cleopatra, it left a faint bloodstain, which deeply angered the White Dragon.

In addition, when it was at the east gate, a cold arrow in the dark hit its abdomen, and the white dragon's anger at these hateful scorpion crossbows could no longer be controlled.

Without waiting for Samwell's order, it roared and swooped down.

The huge mouth opened, and orange-red flames spewed out from the depths of the throat, instantly igniting the three scorpion crossbows.

The soldiers of the Golden Regiment operating the scorpion crossbow also became firemen one by one, screaming and running wildly, rolling on the ground, the scene was extremely terrifying.

Cleopatra flapped her wings angrily, and sent Pyroman and the flaming scorpion crossbow flying, splashing sparks flying in the air along with the scorched corpse.

But at this moment, two crossbow bolts were suddenly shot out from nowhere.

Samwell had quick eyesight and quick hands, and drew out the giant sword behind his back, but he only had time to chop one of them into pieces, while the other crossbow bolt still penetrated into the white dragon's ass.

Cleopatra let out a violent hiss, and the sound shook the entire city wall.

But Samwell suddenly woke up and tried his best to appease the white dragon, preventing it from rushing around. Instead, he flew up to the sky again, keeping a distance from the ground.

Sure enough, as soon as the white dragon took off, three more crossbow arrows shot over, brushing past the dragon's wings.

This is the importance of the dragon knight to the dragon.

Although the giant dragon is powerful, it is a beast after all, with low intelligence and easily irritated.

The Golden Group had obviously prepared for it long ago. They did not deploy all the scorpion crossbows in one place, but scattered them, so that Samwell did not discover them all at first.

When he thinks that the scorpion crossbow has finished a round of salvo and can take advantage of the filling gap to land and attack, the other hidden scorpion crossbows can aim and shoot better.

I have to say that this strategy is indeed insidious and ruthless.

If Samwell hadn't controlled the white dragon and allowed it to run amok with its instincts, maybe the Golden Group would have accomplished the feat of slaying the dragon.

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