
Volume 6 - Lonely Gamer and Love Confession Chain Combo, 1 – Karen Tendou and Proof of Innocence

Volume 6 - Lonely Gamer and Love Confession Chain Combo, 1 – Karen Tendou and Proof of Innocence

Volume 6 - Lonely Gamer and Love Confession Chain Combo, Chapter 1 – Karen Tendou and Proof of Innocence

Translator: your_pingas

Karen Tendou, she’s a girl that’s the best at everything right at the start.

She thought that a race is an art of dashing through the finish line brilliantly. She also doesn’t understand why playing the piano fluently will earn her praises, even though all she did was following the music scope. As for exams, she has seriously suspected whether writing something on a piece of paper can confirm anything.

Also, that’s why, when she…

No, when I’m in second grade, before I suddenly realized, “Hey, it looks like I’m better than others.” I’ve always-

-I’ve always felt annoyed with everyone “going easy” for me.

This is embarrassing, come to think of it. But when I’m little, I believed with the bottom of my heart that everyone’s base stats Is the exact same. Winning and losing only come down to your condition on that day and the effort you’ve put in. People with a firmer determination to that field will have a higher chance of winning. In reality, the kids that lost to me have a high probability of saying, “it’s just that I’m not doing well today” or “this isn’t even my final form.” The younger me sincerely believed their words.

However, one time, …when I easily won over the girl that said she’s good at running. After we reached the finish line, she ran to her mother with tears in her eyes and sweat all over her body.

I’ve finally realized that it’s not “everyone” that’s weird. Instead, it’s me.

Since then, I feel “terrible” for all variety of competitions.

After all-

That looks like only I get to have a faster starting position than everyone in a race.

That looks like only I get to use auto-accompaniment when I’m playing the piano.

That looks like only I get to cheat in the exam.

…What can I even gain when I won the others in conditions like that?

Even so, I can’t change the fact that I hate “going easy” from the bottom of my heart.

In the end, …I can only compete with myself.

I can only put all of my focus on exceeding my limitation instead of winning or losing to the others. My target is always breaking new records instead of the “No.1” living style.

In a sense, I think that’s a healthy and proper lifestyle, I still don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. However, …if I leaned into that side alone, it seems to be enlarging the gap between me and the others.

Perhaps starting from this period, I began to be praised more than the others.

I have more “supporters” while having fewer “friends” at the same time.

While I’m not alone or isolated, I’m too aloof.

No one, whether they’re friends or enemies, wanted to face me seriously.

My parents seem to have noticed my frustration as well, they seemed to have considered switching me to an environment that suits my abilities better. Now that I’m thinking, it’s quite hilarious, to be honest…Put it simply, my parents wanted to send me overseas to a university.

However, that’s not what happened in the end.

It’s because, and it’s quite regretful- Before I can do that, I already encountered an environment where I can seriously fight with each other.


I encountered the best battlefield – video games.


“I didn’t expect gaming to be this boring.”

After I said this to everyone, the time in the clubroom completely stopped.

Gakuto Kase-senpai, who was in the middle of his online FPS combat, stopped his hands as his character got shot into oblivion. Then, he looked at me.

“W-What’s wrong, Tendou?”

“What? Everything’s fine. I just felt that, is gaming this boring to me in the past?”

I said this as I calmly headshot the enemy soldiers and earned another kill, then I let out a sigh. Kase-senpai immediately snapped out of it and got back to his controls since he’s in the enemy team. After that, Nina-senpai, who just finished a match of her fighting game, turned her body to me.

“Uh, …Tendou, are you not feeling well today?”

“Nope, not at all. I’m doing quite well today.”

This time, I said this as I blast the head off the character controlled by Kase-senpai, who’s still trembling. Nina-senpai immediately started sweatdropping.

“I-It looks like you’re right…Uh, is it that you got bored with that FPS…”

“Nope, I feel like this newly-released FPS has an excellent design. Whether it’s weapon balance, map design, or matchmaking efficiency, this game has the highest ratings in its series. The plot in the singleplayer is fascinating as well. Even if you look at the comments on local or foreign rating websites, this game is definitely the Game Of The Year.”

“R-Really. W-Well, I must be imagining things just then…”

“Sigh, even so, this game is still boring to me.”

“I get it, this girl’s brain crashed completely.”

Nina-senpai mumbled a bit dumbfoundedly. After I won the match, I slowly tilted my head and questioned.

“Crashed…? Ahaha, what are you talking about, senpai? I’m Karen Tendou, the legendary Karen Tendou. The incarnation of all the elite elements in the world, Karen Tendou.”

“There’s already a lot of problems when you said that out loud by yourself. Sigh, but you’re indeed a strong-willed girl…”

“Yeah. So, what’s wrong with senpai, why are you acting like I’m a fragile little girl.”

“Uh, …y-yeah. Sorry, Tendou. I shouldn’t just assume that you lost your mind…”

“By the way, senpai, this brand of tissue tastes very well.”

“Get us a counsellor! This is an emergency! Get us an expert counsellor!”

Kase-senpai and Mizumi-kun immediately held both of my hands as Nina-senpai started to click on her smartphone. I tilted my head once again, then I smiled and spoke up softly.

“I’m just kidding, everyone. How could I be serious.”

After I said that, everyone in the Game Club pressed their chest in relief. Then, I…announced loudly.

“It’s too vain to call me an incarnation of all the elite elements. Actually, …I’m the incarnation of all the failures in the world, Karen Tendou! Sigh, please everyone, JUST LET THIS POOR LITTLE GIRL EAT A PIECE OF TISSUE!”

“What a ridiculous way to show that you lost your mind!”

Then, I begged for tissues for a couple minutes.

After I finally calmed down, I looked at the club members that don’t have the mood to play video games anymore.

Next, I sighed deeply and slowly explained everything.

“Uh, …actually, I went to a double date with Amano-kun and others last weekend…”

With that, I apologized and briefly explained why did I lose my mind.

A double date with my boyfriend and a couple that we’re friends with.

Although a pair of sisters that we know showed up as well, everything progressed smoothly.


After a bunch of hassles, my boyfriend kissed my friend’s girlfriend.

“Why did that happen out of nowhere!”

“I wanted to ask that as well!”

The reactions from everyone in the Game Club look like they just saw a movie that jumps to the conclusion. However, I also responded wildly with tears in my eyes.

“Once I snapped out of it, my boyfriend kissed Uehara-kun’s girlfriend in front of him, the Hoshinomori sisters, and me!”

“What’s with the sudden and unreasonable game over!”


Indeed, that’s like a nightmare that even I felt there’s no way of happening. However, the sad truth is that this is reality. After that, Uehara-kun, Hoshinomori-san, and I pulled our cheeks countless times. Thanks to this, my cheeks are a bit red today.

Just as I’m getting dizzy from remembering the nightmare, Mizumi-kun stood up abruptly and slammed the table, seeming trying to intercede.

“N-No, no, no! Tendou-san, e-even if you said that, I think it’s just the usual misunderstandings! You know, the crazy misconceptions that you and Amano-kun are the best at-“

“There isn’t a problem with tone interpretation. Also, there are 4 witnesses.”


Mizumi-kun’s face looks like that of a certain lawyer in Ace Attorney. His face started sweating…It’s hard for him to not wanting to defend Amano-kun, his most treasured friend. I deeply understood that.

However, the sad part is, I, the prosecutor, has an overwhelming advantage right now. This part is the exact same as that game. Moreover, in this real world, it’s not guaranteed that the defending side can turn things around.

However, he is THE protagonist, Eiichi Mizumi, after all. Perhaps it’s because of the emotion of “I’m not giving up on my friend no matter how hopeless the situation is!” He seems to be racking his brain for a solution. A true protagonist.

So, after a moment of silence, …he slammed the table.

“A-Amano-kun- what did the defendant think about this incident!”

Even his way of last resort questioning is the same as Ace Attorney. I answered with a sigh.

“…Ay, the two defendants indeed reaffirmed that they’re innocent.”

“What did they say?”

“Anyway, …they mentioned something about kissing the wrong person, and also that their lips barely counts as not touching each other. None of those excuses really made sense.”

I can only explain everything. Then, Attorney Phoniex- No, Attorney Mizumi grabbed the chance and point at me as he proposed.

“L-Look, it’s obviously the plot that’ll always happen between you and Amano-kun! This means that the defendant is innocent! I should say that Amano-kun is a good boy!”

“I-I don’t need you to tell me that Amano-kun is a good boy! I can’t believe you try to exclude me and talk about how attractive Amano-kun is, Mizumi-kun, that’s daring of you!”

“Objection! I’ve thought about this all the time, Don’t Prosecutor Tendou think you’re always trying to monopolize everything! Now that we’re talking about it, I wanted to be allocated more time for me to play with Amano-kun as well!”

“Wait! Even if it turned like this, I, Karen Tendou, has always shown symptoms of Amano-kun deficiency! I can never agree with a person taking away my time from him, especially a friend that he’s not very close with!”

“Objection! T-That’s precisely what I’m saying! Precisely! …Man, that’s why Prosecutor Tendou let her friend’s girlfriend gain a 1UP on her, right?”

“T-That argument has nothing to do with the lawsuit! I request you to withdraw that-“

“Silence, you two! Go outside if you two are fighting over boys!”

Just as our argument is reaching its climax, the two presiding judges – No, the two senpais, who had been quietly watching our debate, rose up and stopped us.

Mizumi-kun and I can only clear our throats before moving on.

“A-Anyway, in reality, only the two defendants proposed that they’re innocent. But when there are up to 4 witnesses around, their claim extremely lacks credibility. That’s what I wanted to say.”

To my incredibly serious advocate, Mizumi-kun let out an “ugh” as he mumbled. After he sweated a bit more, he seems to have realized the debate will end badly for him. So, he subtly changes the topic.

“…B-By the way, uh, the ridiculous nightmare of accidentally kissing the wrong person when everyone’s staring…Where and why did it happen? From what I’ve heard, I guess you guys are holding a double date at an amusement park somewhere…”

“Yes, the actual crime scene is at the Kizuna Dungeon of the Viva Spiel Kingdom.”

“T-The Kizuna Dungeon…in the V-Viva Spiel Kingdom, …right…”

Mizumi-kun started trembling for some reason after he heard the name of the crime scene. The more I continued to explain, the more he trembles.

So, after I explained the situation…The boy wrapped his arms around his head and started to get upset.

“Ugh, …I didn’t expect that you guys are really in trouble there! Not only did I foresee that incident, I almost encountered it head-on. I feel like I need to take up some responsibility as well…!”

“You almost encountered it head-on? What are you talking about?”

“I-It’s nothing. A-Anyway! Based on what I’ve heard, there’s a massive indication that this is just a misunderstanding! The staff members should be the most responsible if we have to blame someone!”

Mizumi-kun retorted at the top of his voice firmly. The two senpais roleplaying as the presiding judges (or jurors) also agreed with that…In reality, his explanation does make sense. However…

I racked my brain for a bit before raising my hand quickly and spoke up.

“Your honour, about this case, …the prosecuting side would like to call a new witness!”


Although the two senpais tilted their heads shockingly since they clearly can’t follow up with the Ace Attorney joke that Mizumi-kun and I were in. A few seconds later, they still managed to notice the mood that we’re in and helped to continue.

“W-Who are you calling?”

I smiled confidently at their question. Then, …I crossed my arms in front of my chest and announced chicly.

“The chief victim of this case other than me – Mr Tasuku Uehara!”


“…I’m Tasuku Uehara…Sigh…”

We called him on the phone. Then, while he’s willing to stay in the witness stand (an ordinary table) hastily prepared by the Game Club, his back is pretty curled up as he let out a heavy sigh. The teenager, Tasuku Uehara.

Just as everyone in the Game Club was speechless at that depressing look, Nina-senpai, who got rather close to him, tried to strike up a conversation with him, tremblingly.

“F-Fake Umehara? Uh, a-are you okay?”

“Hey, aren’t you Nina-senpai…Good morning…”

“This guy is as good as dead, your greeting isn’t even at the right time.”

“Ah, Nina-senpai, I’m a bit hungry. Can you give me a piece of tissue?”

“No. By the way, what’s wrong with this school? Is there a fetish that requires you to eat tissues whenever you lost your mind?”

“Ah, Uehara-kun. If you don’t mind, please just use my wet wipes.”

“You too, Tendou. Don’t just give people wet wipes like you’re handing out chips!”

Nina-senpai suddenly robbed the wet wipes away from us. Just as Uehara-kun and I were staring at the wet wipes with an anticipating look, Mizumi-kun let out a cough.

“A-Anyway, let’s continue. Uh, ..first of all, nice to meet you, Uehara-kun.”

“Oh, okay. I remembered you…You’re Amano’s…”


“You’re Amano’s – BL member no.2, right?”


Mizumi-kun denied sincerely. However, Uehara-kun seemed to have misunderstood something as he started to get anxious.

“I can’t believe you said no…S-Sorry, I’m not giving you the no.1 spot.”

Mizumi-kun is shocked by his reaction.

“W-What kind of rejection is that! Uehara-kun, are you really interested in those things!”

“S-Stop messing around! Who’ll be interested in guys! It’s just that for some reason, …I’m a bit sad when someone robs my no.1 spot of Amano’s BL membership.”

“That’s supposed to be the mindset of the female protagonist! It’s just that, …yeah, for some reason, now that you’re mentioning it, I feel like I want it as well. The no.1 spot of Amano-kun’s BL membership!”

“Hmph! But I suit Amano far more than you do-“

“Silence, you two! Go outside if you two are fighting over boys!”

Protests started in the Game Club again. After Mizumi-kun and Uehara-kun cleared their throats, they introduced themselves to each other usually and cleanly.

So, when everyone calmed down, Uehara-kun’s testimony and questioning finally began.

First, Uehara-kun talked about his view of this whole event

“As for the part of whether this counts as an incident or accident, …honestly, I can’t say anything. It’s an incident if we’re talking about the interwinding planning and strategy. Still, it’s an accident if we account for everyone not expecting that ending.”

“Then, can I interpret this as you’re not going to blame Amano-kun and your girlfriend?”

Mizumi-kun tried to lead the conclusion. However, Uehara-kun shook his head and showed a clear rejection.

“No, that’s a separate matter.”

Uehara-kun’s eyes brightened after he said that. Then, he even clenched his right fist and slammed it onto the table.

“It doesn’t matter whether that’s an accident or incident! The most important thing is – the two…kissed right in front of us. This “fact” is the most crucial part! DAMN YOU!”

“O-Objection! Amano-kun proposed that their lips didn’t touch. I think it’s too early to conclude that they kissed each other-“

“Shut up! Listen here! The most important thing isn’t about whether the lips touched or not! No matter the truth, some people were already seriously hurt from this! In other words, …Tendou and I witnessed that kissing scene and was struck hard. Isn’t this the most crucial fact right now!”


Mizumi-kun was forced to lean back by Uehara-kun’s imposing manner.

Uehara-kun took a step further and continued.

“Yeah, while whether the lips touched does matter a lot. It’s more like, I also hoped that I can believe from the bottom of my heart that they’re right.”

“W-Well then...”

“However! That’s a whole different thing! Right now, the two of them scratched scars all over our hearts! To put it simply, there are victims! Whether it’s an accident or incident, touched or not, we were hurt anyway! ISN’T THIS FACT ALONE ENOUGH TO CHARGE KEITA AMANO!”


Mizumi-kun leaned back even more. Honestly, his reaction is too vigorous from his usual appearance. However, we already devoted ourselves to this Ace Attorney roleplaying completely, so his response isn’t that disharmonious…But I’m not going to mention that the two senpais aren’t appreciating this.

After Mizumi-kun went speechless, I proposed my advocate as the prosecutor again.

“Perhaps there’s still room for discussion for the two defendants’ claim of the lips didn’t touch each other. But even if what they said is true, …it can never resolve the mental damage that we have taken!”


Mizumi-kun wrapped his arms around his head and vexed again. Although this victory made Uehara-kun and I looked at each other before smiling in satisfaction, then we realized. “Eh, this doesn’t help anything?” The two of us then dropped our shoulders depressingly…Why did we call everyone to court in the first place…

Just as the scene came to a standstill, …suddenly, Kase-senpai, who had remained silent for now, spoke up.

“Can I say something, Tendou?”

“Ah, yes, senpai- your honour, please.”

“Alright. Uh, …I’m the type of guy that’s completely unfamiliar with relationship problems like this.”

“You’re right. Honestly, the prosecuting side thinks that: You FPS otaku please just be quiet.”

“I’ll remember that. Ay, forget about that. In terms of FPS, that can be called friendly fire…In other words, while it’s frustrating when you accidentally shot your teammates, and I do agree that there should be punishments. However, there should be some room for discretion when we consider the reasons behind…”

“The four-eyed FPS guy, can you just shut up for real?”

“You’re finally insulting your senpai. Alright, we’ll talk about this later. What I wanted to say is that there’s a big difference between a douchebag that explicitly fires on teammates and a newbie that accidentally fired.”

“Well, isn’t this the same as whether their lips touched or not? No matter who’s right or wrong, there isn’t a difference with the events that happened…”

“No, Tendou, that’s actually a rude conclusion. Will you report the players for accidental friendly fire in an FPS game?”

“No, I won’t do that…However, if you just stroll into an online match that has friendly fire on even though you’re a scrub. That player should more or less take up responsibility, right?”

“That’s true. But there are other reasons when there are accidental friendly fires in FPS.”

“What are we talking about, senpai? It’s time for you to stop derailing this-“

At the moment that I’m about to respond to senpai, -his glasses brightens as he headed straight to the conclusion.

“The fault isn’t at the player that fired, …but is actually the dumb teammates that brainlessly charged into the fight and caused the friendly fire. There’s a situation like this in FPS, and that’s what I wanted to talk about.”


This made Uehara-kun and I pressed our chests. Also, Attorney Mizumi didn’t miss this detail.

“E-Exactly! Basically, why would you guys go into the Kizuna Dungeon with that ridiculous arrangement! We can clearly see that there’s a room of discussion in there.”

This made Uehara-kun started to sweat on his face, but he still managed to retort.

“L-Like I’ve said this before, this has everything to do with the staff members. We’re not trying to do anything…”

“Is that really all?”

“Uh, w-while we made a slight mistake at the arrangement part…But this has nothing to do with us if we’re paired up randomly!”

“I won’t be too sure with that.”


Mizumi-kun seems to have thought of something, he puffed up his chest bravely. In comparison, Uehara-kun and I…have been sweating a lot since then.

He tapped the document with a smug face.

“Here’s the facility overview of the Kizuna Dungeon. It looks like this is designed and famous for being an entertainment place for normies…and couples.”

“W-What’s up with that…?”

“It’s nothing…I just feel like, this is clearly a place that Amano-kun is uncomfortable with.”


Uehara-kun and I can’t help but gasp. Crap. I feel like this…is going to be bad for us!

“The same goes for this whole “double date” plan. While I’m not sure about Uehara-kun’s girlfriend, this plan clearly doesn’t fit with Amano-kun’s style. Right now, can I please ask the two of you…Who and what is the goal behind this whole plan?”


Uehara-kun and I are sweating unusually profusely.

Mizumi-kun grinned mischievously as if he knew everything already.

“It can’t be wrong from your reactions. In other words, this double date…was planned by you two all along!”


Uehara-kun and I can’t help but scream and step backwards.

Nina-senpai tilted her head. It seems that her brain can’t follow up with the change.

“Uh, so, …what’s happening? Mizumi, what’re you trying to say?”

“The same thing with Kase-senpai’s explanation of accidental friendly fires. Perhaps Amano-kun needs to take up a part of the responsibility as well. However, if these two did spend a lot of effort to arrange this date and that KISS, then…”


This time, Attorney Mizumi calmed down for a moment…Then, he smiled brightly as he threw this out!

“The person at fault would be these two instead of Amano-kun!”


We’re pushed to the edge of the cliff! If this is really Ace Attorney, the BGM will be especially triumphant right now.

“Also, even if Amano-kun and Uehara-kun’s girlfriend wanted to cheat, kissing in front of everyone, …especially their friends is too risky and dumbfounding as well. Moreover, this can’t be any more ridiculous when we consider Amano-kun’s personality.”

“B-But they still did that as a result…”

I retorted, but Mizumi-kun is already firm as he continued.

“Yes, while the result did take a worse turn. Amano-kun did do something that doesn’t fit his style. However, this means that…there’s a “strong motive” set up by you two for him to do that!”

“Y-You’re saying…a strong motive?”

“Yes. And that…is enough to confirm that the defendant Keita Amano is innocent and should be subjected to a lenient treatment!”

“W-What are you talking about…”

“Your honour! The defending side requests – a phone call with the defendant Keita Amano!”


The two presiding judges permitted casually. It looks like they wanted this to end quickly.

Under the nervous attention of Uehara-kun and me, Mizumi-kun called Amano-kun on his smartphone.

“Amano-kun? I’m sorry for the sudden call. I wanted to ask you something related to that double date before…Ah, hmm, why am I asking that…Uh, think about it, a lot of things happened after. Yep, I was dragged into this mess as well. Let’s just put it that way. Thanks for your consideration.”

Mizumi-kun then happily started to chat with Amano-kun slowly. At the same time, he began to dig into the core.

So, about two minutes later, …he finally arrived at the main issue.

“Amano-kun. So, to you, what were you “thinking” when you…tried to kiss?”

Mizumi-kun asked this as he quickly clicked on his phone. The call can now be heard from the entire room.

Everyone is listening silently.

Amano-kun’s embarrassed…yet determined words were played to the clubroom with Mizumi-kun’s smartphone.

“Uh, …of course, I did that because I mustered up my courage and wanted to kiss Tendou-san…”


The prosecutor – which is me, immediately blushed so hard that my face is as red as a tomato. I even swung my hair around like I’m a maniac. All of my elegance disappeared today.

When Uehara-kun admitted defeat as he plopped his head down depressingly, Mizumi-kun only said “thank you very much” to the phone before disconnecting. Then, he puffed up his chest and looked at me, Uehara-kun, and the two presiding judges.

Influenced by the atmosphere, Kase-senpai, one of the presiding judges, cleared his throat.

“Yep, …I’ve been active in this club for a long time, but this is the first time that I’m involved in something like this.”

Of course. This was never supposed to happen in the Game Club.

“A-Anyway, I should just announce it clearly. The defendant Keita Amano…Upon considerations in every possible way, we judge that…”

Kase-senpai announced to everyone respectfully after a beat.


“Wow, wow, wow.”

At the same time, Nina-senpai sprinkled the paper flowers that appeared out of nowhere in the club room emotionlessly.

…Well then.

This is the end of Ace Attorney: Game Club of the Otobuki High School Episode 1: The Dumbest Reversal Ever.


“Even so, I also felt the most terrible for Tendou-san and Uehara-kun.”

Mizumi-kun walked along the corridor of the old school building where we can see the sunset as he gave me a bitter smile.

I let out a huge sigh as I answered casually. “Thanks then.”

After the jury is over, everyone in the Game Club is free to disband. Although they can leave once the activity ended…

“…I know you care about me, but you don’t need to go out of your way to walk home with me.”

I stared at the former attorney on the opposite side after I said that. He scratched the back of his head a bit embarrassingly.

“Uh, …but, I still think I need to apologize to you first. I acted like I’m blaming you two just then, sorry about that.”

“You don’t need to apologize for anything…”

“No, I was immersed in that game, after all, even going so far to act the “catching the real criminal” part out that wasn’t an attorney’s job…”

“Yeah, you’re really a protagonist from the bottom of your heart.”


Mizumi-kun lowered his head embarrassingly. To him, I sighed before giving him a faint smile.

“It’s okay, Uehara-kun and I weren’t hurt by this simulated court at all. Instead, it helped to clear my stress out when we’re yelling and messing around like that.”

“Really? I’m glad to hear that.”

Mizumi-kun pressed his chest in relief after he heard what I said.

After I answered him with a smile, …I continued without hesitation.

“Sigh, we have already taken the most severe damage in our lives previously.”

“…Y-You’re right.”

Mizumi-kun’s face twitched. Then, he tried to go back to what we were talking about.

“It’s because you two are the most deeply hurt in this incident, and I agree with that wholeheartedly. I know how you two felt.”

“Thanks…Honestly, this doesn’t soothe anything.”

“I guess so.”

The two of us walked under this extremely gloomy mood for a while, the old wooden floorboards will often make a cracking voice.

So, when we arrived at the corridor in front of the main building, Mizumi-kun spoke up again.

“Although I agreed with Amano-kun that their lips didn’t touch, and I also defended him to prove that he wasn’t bad or wanted to cheat…On the other hand, I also deeply understand the crux of this issue isn’t about “that part” at all.”


When I fell silent, Mizumi-kun continued melancholy.

“It should be tough for you…That feeling of witnessing everything.”


I didn’t look at his eyes. Instead, I grabbed my arms tightly as I answered.

The team cheers from the racing sports clubs passed through us.

“…In reality, even when the case was marked with “attempted” in the end. For Uehara-kun and you at least, it looks like the incident actually happened…”

“…Yeah…I can’t really do anything about it…”

“I feel like you two shouldn’t take the blame. For example, …if I saw Amano-kun and my sister-in-law did that, I think I would be pretty shocked as well.”

I can’t help but smile mischievously at his words.

“Hey, Mizumi-kun, you finally admitted that you’re interested in your sister-in-law-“

“But Amano-kun and I are way closer compared to her…”

“You’re jealous about the guy instead of the girl! T-There’s a new question stemmed from my heart just then! Mizumi-kun!”

“Eh, let’s forget about that first.”

“Can we even forget about that? Won’t this go badly if we don’t deal with it now?”

Although I complained vehemently, Mizumi-kun remained firm. He even swiped his soft hair upwards as he gave me a very startled look.

“…Amano-kun is still very good at pulling people’s heartstrings, how sinful.”

“Yep. S-Sorry, Mizumi-kun, I can no longer sincerely take what you just said as comforting words.”

“However, I do love that side of him unexpectedly.”

Mizumi-kun said that with a bright smile…Ah, crap, I’m increasingly biased towards him like he’s interested in a relationship with Amano! I was able to accept that with no problem at all in the past!

To make up my mind, I walked as I took a couple deep breaths.

The texture of the floor went from the old wooden boards to the brand-new plastic of the main building, the footsteps of the two of us followed were lighter. I took another deep breath before continuing.

“Sorry. In reality, even though talking about this is just rebooting the debate we had earlier…However, whether we can 100% trust that Amano-kun and Aguri-san advocate of “not touching” is another question.”

“Ah, …about that.”

Mizumi-kun seemed like he took a hit as he scratched his head.

“Hmm, …from Amano-kun’s behaviour, instead of saying that he’s trying to bait himself out, it’s more like he’s considerate to Uehara-kun and you.”

“Yeah. Uh, …during that phone call, the boy mentioned at last…well, …the “motive” of kissing. I-I didn’t suspect that at the slightest.”

I can’t help but blush as I plopped my head down. Then, Mizumi-kun laughed and said. “Alright, alright, alright. Thanks.”

We arrived at the entrance of the school after a while of chitchatting. We changed our shoes and walked outside. The sun is about to disappear into the mountains.

Mizumi-kun seems to be taking the bus, while I wanted to clear my mind up and just take a walk on the streets, so we said goodbye to each other at the bus station.

However, during this time, “At last, I wanted to ask something…” Mizumi-kun spoke up with a serious face.

“Tendou-san, will you and Amano-kun…remain as a couple like in the past?”


I was speechless…That’s the fatal question…that I’ve been pondering about in these days.

What do I want? How should I deal with this? Is there a best way? I can’t see the future at all, no matter how many times I think about it.

Then, I realized it has always been like this since when I met Amano-kun.

This is different than in the past. Nothing goes according to my plan.

I got rejected when I invited him to the Game Club. We started dating unexpectedly just as I’m planning to slowly improve our relationship. Then, just as I’m scrambling my brain to create an indisputable fact, …I somehow ended up losing my female protagonist status to another girl.

“…However, this is just a small bummer in my life…”

Just as I curled my lips and mumbled, I immediately realized.

“Ah, …I think I understand how those kids felt when they’re unwilling to admit that I defeated them…”

I lost at the part where I can’t make up for it even when I put all of my efforts in. A situation like this…

“I really wanted to find an excuse for my inability…”

I feel a tinge of pain in my chest. But, on the other hand, I was exceedingly thrilled to know I was finally “in the same spot” as everyone. I can’t help but chuckle.


During this time, Mizumi-kun was startled as he secretly glanced at me.

“Uh, …I-I’m not letting you eat tissues!”

“What’s that? Why would anyone eat tissues? Mizumi-kun, please don’t mess around right now.”


Mizumi gasped as if he’s unconvinced from the bottom of his heart. I laughed before saying that it’s just a joke, then I walked to the time schedule board of the bus station.

“…There’s no way for everything to go according to plan…”

“You mean when the bus will arrive? Of course, it depends on the traffic.”

“Yeah, you’re right…Right now, I’m different than in the past. I’m not “only” competing with myself now. Even when I didn’t win like I’ve expected, I guess that’s normal…”

“Uh, are you talking about gaming or something else?”


Mizumi-kun unexpected question made me turn my head around. So, he froze confusingly as well.

“Eh, am I wrong?”

He asked, then I answered with a faint smile.

“No, you’re right, perhaps that’s the case. It’s actually the same as gaming, both sides can never go according to plan…Also, that’s why…I wanted to face them seriously…”

Suddenly, I feel like…all the clouds in my heart started to disappear, just for a bit. josei

Of course, the damage I took when I witnessed that scene, and the problems that came with it, none of them were resolved yet.

But, …at least, right now, I-

-Karen Tendou, as a gamer and Keita Amano’s girlfriend, finally understood what I wanted to do.

“…Well. Then I’ll be leaving, Mizumi-kun.”

I took a step forward as I made up my mind. So, Mizumi-kun freaked out and spoke up from behind.

“Please, what are you going to do with Amano-kun in the end…!”

I paused for a moment at his question, so I can only turn around again.

I answered him with a determined look.

“At least, I have no intention to – keep it “the same as before” anymore.”

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