Game’s Dogma

Chapter 122

Chapter 122: Flying Fairy

Drako Yau hastily retreated. Even though the thunderbolt didn’t strike him head on, the area-of-effect damage still struck him and gave him a painful shock.

Taking another few steps back, he was now around 20 to 30 steps away from Fei Yeung, not to mention the toxic swamp laying between them.

Everyone on the spectator stands turned silent. Another mysterious pro appeared out of nowhere! This time, he was even more obscure than Windstrider. Almost no one knew who Fei Yeung was before the fight, but it was clear he was a pro just from his ability to chain skills and cast them at the right moment.

The eyes of every tormentor spectating the match were shining. Compared to Elementalist, Tormentor as a class was less popular. It didn’t mean Elementalist was more powerful than Tormentor though; the latter had weaker damage dealing potential, but it had an arsenal of control skills, which required players to have a deep understanding of every skill and greater control and timing.

As the two stared at one another, Fei Yeung had a confident look on his face.

This was his first match in the Arena. After honing his combat techniques and combos for so long, he was finally going to display it to the world. His original plan was to make a name for himself by getting a win streak like Mask; who would’ve thought that he encountered Mask in his very first battle?

It’s… better this way! Fei Yeung clenched his fists. Once I defeat him, all of his glory will be mine.

Indeed, he was right. Drako Yau was all the storm now, but he’d easily lose everyone’s attention once he lost—because everyone would then be interested in whoever defeated him.

Mask obviously excelled in melee combat, yet no one knew why he had never used a single skill, not to mention that he seemingly had no skills which could close long distances. Tormentors were basically the nemesis of such a fighter! Their repertoire of control skills would make it impossible for him to get close. No matter how powerful his spearmanship was, it was useless if he couldn’t hit the enemy.

Just when everyone was guessing how Mask would deal with the situation, Drako Yau was casually fiddling with Moon Breaker, as if he was gauging the spear’s weight.

Under everyone’s gazes, the spear left his hands. It darted straight at Fei Yeung as though it was tearing through space.

Fei Yeung was completely caught off guard. He was no ordinary player—everyone spectating the match knew that much. He had considered dozens of ways Mask might use to deal with his control skills, yet this was beyond his expectation. 

Throwing his spear? Throwing away his weapon? He’s no different from that idiotic Yip Ku-sing if he did.

As such, he never thought that Mask would use it. Yet right now, Mask was using the exact same technique Yip Ku-sing used—Flying Fairy.

Under Fei Yeung’s stupefied stare, Moon Breaker embedded itself into his neck, creating a bright red flash. One hit kill—it was possible in Real World. Beheading attacks, strikes that popped one’s head like a balloon, those sort of fatal attacks would kill the enemy in one hit, though it very rarely happened.

Now was one of those rare moments. Everyone was stunned as they saw the massive ‘Victory’ that popped up in the middle of the pit.

A few seconds ago, they were still exclaiming about how good Fei Yeung was. A few seconds later, he was laying there on the ground as a corpse. Mask had disappeared from the pit by the time everyone noticed.

The official forum blew up once again.

‘The True Flying Fairy, Yip Ku-sing Gets a Slap in the Face.’

‘One Hit Kill—How to Execute Flying Fairy and its Feasibility.’

All sorts of analysis articles sprung up like mushrooms, though Drako Yau couldn’t care less. It was truly a risky technique which was suitable for dealing with opponents who were far below his league.

The reason why Fei Yeung appeared to have gone toe to toe with Drako Yau was purely because of his skill set. In terms of technique, they were leagues apart. Even Windstrider could have sniped Fei Yeung down with his rifle in less than 10 minutes. 

While Drako Yau’s spear throw seemed ordinary, it required great throwing speed, strength, and accuracy. More importantly, he had a clear grasp over Fei Yeung’s mentality. He knew Fei Yeung was lax because of the distance between them. This alone showed the difference between the two.

Drako Yau was a bit gloomy even though he won. He wouldn’t have to fight such a bitter battle if he had skills at his disposal; Flying Fairy was straight out gambling. He was looking forward to his class progression more than ever.

At his 95th battle, he encountered another familiar person. Guild master of Sky Dominion, Sky Chun!

When the translucent barrier vanished, Sky Chun was in no hurry to fight. He clasped his fist to his other palm and greeted Drako Yau with a smile.

‘Mask, sorry about the incident in the Highlands of John.’

Drako Yau shook his head and returned the greeting. He changed his voice with the Necklace of Deceit and replied, ‘It’s alright, I truly admire how broad-minded you are.’

‘Haha!’ Sky Chun laughed and continued, ‘Mr. Mask, my brother, what are you doing? With your strength, you’ll have no trouble fighting Ranked battles. The opponents here are a little too weak for you.’

Ranked and Casual were indeed two different worlds. Some prideful veterans disdained Casual battles and only rarely fought in Casual whenever they felt like doing so. They looked down on Drako Yau’s 95-win streak and simply disregarded him because to them, he was just beating weaklings over and over again.

Drako Yau didn’t think of such things though. ‘I’m just resolving a quest.’

‘I see.’ Sky Chun finally knew what was going on and smiled. ‘As expected, with your strength… Hoho. Brother, although I know you’re working on a quest, why don’t we have a friendly spar? We can pull our punches and stop at the right moment. After we spar, I’ll concede and surrender regardless of the outcome so you can work on your quest. Does that sound good?’

Drako Yau grinned. Sky Chun is truly a straightforward and magnanimous person, no wonder he’s a powerful force to be reckoned with.

‘Let’s do it then.’

‘Much obliged!’ Sky Chun saluted and readied his spear.

‘Same to you.’ Drako Yau drew an arc on the ground with his spear and stood in a stance with his left hand in the front.

Both of them readied their spears.

Berserkers could use either two-handed greatswords or spears. The former had greater force, while the latter was more agile and had longer reach. Most berserkers favoured the greatsword and only a small group of players specialised on using the spear, though more berserkers were trying out the spear because of Drako Yau’s 94-win streak.

‘Ha!’ Sky Chun howled and thrusted his spear with great force.

Despite knowing that Mask was younger than him, Sky Chun didn’t look down on his opponent and treated Mask as his equal.

Drako Yau approved of the thrust in his mind. The thrust, from its footwork to thrusting motion, was a textbook example of a standard spear thrust. He knew from the thrust that Sky Chun was also a martial artist.

He thrusted Moon Breaker forwards at the incoming spear. The tips of their spears clashed against each other, numbing their purlicue.

Sky Chun yelled, ‘Great!’

Instead of maintaining distance, Sky Chun advanced and rotated his spear, turning his thrust into a horizontal slash. Drako Yau quickly responded by stabbing his spear into the ground and leaping upwards, then unplugged it from the ground as he soared through the air. He swung Moon Breaker downwards in a heavy vertical strike as he descended.

How does that even work?

Sky Chun was surprised as he had never heard of a style of spearmanship which combines spear fighting techniques with pole vaulting. He didn’t have the time to think too deeply into it either; he hurriedly retracted his spear and held it horizontally above his head.josei


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