Game’s Dogma

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Tingling Fan Dance

‘What’s that?’

Seeing a skill they had never seen before, spectators went into an uproar, some even shouting ‘Hidden class!’.

Against the three gushing torrents, Drako Yau waved his spear rapidly. He was knocked back a few steps by three loud booms.

Triple Tingling Fans: Fires three torrents of wind and forcefully knocks the enemy back. Applies a layer of Tingling Chi on the enemy when landed.

‘Hoho, where’s your arrogance now, Mask?’

Mister Unfettered casually fanned himself, his curious gaze locked onto Drako Yau as if he was staring at an interesting toy. He then slashed his fan forwards.

A large crescent-shaped gush of air shot from his fan diagonally towards Drako Yau.

Drako Yau looked at the purple mist entangling him. It was Tingling Chi’s effect.

‘Tingling Fan Dance, huh… How did this guy come across this encounter quest…’

With how massive the world was in Real World’s setting, apart from ancient western cultures such as mages and dragons, there also existed ancient eastern cultures. Drako Yau also had two separate teams which focused on eastern and western cultures respectively when he had been developing the game himself.

Drako Yau could still remember the young man’s delighted look when he had run over to present Tingling Fan Dance’s design.

Tingling Fan Dance had a total of five forms, each containing one skill for a total of five, which wasn’t a lot. However, it was a rare skill set which could be learned early on. The fifth skill was also a passive skill that applied a layer of Tingling Chi on the enemy when landing any skills from the skill set. When Tingling Chi reached five layers, it would take effect: immediately stun the target for 2 seconds and increase damage dealt by Tingling Fan Dance skills to the target by 50 per cent.

It was a powerful setting. Even though Tingling Fan Dance’s skills were of relatively low level and had sub-par damage, it had the advantages of short cooldown and quick cast speed. After applying five layers of Tingling Chi, it was powerful enough to be used even at later stages of the game.

Drako Yau could remember himself praising the young man who came up with the skill set. Who would’ve thought that he had to fight against it personally today?

The crescent arc of air was the second form of Tingling Fan Dance—Waxing Crescent Fan.

Unlike Triple Tingling Fans, this skill didn’t have a knockback effect and was a wide attack which dealt a lot more damage. More importantly, Waxing Crescent Fan had an increased 50 per cent chance of landing critical hits.

Knowing such, Drako Yau didn’t foolishly stand there and get hit. He evaded with Empyreal Dragon Step and closed in on Mister Unfettered.

‘Mask, do you only know how to flee like a mouse?’

Mister Unfettered laughed like a maniac as he waved his fan continuously. One after another, gushes of air scattered throughout the pit. The scene made spectators drip drops of cold sweat; if they had been the one fighting, could they have dodged all the attacks so agilely like Mask did?

The answer was obvious.

Even so, they all held their breaths as they witnessed Mask evade one strike after another as though he was dancing. It was originally believed that Mask was godly at spearmanship. It turned out his footwork was just as extraordinary.

Soon, Drako Yau was already within melee range of Mister Unfettered, who simply snickered and lightly waved his fan vertically from below. A torrent of air in the shape of a sleeve gushed out from the ground.

Rising Sun: Casts a 2-metre long sleeve of air towards the front. Knocks all enemies within range of the sleeve into the air.

If Drako Yau hadn’t been knowledgeable about Tingling Fan Dance beforehand, he would’ve been caught off guard by this attack as well. He turned his body to the side and just barely avoided the gush of air. It brushed against a few strands of his hair, but it wasn’t a solid hit.

Mister Unfettered could no longer afford to act so leisurely. Of course, he never thought Mask knew the Tingling Fan Dance like the back of his hand and only believed that Mask had outstanding reflexes.

They were already close enough. Drako Yau thrusted Moon Breaker heavily at Mister Unfettered.


The fan caught his spear and parried the thrust. Mister Unfettered glared at Mask who was right before his eyes and grinned, ‘Did you forget that I’m also a weaponmaster?’

He took a step forwards and used Charging Fist! Drako Yau took a step back, giving Mister Unfettered the chance to execute the warrior combo: Charging Fist, Crescent Slash, Trembling Slash.

Just when Trembling Slash was travelling towards the ground, Drako Yau took a step to the front instead of retreating and pointed his spear at his enemy. Mister Unfettered frowned and abruptly changed the direction of Trembling Slash, forcing the skill to land to the side.

Trembling Slash propelled the player forwards slightly, but that short leap could be an opening if not used appropriately because the player couldn’t block or attack during the leap. By taking a step forwards, Drako Yau was taking advantage of that short timeframe to strike and forcefully end Mister Unfettered’s skill.

Having parried Charging Fist and Crescent Slash, Drako Yau wasn’t stiffened too seriously, which was why he could target the brief opening Mister Unfettered showed. However, Mister Unfettered wasn’t weak either. He abruptly changed the direction of his leap and avoided the attack. 

The lightning-fast exchange of blows between them reflected their quality.

The two of them brushed past each other. Once Mister Unfettered landed, he immediately cast Waxing Crescent Fan at Drako Yau, who didn’t have enough time to evade at such close range. He was left with no choice but to block it using Moon Breaker.


Waxing Crescent Fan struck his spear. The critical hit numbed his hands, but he didn’t falter and instead closed in on Mister Unfettered. Drako Yau’s weakness now was that he didn’t have any skills that closed long distances, thus it was very troublesome to deal with enemies who had mid to long range attacks. He had no choice but to tank the hits and rush at the enemy.

Press on! There is no retreat!

At that moment, Drako Yau’s mind was occupied by a single word: Forwards!

He could feel his body burning as he took on hit after hit while charging onwards. Mister Unfettered sneered and used Triple Tingling Fans again. He couldn’t use the final skill of Tingling Fan Dance at his current level.josei

It’s more than enough to take on the world! Mask already has two layers of Tingling Chi!

‘Die!’ Mister Unfettered howled and flicked open his fan. He waved it upwards from below and used Rising Sun.

Dodge to the left? Or to the right?

Drako Yau rejected all options that involved evasion. He had already made up his mind—Forwards!


The Cryoflame Jade gave off a dazzling red glow as the red force below his chest heated up like boiling water. It seeped through his shoulders to his arms, and under everyone’s startled stares, Drako Yau’s arms burst into flames!


A burning spear together with a scorching heat wave cut through the air straight towards Mister Unfettered.

‘What’s this!’

Mister Unfettered was overwhelmed. He also realised his Rising Sun had vanished without a trace. No, it didn’t vanish, it was… decimated! It couldn’t withstand Mask’s flaming thrust and was torn apart.

He wanted to retreat, only to realise his legs were locked to the ground. Nothing but flames that surged straight from the abyss erupted before his eyes.

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