Game’s Dogma

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: God-Slaying Demon Extermination Armour

Drako Yau’s jaws dropped to the ground.

What’s going on today? Why are all sorts of weird stuff happening today?

First it was Dumbgirl, then Dragon Capturing Hand, and now the troublesome and annoying piece of junk turned out to be a divine item?

‘Ugh… Sir Chris… This is a bit…’

Drako Yau didn’t dare to express his doubt with words, but his suspicious look displayed his thoughts.

Chris glared at Drako Yau and said, ‘What I said is true! This is definitely the God-Slaying Demon Extermination Armour. Its aura has the bloody scent of countless demons, I’m sure this is the armour. It’s injured though.’


Chris nodded. ‘Back then, Michael was almost unstoppable as he trampled everything across the battlefield. However, it gradually made him arrogant. The demon race, noticing how terrifying the divine armour was, paid a great price and laid down a magic formation. A trap, one that used countless lives of their own race as bait.’ He said with such calmness, yet Drako Yau could almost smell all the blood and gore just from listening.

‘Michael should’ve noticed it, but he got so hot-headed from all the slaughter that he saw the demon race as mere ants. He was too arrogant. That’s why he fell into the magic formation. The magic formation, Thousand Demonic Soul Formation, wasn’t a complicated formation. Its source of power was rather simple—souls of fallen demons. The more sacrifices, the greater its power.

‘The demon elders sacrificed over a hundred million of their brethren to trap Michael within the formation. When they were mobilising the formation’s powers to kill Michael, the God-Slaying Demon Extermination Armour gave off a burst of indomitable power and destroyed a critical part of the formation which had been passed down the demon race for millenia. Only its imprisonment function remained active, but that also meant the God-Slaying Demon Extermination Armour ended up in the hands of the demon race.

‘The demon race naturally wanted to get rid of the armour, but even though it was damaged, it still wasn’t something they could destroy with their powers alone. In the end, they decided to seal it permanently in a Tower of Imprisonment located at the very depths of demonic territory so the god race can never possess it again.’

Chris then handed the Tattered Armour back to Drako Yau as he said, ‘Don’t be disappointed. The God-Slaying Demon Extermination Armour bears tremendous power. If it’s in perfect condition, its power alone can kill you, a weakling, dozens of times just from touching it, let alone putting it on. In other words, it’s an opportunity for you.’

‘You want me to repair it?’ Drako Yau quickly caught on to what Chris was hinting at.

Chris nodded. ‘It’s not an exaggeration to call the God-Slaying Demon Extermination Armour the best armour across the whole continent. If you can repair it, even just a little, you’ll gain powers that’ll help you dominate the world.’

Drako Yau looked at the trash-like Tattered Armour, then glanced at Chris who had the look of a swindler. ‘You’re not tricking me, right…’

‘Damn brat… Don’t ask for more when you’ve already hit the jackpot. Put it on and see for yourself’, said Chris as he sighed and chuckled.

For the sake of experimenting, Drako Yau took off his Skeleton King Armour and put on the Tattered Armour. Both Chris and Drako Yau widened their eyes.

‘Nothing’s happening… Ah…’

Before they could finish, Drako Yau felt a prickling pain on the back of his neck. He touched it with his hands and felt a drop of blood on his finger. Chris could see the armour extend a tiny needle which pierced through Drako Yau’s skin.

‘Don’t worry, it’s a blood covenant, a ritual performed by every divine item. Back during the war, Michael cast the final blast with the God-Slaying Demon Extermination Armour at the cost of abandoning the armour, or else he would’ve died in the formation already. Now that it has acknowledged you as its owner, you’re the only one who can put it on.’

The Tattered Armour gradually gave off a bright glow, sometimes blood red, sometimes golden.


‘You have received the legendary equipment, God-Slaying Demon Extermination Armour.

God-Slaying Demon Extermination Armour: Level 1. Defence: 1.

Effects: ???

Experience: ???/???

The most powerful armour across the continent according to legends, it remains damaged after an unknown incident.

Level up requirements:

1. Mends and evolves by absorbing its host’s experience.

2. Holy Blessing Scroll.’

It was at that moment Drako Yau realised why he couldn’t find the Holy Blessing Scroll in his item bag for so long; it turned out this fella had eaten the scroll. What he didn’t know, though, was that the scroll repaired the armour by one per cent, which was why it now gave off a unique aura. It was this aura that allowed Chris to notice its presence, or else he would’ve noticed it the last time Drako Yau had visited him as it was already in Drako Yau’s possession at that time.

Chris was in a daze as he admired the engravings on the armour. Moments later, its glow dissipated, returning it to its tattered and ragged state.

Chris then said, ‘The God-Slaying Demon Extermination Armour’s aura is too noticeable. The demon race might notice it if you’re careless.’ He pressed his right palm lightly onto the armour.


The armour gave off a bright, crimson glow, as if it was rejecting Chris, to which he smiled and said, ‘This fella… You’re still so prideful even in such a tattered state. I can’t do a thing against you when you’re in perfect condition, but be a good kid for now, okay?’

Chris’ palm acted like a branding iron on the armour. When he pulled his palm away, a brand which looked like a blue flower remained on the armour.

‘It’s an aura-sealing brand. No matter how strong the demon race is, they won’t be able to notice its aura. Unless the God-Slaying Demon Extermination Armour recovers its powers by fifty per cent, that is. It’ll automatically unseal itself at that point.’

Drako Yau didn’t know what to say as he looked at the Tattered Armour.

‘What about me? It hasn’t been repaired yet, and its Defence is so low that my life’s in danger.’

As if it could sense Drako Yau’s thoughts, the armour gave off a bright burst of light, seemingly protesting against him.

‘This fella gained sentience. It can even comprehend words.’

Bzzt… Bzzt…josei

‘I can’t help you with that, talk to him yourself’, Chris smiled and said, then clapped his hands. ‘Alright, back to the main point. It’s time for your class progression.’

He waved his right arm, filling the hut with holograms of various hidden classes.

‘You have one last chance to change your mind.’

Drako Yau shook his head. He had gone through the two insanely difficult quests just for this moment.

‘My final decision: Godly Spearmaster.’


Chris had a solemn expression as he opened his palm and pointed it to the sky. The next moment, the hut turned into dust and vanished. A pillar of light descended from the sky; it was visible from the three cities, the starter village, and even further places.

The pillar of light was a massive spear that connected the heavens to the earth. Its tip landed from the sky on the comparatively tiny Drako Yau.


Somewhere faraway within demonic territory, a purple-skinned youngster was sitting on his seat lazily on the top floor of a spire, his gaze set on the spear-like pillar of light.

‘Descent of the godly spearmaster, is it… The old geezer just had to train a young crazy bastard and brew more trouble up even at death’s doorstep.’

Even though he seemed to be grumbling to himself, the purple-skinned youngster’s gaze was filled with expectations and battle intent. It was difficult to find a good opponent around the same level at his calibre—he looked forward to meeting his new opponent.

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