Game’s Dogma

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Party At The Third City

‘Hey, Cheung Fung! What’s with your clothes!’ A fat lady came over and looked at him in disgust. ‘We’re invited to a party at the Third City! We’re gonna lose face because of you!’

Cheung Fung’s outfit wasn’t actually as terrible as she had made it out to be; it was just a set of plain black suit. However, it was rough and lacking compared to his fully dressed up colleagues, and his ordinary face only made things worse.

Cheung Fung shrugged her off with a smile and returned to his seat to prepare for the trip. He was actually thinking about how he should refuse to go to the party though.

When their boss went to them, Cheung Fung found it difficult to voice out his request because his boss was a good fella. Upon seeing that Cheung Fung hadn’t dressed up for the occasion, his boss even went over and asked him if he needed to borrow a set of clothes.

Cheung Fung smiled and declined his boss’ offer. If not for his boss, he would’ve quit long ago. His boss also favoured him because he was an honest and straightforward person, and that brought him the jealousy of his colleagues.

He couldn’t care less though; those who weren’t envied by others were mediocre at best.

The aircraft took off. It only took less than half a day to fly from the Ninth City to the  Third City with modern technology. If it had been several centuries ago, it would’ve taken over thirty hours. Transportation now was twice as fast as before.

Cheung Fung naturally took the opportunity to get some sleep on the aircraft. He was so engrossed in his sweet dreams that saliva leaked from the corners of his mouth when others woke him up, which gained him looks of despise again.

He shook his head and laughed it off.

Cheng Fung was already frowning the moment he entered the party site.

It was a massive hall filled with people. A conservative guess suggested there were several hundred present, all from various companies. His colleagues had long left him, their company’s shame, alone and went to socialise with others.

Meanwhile, some ladies were on a hunt for talented and handsome young men. Whenever they set their sights on someone, they would walk over and greet them with their two large lumps of meat on their chest. As the current marital law stood, one could immigrate over to the city where his or her husband or wife resided. Regardless of male and female, everyone was always on a search for young people from the First, Second, and Third Cities, in hopes of the opportunity to develop a relationship.

It was a self-interested society, but that was just how things were.

Cheung Fung was completely uninterested in such affairs. Instead, his attention went to the delicacies provided by the host. Without holding himself back, he went over to a corner and started gulping down a pile of food.

Everyone sent sidelong glances at him for his unrefined manners and thought, Where did this country bumpkin come from?

After a while, a sweet voice interrupted Cheung Fung’s feast.

‘Cheung Fung?’

He stiffened upon hearing the voice—it was a familiar one, one that even bothered him countless times in his dream, almost as if it was a hallucination. He turned around, ignoring the bit of cake stuck on the corners of his lips.

‘Nga Wun?’

The beauty who was holding a tall wine glass grinned when she heard his response.

‘It’s me. It’s been a while.’

‘Hasn’t it been eight years?’ Cheung Fung smiled and asked.

He was all tensed up; after all, she was his first love. Looking at her now, he thought she hadn’t changed a slight bit. A fiery red dress paired with her curvy physique reminded him of their passionate times.

‘Where do you work now?’ Nga Wun sat down across Cheung Fung and shook her glass before taking a sip of red wine, leaving behind a shallow lip mark on the glass.

Cheung Fung forced a laugh and said, ‘Still at the Ninth City. Came over today cause my company got invited. What about you?’

Nga Wun smiled. ‘I also got invited, but I’m only here because of my husband. He works here, so I naturally moved over.’

Cheung Fung subconsciously froze the forced smile on his face as he asked, ‘You got married?’

To which Nga Wun answered with nothing but a gentle smile.

Cheung Fung had once been someone whom she admired. Be it academic-wise or sports-wise, he used to be an elite and was all the storm in his university days. After he graduated, he descended to mediocrity and ended up as a designer in an average company.

Nga Wun looked down at such a poor little white-collarwhite-collar worker.

‘My husband is a department manager here. Ohoho, it’s not much, just enough to make a living I’d say.’

Although she was polite with her tone, her words suggested otherwise. She radiated pride and arrogance.

‘Nga Wun?’ A tall man walked over and kissed her lightly on the cheeks. ‘This is?’

Nga Wun showed a beaming smile and said, ‘Cheung Fung, my old classmate. This is my husband, Peter.’

Peter also smiled politely. ‘Nice to meet you.’

Nga Wun was very satisfied when she saw Cheung Fung in a daze. She was even more certain that her decision back then was the right one.

When Cheung Fung, a man of the moment during his school days, was still a lowly white collar worker at the Ninth City, she was already living a comfortable life at the Third City.josei

She was right.

Coming to that conclusion, Nga Wu’s smile became even brighter.

‘Right, Cheung Fung. You got a girlfriend now? Com’on, introduce her to me, I can offer you some advice as an old classmate.’

‘Darling, why’re you staying in the corner?’

A pleasant smell greeted Cheung Fung before he felt a warm touch on his cheek. Both Nga Wun and Peter were startled as they looked at the woman who appeared out of nowhere and kissed Cheung Fung.

The woman wasn’t an eye-catcher. She wasn’t beautiful, nor did her facial features look particularly nice. Her eyes weren’t large, her lips weren’t thick, her nose wasn’t tall, but such ordinary features had surprising synergy when paired together, forming an alluring face.

The tiny mole next to her left eye made her all the captivating. Also wearing a fiery red low-cut evening gown, the abyss between her bosoms almost seemed to suck in the souls of those who peered into it. While Nga Wun also had a curvy stature, she was child’s play before this woman.

Cheung Fung was also surprised as he stared at the sweetly smiling woman.

‘What’s wrong, dear? Not gonna introduce me?’

‘Uh… uh… Right. This is Nga Wun, my classmate. This is her husband, Peter.’

Nga Wun sent a glance at her husband, only to be disappointed to find him staring at the woman’s chest. She was so mad that she lost her breath.

The woman covered her mouth and chuckled. ‘I’m Shue Ching, his girlfriend.’

Nga Wun was losing her composure as she said, ‘We better take our leave. Peter, let’s go!’

Nga Wun’s shout awoke Peter, who was stuck in Shue Ching’s chest. She then left with her cheeks puffed.

Shue Ching clung onto Cheung Fung’s arm and waved them goodbye. ‘Walk yourself out then.’ She then whispered into his ear, ‘Windy, you owe me a big favour this time.’

Cheung Fung chuckled. ‘Why’re you even here?’

Shue Ching blinked her small yet bewitching eyes, giving off an unknown charm.

‘Got invited. Plenty of companies got invited this time around.’

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