Game’s Dogma

Chapter 174

Chapter 174: Joint Pursuit

Slyfox was among the few who weren’t surprised by Mask; his attention was solely on the brawny cleric. This was the first time someone had knocked his lurking effect off so easily, and that felt terrible.

The lurking effect would deactivate whenever the lurking player attacked or cast skills on others, or was hit by an attack. The technique of lurking and appearing at the right moments reflected how good an assassin was.

As a trap assassin, Slyfox had never ceased honing his lurking techniques, yet his prided techniques had been easily seen through. He dared not to move. His enemy was just a cleric, but he felt like a mouse before a cat. He felt his hair standing on end as the danger alarm in his head rang like crazy.

Even after killing Man-of-Steel, things were just as grim for Drako Yau’s squad. Dark World and Empyreal Spire had recovered from their awe. No matter how the enemies were, they simply couldn’t return empty-handed. Moonless Night cast a series of skills to put pressure on Tripurity while saying coldly, ‘Mask, leave two skill books behind and I’ll stop chasing you.’

‘Sure,’ Mask replied without a second thought.

Everyone felt suspicious—why’d he agree right away? However, Mask indeed plucked out a green skill book from his item bag and tossed it away.

‘Take it.’

The soaring skill book caught everyone’s gazes. Drako Yau immediately yelled in the squad channel, ‘Run!’josei

Greenstone, Drako Yau, and Dumbgirl fled as the skill book landed at a tricky position. It flew past Empyreal Spire’s members, but not enough to reach Tripurity who was blocking Dark World’s advance. The intense gazes of both parties almost sparked flames across the corridor.

Chau Yu quickly regained his composure and ordered, ‘Hunt them down!’ Receiving his order, the Empyreal Spire members decisively gave up on the skill book and left to hunt down Drako Yau’s trio. The uncommon skill book naturally ended up in Dark World’s hands.

‘Guild master, should we continue our pursuit?’

‘Of course we’re hunting them down!’ Moonless Night snapped at the guild member.

Another member asked in a weak voice, ‘Guild master… Didn’t you promise we’ll let him go if we get the skill book?’

Moonless Night snickered and replied, ‘I said two skill books, and he just gave us one. Cut the crap and move out!’

Dark World continued their hunt. Moonless Night still wouldn’t have given up pursuit even if Drako Yau had given them two skill books in the first place. The Bear King Incident had dealt a massive blow to Dark World and gave rise to the bad blood between Moonless Night and Drako Yau. He hated the fact that death penalties didn’t apply here; he had to kill Drako Yau at any cost to vent his frustration. He was recording the entire time just to capture the moment Mask’s undying legend came to an end. By letting the world know Dark World had slain Mask, they could regain their reputation.

Truth be told, escape was very unlikely for Drako Yau’s squad.

Hau Ngai pulled his bow and let his arrows fly, as if firing while running had no impact on his accuracy. His attacks were very troublesome for the fleeing trio in such a narrow passage. It was hard to imagine a ranger shooting his bow with such accuracy while sprinting at such a speed.

Thanks to the uncommon skill book Drako Yau threw away as bait, the three managed to put a fair distance between them and their pursuers. Still, it was only a matter of time before Hau Ngai caught up.

Empyreal Spire revealed their secret of how they reached the innermost section before Drako Yau’s squad. Chau Yu, with a swing of his fan, accelerated everyone in his guild.

Chau Yu received the skill from an encounter quest.

‘Blessed Winds: Increase movement speed by 10 per cent for everyone within a 500-metre radius from the caster. Consumes 1 per cent of maximum mana per second.’

The skill was unbelievably powerful. Mass buffs had always been the greatest weapons on the battlefield. It was also why Drako Yau had been so surprised upon learning Dakki’s class.

Blessed Winds could cover a whopping 500 metres; just how many players could receive its effect? It could fit Chau Yu’s large-scale squad with room to spare. A powerful skill came at a costly price though, and that was mana consumption. Chau Yu could only maintain Blessed Winds for approximately four minutes at best when factoring in his mana regeneration rate. For the sake of hunting down Mask, he couldn’t afford to be stingy.

The distance between the two squads gradually diminished. Greenstone sent a glance to his rear, then flicked his hand. A thin streak of green light shot out from his hand.

‘A secret weapon!’

Chau Yu who led the pursuit at the front reacted with lightning reflexes. With a wave of his fan, he cast the Level 23 cleric skill, Shield of Light: Conjures a shield of light that protects the caster for 20 seconds unless destroyed.

However, the green streak of light shattered the shield upon impact. The sudden attack chewed away a large chunk of Chau Yu’s Health. Considering how much damage it dealt even with Shield of Light, Chau Yu would’ve been in danger if he had been a split second late.

Thanks to Greenstone’s secret weapon, Empyreal Spire immediately slowed down, giving the three more room to spare. Drako Yau gave Greenstone a thumbs up; he didn’t know what Greenstone’s hidden class was even now. The hidden class had a wide range of control, buff, and healing skills, and now ranged attacks. While he had seen tons of hidden classes back in Chris’ hut, he couldn’t remember them all because there were simply too many.

Chau Yu had a complicated look. Greenstone’s previous attack had shaken them; he knew clearly the attack could kill him instantly without Shield of Light in the way. They didn’t dare to stay too close on Drako Yau’s tail now.

‘Tripurity…’ Chau Yu said.

As the rearguard, Tripurity’s responsibility was to slow Dark World down. Players from Dark World were mostly mages, so they weren’t very quick with their feet either. All circumstances considered, Tripurity wasn’t at risk of dying any time soon despite taking up a dangerous role.

Suddenly, Tripurity stopped and said, ‘Guild master Night, our master inquires if you’re interested in cooperating to kill Mask and seize his skill books.’

Moonless Night kept his cool and asked, ‘What about the skill books?’ He asked shamelessly while disregarding the fact that he already had one.

‘We, Empyreal Spire will take two books. Your guild has invested great manpower and effort, it is only natural that your guild receives three skill books.’

Moonless Night grinned. ‘Deal!’

After the two guilds joined hands, they advanced quicker than ever. Tension was a lot lower now that they no longer had to worry about pursuers from behind.

Greenstone’s secret attack also lost its charm after the first strike. Mages from Dark World would stack several magic shields whenever they saw him make a move. Tripurity’s flying swords, the mages’ control spells, and Hau Ngai’s shooting were gradually taking an effect on the three.

‘Guess this is the end,’ Drako Yau murmured as he turned around a corner and abruptly stopped.

Those from Assassination Coalition were surprised. The person whom they had been protecting now strode forth with swagger and said, ‘Brother Mask, such a coincidence.’ Hearing the flurry of footsteps headed towards them, he could roughly guess the situation. ‘Oh ho, brother Mask, got quite the loot on you I suppose.’

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